Private Equity Investing
Private equity investing is the placement of funds in a nonpublic company in return for a share of ownership. Broadly defined, private equity is any security in a private company that represents ownership or potential ownership in that company. Angels invest in private companies by either financing with debt or using a private equity vehicle. Understanding the complexities of private equity investing is important in dealing intelligently and knowledgeably with angel investors—and, frankly, it is essential if you mean to avoid potentially monumental problems.
This chapter provides general descriptions and discussions of the important topics surrounding equity investment, but it cannot cover specific state and federal requirements for each jurisdiction. Private equity financing has regional and local trends, terms, idiosyncrasies, and regulatory requirements, and you need to work with people who will help your company recognize and work within these parameters. Therefore, before embarking on any private equity financing for your company, you need to secure advisers (including legal counsel) who are experienced and knowledgeable with equity financing on a local and national level. Remember—you only get one chance to make a first impression, and this includes showing you are smart enough to retain advisers who understand the investors’ needs and requirements.
Private equity investing certainly comes in many shapes and sizes. Even with the following list of equity investment options, investors continue to come up with creative mechanisms for investing in companies.
Table 3.1 summarizes equity investment vehicles, which are explained in greater detail following the table.
Investment Vehicle | Brief Definition |
Preferred Stock (voting) | The most common equity investment vehicle used by both sophisticated angel investors and venture capitalists. Preferred stock has rights, preferences, and privileges greater than other types of equity investment. Two important preferences are the entitlement of preferred stock to receive dividends before common stock, and the entitlement of preferred stock to receive a return before common stock. |
Preferred Stock (nonvoting) | Gives the same privileges upon liquidation, but does not allow the angel investor to vote shares on important corporate matters, for members of the board of directors, and so on, though certain protective provisions may still allow voting on matters with potential impact on the investor. |
Common Stock (voting) | The most basic form of security a corporation can offer. It essentially places the investor on the same financial footing as the founders of the company. This form of investing is generally considered unsophisticated, but still occurs among angel investors. However, some sophisticated angels take common stock because they want to have the same risks as the founders. Also, companies sometimes refuse to offer preferred stock, so common stock is the only type of equity available. |
Common Stock (nonvoting) | Same preference as the founders in liquidation, dividends, and so on, but without the ability to vote shares on important corporate matters, for members of the board of directors, and so on. |
Warrant | Entitles the holder to buy a proportionate amount of stock at some future time for a predetermined amount, and can be used with an investment for equity or debt. Warrants are generally used as an incentive or sweetener to invest in a company. While warrants are typically for common stock, occasionally a company will use a warrant for preferred stock as part of an investment package. |
Option (for common stock) | A right to purchase stock at a predefined value; not a typical investment vehicle for angels. Stock options are typically provided to employees, board members, consultants, and others as a form of reward or alternative form of compensation for past, present, or future services. One circumstance in which options may be granted to an investor would be as an additional benefit or inducement for investing, though warrants are typically the vehicle of choice in these circumstances. |
Debenture (promissory note; not convertible—straight debt) | A note carrying interest payable in cash or stock. Investors may insist the note be collateralized (secured), which will make a difference for the investor if the company fails. |
Debenture (promissory note; convertible into common or preferred stock) | A debt instrument that automatically converts into equity upon the occurrence of an event or milestone, or at the investor’s discretion, or sometimes in either event. Some angels prefer to use a convertible debenture to take advantage of subsequent investment round terms, avoid negotiating valuations, and always have a debt obligation should the conversion fail to occur. This kind of instrument will typically convert to preferred stock. |
Stock or Debenture Investment (with associated options or warrants) | Debt instrument with associated options or warrants that provides the investor with an incentive or added benefit for making a risky investment in a start-up company. |
Guarantor (on line of credit or other debt instrument) | Assurance that the angel will assume the holder’s position should the entrepreneur default on the debt instrument through nonpayment of the outstanding debt balance. |
* Note: The table is somewhat simplified and does not include discussion of numerous additional terms and conditions related to various investment forms, such as voting agreements, security agreements, buy-back agreements, co-sale and rights of first refusal, and other rights, preferences, and privileges. |
Debt carries an obligation of repayment. That is, the fundamental difference between debt and equity is that debts must be repaid at some point, generally described at the maturity date, while equity investments need not be repaid. Of course, assorted nuances and additional terms can modify this simplified definition. For instance, a debt instrument, typically a promissory note, can have terms that automatically convert the debt into equity upon the occurrence of a predefined event or milestone. Appendix 8 is a simple convertible debenture (or note) that contains a clause allowing for the automatic conversion of the debenture into preferred stock upon the company raising $3 million dollars. The debenture also allows the holder (an angel investor in this case) to convert it into equity at any time at a preset price per share; rarely is the right of conversion left to the discretion of the company. As the annotations in Appendix 8 explain, convertible promissory notes can have a variety of structures and terms related to conversion price, rate, timing, and other factors.
