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Abbé Dubois, 116, 130–1n16
Aboriginal, Aborigine: 77, 87, 98–9n3, 263n1, 295n6, 338n6, 348n25; Aboriginal Tribes, 295; Durkheim on, 263; origins of society, 98–9
Adi Sankara: 142n33, 190n1, 242n54, 311n39; and Brahmanical revivalism, 180, 142n33, 333; and Vedanta, 176n41, 215, 242–3n54
Adivasi(s): 11, 12, 14–37, 50; and Brahmanism, 58n2, 99n3, 114–6; and Dalits, 57–8n2, 316n59; and Ian Duncan on Ambedkar’s views, 100n3; and food rights, 18–9, 24–5; and the RSS, 129–30n13; in universities, 67, 316n59. See also Tribes, Tribals, tribal
Advaita: 176n41; and Adi Sankara, 242n54; and animal killing, 159–60, 215. See also Adi Sankara, Vedanta, Yajnavalkya
Aga Khan III: 113, 126n5n6; and the Simla deputation, 126n5
Aghnya: 153–4; and the cow, 153–4, 168n16; linguistic origins, 168n16
Agra: 53, 127; leather industry, 53–4
Ahimsa: 218; and Buddhism, 23, 142–4n33, 218–9; and the cow, 23, 244n56, 26; and defilement, 244n56; Hindu appropriation, 23. See also Himsa, non-violence, violence
Aitareya Brahmana: 166n10, 202, 204–9, 226n3, 227n5, 228n8, 229n11n12, 230n13n14n17n18, 231n22n24, 232n26n27n29, 233n30; on animal sacrifices, 200–5; Brahmins and the rights of flesh, 207, 209; and the Brihati metre, 208–9, 232n27; how to conduct a sacrifice, 200–5; human sacrifices, 226n3; and the Madhuparka, 172n28; and Plato, 225n2; sacrifice of kine in honour of guests, 172n28n30; on the sacrificial essence, 167n12; sacrificial meat and its division, 168n14; and B.G. Tilak, 233n31; translation and interpretation, 230n19; on the Yupa, 200–2, 226–7n4
Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), 12–3
Akhlaq, Mohammed, 29, 38, 55
Aktor, Mikael: origin of Untouchability, 307n30; proliferation of caste names, 305n26; similarity with Ambedkar, 293–4n4, 298n11; “Stereotypes and Proliferations”, 305n27; types of Chandalas, 304–5n26n27n28, 307n30, 321n66
Allen, Charles, 192n3
Alltudes, 70, 355, 370, 373
Alsdorf, Ludwig: on the word ‘Aghnya’, 168n16
Amarakosha, 313n46
Ambedkar, B.R.: method, 74–5, 78–81, 106–7n11, 132n18, 141n30, 162–3n1, 180n45, 223–5n1, 263–4n2, 275–6n17, 294n4, 298n11, 315–8n60, 320n65, 354–6, 359–74; Annihilation of Caste, 32, 35, 70, 72, 126n4, 233n32, 271n11, 36; “Buddha or Karl Marx”, 70; “Castes in India: Their Genesis, Mechanism and Development”, 275n17, 306n28, 316n59; “The Decline and Fall of Buddhism”, 142–3n33, 345n19; “The Mahars: Who Were They and How They Became Untouchable?”, 272n13; “Racial Difference as the Origin of Untouchability”, 124n4; “Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Ancient India”, 70, 76, 223n1, 248n61, 345n19; Riddles in Hinduism, 66, 70, 76, 123n2, 226n3, 307n29, 340n11, 350n27; The Shudras— Who they were and How they came to be the Fourth Varna of the Indo; Aryan Society, 65, 81, 82, 87, 96–7n1, 342n14; “States and Minorities”, 100n3; What Congress and Gandhi Have Done to the Untouchables, 103n6, 264n2
Ambedkar Students’ Association (ASA), 13, 15
Ambedkar–Periyar Study Circle (APSC), 22
Ambedkarite: 75, 79, 271n12, 359, 365, 373; Broken Men Theory, 107, 351; Constitution, 68; Ian Duncan, 100n3; Neelam Cultural Centre, 21; politics, 15, 320n65; thought, 75, 351
Ambedkar University, Delhi, 316n59
Andhra Pradesh, 39, 125n4, 151n2, 306n28, 339n9
Anguttara Nikaya, 177n43
Animists, animism: distinction in the Census, 129n10; and Hinduism, 112–5, 122–3n2
Anthony, Frank, 26
Antya: 75, 284, 294n5, 296n8n9, 311n39, 315n59; in the Brahadaranyaka Upanishad, 283; connection with the term ‘Asprashya’, 75, 278–80; in Manusmriti, 282, 294n5; usage in Sutras and Smritis, 279–81; translation by Bühler, 282, 310n37. See also Antyaja, Antyavasin, Asparshya, Bahya
Antyaja: 75, 283–4, 296n9, 302n18, 303n19, 304n22, 313n46, 318n61, 319n64; castes regarded as Antyaja in Atri Smriti and Veda Vyas Smriti, 280–1, 304n25, 312n41; connection with the term ‘Asprashya’, 280–1; and the cow, 150n1; Vivekanand Jha on, 336n3; in P.V. Kane 1941, 152n4; in the Mahabharata, 283; in the Mitakshara, 284; usage in Sutras and Smritis, 279–81; in the Veda Vyas Smriti, 147–8; in Vedic literature, 315–6n59, 324. See also Antya, Antyavasin, Asparshya, Bahya
Antyavasin: 75, 284, 299n15, 313n46, 315n59, 321; as a Brahmachari, 284; castes regarded as Antyavasin in Madhyamangirs, 281; connection with the term ‘Asparshya’, 280; in Manusmriti, 294n6; in the Mitakshara, 284; usage in Sutras and Smritis, 279–81; translations, 301n17. See also Antya, Antyaja, Asprashya, Bahya
Anuloma, 282, 349n27. See also Pratiloma
Anusasana Parva, 301n18, 315n54, 337n3
Apararka, Aparaditya, 74, 118, 137–8n26
Apastamba: 167n13, 222, 291n1n2, 294n5; Apastamba Dharma Sutra, 154–5, 157, 159, 168n15, 175n40, 195n13, 279, 296n8, 297n11; Apastamba Grihya Sutra, 173n32, 175n39; disposal of the dead, 157; editions, 296n8; and the Madhuparka, 156, 173n32; on meat eating, 154–6, 159, 167–8n14n15, 171n27; on sins, 118. See also Dharma Sutras
Aranyakas (in general), 166n10, 170n24, 246n58
archaeology, archaeologist, 41, 94, 100n4, 101n4, 135n23, 192n3, 195n13, 250n64, 254n77, 354, 358, 372
Aryan(s): 41–2, 43–4, 70–3, 77, 140, 156, 226n3, 283, 299n16, 308n31, 308n32, 336n3, 348n25, 354, 367; and ancient Romans, 233n31; Aryan invasion theory, 41, 124–5n4; B.R. Ambedkar on Aryan society, 65, 70–2, 87, 96n1, 248n61; as cow-killers, 153–5, 159–60, 244n56; sacrificial customs, 156; in South India, 191n2
Asad, Talal, 266n5
Asoka: 193n10, 194n11, 195n14, 196–7n15, 220–1, 253n74, 306, 343n17; and Buddhism, 191–2n3, 248n61; comparison with Manu, 184, 186–9, 210; on cow-slaughter, 187–9; non-violence, 187–9; Pillar Edicts, 184–6, 192–3n5; Rock Edicts, 184–6, 192n4
Asvaghosha: 236n35; Buddhacharita, 236n35
Asprashya, 75, 278–81, 285, 292n4. See also Antya, Antyaja, Antyavasin, Bahya
Asura, 44, 136n23, 207, 226n4, 283, 332, 338n6
Asvalayana, Asvalayana Grihya Sutra, 157–9, 172n31, 175n38n39
Atri, Atri Smriti, 234n33, 279–81, 294n5, 296–7n10, 303n19, 304n24
Ayodhya, 339n9
Ayyankali, 14
Ayyathurai, Gajendran, 79
Bagehot, Walter, 275n17
Bahmani dynasty, 274n15
Bahujan, 12–4, 18, 26, 43–4, 57n1, 58n2, 100n3, 316n59
Bahujan Samaj Party, 14, 57n1
Bahya: 294n5, 341n12; in Apastamba Dharma Sutra, 297n11; Bühler’s translation, 297–8n11, 308n32; connection with the term ‘Asparshya’, 280–1; in Manusmriti, 282; in Narada Smriti, 299n14; usage in Sutras and Smritis, 279–81; in Vishnu Dharma Sutra, 298n12n13. See also Antya, Antyaja, Antyavasin, Asparshya
Bajrange, Dakxin, 98n2
baluta: 19, 130n14, 272n13; Amritnak, 272n14
Bana, Banabhatta: 332; on Chandala settlements, 330; description of the Chandala girl, 331–3, 348n26; Harshacharita, 346n22; Kadambari, 330, 346n22, 347n23n24; poetry, 349n27
Basavanna, 339n9
Basham, A.L., 141n31
