The throat chakra is located at the base of the throat, and it unlocks our ability to clearly communicate and express ourselves with ease. Here it is said that Amrita, a Sanskrit term defined as “the nectar of the gods” and a synonym for female ejaculation, drips down from the bindu chakra located in the front of the head. This symbolizes receiving wisdom and speaking with discernment from a place of higher knowledge.

The throat chakra is associated with the thyroid, which produces hormones that regulate metabolism, and it governs the neck, vocal chords, ears, jaws, and teeth.


A Healthy Throat Chakra

When the throat chakra is balanced, you experience ease of communication from your truest self. You have a commitment to truth, as you may experience lies as too difficult to take part in. You hold on to your intention with great focus through any obstacles. Simple pleasures are enjoyed, and comfort is found through the voices of loved ones.

When the Throat Chakra Needs Acknowledgment

If this chakra is deficient, you may find it difficult to communicate or express sexual desires and needs. Your trauma could stem from being discouraged from expressing yourself as a child. For example, being ridiculed for an appreciation of the arts, being discouraged from dressing outside of gender stereotypes, or stifling emotion can cause this chakra to be depleted.

When this chakra is in excess, you may give into idle gossip, talk too much with little self-awareness or regard for those who are forced to listen, and/or be led to compulsive behaviors such as overeating.

When this chakra is out of balance, you may experience great self-doubt. Therefore, you may not truly understand what goals to focus on, and you may even pursue other people’s dreams. Without the ability to safely express yourself, you can turn to deceit to get what you want.

The Throat Chakra’s Role in Communication and Creativity

When this chakra is empowered, we can communicate not just through the spoken word but non-verbally as well. We become aware of the powerful communicative powers we possess through body language, through our subtle facial expressions and overall presence.

This chakra helps us to speak our truth, not only in terms of facts but including our clarity of consciousness, our hearts, and our power. It is with this that we feel heard and that what we say resonates easier with others because it is aligned with purity.

The throat chakra is connected to the sacral chakra. The sacral is the incubator of creativity; the throat is the means to demonstrate that creativity. When it’s healthy, we find it pleasurable to express our ideas and explore various aspects of our sexuality. We are active creators finding joy in expressing ourselves.

This center aligns with clarity of consciousness. When this chakra is open, we may find that we learn via speaking aloud, not afraid to hear how our words sound, and feel what resonates with our awareness. Speaking from a place of truth and listening to what is said, a person who has a healthy throat chakra will be able to feel what is right and learn from this act without judgment.

After one of her students performed well, opera teacher Renée Flemings would tell them not to try and repeat what they did or how they sang, but instead to repeat the process of how they got there. This is exactly what happens when energy flows freely in the throat chakra. Sex never becomes stagnant or about what “moves” you make. It becomes an improvised piece of art—a true creative act.

Because this chakra is also tied into the sense of hearing, listening is a major component of tuning in to this energy center. Listening and allowing others to express themselves without judgment or defensiveness is another way this chakra is expressed.

Finding Your Voice:

According to Taoist teachings, faking orgasm and pleasure, seeing sex as a performance, and anxiety can all contribute to vaginal numbness. Memories stuck in the vagina can block you from experiencing its full pleasurable potential. Take your time with this ritual. Remember, these exercises are not just about “getting off”; they are about turning on and tuning in. Whatever you experience is meant for you to experience. Keep a journal nearby to jot down any emotions, thoughts, or visions you have while performing this ritual. This will create more clarity and assurance of what you are achieving through this process of self-discovery.

For this ritual, we are going to activate and cleanse the throat chakra by internal massage, while communicating with ourselves through erotic language. This connects the sacral and throat chakras. If you do not have a vagina, you can employ the non-sensual touch elements of this exercise.

Begin by creating space for this ritual. Set it up in a place you are comfortable and will be undisturbed. Arrange it with pleasing music, scents, pillows, and/or anything else that makes you feel at ease. Thoroughly cleanse your hands and materials for this exercise.