Interest is typically due on promissory notes and many investors will agree to accept interest payments in the form of stock (typically common stock) rather than cash. For any entrepreneur, cash is precious; most angel investors would prefer you use 100 percent of your cash to grow your company rather than paying interest on their debt. The issuance of convertible debentures for a short period before a preferred stock offering round of financing is called bridge financing. It results only in a minor amount of cumulated interest, so it is generally accepted by most investors.
Convertible debentures such as warrants and convertible promissory notes are the investment vehicle of choice for many angel investors because they are relatively straightforward. The angel investor agrees to automatically convert the debenture into a preferred stock offering for a discount off the price offered to other interested parties. Often the preferred stock financing will be negotiated by a venture capitalist or a group of angel investors, giving the investors a definitive advantage in negotiating investment terms. The original angel investor holding the convertible debenture then receives the investor-favorable terms negotiated in this next round and the entrepreneur has the financing needed to grow the company to a point when a venture capitalist would be interested in investing. The convertible debenture also provides this early-stage, high-risk investor with some security: if the company is unable to raise the next round of financing, the investor still holds a debt instrument that requires repayment upon maturity. This obligation of repayment, while possibly an illusion considering the typical strained coffers of a start-up company, does place the investor in a senior position to the founders and stockholders upon liquidation or dissolution of the company.
One side note: debt-heavy balance sheets, even with convertible debt, can result in difficulties concerning future financing, particularly with venture capitalists. Subsequent investors are not interested in seeing their money go to pay off an investor or shareholder—they want every penny applied to business growth and expansion. Therefore, in subsequent rounds investors will often insist that all debt be converted into equity, even straight debt.
Equity provides higher potential return but carries greater risk of loss. As noted, debt and equity investments differ over the lack of a legal obligation for repayment with the latter. Exceptions or caveats to this statement exist, for instance if the shareholders enter into an agreement obligating the company to repurchase shares at some time in the future. Also, redemption rights or the right to force the company to repurchase shares as a term of a stock offering (almost always preferred stock) would be considered a legal obligation for repayment. Nonetheless, investors approach a stock investment differently from a debt, both psychologically and in terms of benefit expectations. Because of the greater risk of loss, investors often take longer to make an equity investment decision and often require more information in the due diligence process. In addition, because of the higher level of risk, investors expect to receive a greater potential benefit. Preferred stock provides additional rights, preferences, and privileges to create at least a perceived balance for the investor between benefit and loss. Based on this reasoning, equity investments are best for high-growth potential ventures, since debt instruments (unless convertible) have a predefined cap on gain through interest payments (and perhaps some additional stock in the form of a warrant). In contrast, equity investments can achieve major multiples, sometimes returning ten or twenty times the investment—or more, on huge successes. You’ve surely seen the occasional news clip about angels and other early-stage investors putting in $100,000 that is now worth $10,000,000, which is why many angels get in the business in the first place.