Baudhayana Dharma Sutra, 236n35, 286, 291n1n2, 297n11
Bauer, Laurie, 162n1
Bayly, Christopher, 122n1
Bayly, Susan, 122n1
Bedar dynasty: 274n15; special rights of Mahars, 260, 272n14
beef: 146–61 passim, 183–9 passim, 238n46, 241n53, 248n60, 255–62 passim; beefarian(ism), 41; Beef Anthem, 21; beef-eating as sacrilege, 135n22, 256, 258–9, 355; beef-eating in mythology, 150n2; Beef Song, 19, 21; why Brahmins gave up beef-eating, 149, 153–4, 159–61, 189, 199–210, 213–33; in Buddhist literature, 47, 160, 361; differences and similarities in modern scholarship, 23–4, 196n15; festival, 11–8, 21–2, 34, 55–6; fresh meat and carcasses, 20–1, 23, 29, 35–6, 67, 150–1n2, 260–1, 269n9; origin of Untouchability, 24, 66–7, 77, 91, 114, 146–8, 150n2, 255–61, 290, 294n4, 309n33, 320n65n66, 323, 334, 345n19, 355; philosophical justification, 328; beef-eating in Hindu society, 32, 155, 159–61, 169n17, 175n40, 189
begar, Vethbegar, 273n14
Beteille, Andre, 33
Bhagat, R.D, 128n10
Bhagavad Gita: 242n54, 274n16, 321–2n66, 345n19; as counter-revolutionary, 223–4n1
bhakti: emergence, 190n1, 250n64, 300n16; poetry, 298n11, 363
Bhandarkar Orient Research Institute: 254n77; Critical Editions, 312n41
Bhandarkar, Devadutta
Ramkrishna, 254n77
Bhandarkar, Ramchandra Gopal, 254n77
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 11–4, 17–8, 28–30, 43, 45, 48, 51, 55, 70, 77
Bhattra tribe, 228n7
Bhavabhuti: Malati-Madhava, 139n29
Bhikshus/bhikkus: 23, 217–20, 222, 249n62, 365; and meat-eating, 218–20
Bhillas, 147, 281, 312n41
Bhillama II, 283, 312n43
Bhishma, 301–2n18, 312n41
Bidalkara/Bidalkari, 338n6
Bilva tree, 200–1, 227n6
Blacks: discrimination, 54, 102n5, 311n38
Bodhisatta, bodhisattva, 179–80n45
Bombay, 30, 49, 69, 105n9, 137n25, 150n1, 169n17, 195n13, 297n11, 301n16, 341n12
Bonn University: Ambedkar at, 321n66
Bourdieu, Pierre, 264n3
Bosworth, Clifford Edmund, 274n15
Brahadaranyaka Upanishad: 245n57, 246n58; on Antyas, 283; and sacrifices, 244n56, 247n60; and the transmigration of the soul, 215, 244n56
Bradley, F.H., 123n2
Brahma (god), 211, 226n3, 233–4n33, 247n59, 332, 348n25
Brahmachari, Brahmacharin, 174n35, 284, 296n9, 313n46, 315n59
Brahman (universal principle in Advaita), 176n41, 242–4n55
Brahmanas, 154–60, 166n10, 170n24, 181n45, 212, 225n2, 226n3, 227n6, 233n31n32, 237n40n43, 242n54, 249n62, 299n13, 337n3, 340n11
Brahmin, Brahmanic(al): 12, 18, 19, 22, 26, 27, 28, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 79, 81, 96n1, 114–5, 123n2, 136n24, 143–4n33, 152n3, 234n33, 236n35, 237–8n45, 239n49, 251n66, 275n17, 300–1n16, 302–3n18, 307–8n30, 314n49, 316n59, 342n14; appropriation of Sramanic systems, 23, 99n3, 142n33, 194n12, 195n15; assimilation by colonisers, 71, 121, 131n16; contempt for Buddhism, 118–20, 148, 328; assimilating into Brahmanism, 107n11, 142n33, 189, 225n2, 251n67, 274n16, 275–6n17; things Brahmins should avoid, 239n39n40n41n42n43n44, 238n48, 239–40n50, 286, 294–5n6, 302–3n18, 303n20, 304n22, 340n11; in Buddhist texts, 160–1, 177–8n44, 179–81n45, 249n62, 347–8n25; considered as inferior, 116–7, 120, 132n18, 311–2n35; culture, 15, 16, 30–1, 39–40, 43–4; decline, 190n1; genetic questions, 44, 72, 73, 124–6n4; Kanvayana, 345n18; Kayastha, 32, 301n16; killing a Brahmin, 137n25, 141n30, 142n32, 214, 221–2, 236n36, 253n75; land-grab, 306n28; and linear hierarchies, 318–9n63; monopoly on flesh, 165n8, 175n40, 176n42, 206–9, 211–2, 269n9, 297n11; obsession with obscurantist rules, 35, 165n6, 291n1, 294n4, 317n60; Pancha Dravida and Pancha Gauda, 190–1n2; regicide, 248n61, 327, 328; revival, 66, 80, 181n3, 254n76; Saraswat, 191n2, 350n28; as scholars but not intellectuals, 24, 66–7, 76, 88–90, 129n10; as slaughterers, 32, 44, 154–60, 200–6, 231n23; Tamil, 103n6; and tribal culture, 99n3, 250n64, 306n28, 348n25; triumph over Buddhism, 66, 120, 133n25, 216–20, 248n61, 328, 344n18; Tulu, 133n21; turning vegetarian, 36, 91, 153, 184, 199–222, 244n56, 251n67, 259, 261; under the Guptas, 138n26, 221–2, 254n76, 274–5n16, 296n9, 333, 344n18; Vatsyayana, 332–3
Brahmin priests: 182n47, 228n9, 229n12; Achhavaka, 203, 225n2; Adhvaryu, 154, 166n10, 201, 202, 207, 209, 229n12, 230n14n16; Agnidhara/Agnidh, 208, 225n2, 229n12, 230n16; Atreya, 208, 230n16; Brahma, 230n16; Brahman, 229n12, 230n14; Brahmanachhamsi, 208, 225n2; Gravastut, 208, 230n16; Hotar, 165n8, 166n10, 201–8, 225n2, 228n9, 229n12, 230n14n16; Maitravaruna (Prasastar), 208, 225n2, 229n12, 230n16; Neshtar/ Nestar, 208, 225n2, 229n12, 230n16; Potar, 208, 225n2, 229n12, 230n16; Pratihartar, 208, 230n16; Pratipashatar, 208, 230n16; Sadasya, 208, 230n16; Subrahmanya, 208, 230n16; Udgatar, 208, 230n16; Unnetar, 208, 230n16
Brereton, Joel P., 99, 163n2n3n4n5, 164n6, 165n8, 166n9, 169n20n21n22, 226n3, 297n10, 337n4n5
Briggs, G.W., The Chamars: 151n2
Britain, British, 70–1, 79, 89, 97n2, 105n9n10, 121n1, 123n2, 126n5, 128n10, 131n16, 167n13, 193n6, 252n69, 272n13, 291n1, 313n44, 317n60. See also colonial
Broken Men: 23, 70, 91, 106n11, 117, 255–62 passim, 272n13, 323–35 passim, 351–74 passim, 361, 366–7; becoming Untouchable, 66, 91, 118, 120, 148, 256, 258, 323, 340n11, 355; as beef-eaters, 91, 146, 148, 255, 259–61, 323; the Broken Men theory, 24, 73, 78, 107n11, 134–5n22, 318n60, 351–74 passim; as Buddhists, 23, 66, 91, 106n11, 118, 120, 148; not considered untouchable or impure, 91, 117–8, 340n11; opposition to Brahmins, 91, 117–8, 120, 355; similar communities, 70, 355, 370, 373; as speculation, 78, 79, 135, 147, 354, 298n11, 356–7, 359–60, 365–6, 369
Buddhism, Buddhist:19, 23, 36, 39–41, 120–20 passim, 252n68, 295n6, 306n28, 344n18, 355, 361–3; against animal sacrifice, 160, 221–2; Ambedkar’s interpretation, 66, 77, 140–1n30, 180n45, 223n, 245–6n57, 248–9n61, 320n65, 321n66; appropriation of local gods and customs, 135n23; Arhant, 254n78; Buddhist kings, 182n47, 191n3, 196n14, 210; Buddhist monks in Brahmanical literature, 138n26, 139n29, 142n32; and caste, 179–81n45, 308–9n33; contempt for, 74, 91, 118–20; Divyavadana and Manjusrimulakalpa, 344n18; kulas, 181n45; Lalitavistara Sutra, 180n45; Mahasaka tradition, 253n72; Mahayana Buddhism, 180n45; and non-vegetarianism, 47, 148, 218–9; reasons for rise and fall, 136n23, 142–4n33, 250n64, 345n19, 364–5; opposition to yajna, 235n34; pilgrims to India, 193n5, 345n20; religion of the majority, 216–7; Second Buddhist Council, 252n71; outside the Indian subcontinent, 345n20; stratification of the Buddhist canon, 176–7n43; strife with Brahmanism, 216–8, 220, 251n65, 328, 335, 366; Theravada, 178n45; translation of texts, 231n19
Buddhist architecture: 136n23; Ajanta caves, 251n65; Fifth pillar edict (Pillar Edict No. V), 184–5, 188, 192n5, 193n8; Girnar rock, 192n4; as revolutionary, 136n23, 250–1n64; Rock Edict No. 1, 184, 192n4; Sanchi stupa, 221; Sangamner Plate, 283; survival among the people, 135–6n23
