Appendix A. Sample Table Scripts

Writing SQL statements requires a good understanding of the underlying database design. If you do not know what information is stored in what table, how tables are related to each other, and the actual breakup of data within a row, it is impossible to write effective SQL.

You are strongly advised to actually try every example in every lesson in this book. All the lessons use a common set of data files. To assist you in better understanding the examples, and to enable you to follow along with the lessons, this appendix describes the tables used, their relationships, and how to build (or obtain) them.

Understanding the Sample Tables

The tables used throughout this book are part of an order entry system used by an imaginary distributor of toys. The tables are used to perform several tasks:

Image Manage vendors

Image Manage product catalogs

Image Manage customer lists

Image Enter customer orders

Making this all work requires five tables (that are closely interconnected as part of a relational database design). A description of each of the tables appears in the following sections.

Note: Simplified Examples

The tables used here are by no means complete. A real-world order entry system would have to keep track of lots of other data that has not been included here (for example, payment and accounting information, shipment tracking, and more). However, these tables do demonstrate the kinds of data organization and relationships that you will encounter in most real installations. You can apply these techniques and technologies to your own databases.

Table Descriptions

What follows is a description of each of the five tables, along with the name of the columns within each table and their descriptions.

The Vendors Table

The Vendors table stores the vendors whose products are sold. Every vendor has a record in this table, and that vendor ID (the vend_id) column is used to match products with vendors.

Table A.1 Vendors Table Columns




Unique vendor ID


Vendor name


Vendor address


Vendor city


Vendor state


Vendor ZIP code


Vendor country

Image All tables should have primary keys defined. This table should use vend_id as its primary key.

The Products Table

The Products table contains the product catalog, one product per row. Each product has a unique ID (the prod_id column) and is related to its vendor by vend_id (the vendor’s unique ID).

Table A.2 Products Table Columns




Unique product ID


Product vendor ID (relates to vend_id in Vendors table)


Product name


Product price


Product description

Image All tables should have primary keys defined. This table should use prod_id as its primary key.

Image To enforce referential integrity, a foreign key should be defined on vend_id relating it to vend_id in VENDORS.

The Customers Table

The Customers table stores all customer information. Each customer has a unique ID (the cust_id column).

Table A.3 Customers Table Columns




Unique customer ID


Customer name


Customer address


Customer city


Customer state


Customer ZIP code


Customer country


Customer contact name


Customer contact email address

Image All tables should have primary keys defined. This table should use cust_id as its primary key.

The Orders Table

The Orders table stores customer orders (but not order details). Each order is uniquely numbered (the order_num column). Orders are associated with the appropriate customers by the cust_id column (which relates to the customer’s unique ID in the Customers table).

Table A.4 Orders Table Columns




Unique order number


Order date


Order customer ID (relates to cust_id in Customers table)

Image All tables should have primary keys defined. This table should use order_num as its primary key.

Image To enforce referential integrity, a foreign key should be defined on cust_id relating it to cust_id in CUSTOMERS.

The OrderItems Table

The OrderItems table stores the actual items in each order, one row per item per order. For every row in Orders there are one or more rows in OrderItems. Each order item is uniquely identified by the order number plus the order item (first item in order, second item in order, and so on). Order items are associated with their appropriate order by the order_num column (which relates to the order’s unique ID in Orders). In addition, each order item contains the product ID of the item orders (which relates the item back to the Products table).

Table A.5 OrderItems Table Columns




Order number (relates to order_num in Orders table)


Order item number (sequential within an order)


Product ID (relates to prod_id in Products table)


Item quantity


Item price

Image All tables should have primary keys defined. This table should use order_num and order_item as its primary keys.

Image To enforce referential integrity, foreign keys should be defined on order_num relating it to order_num in Orders and prod_id relating it to prod_id in Products.

Database administrators often use relationship diagrams to help demonstrate how database tables are connected. Remember, it is foreign keys that define those relationships as noted in the table descriptions above. Figure A.1 is the relationship diagram for the five tables described in this appendix.


Figure A.1 Sample tables relationship diagram

Obtaining the Sample Tables

In order to follow along with the examples, you need a set of populated tables. Everything you need to get up and running can be found on this book’s web page at

On that page you’ll find links to download SQL scripts for your DBMS. There are two files for each:

Image create.txt contains the SQL statements to create the five database tables (including defining all primary keys and foreign key constraints).

Image populate.txt contains the SQL INSERT statements used to populate these tables.

The SQL statements in these files are very DBMS specific, so be sure to execute the one for your own DBMS. These scripts are provided as a convenience to readers, and no liability is assumed for problems that may arise from their use.

At the time that this book went to press, scripts were available for

Image IBM DB2 (including Db2 on Cloud)

Image Microsoft SQL Server (including Microsoft SQL Server Express)

Image MariaDB

Image MySQL

Image Oracle (include Oracle Express)

Image PostgreSQL

Image SQLite

Tip: SQLite Data File

SQLite stores its data in a single file. You can use the creation and population scripts to create your own SQLite data file. Or, to make things easier, you can download a ready-to-use file from the URL above.

Other DBMSs may be added as needed or requested.

Note: Create, Then Populate

You must run the table creation scripts before the table population scripts. Be sure to check for any error messages returned by these scripts. If the creation scripts fail, you will need to remedy whatever problem may exist before continuing with table population.

Note: Specific DBMS Setup Instructions

The specific steps used to set up your DBMS vary greatly based on the DBMS used. When you download the scripts or databases from the book’s web page, you’ll find a README file that provides specific setup and installation steps for specific DBMSs.