From your perspective as the entrepreneur, equity investing has a lower financial risk since it generally does not carry an obligation of cash payments (except perhaps for mandatory dividend payments), whereas debt servicing will entail interest and principal payments. Also, some debt financing methods, such as lines of credit, have restrictive covenants that could cause you to default. Pure equity investments do not have default conditions unless the investor has a put option (right to demand repayment of equity investment after a set time period) or some other future obligation that creates a liability; however, put options and other obligations are not the typical equity investment.
Of course, nothing is perfect. Equity investments do have downsides. Because the risk of loss is higher for investors with an equity investment, investments can take three to six months from introduction to check in the bank. You may not have enough cash to last that long, so while you have a few options, the experienced entrepreneur must keep ahead of funding needs and avoid getting to a zero bank balance. This cash-over-time requirement is often termed “adequate runway,” referring to the length of runway a plane will need to land safely—or cash for a company to get to profitability—with different lengths needed for a two-seater and a jumbo jet.
Another downside to equity investing is ownership dilution for the founders, employees, and existing investors. Equity investors reduce your voting control, unless your investors agree to take nonvoting stock, which is quite unlikely. Equity investments can also reduce your management control, though this happens more often with venture capitalists than with angel investors. Venture capitalists will often require one or more seats on the board. This board structure often means greater involvement in management and certainly in strategic direction.
Angel investors often choose to have only information rights (the right to receive information on the company through various communication sources such as quarterly reports, monthly financials, annual report, business plans, and the like), rather than taking a seat on the board. Angels tend to avoid board seats—partly because they normally have a number of investments in their portfolios to provide appropriate diversification, and so do not have the time to serve on all their investments’ boards. In addition, angels answer only to themselves, unlike venture capitalists, who have limited partners to whom they owe the fiduciary and financial duties of minimizing risk and maximizing potential returns. Venture capitalists typically invest significantly more than angels and as a result have a greater stake in the company. Meanwhile, Sarbanes-Oxley has caused angels to shy away from serving on boards and thereby raising their perceived liability exposure.
If you must retain 100 percent control indefinitely, it may mean forgoing growth or struggling along with limits on potential financing. If you feel you need control in the short term, then convertible debentures may be a solution to your funding needs. While convertible debenture is considered equity for purposes of your capitalization structure and balance sheet, it does not have voting rights for the underlying shares. Only upon conversion can the holder exercise the voting rights for the stock, which postpones investors’ control to a future time.
Another factor to consider in deciding between debt and equity is prioritization upon liquidation—that is, how assets or sale proceeds will be allocated if the company goes out of business and distributes its remaining assets. The general priority of payment works like this:
• First repayment to secured and collateralized debt—senior position
• Second repayment to secured and collateralized debt—junior or subordinated position
• Third repayment to unsecured and noncollateralized debt (any of this debt being straight debt or convertible)
• Fourth repayment to preferred stock—which can be issued in a number of series
• Finally, repayment to common stock—that is, founder stock, employee stock, most friends and family, and some angels
If a company is closing its doors, the likelihood that common stock shareholders will receive payment if all these prior categories exist is slim at best. Note that options and warrants are not listed; until exercised, these represent only the right to purchase stock, not the actual underlying stock itself.
Based on all this information about debt and equity investing, the best advice in deciding your course of financing is to weigh the relative pros and cons of debt verses equity investing, understand your financial needs now and into the future, and know your investor market and their preferences.
Preferred stock, quite simply, is stock that has additional rights, preferences, and privileges beyond common stock. Preferred stock is the most popular investment vehicle for sophisticated angel investors because of these rights, which include the preference upon liquidation I just mentioned. Holders of preferred stock also have priority on dividends, rights to control certain corporate actions, and the privilege of choosing to receive a distribution as a preferred stock shareholder or converting the holdings into common stock if financially more advantageous, such as upon an initial public offering. Convertible debentures usually convert into preferred stock with the first preferred stock investment round. Preferred stock is often issued in series, with each series typically having sequential alphabetical identifiers, so the first series or round of preferred stock financing is Series A, the second round is Series B, and so on. In theory, each subsequent round or series should be for a higher valuation.