buffalo, 18, 24, 32, 36, 41–8, 171n27, 175n40
Bühler, Johann Georg: 195n13, 236n36; origin of Manusmriti, 327–9, 343n15; criticism of Bühler’s translation, 194n13, 294n6, 295n7, 299n16, 340n11; Laws of Manu, 194n13, 233n32; specifics of Bühler’s translations, 236n36n37, 237n38n39n40n41n42n43n44, 238n46n47n48, 239n50, 240n51, 241n52, 291n2, 297–8n11, 301n17, 309n34, 310n36, 314n47, 315n55n56n57n58; translation of Antya, 282, 310n37
Burnouf, Eugène, 179n45
Buruda (caste), 281, 324, 338n7
capitalism, 31
Carmakaras or Carmamnas, 337n3
The Casteless Collective, 21
Catholic Church, Catholicism, 88–9, 264n3
Census: 97n2, 112, 121n1, 128–9n10n11, 146, 233n33, 318n62n63, 320n65, 348n25; 1872, 129n12; 1901, 133n21; 1910, 112–6, 122n2; 1911, 123n2, 129n12, 130n15; 1931, 75, 123n3, 314n49; 2001, 123n3; 2007 Livestock Census, 42; 2011, 123n3
Census Act 1948, 123n3
central India, 191n2, 221, 228n7, 306n28, 346n21
Central University of Hyderabad, 12
chaanya, 19
Chaityabhoomi, 130n14
Chakkiliyar, 116, 132n17
Chakravarti, Uma: on assimilation of tribal groups into Brahmanical society, 306n28; on Buddha’s egalitarianism, 181n45, 249n62; on caste-organization in Buddhist society, 181n45
Chalukya, 273n13, 312n43
Chamar: 72, 151n2, 288, 316n59, 320n65; appearing on both colonial lists and ancient Smritis, 289–90
Chambhars, 35, 272n13
Chandala, Candala, Kandala: 75, 140–1n30, 148, 235n34, 284–6, 303n19, 315n59, 321n66, 347n25, 361, 367–8; adultery Chandala, 305n26; in Buddhist literature, 179n45, 295n6, 304n26; caste Chandala, 305n26; Fa-Hian on, 314n49, 329–30, 334, 346n21; as impure but not untouchable, 313n46, 324, 326; in Kadambari, 330–3, 348n26, 349n27; in the Mahabharata, 301–2n18; purification, 285–6; relation to the term Asparshya, 285, 292n3; usage in the Smritis, 280–1; translation by Bühler, 340n11; translation by Doniger and Smith, 311n37, 340n11; translation by P.V. Kane, 294n5, 301n18, 311n39, 319n64; tribe Chandala, 295n6, 305n26; in Vishnu Dharma Sutra, 292n3, 299n13
Chandran, Ravi, 17
Charsley, Simon, 151n2
Chavadar Tank, 34, 342n14, 374
Chemudugunta, Seshu, 13
cheri, 132n18, 312n39
Childe, V. Gordon, 100–1n4. See also civilization, civilized
China, Chinese, 43, 218–9, 252n68n69n72, 314n49, 329, 333, 340n11, 345n20, 346n21, 347n25
Choudhury, Soumyabrata: 271n12, 223n1, 264n2; on Ambedkar as a Europeanist, 264n2; on the Bhagavad Gita, 223n1
Christian, Christianity, 16, 40, 50, 69, 112, 123n2, 130n13, 131n16, 265n4
civilization, civilized: 42, 79, 131n16, 191n2; Hindu Civilization, 67, 87–90; definition, 74, 100–1n4
Cohn, Bernard, 121n1
colonial, colonialism, colonised: 15, 22, 24, 28, 51, 66, 71, 76, 78, 99n3, 128n10, 131n16, 132n17, 133n20, 134n21, 142n33, 196n15, 265n4, 266n4, 318n63, 320n65, 362; consolidation of caste identity, 121–2n1, 318n62; and ‘Criminal Tribes’, 78, 97n2; Mahar soldiers, 150n1, 272n13; ethnography, 121n1; penchant for Census taking, 121n1; use of the term ‘aborigine’, 98n3
communal: 16, 39, 336n1; division, polarisation, 128n9n10, 265–6n4
Communist Party of India (Marxist), 38
Congress (Indian National), 18, 27–8, 43, 55, 103n6, 126n5, 264n2
cow: and Asoka, 187–9, 195–6n14, 196n15, 210, 220–1, 253n74; belt, 42; and B.G. Tilak, 233n31; in the Census, 42, 146; consuming the dead cow, 23, 66–7, 150n1n2, 259–61, 340n11; cow-killing as a sin, 25, 29, 221, 259; cow-protectors, 25–8, 48, 55, 69–70, 165–6n8, 188, 197n15, 274n16; dung, 50, 132n18, 137n25; giving up cow-killing, 25, 218–22, 335; and guests, 157, 172n30, 174–5n37, 217, 241n53; indiscriminate killing, 159–60; in the Madhuparka, 156–7, 174n35, 238n46; in the Manusmriti, 194n12, 211–13; in mythology, 151–2n2; reverence for, 115, 148, 235n74; as sacred in the Vedas, 154–5; sacrifice, 23, 44, 154, 165n6, 166n8, 168n15n16, 194n12, 220; in the Satapatha Brahmana and the Apastamba Dharma Sutra, 154, 158–60, 167–8n14; smugglers, 22, 30, 46; Untouchable tasks in relation with the cow, 21, 23, 29, 35–6, 67, 146, 148
Criminal Tribes: 87; and Ambedkar, 100n3, 341n12; Criminal Tribes Act, 1871, 97–8n2. See also Adivasis, Tribes, Tribals, tribal
Dadri (lynching), 29
Dalit: 21, 24, 26, 28–30, 33, 35–7, 39, 41–4, 46–7, 50, 53, 55–6, 57n1n2, 65, 70, 80, 98n2, 100n3, 266n4, 342n14, 348n25, 352–3; emancipation, 223–4n1; Christians, 40; Dalitization, 33–4, 40; Dalit-ness, 303n18; Gods, 44–5, 151n2; movement, 316n59; subjectivity, 162n1; Tamil Nadu, 132n17, 151n2; University politics, 11–6, 18–9, 22, 34
Dalit Adivasi Bahujan Minority Students’ Association (DABMSA), 12, 58n2
Dalit-Bahujan, 13, 26, 43–4, 57n1, 58n2, 100n3, 316n59
Damodaran, Harish, 42
Dandekar, V.M., 31
Dange, S.A., 81
Daphtary, Chander Kishan, 327, 343n16
darsan, 250n64
Dasa, 147, 281
Dasyus, 282, 308n31
Datta, Swati, 191n2, 350n28, Dattatreya, Bandaru, 13
Davis, Donald R., 123n2, 138n26, 176n42, 292n4, 296n9
DeCaroli, Robert: Haunting the Buddha: Indian Popular Religions and Formation of Buddhism, 135n23; and image-worship, 250n64; incorporation of existent customs, 144n33; persistence of Buddhism, 250n64. See also Buddhism, Buddhist
Deccan, 195n13, 274n15, 300n16, 312n43
defilement, 117, 244n56, 317n60
Delhi: 14, 18, 26, 27, 29, 30, 37, 44, 46, 134n21, 316n59; Delhi Agricultural Cattle Preservation Act, 1994, 17; Delhi High Court, 17; Delhi-Topra pillar, 192–3n5
Deliège, Robert, 67
Denotified Tribes (DNTs), 97n2. See also Criminal Tribes
Deobandi Ulema, 127n9
Depressed Classes, 103n6, 112, 223n1, 266n4
Desai, Ashwin, 32, 49–51, 71
Deweyan philosophy, 271n12
dhamma: 70, 178n44, 180n45, 245n57, 248n61, 369; and Asoka, 191–2n3
Dhand, Aarti, 239n49
dharma, 167n13, 171n27, 224n1, 234n33, 239n49, 300n16, 301n18,
Dharma Sutras: 92, 138n26, 139n28, 154–5, 157, 159, 167n13n14, 168n15, 171n27, 175n40, 195n13, 235n35, 278–81, 285–6, 287, 291n1n2, 296n8, 297n11, 301n17, 314n47, 315n50, 324, 362; on Untouchability, 280, 284–90, 294n5, 301n117, 309n33, 314n47; terms denoting impure subject, 279–81
Dhere, R.C., 298n11, 364–5
Dhulipala, Venkat: creation of Pakistan, 127–8n9
Dirks, Nicholas B., caste and colonialism, 121n1, 134n21
Doniger, Wendy: appropriation of folk myths, 190n1; on Bühler’s translation, 238n46, 295n7, 299n16, 310n36n37; Gupta patronage of Hinduism, 275n16; on karma, 245n57; Laws of Manu, 194n12n13, 253n73, 343n15; on the Madhuparka, 238n46; Sramanic challenge to Brahmanism, 340n11; on temple-worship, 251n65; The Hindus: An Alternative History, 18; translation issues, 295n7; translation of Manusmriti, 194n12, 294n6, 340n11; on violence, 234n34
Dravidian, 42, 70–2, 124n4
Dumont, Louis: 306n28; Homo Hierarchicus, 73
Durga, 44–5, 99n3, 332