Choose Your Crystals

A Rose Wand or Xaga Curve Chakrub will be curved with a bulbous tip for easily reaching the G-spot. If you don’t have one, simply use your fingers and connect to a throat crystal (see here) by holding it in your less dominant hand over your throat chakra.

1. Undress and, laying down, place one or two pillows underneath your pelvis.

2. Place your throat chakra crystal or Chakrub on your throat chakra. Breathe deeply and tune in to the energy of the crystal. Visualize blue light shining from this area.

3. Because the throat chakra is associated with hearing and expression, you are going to speak to yourself, saying things that ignite arousal, that you would wish to hear from a lover, or what you desire to say to a significant other. Express what it is you want. Tell yourself how sexy you are, and while you say it, hear the words.

4. Insert your Chakrub or fingers and explore. Touch different parts of yourself and note how each feels. Use circular motions, different amounts of pressure, treating this as a massage.

5. If you are using your fingers for this exercise, you may notice that some spots feel hotter than others; this is a sign of unprocessed emotions. Send love to these areas.

6. Continue speaking through this process, expressing what it is you feel and what you want to feel. You can move onto the sensual sound for this chakra, “eye.”

7. Whatever sensations arise internally, visualize that energy as blue filling up the throat chakra.

8. At the end of this exercise, rest with the Chakrub or throat chakra crystal on your throat chakra, and state the intention; “I feel expressive. I am heard.”

If you wish to explore your G-spot, once you build up arousal, place your fingers or insert your Chakrub without using pressure. With your palm facing up, press into the front vaginal wall and make a “Come hither” motion with your fingers or Chakrub. The G-spot, when aroused, feels like the texture of a walnut shell. At first it may feel strange, but don’t be afraid to press firmly.


Crystals for the Throat Chakra

The throat chakra reflects the color blue, which symbolizes trust, faith, respect, patience, and long-lasting focus to become our authentic selves and take responsibility for our actions. Light-blue crystals encourage acceptance, patience, and reconciliation when we’re seeking forgiveness. They can be used to break addictions or destructive patterns, temper anger, and restore a cheerful attitude. They are ideal for coping with grief and letting go of the past. Dark-blue crystals enhance our ability to direct respect and compassion within. They pass on lessons of humanity, discretion, and being of service to others.

Blue Kyanite

Derived from the Greek word meaning “blue,” kyanite is one of only a few stones that does not need to be cleansed and does not accumulate or retain negative energy. It helps one speak their truth and overcome victim mentalities. It is a highly adaptable stone and can be used for cleansing or clearing other crystals.


Encourages better communication and self-expression

– Creates a pathway for spiritual energy to flow through to thought

– Provides a path for transmitting and receiving healing energies

– Provides protection for those doing healing work

– Powerful stone for metaphysical work

– Helps one examine all aspects of the self to understand their soul’s purpose

– Promotes calm and tranquility

– Reveals destructive patterns and encourages a healthy shift in perspective

– Encourages resourcefulness and logical thinking in extreme situations

– Inspires loyalty and fair treatment

– Dispels illusion, anger, and frustration


Amazonite is rumored to have once adorned the shields of Amazonians, a mighty tribe of female soldiers. Legend claims that some of these warriors elected to remove one breast to improve their archery skills. They would rub their wounds with a polished amazonite stone to avoid infection. It was celebrated as a stone of courage and used to heal injuries and illnesses of all kinds.


Balances masculine and feminine energies as well as parts of the personality

– Awakens compassion and allows perspective to see both sides of an issue

– Encourages acceptance of different points of view

– Aids in overcoming loneliness

– Increases self-esteem and curbs tendencies to self-neglect

– Encourages happy marriages

– Enhances effective communication and helps one choose their words wisely

– Assists in setting appropriate boundaries to establish healthy relationships

– Powerful talisman of healing and prosperity

– Treats sexual disorders such as lack of desire, impotence, and sexual obsession


Lapis Lazuli

To the Ancient Egyptians, lapis lazuli represented the night sky and power of the gods. Adding it to medicines was thought to enhance the likelihood of being cured, what we would now consider a placebo effect. It is a crystal of universal truth and enhances all forms of communication.