If your company will need one or more substantial rounds of financing after the angel financing round, simpler early round terms are best. An overly complicated term sheet in an early round can either suppress interest among potential subsequent investors or lead to demands from subsequent investors that early investors accept modified investment terms. Savvy angel investors understand this investment truism: The last gold rules. In other words, the most recent money being invested in a company controls overall terms, even for other rounds. Why? Because subsequent rounds are typically larger than their predecessors, representing a greater potential share of company ownership, and consequently they have greater influence. But most important, without the new round of financing, the company will tank—causing previous investors to lose their investment. So what should the earlier investor do? Stand hard on terms that subsequent investors find unacceptable, or accept compromises and see the company continue to grow? You can hope your investors would see the latter as the obvious choice, but unfortunately not all are that perceptive. This means you, as the entrepreneur, need to have a good understanding of investment options and terms. Several forms of angel investment have been introduced, with convertible debentures and preferred stock structures being two frequently used investment vehicles.
When a subsequent round of financing purchases ownership at a lower value than the prior round, it washes out the ownership percentage of earlier investors, along with the founders, employees, and other holders of common stock. This is called a “down round” and is a common fear among investors who have common stock, and another reason angel investors and venture capitalists favor preferred stock. To better understand the concept of a down round, look at
Table 3.2, and also the definition of “Cram Down” in the Glossary, Appendix 1.
Table 3.2 with
Table 3.3. The only difference between
Table 3.2 (the cram down) and
Table 3.3 (normal progression investments) is the price paid per share for the Series B preferred stock. Both rounds show a Series B round raise of $3,000,000, but with the cram down round at $0.50 per share for the Series B and previous Series A round raise at $1.00, while the normal progression round is at $1.00 per share for the Series B and the previous A round at $0.50. Note the definitive difference in percentage ownership for the founders, angel investors, and employee option-holders.
Table 3.2 Capitalization Table Showing Cram Down (or Down Round)
Table 3.3 Capitalization Table Showing Increasing Valuation Rounds
Note the significant difference in ownership percentage for all shareholders (and option holders) depending on the valuation, and therefore, the price per share for each round. Protection against this type of negative impact and numerous other reasons, including the need to balance risk with reward, drive the terms of a preferred stock round. Approaches to financing differ in different regions, so you may encounter different preferences for multiples on liquidation and for the extent of protection rights.
Because of the frequent use of preferred stock offerings, the terms of such offerings should be well understood.
Exhibit 3.1 provides a comprehensive listing and explanation of terms that may appear in a preferred stock offering. However, angel financing should be a scaleddown version if subsequent rounds of financing must be secured, particularly if those rounds will be venture capital. If a single round of financing will take the company to cash flow positive and to a level of financial confidence for intended growth, the angel round terms can be closer to those in the exhibit. Remember, this is only the term sheet that you should use to familiarize yourself with the construction of preferred stock agreements. Your legal counsel will utilize these or similar terms and conditions to create the final offering documents. The exhibit is set up to first show an example of language for a particular preferred stock term, followed by a discussion of the term. “Great Starts, Inc.” is a fictitious company used throughout this book for example purposes only.
Don’t be misled into thinking you must do a private placement memorandum (PPM) for every private placement of securities. Consultants are constantly telling young, inexperienced entrepreneurs they must put together a full offering document or PPM. The consultant charges $30,000 for the PPM—which is quite an impressive document when completed, but unnecessary if you have only accredited investors. So save your money, restrict yourself to accredited investors, and use your business plan, presentation, and existing documents to wow your prospective investors.