Durkheim, Emile: 197n16; influence, 264n3; interdictions, 268n8, 269n9, 270n10; origin of religion, 263n1, 268n7; on taboos, 257; The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, 263n1, 266n5; the sacred and the profane, 36, 256–7, 265n3, 267n6n7, 269n9; totemic religions, 263n1. See also interdictions on contact
dwija, 136n24, 137n25, 138n26, 231n21
East India Company, 105n9
Eggeling, Julius, 166n10n11, 167n12
Eitel, Ernest J., definition of ‘Chandala’, 346n21
Elphinstone College:, 105n9, 195n13, 297n11
Elphinstone, Mountstuart: 93, 105n9n10
equality: 16, 22, 32, 37, 56, 223n1, 264n2, 303n18, 320n65, 368; Ambedkar’s theory of, 34, 80, 224n1, 359–60, 362, 370–2; Buddha and, 180n45; memory of, 73; right to Equality, 49
Elliot, Walter, 191n2
European: 105n10, 113, 125n4; Buddhism, 179n45; colonisers, 98n3; discovery of Asoka, 192n3; disinterest in Untouchability, 90; Enlightenment, 102n5; Europeanist, 264n2; World Religions in universities, 265n3
Fa-Hian, Faxian: 316n59; on Chandalas, 314n49, 329, 332–4, 340n11, 346n21, 349n27; existence of Untouchability, 329, 332–3; translations, 345n20
Feldhaus, Anne, 298n11, 364
Food and Agriculture Organisation, 43
French: 75; colonisers, 131n16; missionaries, 130n16; obsession with Brahmanism, 131n16; Revolution, 130n16, 264n2, 328
Freud, Sigmund, 336n1
Fuidhirs, 70, 355, 370, 373
Fuller, C.J., 291n1
Fundamental Rights, 27, 49–50, 54
Gait, E.A.: 122n2; religious division in colonial censuses, 122–3n2
Gajapati dynasty, 312n42
Ganapati, 304n2. See also Ganesh Chaturthi
Gandhara style: Hellenist inspiration, 274n16. See also Buddhist architecture
Gandhi, M.K.: 19, 25–6, 28, 31–2, 45, 55, 68–9, 103n6, 121n1; love for Gandhi, 22, 69, 322n66; and non-violence, 224n1; Partition, 128n9; Poona Pact, 342n14; satyagraha, 224n1; in South Africa, 71, 311n38
Gandhism, 103n6
Ganesh Chaturthi, 169n17
Ganguli, K.M.: 301–2n18; translation of the Mahabharata, 301n18, 312n41
gau-, go-: hatya, 221–2; raksha, 25, 28; rakshak, 165n8; seva, 25
Gaudas: 190–1; Pancha Gaudas, 190n2
gaushalas, 28, 51
Gautama Dharma Sutra: 297n11, 309n33; description of the Chandala, 285; occurrence of Antyavasin, 299n15
Gayatri Purana, 189
gender, 130n13, 239n49, 339n8
Germany: 52, 195n13; history, 104n7; philosophical influence, 123n2
Gharpure, J.R., 74, 137n25
ghetto, 309n33, 318n60
Ghosh, Jayati, 124n3
Ghurye, G.S., 72
Gita Press, 25
Go-ghna, goghna, 217
guests described as cow-killers, 157, 174n37
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: 104–5n8; on history, 92; and Germany, 104n7
Gopalan, C., 31,
Gopalan, V., 173n34
Gopinatha: Jativiveka, 300n16; reassertion of caste, 300–1n16
Gorky, Maxim: 94, 108n12; on writing and subjectivity, 108n13; Literature and Life, 108n13
gotra: 191n2, 275n17, 297n10, 350n28; sagotra unions, 285; classification, 348n25
Government College of Poona, 228n8
Government of India Act, 1935, 317n60
Grihya Sutras: 138n26, 159, 172n29, 173n33n34n35, 175n38n39; on Madhuparka, 156, 172n31, 173n32
Griffith, Ralph T.B., 169n22, 171n25n26, 232n27
Grihapati, 208, 230n16
Gujarat, 27, 28, 35, 49, 65, 137n25, 150n1, 192n4
Gundimeda, Sambaiah, 15–6, 32, 49–51
Gupta empire: 292n4, 296n9, 333, 337n3, 344n18; Chandragupta, 191n3, 192n4, 221; cow-killing as a sin, 221, 261, 274n16, 335; commissioning of the Smritis, 138n26; emergence of temple-culture, 250n63; growth of the Vaishnavaite cult, 275n16; revival of Brahmanism, 253n76; Skandagupta, 192n4, 221
Gurram Jashuva, 14
H.H. The Aga Khan: 113, 126n5n6
Habib, Irfan: 319–20n64; on Jats, 319n64
Habitual Offenders Act, 1952, 98n2
halal, 20
Hammond, Philip E.: difference between the religious and the sacred, 267n6
Haq, Jalalul: on Brahma and Brahmins, 234n33
Harappa, Harappan, 41, 43–4, 124n4, 354
Haryana, 30, 193n5, 319n63
Harsha (king), 346n22
Haug, Martin: 195n13; interpreting Aitareya Brahmana, 227n5, 228n8, 229n11, 230n13n17n18, 231n22n24, 232n26, 233n30
Haviryajna, 206, 231n23
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: on religion, 122n2; influence, 123n2
Hemingway, F.R., 116
Himsa, 194n12, 234–5n34, 261
Hina, 282, 308n32n33, 338n6, 361
Hindu, Hinduism: 16–20, 23–6, 28–30, 36, 39, 45, 54, 68–70, 77, 81, 102n6, 121n1, 126n5, 137n25, 153–61 passim, 167n13, 168n17, 169n18, 172n29, 190n1, 195n14, 216, 221–2, 223n1, 227n7, 228n8, 234n33, 239n49, 244n56, 253n74, 254n76, 260, 266n4, 270n10, 291n1, 341n12, 342n14, 364, 369; assimilation of tribal practices, 44, 99n3, 132n17; as Buddhists, 118–20, 140n30, 142n33, 245n57, 250n64; in the Census, 112–5, 122–3n2, 129n11n12; civilization, 67, 74, 87–90; difference from Untouchable communities, 70, 91, 112–5, 122–3n2, 129n10, 278, 317–8n60; differences in food habits, 146–7, 149, 150n2, 153–4, 159–61, 183; gods, 114, 122n2, 242n54; guru, 114; lack of intellectuals, 88; orthodox Hindus, 90, 92, 168n17, 278, 325, 345n19; temples, 143n33, 217, 251n65
Hindu Mahasabha, 25, 342n14
Hindutva, 11, 13, 22, 28–30, 40–1, 45, 47–8, 50, 55, 57, 143n33
Hiriyanna, M., 242n54
history: 15, 24, 28, 41, 55, 66, 69, 79, 81–2, 93–4, 96n1, 100n3, 101n4, 105n8n10, 108n13, 122n1, 126n9, 128n10, 132n18, 151n2, 163n2, 191n3, 216, 223n1, 238n46, 263n1, 265n4, 293n4, 307n30, 317n60, 319n64, 321n66, 335, 362–3, 367–73; as memory, 357–9; speculative, 78–81, 351, 354, 356–7, 359–60, 365–6, 369; materialism, 81, 351, 356–60, 366
Hoefe, Roseanne, 53–4
Holegiri, 117
Holeyas: 116–7, 132n18, 133n19n21, 311n39; as a sacred race, 134n21
Hultzsch, E., 192n4, 193n5n10
Hume, Robert Ernest, 247–8n59
Hyderabad, 11–3, 15, 17, 37–8, 46-7, 124n4
Ilaiah, Kancha: 11–64 passim, 251n66, 356; on Buddhist non-violence, 251n67; opposition to yajna, 251n66
imitation: 261; Ambedkar on, 89, 189, 197–8n16, 275–6n17. See also Tarde, Gabriel
impure, impurity: 117–8, 194n12, 2728–90 passim, 296n9, 317–80n60, 336n3, 342n13, 368; and Untouchability, 73, 74, 92, 116, 287, 289, 324, 326, 333, 355; cow, 150–1n1, 213, 237n44n45; purification from, 139n28; lists, 285–6, 289–90
India, Indian: Constitution, 25; food culture, 12, 15–6, 19, 30–1, 34, 36, 42, 253n73; thought, 194n12
Indian Antiquary, 132n18, 133n20n21
Indian Councils Act, 1909, 126n6
Indian Institute of Technology, 22, 54
India Spend, 30
Indo-Aryans, 65, 77, 87, 96, 124n4, 155, 159
Indra, 155–6, 163n2, 169n20, 170n22, 171n25, 176n41, 226n4, 229n10, 231n19, 349n26
innovation, 250n64, 276n17, 354
interdictions on contact, 36–7, 121n1, 257–8, 268–9n8, 269n9, 270n10
Iran, Iranian: 41, 228n8; origin of the ‘Aghnya’, 168n16; and Harappa, 124n4; Soma sacrifices, 228n9; Zaotar (reciting priests), 228n9
Irani, Smriti, 13
Islam, Islamic: 24, 69, 142n33; ideology in Pakistan, 127n9; misconceptions, 46; nationalism, 126–8n9; Utopia, 127n9
Isn’t This Plate Indian: Dalit Histories and Memories of Food, 19
Jaffrelot, Christophe: 127n9, 272n13
Jaiminiya Upanisad Brahmana, 172n28
