INSERT, here:

Sir Isaac Newton: Copyright © The Royal Society, London

Optiks: Public Domain

Soldner: Public Domain

Solar Corona: Public Domain

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Young Albert: Copyright © SZ Photo / Scherl / Bridgeman Images.

Pauline Koch Einstein: Public Domain.

Wedding photo: The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 5 (courtesy of Evelyn Einstein), Princeton University Press, 1993.

Mileva and Sons: The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 5 (courtesy of Evelyn Einstein), Princeton University Press, 1993.

INSERT, here:

Mount Hamilton/Lick: Courtesy Special Collections, University Library, University of California Santa Cruz. [Mary Lea Shane Archives of the Lick Observatory].

W. W. Campbell: Courtesy Special Collections, University Library, University of California Santa Cruz. [Mary Lea Shane Archives of the Lick Observatory].

Charles Perrine: Courtesy Special Collections, University Library, University of California Santa Cruz. [Mary Lea Shane Archives of the Lick Observatory].

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Flamsteed House: Courtesy of Graham Dolan.

Eddington: Courtesy of the Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge.

Dyson: Royal Astronomical Society/Science Source.

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1912 Teams at Passa Quatro, Brazil: Courtesy of Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro.

Freundlich: Walter Ledermann Collection, University of St. Andrews, Scotland.

Perrine Camp/Telescopes/1912: Archivo Histórico, Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba, digitalized by S. Paolantonio.

INSERT, here:

Henry Moseley: University of Oxford, Museum of the History of Science, courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives, Physics Today Collection.

Eclipsed Sun 1914 Crimea: Archivo Histórico, Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba, digitalized by S. Paolantonio.

Raymond Lodge: Frontispiece for Raymond or Life and Death, by Oliver Lodge, published by Methuen & Co. Ltd., London, 1916.

Oliver Lodge: The National Portrait Gallery, London.

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The 1914 Newspaper Graphic: Courtesy of Michael Zeiller.

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1918 Campbell Expedition: Courtesy Special Collections, University Library, University of California Santa Cruz. [Mary Lea Shane Archives of the Lick Observatory].

Three Pilots: Courtesy of Peggy Campbell Rhoads.

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RMS Anselm: Courtesy of Graham Dolan.

Map 1,000 Miles Amazon: From the Booth Line Brochure, published 1931.

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Saboya’s House: Courtesy of the Carnegie Institution for Science, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism.

Tents/Racetrack: The Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.

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Sobral Equip: Courtesy of the Charles Rundle Davidson Family Collection.

1919 Seated/Stand Group: Courtesy of Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro.

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Roça/Plantation: Public Domain.

Shackles in Tree: Reproduced from The Slavery of To-day, by Charles Swan, published in Glasgow by Pickering & Inglis, 1909.

Edwin Cottingham: Courtesy of the Antiquarian Horological Society, London.

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Café Einstein: State Library of Western Australia, 4131B/2/4.

Leaving Wallal Boats: Courtesy Special Collections, University Library, University of California Santa Cruz. [Mary Lea Shane Archives of the Lick Observatory].

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1922 Eclipse Plate/Stars: Courtesy Special Collections, University Library, University of California Santa Cruz. [Mary Lea Shane Archives of the Lick Observatory].

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Einstein & Elsa/Japan: Public Domain.

President Campbell: Courtesy of Peggy Campbell Rhoads.

Perrine at Desk: Archivo Histórico, Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba, digitalized by S. Paolantonio.

INSERT, here:

Crommelin: Royal Astronomical Society/Science Source.

Eddington: The National Portrait Gallery, London.

Davidson: Courtesy of Cecily Maud Davidson.

Dyson: The National Portrait Gallery, London.