Be aware that in the United States, each state has its own securities regulations. Even though these regulations are fairly uniform and consistent with Federal requirements, never assume anything about state law. Seek counsel within any state in which you have a potential investor to ensure you are complying with that state’s securities regulations, along with Federal requirements.
While you were not looking for a legal treatise when you picked up this book, the fact of the matter is that private equity and debt financing, that is, angel financing, has lots of legal hurdles and pitfalls. The better informed you are, the better client you make for your counsel. In theory, this means reducing your legal expenses, but the big advantage is that your knowledge allows you to present yourself to prospective investors as informed and capable of talking their language. So bear with this discussion, as it will serve you well. One caveat—this is a brief review of the securities laws related to private offerings and is by no means complete nor all-inclusive. You should retain legal counsel for interpretation and application of these laws and other requirements related to securities offerings, including state securities laws.
Regulation D is part of the Securities Act of 1933 and governs private equity financings. Under the Securities Act of 1933, any offer to sell securities must either be registered with the SEC or meet an exemption from registration; Regulation D provides three exemptions from these registration requirements. Regulation D allows small companies to offer and sell securities without the burden and expense of registering with the SEC—a significant cost and time savings.
The essence of Regulation D is in Rule 501 through Rule 506. Rule 501 primarily contains definitions, including the definition of an accredited investor (see Glossary for full definition). (Regulation D has been reproduced in this book as Appendix 3 for ease of reference.) The definition of an accredited investor is quite lengthy and contains many categories, with the primary definitions for purposes of angel investing being these:
• Any natural person whose individual net worth, or joint net worth with that person’s spouse, at the time of his or her purchase exceeds $1,000,000;
• Any natural person who had an individual income in excess of $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with that person’s spouse in excess of $300,000 in each of those years and has a reasonable expectation of reaching the same income level in the current year; or
• Any entity in which all of the equity owners are accredited investors. (This is most often an angel fund, an arrangement that is becoming more prevalent.)
The first two definitions relate to individual angel investors and the third can relate to an angel fund. The definition of an accredited investor is a bright line test and carries an assumption of financial sophistication. Although not stated, these definitions imply an ability to bear the risk of losing an entire investment. Private equity investments are not for the weak of heart or pocketbook. Therefore, the SEC wrote the definition of an accredited investor to prevent those who cannot afford a loss from making investments without significant information, including explanation of any risk factors related to complete loss of their investment.
These definitions even have requirements. For instance, to qualify as an accredited investor under the $1,000,000 net worth category, investors must purchase at least $150,000 of the securities being offered, by one or a combination of four specific methods: cash, marketable securities, an unconditional obligation to pay cash or marketable securities over not more than five years, and cancellation of indebtedness. The rule also requires that “the total purchase price” may not exceed 20 percent of the purchaser’s net worth. The net value of one’s residence may be included in calculating net worth.
Section 502 describes the circumstances when information must be provided to investors during the course of the offering and prior to sale, as well as the information that must be provided by the offering company. These information disclosure requirements are extensive, time-consuming, and expensive. Therefore, most sophisticated entrepreneurs will refuse to accept nonaccredited investors, thus avoiding the information disclosure requirements under Section 502.
Regulation D provides for three exempt offerings:
Rule 504 is for offerings up to $1,000,000. Many people refer to this section as the intrastate exemption because the company issuing the securities (the “issuer”) need not comply with Federal information disclosure requirements if the securities offering is “exclusively in one or more states that provide for the registration of the securities, and require the public filing and delivery to investors of a substantive disclosure document before sale, and are made in accordance with those state provisions.” This provision also allows for exclusion from Federal information disclosure requirements for offerings made “exclusively according to state law exemptions from registration that permit general solicitation and general advertising so long as sales are made only to accredited investors.”
Rule 505 is for offerings up to $5,000,000.
Rule 506 has no limitation on the size of the offering—large or small.