Jain, Jaina, Jainism: 295n6, 313n46; on caste, 18; challenge to Vedism, 182n47, 253n73; image worship, 251n65; influence on Brahmanism, 144n33; sanctity of animal life, 195n14; Tirthankaras, 252n71
Jaiswal, Suvira, 322n66
Jalal, Ayesha, 127n9
Jamba Purana, 151–2n2
Jambavan, 151–2n2
Jamison, S.W.: 163n2n3n4n5, 164n6, 165n8, 166n9, 169n20n21, 170n22, 226n3, 228n9, 297n10, 337n4n5; castes in the Rig Veda, 99n3; the Rig Veda as a tribal text, 99n3
janeu, 234n33
Japan, 46, 252n72, 347n23
Jat, Jatt: rebellion, 319–20n64
Jatakas: 140n30, 295n6, 305n26; and caste, 179n45; chronology, 180n45; Citta Sambhutta Jataka, 179n45; Kusa Jataka, 338n6; Matanga Jataka, 179n45; Setaketu Jataka, 179n45
jati: 96n1, 98n2, 125n4, 150n2, 179n45, 234n33, 295n6, 300n16, 304n21, 308–9n33, 310n37, 314n46n47, 318–9n63, 319n64, 338n6, 361, 367
Jawaharlal Nehru University, 16–8, 37, 316n59
Jew, Jewish, Judaism, 102n5, 125n4
Jha, D.N., 32, 77, 169n17, 172n28n30, 174n37, 176n42, 293–4n4, 304n25
Jha, Vivekananda: 303n19; engagement with Ambedkar, 293–4n4, 361; origin of Untouchability, 298n11, 306n28, 309n33, 320–2n66, 336–7n3, 338n6, 339n8; “Social Content of the Bhagvadgīta: Idealized Notion of Caste sans Untouchability”, 321n66
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali, 127–8n9
Jolly, Julius: 195n13, 298n13, 299n14, 303n20, 342n13; Vishnu Smriti, The Institutes of Vishnu: 292n3
Joseph, Tony, 41, 43, 44, 354
Junagad, 192n4
Kabir, 14
Kabul, 105n9, 252n72
Kakatiya dynasty, 273n14
Kali, 99n3
Kalidasa: 254n76, 274n16; Shakuntala, 140n30; Malavika and Agnimitra, 344n18
Kaliyuga, 152n2n3, 300n16
Kalpasutras, 227n6
Kalyani biryani, 13
Kamadhenu, 151n2
Kamasutra, 343n15
Kamyashti, Kamyas Ishti, 155, 170n23
Kane, P.V.: 139n28, 168n17, 254n77, 283, 310n35, 312n42, 315n51, 321n66; anecdote about temple-entry, 169n17; on Antyas, 294n5, 296n8, 300n16, 301n18, 313n45, 324; caste names in early Vedic literature, 291–2n3, 294n5, 298n12, 299n14, 301–3n18, 311n38n39, 312n42, 313n45, 314n49, 319n64; on the cow, 32, 137n25, 155, 236n36, 244n56; Dharm Shastra Vichar, 169n19; History of Dharmasastras (Ancient and Medieval Religious and Civil Law) Vol 1, Part I, 139n28, 254n77; History of Dharmasastras (Ancient and Medieval Religious and Civil Law) Vol 2 Part I, 291n3, 311n38, 312n40, 314n49, 336n2; History of Dharmasastras (Ancient and Medieval Religious and Civil Law) Vol 2 Part II, 244n56; History of Dharmasastras (Ancient and Medieval Religious and Civil Law) Vol V, 169n17; Katyayanasmriti on Vyavahara (Law and Procedure), 292–3n4; usefulness to Ambedkar, 152n4, 174n36, 291n2n3, 293n4, 296n8, 296n10, 297n11, 298n12n13, 299n14, 303n19, 304n23n25, 310n36, 311n39, 312n41, 319n64, 362
Kant, Immanuel: categorical imperatives, 270–1n11; ethics, 270–1n11
Kanva dynasty, 166n10, 344n18
Karkare, Aakash, 20
karma: 367; in Buddhism, 245n57; karmic cycle, 242n54; origin, 245n57
Kashmir: 310n35; Kashmiri pandits, 138n26
Kasyapa, 347–8n25, 350n27
Katyayana: 291n3; Katyayana Smriti, 279, 292n4; Srauta-sutra, 173n33
Kausika Sutra, 156, 173n34
Kautilya: 292n4; Arthashastra, 197n15, 312n42
Keer, Dhananjay, 68, 298n11, 363
Kerala, 27, 38, 99n3
Khattiyas, 181n45, 249n62, 309n33, 347–8n25
Khatri, 46
King of Bedar, 260, 272n14
Klostermaier, Klaus K., 231n21, 253n75
Konkan, 137n25n26, 171n24
Kosala, 161, 181–2n47, 249n63
Kosalasamyutta, 161, 181n47
Kosambi, D.D.: 344n17n18; on Buddhist influence on Brahmanism, 144n33; on the Guptas, 254n76; on Mricchakatika, 140n30; on tribal origins, 182n47, 305n26, 348n25
Kotani, Hiroyuki, 150n1
Krishna: 42, 70, 134n21, 232n28, 331; on dharma, 224n1; in the temple, 217; tribal origin, 99n3, 344n18
Krishna (Black) Yajur Veda: 170n24, 173n35
Kshatriya, Ksatriya, 18, 31, 35, 96n1, 130n14, 177–8n44, 179–80n45, 224n1, 225n2, 233n32, 251n66, 272n13, 284, 295n6, 302n18, 307n29, 309n33, 314n47, 320n64, 339n10, 349n27
Kumar, Aishwary, 223n1
Kumar, Digumarthi Suresh: “Goddu Mamsam”, 20
Kumar, Nitish, 319n63
labour, 18, 20, 23, 34–5, 37, 39–41, 54, 97, 133n19, 142n33, 249n62, 273n14, 331–2, 336n3, 341n13, 357, 365
Laboria Cuboniks, 80
Lacan, Jacques, 336n1
Laghu Harita, 139n28
Lahiri, Nayanjot, 194n11
Latour, Bruno, 106n11, 197n16
laukika deities, 135–6n23, 144n33
left, left-wing, leftist, 15, 18, 38–9, 220, 316n59
Legge, James, 346n20n21
Lenin, Vladimir, 21, 108n12
liberalization, 53
Likhita Smriti, 279, 294n5, 296n10
Lingayatism, 339n9
Lochtefeld, James G., 166n10, 169n18, 234n33, 346n22
Lord Minto, 113, 126n5n6, 129n11
lynchings, 21, 29, 54
Mackenzie, James Stuart Francis Fraser: 133n21; on the Holeyas, 116, 132n18; in Mysore, 133n20
Madhuparka: 172n28, 173n32n33, 176n42, 238n46; and beef, 174n35, 214; in the Grihya Sutras, 156–7; contents of the Madhuparka, 172n31; who receives the Madhuparka, 241n53
Madhyamangiras: 303n19; occurrence of the term ‘Antyavasin’, 279–81
Madiga: 134n21; Chindus, 151n2; fable of Jambavan and Chennaiah, 151–2n2; terminologies, 132n17; yakshagana, 151n2
Madras, 21–2, 30, 51, 54, 72, 130n15, 132n17, 297n11
Magadha: 249n63, 303n19; Buddhist kings, 182n47
Mahabharata: 227n6, 232n28, 236n35, 274n16, 302n18, 343n15, 345n19, 349n27; reference to Antyajas, 283, 301n18, 312n41; authorship, 152n3; BORI critical edition, 312n41
occurrence of ‘Naramedha’, 226n3; Shanti Parva, 234n33, 279, 283, 301n18, 312n41; story of Nala and Damyanti, 228n8; under the Guptas, 274n16
Mahad: 34; Conference, 1927, 342n14
Mahapataka (mortal sins): 74, 118, 239n49; cow-killing as a Mahapataka, 214, 221–2; Four Great Crimes, 253n75; as listed by Manu, 214; punishments, 239n50. See also Upapataka
Mahar: 67, 75, 137n25, 263n1, 298n11; as Broken Men, 260, 272n13, 355; burial rituals, 130n14; Charter of 52 Rights, 272n14; claiming animal carcasses, 19, 35, 276n18; duties, 273n14; history, 271n13n14; internal conflicts in the colonial era, 150n1; temple entry conflicts, 169n17; Vatandar, 150n1
Maharashtra, 19, 30, 137n25, 260–1, 273n14, 300n16, 306n28, 338n7, 364
Mahisha, Mahishasura, 44, 332
Malabou, Catherine, 75
Malagatti, Aravinda, 44
Manava Grihya Sutra, 173n32n33n34, 174n35
Mandal Commission, 14, 57n2
Mang, 20, 150n1, 272n13, 298n11
Manu, Manusmriti, Manavadharmashastra: 102n6, 137n25, 138n26, 142n32, 167n13, 170n22, 174n37, 216, 234n33n34, 235n35, 240n50n52, 253n73, 267n6, 286, 291n1, 294n5n6, 2969, 297n1, 303n21, 306n28, 307n29, 308n31, 310n35n37, 315n50n58, 339n10, 342n14, 349n27, 362, 367; usage of the term Antya, 279, 282; usage of the term Antyaja, 280, 284; usage of the Antyavasin, 279, 284; authorship, 343n15; usage of the term Bahya, 279, 282, 298n12; caste categorisation, 300n16; context of creation, 248n61, 345n19; date of origin of Manusmriti, 327–9; influences, 74, 118, 136n24, 174n35, 175n40, 176n42, 195n13, 233n32, 240n50; on meat-eating, 184, 186–7, 189, 194n12, 210–6, 233n32, 244n56; on slaughter of cows, 210–6, 222, 236n36, 238n45, 335; Untouchability in Manusmriti, 238n45, 294n6, 317n60, 324–9, 337n3, 339n10, 340n11, 340n12
