ABC archives, 154

Acevedo, José, 127128

A-felony, 142

Ali, Khalid, 250 also see Lewis 17X Dupree

Ali, Muhammad, 225, 242

Allahtowon, Samson 3XX, 141

Ambrose, Elwood “Amby,” 42, 5960, 89

Amsterdam News, The, xix

Andre, Rudy, 610, 10, 26, 34, 117, 231, 242, 244245, 247

Apollo Theatre, xvi

Ardsley, NY, 165

Army, US, xvixix, 1, 11, 18, 37

Arthur's disco, 41

Astoria, NY, 45, 122, 222

Audubon Ballroom, 149

Audubon Bar shootout, 65, 74

Aurichio, Jimmy, 4142, 50, 165168, 170, 212, 244

Baden, Michael, 113114

Bag Murders, the, xv

Bartley, Cyrus, 42

Battle For Algiers, The, 82

Bay of Pigs, the, 39

Bedford Stuyvesant, NY, 224

Bellevue Hospital, 114, 153

Big Bertha, 1213, 22, 28, 37, 68, 96, 209

Big Blue Sanitation, 12 also see Emergency Service Unit (ESU)

Big Blue security team, 73

Black Liberation Army (BLA), xviixix, 18

Black Panther, The, 81

Blackstone, Clint “Candy Man,” 63, 64, 66

Blair, Billy, 6465, 159

Blue Book the, 73, 79, 9394, 123

Bonanno crime family, 133

Bornholdt, Robert, 41, 54, 136

Boston Police Department, 141142

Brawley, Tawana, 220

Bronx, NY, 37, 6668, 86, 96, 140, 171, 181, 191

Brooklyn Bridge, 187

Brooklyn Heights, NY, 134

Brutalism, 97

Bucci, Lynn, 3839, 41, 74, 9496, 100 also see Lynn Jurgensen

Bugliosi, Vincent, 221

Bullets in the Mosque, 44, 193, 228229, 231

Bunch, Benjamin, 8487, 242

Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI), 180

“Burglary” of documents, 145, 186

Butler, Billy, 81, 8384, 95

California, 51

Canada, 81, 221

Capone, Al, 135

Cardillo, Frank, 49, 121122, 161, 242, 245

Cardillo, Joy, 15, 47, 4950, 52, 78, 121122, 161, 222, 225, 235, 237, 242, 250

Cardillo, Phillip, xx, 415, 17, 20, 23, 2526, 3334, 38, 41, 44, 4854, 5758, 6162, 7475, 7780, 9194, 9899, 102106, 109115, 117, 119, 121123, 130, 132, 135, 144, 151, 161162, 168170, 173, 176, 188, 192195, 201, 203, 207, 218220, 222, 227, 230231, 234238, 241242, 244245, 248250

Cardillo, Tessie, 49, 121122, 161, 242, 245

Cardillo, Todd, 49

Carey, Hugh, 236

Carmichael, Stokely, 225

Carroll Gardens, NY, 139

Cawley, Michael, 43

CBS archives, 153

Central Dispatch, 23

Charges and Specs, NYPD, 153

Chesimard, Joanne, xviii, 2, 6566

Chicago, IL, 19, 216, 250

Chinatown, 241

Circle of Six, the, xx, 41, 46, 78, 103, 198

Cirillo, Nick, 172, 175, 189, 205, 219, 245

CIs (confidential informants), xviii, 132, 141142, 175

City Hall, NYC, xvi, 21, 129, 151

Civil Rights Movement, xvi

Clint's Candies, 63, 65

Codd, Michael, xx, 3436, 40, 43, 4546

Collar, 9, 84, 97, 105, 128129, 137, 146, 164, 175, 191, 207, 209, 215, 218219, 225, 242