Rules 505 and 506 are limited to thirty-five nonaccredited investors, but remember, if you accept nonaccredited investors you must comply with all Federal information disclosure requirements—something you want to avoid.
Certain purchasers are excluded from the permitted number of nonaccredited investors:
1. Any relative, spouse, or relative of the spouse of a purchaser who has the same principal residence as the purchaser
2. Any trust or estate in which a purchaser and any of the persons related to him collectively have more than 50 percent of the beneficial interest
3. Any corporation or other organization of which a purchaser and any of the persons related to him collectively are beneficial owners of more than 50 percent of the equity securities or equity interests
4. Any accredited investor
But don’t forget, even if you do not count these categories toward the nonaccredited investor limit, you must still comply with Federal information disclosure requirements if any investors are not accredited investors.
In addition, no general solicitation or advertising is allowed by the entrepreneur when looking for accredited investors. This latter prohibition catches many entrepreneurs unaware. The obvious no-no’s include advertisements in newspapers or any other general circulation publication and mass mailings offering your securities. But your hands aren’t tied; a one-on-one meeting with an accredited investor known to you from a previous business relationship is a great way to get investors without advertising, and you can find a broader audience at angel group meetings, investment forums, business plan competitions, and the like. Whether or not a presentation would be considered a general solicitation or advertising relates to many factors including if the audience is all accredited investors, if they are attending by invitation only, if no detailed offering documents are circulated, and other factors. The best approach is to ask the event sponsors if they have evaluated compliance with Federal and state securities laws. Most programs in which entrepreneurs make presentations on their business have considered these issues in years past because of the obvious importance to presenting companies. Finally, if the program has guidelines on presentation content and limitations on allowable materials for distribution—follow them. Most likely legal counsel has provided guidance on securities law compliance.
What this brief and partial review of Regulation D should tell you is—to make your life easier, either conduct an offering in compliance with Rule 504 (but remember this is for only up to $1,000,000 and you must still comply with state requirements) or sell securities only to accredited investors. Experienced securities lawyers will most often use only Rule 506, which has no offering limit, and strongly advise the acceptance of only accredited investors for the reasons given here and more.
Another attribute of accredited investors is their general understanding and knowledge of the time and energy needed to grow a company. Therefore, outside of avoiding information disclosure requirements, accredited investors are typically less demanding and can actually add value to a company. Nonaccredited investors, on the other hand, can be labor intensive because of their lack of financial and business sophistication and the more significant implications of any investment loss for them. If you question this logic, ask a few entrepreneurs who have accredited and nonaccredited investors which group calls more often and displays more stress about timing of a liquidity event.
To avoid some of the pitfalls associated with these regulations, you can use consultants who make their living raising capital for young companies and take a percentage of the money raised as their fee. Licensed broker-dealers have passed the requisite exams to offer such services and receive this “success fee.” Unfortunately, hundreds if not thousands of individuals also raise capital on a success fee basis, without having passed the required exams. This is a big no-no from the perspective of securities law compliance. So if you are approached by someone offering to raise your much-needed capital, as tempting as it may be to agree on the spot before they can get away, please confirm their status as an authorized broker-dealer. They should be able to provide you with a copy of their license, and your attorney should be able to verify their standing. The primary way consultants avoid the compliance issue is to charge a set fee, which is due regardless of their success or failure in raising capital, so that any capital raised does not have an associated success fee. These consultants often provide additional services of reviewing and revising your business plan, helping with strategic planning, and so on.
Finally, if you decide to accept nonaccredited investors despite the informed and enlightened advice in this book, provide all investors—even the accredited investors—with all required information. This is particularly true in light of the anti-fraud provisions of the federal securities laws. Also retain experienced securities counsel before talking to anyone about investing in your company. You can commit violations of the securities laws, including the ones that govern general solicitation and advertising, without even realizing it. Violating securities laws in an offering can result in the obligation to offer rescission rights to investors—that is, you have to offer your investors their money back.