Marxist, 23, 38, 100–1n4, 151n2
Masuzawa, Tomoko: on Durkheim and secularism, 265n3; invention of ‘World Religions’, 265n3
Matanga: 179n45, 305n26, 315n54, 331–2, 347–8n25, 350n27, 367; Sopaka, 348n25
Mauryan dynasty: 319n63; Ajatasattu, 249n63; Brihadratha, 327–8, 343n17; and Buddhism, 191n3, 248n61, 308–9n33; Chandragupta Maurya, 191n3, 192n4, 221; defeat, 328, 343n17
Mayawati, 14, 55
Mayukhas, 74, 118, 136n24, 137n25
Medhatithi: 282, 310n36; Manubhashya, 310n35
Meillassoux, Quentin: on the scientific method, 106–7n11, 109n14; and speculative materialism, 351, 356
metre (poetic): 203, 347n23; anustup, 138n26, 232n27; Brihati, 208, 232n27; Gayatri, 202
Mewani, Jignesh, 35, 65
midday meal scheme, 51
Mills, James, 105n10
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, 43
Minto-Morley Reforms, 126n6
Mitakshara/Mitaksara, 279, 280, 284, 303n19, 304n23
Mitra, Rajendralal, 137n25, 226n3
Mleccha, 75, 282, 292–3n3n4, 300n16, 311n39, 314n46
Modi, Narendra, 11, 18, 28, 32, 48, 50, 51, 55
Mohamedan, Mohametan, Muhammaden, 93, 113, 126n5
moksha, 139n28, 245n57
monotheism, 122n2, 129n10, 242n54
Mookerji, Radhakumud: 196–7n15; on Asoka and cow-slaughter, 188
Müller, Max, 195n13, 233n32, 297n11
Muria tribe, 228n7
Musahar, 316n59
Muslim: 11, 16, 21, 24–5, 29–30, 34, 37–8, 41, 46, 49–50, 53, 55, 69–70, 112–4, 126n5, 131n16, 368; attack on Buddhism, 143n33; Pasmanda, 40; representation, 126–7n9, 129n11, 265–6n4; rulers, 260, 272–3n14, 274n15, 300n16
Muslim League, 126n6, 127n9
Mysore, 116, 130n15, 131n16, 133n20, 312n42
Nanda, B.R., 126n5
Narada Smriti: 326, 341n13; occurrence of Bahya, 279, 298n12, 299n14
Naramedha, 226n3
Nata, 147, 280–1, 288
National Family Health Survey, 30
National Food Security Act, 2013, 51
National Institute of Nutrition, 30
National School Lunch Act, 1946, 51
nation: 27, 31, 67, 124n4, 127n9, 264n3, 266n4, 310n36; nationalism, 11, 18; nationhood, 128n9, 196n15
Natyashastra, 139n29
Neelam Cultural Centre, 21
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 16, 26–7, 37
The New Materialists, 16–7
Nikayas: 180n45; Anguttara Nikaya, 177n43; Digha Nikaya, 177n43, 178n45; Khuddaka Nikaya, 177n43; Majjhima Nikaya, 177n43, 181n45; Samyutta Nikaya, 161, 177n43, 181n47
Nilakantha: Prayaschit Mayukha, 74, 118, 137n25
Nishada, 284, 298n11, 299n16, 313n46, 367
Nomadic Tribes, 97n2, 135n22, 354–5, 366. See also Broken Men Theory
non-vegetarianism, 22, 183–9 passim
non-violence, 28, 136n23, 224n1, 251n67, 365. See also violence, Himsa, Ahimsa
O’Hanlon, Rosalind, 136n24, 191n2, 300n16
Oldenberg, Hermann, 172n31, 173n32n33, 175n39, 228n9, 229n12
Olivelle, Patrick: 138n26, 167n13n14, 171n27, 175n40, 246n58, 291n1, 292n4, 294n5, 296n8, 296n9, 297n11, 299n15, 310n36n37; Dharmasutras: The Law Codes of Apastamba, Gautama, Baudhyana, and Vasistha, 291n2; Manusmriti, 176n42, 343n15; on the origin of Manusmriti, 343n15
Omvedt, Gail: on the decline of Buddhism, 142–4n33, 249n63, 347n25; difference with Brahmanism, 144n33
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 46–7
Organiser, 102n6
Orient, Orientalism, 76, 128n10, 179n45, 195n13, 228n8, 297n11, 318n62
Orissa, 306n28, 312n42
Osmania University, 11, 12, 16, 21, 37
outcast(e), 70, 235n34, 238n48, 272n14, 282, 285–6, 293n4, 294n6, 296n9, 297–8n11, 299n14n16, 303n21, 309n34, 315n59, 340n11, 348n25, 349n27, 362, 364
Pakistan: 266n4, 345n20; Ambedkar on, 126n7; various interpretations of the creation of, 127n9
Pali: 178n45, 219, 295n6, 309n33, 338n6, 348n25, 363; Canon, 176n43
Pallar, Pallan, 116, 132n17, 319n63
Pallavas, 251n65
Pancha Dravida and Pancha Gauda, 190–1n2
Panchasaradiya-seva, 155, 171n26
Pandavas, 236n35
Panini: 173n34, 174n37, 227n6
pantheism: 122n2
Parasara Madhaviya, Madhavacarya, 315n53
Paraskara Grihya Sutra, 173n33
Paraiar, Parayan, Pariah, 32–3, 72, 116, 131n16
pariah, 131n16
Partition, 26, 127n9, 265n4
Parvati, 151n2, 332
Pasenadi (king), 161, 181–2n47, 249n63
Pataliputra, 253n76, 344n18
Patanjali: 227n6, 344n17; on two types of deities, 135n23
Patole, Shahu: Anna He Apoornabrahma, 19
patriarchy, 239n49
Paulkasa, 311n38, 324
Pawar, Daya: Baluta, 19, 130n14, 272n13
Persian: 168n16, 195n13
Peshwas, 105n9, 273n14, 370
Phule, Jotiba/Jotirao, 14–5, 57n1, 72–3, 356
Phule, Savitribai, 14–5, 356
Plato: 21, and Aitareya Brahmana, 225n2; Republic, 225n2
pollution: causes, 87, 115, 137n25, 139n28, 213, 269n9, 286, 317n60; the Untouchable and the Impure, 287
Poona, Pune: 19, 228n8, 297n11, 313n46, 363; Pact, 266n4, 342–3n14
Prajapati: 211, 233n33, 332, 348n25; as sacrifice, 226n3; and the Viswakarma community, 234n33. See also Brahma
Prakrit, 140n30, 195n13, 283–4
Prataprudradeva: Saraswativilasa, 312n42
Pratiloma, 282, 293n4, 305n26, 349n27, 368. See also Anuloma
prehistoric, 41
profane: and the cow, 269n9; difference with the sacred, 34, 54, 256, 267n6, 268n7; and Durkheim, 257–9, 265n3, 269n9, 270n10; interdictions against, 36–7, 269n9. See also interdictions against contact
proto-Untouchable groups, 307n30, 321n66
Pukkasa, 294n6, 299n16, 309n34, 313n46
Punarvasa, Punarvasu, 186, 194n11
Puranas: 138n26, 151n2, 189, 198n17, 227n6, 307n28, 345n19; appropriation of folk beliefs, 190n1; composition, 152n3; Gupta period, 274n16; Puranicization, 274n16
purity, 73, 167n13, 176n42, 185, 194n12, 238n45, 302–3n18, 317n60, 367–8
Purusha Sukta hymn: description of castes, 163n2; and the fifth varna, 306n28
Purusha, 226n3, 233n33
Purva Mimamsa, 242n54
Pushyamitra Sunga: 344n17; Ashvamedha yajna, 248n61; in literature, 344n18; usurpation of the Maurya throne, 327–8; persecution of Buddhist, 344n18; regicide, 345n19
Quareshi, Hanif, 49–50
race: 70–3, 102n5, 117, 134n21, 180n45, 233n31, 303n20, 308n32, 310n36, 332; castes described as, 70–2, 117, 134n21, 180n45, 308n32, 310n36, 332
racial theories: origin of caste, 70–3, 124n4; Portuguese influence, 122n1. See also colonial, colonialism, colonised
racism, 56, 102n5
Rajagopalachari, C., Ambedkar Refuted: 103–4n6
Rajah, M.C.: on Adi Dravidas, 132n18; The Oppressed Hindus, 132n18
Rajakas: 288, 324; as Antyajas, 147, 283–4, 319n64; in the Atri Smriti, 281; caste role, 147; in the Ramayana, 339n9; in the Veda Vyas Smriti, 281
Raje, Vasundhara, 51
Rajkumar, N.D., 20
Rajput, 320n64
Rajputana, 130n15, 310n36
Rajya Sabha, 169n17, 343n16
raksasas, rakshasas, raksasis, 135n23, 207, 212, 338n6
Ram, Kanshi, 14, 55, 57n1
Ramachandran, M.G., 51
Ramanuja, 134n21, 190n1, 242n54
Ramanujan, A.K., “Three hundred Ramayanas”, 18
Ramasamy, Periyar E.V.: 14–5, 22, 72; on beef, 32–3
Ramayana, 227n6, 339n9, 345n19
Rangachari, K., 133–4n21, 190n2
