The crown chakra is on top of the head, allowing us to connect to universal consciousness. This chakra allows us to comprehend that we are all one, and it strengthens our relationship to divination.

Physically this chakra governs the skull and the brain. It is associated with the central nervous system, cerebral cortex, pineal gland, and hypothalamus. Our ability to learn new information and our mental health have a lot to do with the functionality of the crown chakra.


A Healthy Crown Chakra

A healthy and balanced crown chakra allows sexual experiences to feel profound and enables one to feel in union with source energy, otherwise known as ecstasy. Egotism is lost here, as the experience of being connected to something great encapsulates you into a feeling of purpose. You’ll better understand your place both in the world and on your spiritual journey.

A feeling of bliss stems from connection to this chakra. You’ll experience a quiet yet powerful understanding of the bigger picture—why everything is as it is. The ability to honor past romantic relationships for what they have taught you and compassion for those who have hurt you are also strengthened through working with this energy center.

It is when connected to this chakra that we feel open to experiencing sexuality outside of our physical bodies, opening us up to energetic orgasms—orgasms that don’t require genital stimulation.

When the Crown Chakra Needs Acknowledgment

If this chakra has deficiencies, you may experience a lack of purpose. You may look to your romantic partner as an authority figure, and place grand illusions on yourself, celebrities, or partners. This could be because of a lack of connectedness to source energy, or “that which you call god,” as you may place emphasis on materialistic items or people to fill that void. You may experience a lack of self-trust or feelings of spiritual abandonment.

If this chakra has excesses, you may seem to float on air, as you aren’t grounded, and you may become addicted to fantastical spiritual ideas. The materialism of spirituality—having a certain fashion sense, decorating a particular way, or hoarding new age trends, for example—is expressed when this chakra is imbalanced. You might view past relationships through a mentality of entitlement, placing full blame on the other person, giving them authority in order to fill a spiritual void.

Loneliness is a natural part of the human experience. But connecting to the crown chakra and feeling that sense of connectedness to source energy allows us to recall that we are not alone; we are all connected. In this way, we allow the energy of loneliness to flow through us, rather than become solidified as isolation.

Royalty of the Crown Chakra

Think of a crown, with its pointy golden shape, being a conduit of powers beyond our physical senses. It has royalty and grace—royalty in the sense that we are connected to higher realms of consciousness, and grace because it is not met with egotism. This understanding puts us in alignment with values of interconnectedness. It helps us to understand that all the events of our lives are opportunities for higher learning.

Energy Orgasm:

For this exercise, you will be opening up to experiencing an energy orgasm. Unlike a clitoral or G-spot orgasm, energy or breath orgasms don’t require physical stimulation to occur (though they can happen in conjunction). I first experienced something like this in a workshop given by Barbara Carrellas. When she demonstrated it, she had a giggle fit. That was what her energy orgasm looked like—laughing harder and harder until it reached an energetic pique and then relaxing. My energy orgasm caused me to cry (as soon as the energy reached my heart chakra). It was an instant release. It could happen for you as a very subtle feeling, or you may experience it in a much larger way. Be patient and remain open to experiencing whatever you’re meant to. The more time you spend building up energy in each area, the more intense it will be.

This technique is inspired by the Fire Breath Orgasm, taught by Harley “SwiftDeer” Reagan, founder of the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society. According to Harley, fire breath orgasm was first done in ceremony by the Cherokee and is an important aspect of sex education and healing. Additional variations of fire breath orgasm have been found in ancient tantric and Taoist texts.

Eating clean for the day, exercising, or doing yoga will also prepare you to feel this more intensely. Fasting and detoxifying can also be beneficial for this chakra; however, consult a medical professional about the types of fasting and detoxes that will work best for you.

This exercise takes place with you lying flat on your back, so choose a space where you are comfortable lying on the floor. It is best to practice this on a hard surface (not cushiony like a bed). Lay down a blanket or yoga mat. If you have neck or back injuries, you may wish to grab added pillows to cushion them.