Encourages honesty in both spoken and written word

– Invites calm, loving communication in homes with temperamental teenagers

– Promotes self-awareness and inner acceptance

– Allows difficult emotions to surface and releases repressed anger

– Encourages dignity in friendship and social interactions

– Provides clarity about life direction

– Reveals limitations and opportunities for growth to help one use their unique gifts

– Promotes creative problem solving

– Enhances intellectual ability and memory

– Brings harmony in relationships

– Beneficial for women suffering from menstrual irregularities

– Stimulates desire for knowledge and understanding and assists in the process of learning


Sodalite is called a Poet’s Stone for of its ability to help one communicate profound philosophical ideas and connect the logical with the spiritual. It’s a strong metaphysical stone that will help its wearer live up to their own ideas of truth and develop their intuition.


Helpful for ending arguments and communicating emotions in an honest, loving manner

– Quiets inner critic to the benefit of writers

– Encourages truthfulness within the subconscious to facilitate understanding of one’s spirituality

– Encourages idealism to remain true to one’s self and stand up for their beliefs

– Awakens latent creative abilities

– Stimulates psychic and clairvoyant abilities

– Illuminates negative patterns

– Strengthens the immune system

– Can be used during meditation to understand one’s present situation


Azurite was once considered a powerful psychic stone by the early Egyptians and settlers of Atlantis. The ancient Chinese called it the “Stone of Heaven” and believed it could open celestial gateways. It was coveted by the Greeks and Romans for its healing abilities and visionary potential. These beliefs have been passed down, and azurite is still considered a truth-enhancing, sacred stone.


Helps break negative patterns that stem from insecurity and fear

– Can be used to explore past or alternate lives and the ability to communicate the lessons from such experiences

– Invites healing light into consciousness and infuses it in thoughts, feelings, words, and actions

– Helps release stress and worry and provides courage to overcome grief and sadness

– Reveals reasons behind fears and phobias to facilitate their release

– Ideal for overcoming inferiority complexes and overcoming domestic bullying

– Provides confidence to those who hold back from expressing themselves

– Able to move subconscious thought to the front of the mind, where it can be tested for truth

– Protects one from being misled and allows them to decipher the truth

– Calms those who speak out of nervousness


The ancient Inuit believed that labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, explaining its extraordinary shimmer, which seems to separate our waking world from that of the unseen. Considered the matriarch of the subconscious mind, labradorite continues to be revered by spiritual shamans, healers, and divinators for its abilities to enhance intuition and connect us with higher realms.


Enables one to understand an energy field without entering it or absorbing its conditions

– Reduces anti-social, reckless, and impulsive behavior

– Provides moral strength for those who are easily led by others

– Awakens a sense of adventure to remove the emotional drain of daily routine and responsibility

– Protects from negativity and misfortune

– Assists in communication with higher realms

– Uplifts while banishing fears and enhancing trust in the universe

– Merges intellectual thought with intuitive wisdom to dispel illusion and understand the root causes of issues

– Energizes the imagination

– Enhances faith and reliance on one’s self

– Beneficial for uniting the chakra system


The oceanic blue reflected in aquamarine evokes calmness and relaxation, and it was once believed to be the treasure of mermaids. Sailors carried it as a talisman of safe travel and good luck. It was believed to be a stone of eternal youth.


Moves heart energy upward to allow one to speak their deepest, heartfelt truths

– Empowering stone that reveals the power in yielding instead of using force

– Provides courage to women to listen to their inner voice and enhance their intuition

– Dispels emotional numbness to allow men to communicate their feelings more easily

– Cleanses the emotional body and opens communication

– Gently brings emotional patterns to the surface to understand limitations

– Helps identify where the ego is causing one to play the victim or overreacting

– Provides support to children who have been through traumatic experiences and have disassociated from their emotional bodies

– Helps in moving through transition and change and reduces resistance to the unknown

– Helps clear out emotional baggage