Ranjith, Pa, 21
Rao, Anupama, 67
Rao, G. Kalyana: Antarani Vasantham (Untouchable Spring): 151n2
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS): 17, 28; on Ambedkar, 102n6; assimilation of tribal groups, 130n13; Panchajanya, 29
Rathakaras, 301n16, 319n63
Rattu, Nanak Chand, 69
Rege, Sharmila, 19
Reich, David: 41, 354; on ANI and ASI groups, 124–5n4
religion: 17, 20, 25, 41, 49, 54, 82, 89, 96n1, 112–3, 122n2, 127n9, 128–9n10, 135–6n23, 142–3n33, 153, 160, 199, 216–7, 222, 226n3, 242n54, 250n64, 254n76, 264–5n3n4, 267n6, 268n7n8, 269n9, 270n10, 271n11, 300n16, 345n19, 355, 362–3, 365–6, 369; definition of, 256-8, 263n1
The Revolt of 1857, 121n1
revolution, revolutionary: Ambedkar’s conception of, 101n4, 372; Buddhism as, 223n1, 248n61, 249n62, 328; via food consumption, 320n65; among the non-Brahmins, 199, 215
Rhys Davids, Caroline Foley: 178–9n45; Dialogues of the Buddha, 181n46; interpretations of the Pali Canon, 178n45
Rhys Davids, T.W., 178n45, 252n70, 295n6
Ridding, C.M., 347n24, 349n26, 350n29
Rig Veda: 40, 175n38, 225n2, 226n3, 228n9, 229n12, 231n19, 297n10, 324, 337n4n5, 367; on the distribution of cow-meat, 158n20n21, 159n25; linguistic obscurity, 164n6; metre of the text, 232n27; Rig-Veda Sanhita, 163n2, 301n16; reference to the cow, 153–5, 170n22, 172n30; as a tribal text, 99n3
right-wing, 11–3, 28, 51, 70, 77, 132n17, 304n25, 371–2
Rights of the Child, 1990, 51
rishi(s), 160, 170n24, 209, 227n4, 297n10
Risley, H.H.: 133n21; on animism, 122–3n2; definition of Hinduism, 123n2; ethnographic methods, 134n21
Rome, Romans, 98n3, 233n31
Round Table Conference, 1932, 34
Roundtable India, 45
Rudra, 154–5, 166n9, 171n25, 234n33
Ryder, Arthur William: 141n30, 141n31; translation of Mrichhakatika, 140n30
sacred: 134n21, 184–5, 201, 204, 214–5, 227n4n5n6, 269n8, 286, 292n3, 297n11, 328, 345n19, 365; cow as, 23, 153, 155–6, 168n16, 174n35, 213, 236n36, 256, 258–9, 290, 323; fire, 237n40, 240n51; objects, 257; as opposed to the profane, 34, 36–7, 54, 256–8, 265n3, 267n6, 268n7, 269n9, 270n10; and the religious, 256, 267n6, 268n7, 270n10; rituals and rites, 172n29, 195n14, 212
Sacred Books of the East (SBE) series, 195n13, 233n32, 297n11
sacrifice: 20, 142n33, 156–7, 169n18, 170n23, 212, 226–7n4, 227n5, 229n12, 234n34, 238n46, 239n50, 240n51, 241n53, 242n55, 247n59n60, 286, 337n4; to Agni, 155, 225n2, 228n10; animal, 23, 44, 69, 154, 161, 165n6, 168n14n15n16, 170n22, 171n26n27, 194n12, 195n14, 199–210, 214–5, 217–8, 220, 228–9n10, 233n32, 244n56, 245n57, 246n58, 248n61, 269n9, 328, 331, 345n19; Asoka on, 184, 188, 195–6n14; Buddha on, 160, 177–8n44, 181n47; in Buddhist literature, 138n26, 221, 249n63; division of sacrificial meat, 156, 166n8, 175n40, 230n14n15n16; exclusion from, 209–10; human, 209–10, 226n3, 232n29, 234n33, 338n6; implements, 157–9, 200, 203; ingredients recommended by the Apastamba Dharma Sutra, 157–9, 175n40; sacrificial essence, 167n12; Soma sacrifices, 163n2, 172n28, 208, 225n2, 228n9, 228n10, 231n23; Srauta sacrifices, 172n28, 236n36; to Vishnu, 155
Said, Edward W., 128n10
Saivite(s), 183, 190n1, 300n16
Sakhya (clan), 182n47, 319n63
sangha, samgha, 180–1n45, 249n62, 251n64, 363
Samhitas, 166n10, 169n18, 170n24
samsara, 245n57
Samskara, 172n29
Sangh parivar, 17
Sankhya, 242n54
Sanskrit: 40–1, 44, 124n4, 152n4, 344n17; Ambedkar’s ability in, 76, 82, 96n1; Buddhist plays, 118, 139n29; modern editions of literature in Sanskrit, 300n16; scholars, 137n25, 168n16n17, 174n37, 195n13, 228n8, 254n76, 321n66, 346n22; translations, 227n7, 231n20, 273n14, 292n4, 297n11, 304n25, 312n42, 313n46, 338n5
Sanskritization: 33, 39–40, 276n17; Sanskritized Victorian values, 130n13
Saraswati, 346n22
Saraswativilasa, 312n42
Satapatha Brahmana: 155, 166n10, 172n28, 225n2, 226n3; on cow-killing, 154, 159–60
Satavahana dynasty, 192n4, 344n18
Sathaye, S.G., 225n2, 226n2, 230n14
Savarna, 150n1, 179n45, 272n13, 318n63, 325
Scheduled Castes: 33, 38, 57n1, 98n2, 103n6, 132n17, 318n62; getting into the schedule, 123n3
Scheduled Tribes, 99n3, 123n3
Schwarz, Henry, 98n2
scientific inquiry, 94, 105n11
secular: 18, 24, 27, 38, 41, 55–6, 255–6, 268n8; difference with the sacred, 256, 267n6; in the Indian subcontinent, 265–6n4; in Western society, 265–6n4, 266–7n5
Settled communities: conflict with Nomadic communities, 135n22, 354–6; creation of Broken Men, 255, 259–61, 323. See also Broken Men Theory, Nomadic Tribes
Shaikh, Ghulamuddin, 46
Shakahari, 183
shakhas, 170n24, 191n2
Shanti Parva: 234n33, 279, 283, 312n41; on facing a crisis in dharma, 301n18
Sharma, R.S.: 346n22, 347n23; ‘absorption of tribals’, 306n28; commonality between Buddhist and Brahmanic texts, 295n6; engagement with Ambedkar, 293–4n4, 298n11, 307n29, 309n33, 320n66; Sudras in Ancient India, 306n28
Shastras: 147, 152n4, 288–9, 297n10, 303n18, 307n29, 319n64, 342n14, 369; five classes of Chandalas, 285
Shatrugna, Veena, 30–1, 37
Simla, 126n5
Shiva: 227n6n7, 242n54; spread
Shiva worship, 142–4n33, 190n1, 217; tribal origin, 99n3
Shudra: 11, 14, 19, 24, 37, 39–40, 44, 47, 55, 56, 57n1n2, 87, 225n2, 258, 285, 307n29, 349n27, 361, 363; interdictions related to, 96n1, 258; origin of the caste, 42, 96n1
Shudraka: 330–1; Padmaprabhrutakam, 139n29
Simmel, Georg: on piety, 267n6
sin: 14, 74, 118, 137n25, 227n6, 283, 293n4, 328; as caste-dharma, 239n49; cow-killing as, 25, 29, 221, 259; Buddhist notion of, 245–6n57; meat-eating as, 211; minor sin, 214, 239n49, 240n52; mortal sin, 214, 239n49n50, 241n52
Smith, Brian K.: on Bühler’s translation of the Manumriti, 294n6, 295n7, 299n16, 310–11n37, 340n11; date of origin of the Manusmriti, 343n15; natural order and violence in Manusmriti, 194n12; on Madhuparka, 238n46; meat-eating in Manusmriti, 194n12, 253n73; on sacrifices, 194n12; translation issues, 195n13n14, 238n46; on vegetarianism, 253n73
Smith, Vincent: 193n6n7n8, 196n14; on Asoka’s prohibition of cow-killing, 187–8, 197n15, 220; Snataka: 235–6n35, 237–8n45, 238n46, 241n53, 296n9; and the Madhuparka, 156; rules for the, 213
socialist, 28
Socio Economic Caste Census (SECC), 123n3
Soma: 164n4, 172n30; god, 231n19; hymns, 163n2, 348n25; sacrifice, 172n28, 206, 208, 210, 225n2, 228n9n10, 229n12, 231n23
South Asia, 99n3, 122n1, 191n3
southern India, South India, 42, 44, 131n16, 133n20, 171n24, 191n2, 244n56, 251n65
speculation: 106–7n11, 147, 166n10, 305n27, 330; and Ambedkar, 78–81, 93, 135n22, 223n1, 298n11, 356, 359–60, 366, 369; definition, 108n13, 356–7
Speculative Materialism, 351, 356–7, 366
Speculative Realism, 81
spirit-deities: 250–1n64; asuras, 136n23; bhutanis, 136n23; bhutas, 135n23; gandharvas, 136n23; kimpurusas, 135n23; kinnaras, 135n23; mahoragas, 136n23; nagas, 136n23; pisacas, 135n23; raksasas, 135n23; suvarnas, 136n23; vidyuts, 136n23; yaksas, 135n23