Columbia Movie House, 63

Combs, Honey, xvi

Communist Party, 71

Concerned Cops for Cardillo, (CCC), 118, 122

Connecticut, 37, 155

Cordite, 96, 244

Corpus Christi grammar school, 134

Daily News, The, 39, 41, 43, 191

D'Alessio, Louie, 3031, 36

Daley, Robert, xi, 19, 43, 62, 9092

Davis, Angela, 225

Davis Sammy, Jr., xvi

DeMilia, Sam, 129130, 136, 151, 161, 167, 170, 199, 219220, 236, 238239, 244245

Department of Buildings, NYC, 111

Department of Sanitation, NYC, 224

Depp, Johnny, 133

Deputy Commissioner of Public Information (DCPI), NYPD, 1920, 62, 9192

Detective Bureau, the, 59, 62, 93, 99, 106, 249

Detective Endowment Association, 59

Detective Squad, 54, 5758, 66, 76, 192

Detroit, MI, 18

D-felony, 142

Disputes with NYPD, 199, 208, 227, 241, 246247, 250

Dixon, Tashana, 7576, 81

Drugs, xv, 110, 178

DT. Kid, xvii, 49, 7576, 8990, 127128

Dupree, Lewis 17X, 9, 161162, 169, 173, 176177, 184185, 189, 192, 194, 199, 203, 210, 215220, 224227, 229, 232237, 250

East River, 21

Egan, Eddie “Popeye Doyle,” 224, 246

Eighty-five, 27, 131

Eisenhower, General, 17

El-Amin, Saad, 220

Emerald Society, NYPD, 171

Emergency Service Unit (ESU), NYPD, 12, 22, 24, 37, 9596, 171, 174

Evans, Martin, 228229, 232, 235

Evans, Patrolman, 6466, 74

Eveready, Detective or Patrolman, 133, 153154

Fahey, Thomas, 9798, 104, 238, 241242

Farrakhan, Louis, xx, 10, 19, 23, 37, 3940, 41, 45, 162, 172173, 250

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 134, 136, 141, 251

Ferrara's cannolis, NYC, 156, 160

Florida, xix, 74

“Five” reports (DD5s), 54, 102, 109, 111, 113, 119, 123124, 126127, 148150, 155, 206, 215, 242

Fordham, NY, 67

“Forty-nine” reports (UF49s), 109, 111, 113, 137, 139142, 145, 228, 242

Francis, Lieutenant, 206208, 223224

French Connection, The, xviii, 224

Fruit of Islam (FOI), 45, 79, 11, 2223, 2526, 28, 3637, 39, 4445, 94, 117, 131133, 136, 147, 149150, 154, 183, 198, 203, 211, 230

General Order 15 (GO15), 218, 238

Genkinger, Al, 133135

Georgia State Penitentiary, 250

Getting One, 217218

Gold Shield, NYPD, xv, 22, 146, 150, 216

Gorman, Bart, 45, 47, 5255, 6668, 104, 111, 119, 146, 161, 199200, 203, 242, 245

Grand Jury, 162164, 167, 170, 172, 178, 181, 188189, 249

Grande, Susan, 39

Greenburgh, NY, 171

Grosso, Sonny, xviii, xix, 70

Hall, Robert, 232

Hamilton, Edward, 52

Harbor Unit, NYPD, 191192

Harlem, NY, xvxx, 23, 6, 1015, 2024, 3741, 45, 53, 5859, 6367, 7476, 82, 86, 93, 99100, 120122, 134, 165, 172, 175, 178, 221, 238

Harlem River, 188

Harmon, James “The Bull,” 111, 136, 146148, 193195, 207, 218, 221224, 226, 239, 230231, 233234, 236, 239, 245, 249250

Harris, Loretta, 179, 243, 250

Harvey, Jerry, 42

Haugh, John “Jack,” 27, 31, 41, 4344, 48, 52, 5455, 198, 202, 208, 210, 224, 238239, 244247, 250