Pick a time when you will not be interrupted for at least an hour. You may choose to fill the area with sage, copal, myrrh, frankincense, juniper, or palo santo, or spray it with essential oils. You can put on instrumental music or music that is in a foreign language so you are not distracted by understanding the lyrics.

Set an intention for this practice. When you’re working with the crown chakra, being that it is a portal to divine realms and a channel for spiritual awakening, your intention may be simply, “I know and understand.” If you’d like, you can add onto this intention with something more specific to you and what you are feeling called to increase your faith in.


Choose Your Crystals

Crystals that are violet, white, clear, or golden are excellent for working with the crown chakra. A point or wand is beneficial, as in this exercise we are moving energy from the root chakra up to the crown chakra. Now that you have a crystal that corresponds to each chakra, you can place each one on its corresponding center on your body.

Optional: Keep a piece of black tourmaline by your feet to remain grounded throughout this exercise.

Lay down flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place each of your chakra crystals on the seven chakras with the root chakra crystal on your pubic bone and your crown chakra crystal about two inches above your head. If any crystals fall during this practice, gently place them back. This exercise will take about 20 minutes.

1. Get comfortable and focus on your breathing. Take note of any tension you are holding in your body and let it go. Take your time and continue until you feel clear in your mind and relaxed in your body.

2. Breathe more deeply. Open your mouth and release all the air from your lungs. Then, slowly breathe as much air in through your nose as you can. At the height of this breath, take in a little more. Release it slowly through your mouth. At the bottom of the breath, see if you can release a little more. Do this again, and again, and again. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Take no pauses; just make it a continuous circular breathing pattern.

3. Bring attention to your root chakra and tap this crystal with your dominant hand. You may wish to add sensual touch by also moving your hands over your thighs, or do whatever feels good. Imagine the feeling of intense pleasure and visualize it being released from tapping the crystal. Infuse erotic energy into your breathing and contractions. On an exhale, you can moan the root chakra sensual sound “uh.”

4. When you feel the energy in this area has built to its highest potential, begin tapping your sacral chakra crystal. Energy follows thought forms, so simply think about pulling energy from the earth into your perineum. Let energy brew in your root and sacral chakras; imagine it circulating back and forth. As this area begins to light up, move your attention to the solar plexus chakra by tapping its corresponding crystal. Allow the energy to move from your root up through your belly, then from your sacral chakra to your solar plexus. Keep circulating and letting the fire build.

5. Next move your attention up and tap the heart chakra crystal. Circulate energy from the belly to the heart, back and forth.

6. As you work your way up from the heart to the throat chakra, you might find yourself making some noises. If this does not happen automatically, consciously make sounds to help clear energy and allow it to move through the higher chakras. The sensual sound associated with the crown chakra is “ee”. Keep circulating energy between the heart and throat chakras until you can feel it rising to the third eye.

7. Distribute energy from the throat to the third eye, continuously tapping the crystals and visualizing orgasmic energy being released.

8. Move the energy from the third eye to the crown of your head. It might feel like energy is shooting from the top of your head, like water out of a spigot. Let it flow through you. Your breathing patterns will change, your heart rate may quicken, and you might laugh hysterically or cry. With practice, you’ll learn to ride these waves of energetic pleasure.

9. At the end of this practice, ground your body into the floor by pressing your weight against it. Disperse the energy you’ve created around your entire body, resume to a normal breathing pattern, and state your intention: “I am understanding more and more.”

If any crystals fall during this practice, gently place them back. You can also keep them by your side and use the ones you need for whichever correlating chakra you are working on. You can also employ one crystal and move it as you work up towards the crown.