Sramana, Sramanic, 138n26, 144n33, 235n34, 252n72, 253n73, 340n11, 355
Srauta rituals and sacrifices, 172n28, 236n36
Sri Lanka: 345n20; and caste, 339n9; Vattagamini, 176n43
Srinivas, M.N.: difference with Ambedkar, 276n17; Sanskritization, 33
sruti, 138n26, 172n28, 174n35
Ssu-fen-lu (Shi-bun-ritsu), 219, 252n72
State Mahadalit Commission, 319n63
Suds, 46
Sufi, 230n19
Sunga dynasty: 136n23, 248n61, 327–8, 343–4n17; in literature, 344n18; overthrowing the Mauryas, 248n61, 327–8, 344n18; Vedic counter-revolution, 344n17
Supreme Court of India, 30, 32, 49–51
Sura, 214, 239n50
Surya, 165n6, 171n25, 234n33
Suttas, Sutta Pitaka: 177n43, 181n47, 347n25; Kutadanta Sutta, 160, 177n43n44; Sutta Nipata, 348n25; Vasalasutta, 347n25
svapaca, 75, 303n19, 307n30
Swaminathan, M.S., 31
Taittiriya Brahmana: 170n23, 226n3; caste descriptions in, 338n8; on human sacrifices, 338n6; origin, 170n24; B.G. Tilak on, 233n31; sacrifice of oxen and cows, 155, 171n25
Tamil, Tamil Nadu, 20, 22, 27, 51, 53, 79, 103n6, 132n17, 151n2, 191n2, 319n63, 339n9
Tanjore, 116, 132n18
Tarde, Gabriel: contemporary influence, 197n16; and the law of imitation, 189, 198n16, 275n17; social interaction theory, 197n16
Tejani, Shabnum: on Ambedkar’s conception of nationalism, 128n9; on the meaning of secularism in India, 265–6n4
Telangana, 338n7, 339n9
Telangana Students’ Association, 12
Teltumbde, Anand, 319n63
Telugu, 14, 20, 40, 132n17, 151n2, 339n9
Thapar, Romila, 192n3
Thass, Iyothee, 79, 356
Therigatha, 178n45
Thibaut, George, 242n54, 243n55
Thite, Ganesh Umakant, 231n23
Thurston, Edgar: biased and racist methods, 134n21; on types of Brahmins, 190n2; Castes and Tribes of Southern India, 133n21; work on the Census, 133n21
Tilak, B.G.: The Arctic Home in the Vedas, 73, 233n31
Tipitaka: 254n78; Abhidhamma Pitaka, 176n43; Sutta Pitaka, 176n43; Vinaya Pitaka, 176n43
Tishya, 186, 194n11
Touchable: 153, 323; linguistic analysis, 72, 124n4, 162n1, 354
Transmigration of the Soul: 215–6, 244n56; and the Buddha, 245n57
Tribes, Tribals, tribal: 19, 54, 57n1n2, 123n3, 259–60, 295n6, 298n11, 299n16, 348n25, 355; Ambedkar’s attitude, 77, 87, 99n3, 308n31, 366–7; assimilation, 98n3, 306n28; Australian, 263n1; colonial characterisation of, 97–8n2; difference from Hindus, 91, 112, 114–5, 123n2, 129n10; gods and their appropriation, 99n3, 144n33; kings, 182n47, 344n18; languages, 130n13; myths, 228n7, 245n57; origin of society, 42; primitive, 135n22, 317n60; and the RSS, 130n13; texts, 304–5n26
Tsang, Hsuan/Yuan Chwang: 218–20, 252n69n70, 333–4, 350n30, 345n20; descriptions of houses, 333–4, 350n30; on pure flesh, 218; on violence against Buddhists, 143n33; also Yuan Chwang and Xuanzang, 252n68
Tughlaq dynasty: 193n5; Muhammad bin Tughlaq, 273n14, 274n15
Turkey, Turkish, Turk (Turuska), 42, 89, 127n9, 134n21, 142n33, 300n16
Ugras, 298n11
Ujjain, 344n18
Una, 29, 35, 65
Union Human Resource Development Minister, 13
United Kingdom, 128n10
United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), 43
United Nations’ World Conference against Racism, 2001, 56
United Provinces, Uttar Pradesh, 100n3, 127n9, 193n6
upanayana, 96n1, 167n13, 173–4n35, 228n7, 235n35
Upanishads: 215–6, 242n54, 244n56, 245n57, 246n58, 247n59n60, 283, 311n38; reinterpretations of, 242n54; style, 246n58; as part of the Vedas, 166n10, 170n24
Upapataka, 222, 239n49. See also Mahapataka
Upapuranas, 152n3
Vahed, Goolam, 71
Vaideha, Vaidehika, Vaidehaka, 281, 303n19, 310n36
Vaisali, 219, 252n71
Vaishnavism, Vaishnavaite, Vaishnavites, 134n21, 183, 275n16
Vaishya: 18, 35, 41, 96n1, 179n45, 225n2, 251n66, 284, 301n17, 307n29, 314n47, 336n3, 339n10; erstwhile Vaishyas, 336n3
Vajasaneyi Samhita, Vajasaneyins: 166n10, 338n8; on cow sacrifice, 155, 168n14, 171n27; on human sacrifice, 338n6
Vajrasuchi, 343n15
Valhe, Vijaya, 172n28
Vannan, Vannar, 339n9
Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, 130n13
Varadpande, M.L., 139n29
Vardhana dynasty, 346n22
Varghese, George, 234n33
varnasamkara: 300n16, 301n17, 305n26, 318n63; groups, 305n28; theories, 306n28
varnashrama, 192n3, 322n66
Varuna, 163n2, 171n25, 229n12, 231n19
Vasistha Dharma Sutra: occurrence of ‘Antya’, 279; occurrence of ‘Antyavasin’, 314n47; occurrence of ‘Chandala’, 286; translation, 301n17; consequences of varnasamkara, 301n17
Vayu, 171n25
Veda Vyas Smriti: 148, 304n25, 315n51n52; on Antyajas, 147, 280–1; other caste terms in, 281
Vedanta Sutra: authorship, 242n54; and sacrifices, 215, 243n55
Vedas: 44, 114, 152n3, 157, 166n10, 169n18, 238n46, 240n51, 243–4n55, 245n57, 247–8n60, 258, 291n1, 296n9, 297n11, 324; division, 170n24; on cow-killing, 153, 160; reinterpretation, 212–4, 237n40n43, 242n54
vegetarianism, 11, 19, 22, 25–6, 30–1, 34, 36, 39, 41, 47, 54–5, 91, 147, 149, 175n40, 183–4, 190n2, 194n12, 199–222 passim, 211, 215–8, 220, 251n67, 253n73
Vemula, Rohith: 11; fellow activists, 13; “My birth is my fatal accident”, 14; Veliwada, 14
Vidalkaras, Bidalkaras, 324, 338n6, 339n8
Vidyarnava, Srisa Chandra, 138n26, 241n53, 296n9, 304n22
Vijayanagar, 274n15
Vimukta jatis, 98n2. See also Denotified Tribes, Criminal Tribes
vinaya, 138n26
Vinaya Pitaka, 176n43, 309n33, 337n3
Vinayas: Dharmagupta Vinaya, 252–3n72; Ssu-fen, 219, 252n72
Viramitrodaya: 313n44; prescriptions of caste, 284
Vishnu: 155, 171n25, 183, 190n1, 217, 227n7, 242n54, 251n67, 254n76, 279–80; avatars of, 142–4n33, 344n18
Vishnu Smriti, Vaishnava Dharmasastra, Vishnusutra, 292n3, 298n12, 299n13
Vishwa Hindu Parishad, 17
Viswanath, Rupa, 132n17
Viswakarma, 234n33
Viswamitra, 301–2n18
Vitthal, 298n11, 364–5
Voltaire: 88–9; racism, 102n5
Vrddha Harita, 74, 118, 139n28
Vritra, Vrtra, 155, 226n4, 229n10
Vyasa, 152n3, 170n24, 304n25
vyavahara, 292–3n4, 313n44
Walshe, Maurice, 177n43n44
Warangal, 39, 274n15
Watters, Thomas: 218; translation of Hsuan Tsang, 252n69n70
West/ Western: cows, 42; thought, 99, 102n5; world, 99n3; scholarship, 67, 71, 359, 263n1, 266, 268n7, 359; Aryans as, 71; Ambedkar’s reliance of scholarship, 263–4n2; Tomoko Masuzawa on, 265n3;
Westernised: Dalits, 39; Indian elite, 266;
White Yajur Veda: 173n33
Wilson, H.H., 163n2, 301n16, 337n5
world religions, 265n3
Yadus, 344n18
yajna: 182n47, 199–200, 220, 234n34, 248n61, 251n66, 344n17n18; in Buddhist Sutras, 160; decline, 144n33; performed by kings, 161; principle of, 209; rejection by Buddhists, 217
Yajnavalkya: 170n24, 176n41n42, 222, 291n1, 292n4, 296n9, 300n16, 304n22; on beef, 160, 167n11, 215
Yajnavalkya Smriti: 137n25, 176n41, 303n19; beef, 241n53; commentary on, 137n26; occurrence of Antya, 279; occurrence of Antyaja, 280; reference to Buddhism, 138n26
Yajur Veda, 166n10, 170n24, 173n33n35, 227n6
Yazdani, Ghulam, 273n14
Yogi Adityanath, 48
Yupa, 200–2, 226–7n4
Zelliot, Eleanor, 272n13
Zend, 195n13
Zoroastrian, 228n8