Hawthorne, NY, 250

Hernandez, Jay, 221

Hollow-point bullets, 48

Hollywood office, 134, 136, 145, 177, 197, 234

Hopes, Bobby, 9

Hudson River, 241

Illnesses, 217

Integrity Control Officer (ICO), NYPD, 101,

Intelligence Division, NYPD, 132

Internal Affairs Division (IAD), NYPD, 201, 207, 214

Inwood, NY, 67

Iran and Iraq, 201

Ireland, 221

Jacko, Edward, 220, 225228, 230234

Jackson, Jesse, 39, 41, 225

Joe Murphy, 134, 136, 140 also see Joe Pistone

Jones, Waverly, xix, 15, 71, 248

Josephs, Captain, 147, 162, 177, 183184, 198, 203, 225, 228

Jurgensen, Betty (sister), 6774

Jurgensen, Elizabeth (mother), 6673

Jurgensen, Lynn (wife), 125, 146, 151, 156157, 162, 170, 175, 178179, 189190, 193, 207, 211213, 238, 242, 244248

Jurgensen, Randolph (father), 1516, 31, 36, 49, 6674

Jurgensen, Randy (son), 242

Keenan, John, 136, 140, 175, 249

Kel wire, 128, 181, 184185

Kelly, Ray, 41

Kenney, Jimmy, 1013, 245

Kenyatta 35X, 2829

King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr., xvi

Kirkland, Walter, 42

Kluge, Herman 109

Knapp corruption, 92, 98

Koran, the, 168, 178, 205, 211

Korea, 11, 1617, 27, 6364, 146

Laurie, Rocco, 248

Lefkowitz, Louie, 236

Leon, Jerry, 4243

Lindsay, John, xx, 1819, 2123, 33, 35, 3839, 48, 5152, 6162, 78, 129, 198

Lindsay, Mary, 52

Little Italy, NY, 156

London, UK, 52, 6l, 221

Long Island, NY, 155

Los Angeles, CA, 19, 96, 221

Lyons, Tommy, 81, 8384, 95

Maddox, Alton, 220

Major Case Squad, xvii, 8, 29, 61, 81

Malcolm X, xviii, 142, 149150, 168

Manhattan Bridge, 139

Manhattan Detention Center, xix also see The Tombs

Manhattan East Side, 76, 166

Manhattan North Task Force (MNTF), 10, 39, 47

Manhattan North, NYPD, 10, 39, 5859, 127, 195, 198, 200

Manson, Charles, 221

Marinelli, Larry, 113, 131132, 154, 197

Matthews, Les, xix

McCafferty, Walter, 42

Medical Examiner (ME), New York, 113115

Melia, Aloysius, 237

Meyers, Twyman, xvxix, 13, 5, 7, 15, 18, 27, 6263, 6566, 7074, 76, 83, 8587, 89, 92, 9496, 214215, 242

Middle East, 178

Missing police service revolver, 12, 16, 20, 3435, 126127, 161, 177, 184, 188, 191

Mitchelson, Thomas, 2829, 43, 48, 53, 58, 60

Morrow, John, 221

Mosque mock-up, 113, 117, 145

Mosque Number 7, 45, 78, 1014, 17, 1923, 28, 3442, 4446, 48, 54, 61, 78, 82, 94, 102104, 109110, 113, 117118, 123128, 130133, 136137, 140, 145151, 154155, 157158, 160, 163, 169, 177179, 184185, 189, 195, 197198, 203, 206, 215216, 226231, 233, 235, 237, 250

Mount Morris Park (now Marcus Garvey Park), NYC, 75

Muhammad, Elijah, 161, 250

Muhammad, Mustafa, 220

Muldoon, Lieutenant, 100105, 112, 119120, 123127, 137, 140, 142143, 146, 149, 162, 167171, 173176, 180, 192193, 195, 200, 202203, 205, 207, 211, 213214, 217218, 221, 242, 248

Murder Factory, the, xvii, 61

Murphy, Patrick V., xx, 1822, 3334, 3839, 4243, 4546, 51, 198

Narcotics Bureau, NYPD, 130, 250

Nation of Islam (NOI), the, xx, 37, 94, 142, 148, 163, 168, 171172, 220, 224225, 232, 237, 250; names in the NOI, 168169

Navarra, Vito, 47, 1619, 2126, 34, 60, 7681, 93, 103104, 106, 110111, 113, 117121, 125129, 131132, 139, 143, 145146, 150, 153156, 160, 162, 167168, 193, 198200, 219221, 235236, 242, 249

NBC archives, 153

Negron, Ivan, 410, 1617, 26, 76, 155, 242

New Jersey, 37

News reports (April 14, 1972), 13, 16, 23, 33, 35, 3941, 43, 51, 54, 151, 154, 177, 185

New York Times, The, xviii, xix, 59, 208

New York State, 84, 226, 250

New York Stock Exchange, 242

Nixon, Richard, xvi

Nolo Contendere, ix, 241, 246

North Carolina, 250

No-Tell Motel, 165166, 176

Numbers, 6366

NYPD (New York City Police Department), xixxx, 3, 1112, 14, 18, 22, 24, 26, 29, 3435, 37, 3946, 48, 5152, 55, 57, 63, 7374, 77, 7981, 90, 9294, 104, 110, 123, 128, 130132, 134, 140142, 144, 150151, 153154, 162, 167, 171, 173, 191, 193194, 197198, 201, 205206, 208, 210, 214216, 220221, 223226, 231, 235, 238, 242, 244247, 249250

Observation Posts (OPs), 1, 34, 7, 13

Ode to Randy, 229

Old Sparky, xvi, 216

One Police Plaza (One PP), 3, 14, 18, 3334, 45, 51, 58, 62, 77, 90, 92, 95, 97, 102104, 118119, 122, 127, 129130, 137, 145146, 148151, 156, 164, 167169, 171, 180, 194196, 202, 214, 238, 244, 249

Order to leave the Mosque, 2226

Padilla, Victor, 410, 16, 26, 34, 76, 110, 117119, 155, 242

Parking plate forgery, 197198, 205208, 218, 227

Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (PBA), 38, 45, 47, 77, 119, 123, 129, 131, 139, 151, 170, 191, 199, 203, 208, 236, 238, 245, 249

Peekskill, NY, 193, 211

Pension Section, NYPD, 248

Pest Control, New York City, 224

Piagentini, Joseph, xix, 15, 71, 248

Pictures of suspects, 135136, 140141, 147, 151, 154155, 177, 185, 215, 227, 237

Pistone, Joe “Donnie Brasco,” 132133, 142, 159, 214, 242, 245

Police Commissioner (PC), xx, 16, 1819, 2122, 33, 3839, 43, 46, 48, 5152, 7879, 9192, 99, 129, 197198, 221, 230

Pollard, Phyllis, 7071

Pork Chop Hill, Korea, 17, 21, 31

Powder burns, 44, 114

Precincts, NYPD: 1-3 Precinct, 157; 1-7 Precinct, 54; 2-4 Precinct, 2425, 3334, 47, 82, 111, 195196, 199; 2-5 Precinct, xvii, 2, 7, 25, 38, 45, 49, 6466, 7677, 81, 84, 97, 100101, 104105, 111, 120, 123, 125, 130131, 137, 140, 143, 145, 148, 153, 156, 167, 195198, 215, 235; 2-8 Precinct, xv, xvii, 14, 67, 1416, 25, 27, 30, 38, 42, 4445, 4749, 5255, 5760, 6466, 71, 76, 93, 100, 104106, 109, 111, 113, 118, 120123, 131, 157, 161, 185, 198; 3-0 Precinct, 45; 3-2 Precinct, xvii, 2, 8, 42, 45; 4-7 Precinct and 5-0 Precinct, 68; 5-2 Precinct, 6769; 7-6 Precinct and 8-4 Precinct, 139; 7-9 Precinct, 224

Presley, Elvis, 226, 248

Queeg, Lieutenant, 122

Queens, NY, 37, 45, 122, 222, 250

Rangel, Charles, xx, 22, 2425, 33, 37, 3941, 55, 78, 162, 198, 206

Records Section, NYPD, 195196, 202

Reed, Robert, 220

Regis High School, 132133

Reid, Hudson, 237

“Remember Cardillo,” 53, 5759, 151

Riot, viii, 11, 15, 1921, 2324, 26, 38, 47, 89, 113, 118119, 126, 215

RMP (Radio Motor Patrol), xviii, 15, 6768, 171

Robinson, Hamilton 57, 105106

Roosevelt, Theodore, 249

Rucker, Henry Dudley, 4142

Saint George Hotel, 134, 136, 140, 154, 175, 214215

Saint John's Riverside Hospital, 211

Saint Louis, MO, xix, 71

Saint Luke's Hospital, 1417, 21, 36, 38, 4144, 4851, 5354, 59, 71, 73, 118, 245

Saint Michael, 87

Saint Patrick's Cathedral, 44

San-San, Mitchell 5X, 177181, 183189, 191192, 194, 199, 215, 229230, 242

Seedman, Albert, 13, 20, 2326, 33, 43, 53, 6061, 162, 198, 202

Sergeant Jones, 195196, 202

Serpico, Frank, 243244

Sharpton, Al, 220

Shau, Youseff, 132

Shots fired, 2, 9, 34, 95, 154, 243

Shrub Oak, NY, 211

Sing-Sing prison, NY, 232

Skyway Diner, NYC, 91, 99

Slepwitz, Basil “Sleepy,” 60, 7678, 90

Smith, William 43, 224, 246247

Social Services Bureau, New York, 84

Son of Sam, 221, 248

Spanish Raymond, 221

Special Prosecutor, 151, 249

State Department, US, 201

Staten Island, NY, 51, 140

Surveillance cameras, 127129, 131, 136, 154

Syracuse, NY, 18

Taconic Parkway assassin, 209210, 217

Tactical Patrol Force (TPF), 89, 9596, 171, 174

Target Blue, 92

Ten-Five, 5

Ten-Four, 2, 7, 12

Ten-Thirteen, 14, 78, 14, 39, 94, 185

Ten-Two, 24, 120

Thomas, Foster 2X, 3, 157181, 183189, 191194, 199, 205, 207, 209215, 217219, 227, 232238, 242243, 245, 248, 250

Thomas, John, 109110

Tombs, the, xix, 71, 163, 199, 241

Tyler, Andrew, 220

Undercover (UC), xv, 15, 64, 89, 95, 126127, 130, 132, 141, 183, 214

Utah, 52

Valentine Ink Company, 63

Van Lindt, John, 111, 122, 136, 145, 163, 167, 245, 249

Verecha, John, 41, 54, 113, 231

Vickers, Robert, xix, 71

Victory, Albert, 41, 54, 73, 113, 136, 156, 235, 249

Vietnam, xvi, xviii, 133, 146

Ward, Benjamin, xx, 2122, 24, 26, 3738, 4243, 52, 78, 147149, 162, 168, 173, 198

War medals, 17

Washington, D.C., 18

Weir, Lenny, 215

West Point, 230, 234

Westchester County, NY, 66, 155, 170, 250

White House, the, xvi, 20

Wilson Housing Projects, 178

Witness Protection Program, 238, 242, 250

Witnesses, xviiixx, 50, 68, 93, 109, 113114, 124, 136137, 139, 145, 150, 154155, 160161, 163, 169170, 189, 192194, 214, 217, 223227, 229, 232238, 242, 245, 249250

World Community of Islam, 220

Wrase, Richie, 230

Yonkers, NY, 155, 211

Zone-6, xvii, 23, 28, 44, 47, 55, 58, 6162, 99, 101, 103, 133, 176, 195