Whatever your experience, don’t get discouraged. What comes up from you is meant for you. Whether you have an energy orgasm or not, note that you are learning to be aware of energy and beginning to incorporate that understanding into your life. Try to be patient. Some people will achieve orgasm on their first try, and for others it may take years. Continue practicing even if you do not experience an orgasm. The breathing and energy techniques involved in this practice will help to remove blocks so that orgasmic energy can flow through you. Blocks can be experienced in a variety of ways—stress, frustration, crying, or the surfacing of old memories, for example. Just breathe through it. Imagine yourself releasing old stagnant energy with each exhale and bringing in new energy with each inhale.

Crystals for the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra’s primary color is violet, and its secondary color is white. Violet crystals awaken the intuition, enhance dreams, and stir the imagination. It is also the color of nobility and luxury and evokes pleasure. White crystals reflect the energy of the moon, natural cycles, birth, and regeneration. Just as the moon was once our guiding light during the dark hours, white crystals can illuminate the unseen spiritual world.



Named after the Greek moon goddess Selene, one eleventh-century lapidary claimed that selenite grew with the waxing moon and diminished with the waning phases. It is one of few stones that does not need to be cleansed and can be used to cleanse other stones or objects. A crystallized version of gypsum, which is used for luck and protection, Selenite will dissolve in water. Desert rose selenite can be used to dissolve self-imposed limitations and assist in replacing those programs.


Encourages mental flexibility and honesty to help maintain loving relationships with ease

– Good for the spinal column, puberty, menopause, joints, and breasts

– Encourages harmony and inner peace, allowing one to recognize love and act in a loving manner

– Promotes fertility and increases the libido, provides protection during pregnancy and menopause

– Shields the mind from negative influences

– Acts as an emotional stabilizer and cures mood swings

– Brings divine light to everything it touches and transmutes emotional energy

– Releases feelings behind psychosomatic illnesses and emotional blockages

– Helps one understand inner processes and integrate shadow qualities

– Helps connect to higher self, guides, and past lives

– Strengthens memory

– Reverses the effects of free radicals

– Clears energy blockages

– Assists with meditation

– Promotes fertility and increases the libido

– Promotes mental clarity

– Enhances the properties of other stones and ideal for crystal grids


Ancient Romans believed the highly coveted moonstone encapsulated the image of Diana, the Moon Goddess, who could endow love, wealth, victory, and wisdom upon its possessor. Moonstone contains as many mysteries as the moon and is a crystal of love and eroticism that promotes fertility. A moonstone necklace worn during lovemaking at the full moon is believed to harmonize the body into the natural lunar cycle.


Attunes one to the natural rhythms of the body and enables natural energy cycles

– Promotes ease in pregnancy and childbirth, alleviates menstrual problems, and balances the hormonal system

– Stimulates Kundalini energy and carnal desires

– Helps reunite loved ones who have parted in anger

– Opens the heart to nurturing qualities to allow one to accept love

– Encourages mastery of emotions by bringing them under control of the higher will rather than repressing them

– Identifies emotional patterns stored in the subconscious

– Enhances the intuitive side of the mind and helps women claim their feminine power and clairvoyant abilities

– Assists men in becoming more in tune with their feminine nature and encourages creative, non-linear thinking

– Soothing for those spending the night away from home; drives away nightmares and encourages restful sleep

– Treats sleepwalking


Discovered in the 1940s and originating from an area of Siberia once associated with political prisoners, charoite provided comfort and became a symbol of endurance. It is named after the Chara River in eastern Siberia, the only place in the world where it is found.


Grounds heightened spiritual energy

– Provides connection for those who work away from home or live alone with little outside contact

– Provides emotional support for those suffering from loneliness

– Talisman for acceptance and eases fears of poor health, pain, and dying

– Opens one up to their full potential and encourages service to others

– Enhances one’s generosity and understanding of dualities

– Allows one to examine deeply rooted fears and determine what is real and what has been created by the mind

– Allows one to release compulsions and obsessions and calms frustration and worry

– Provides a gateway to universal energy

– Cleanses the aura and fills chakra with emotional purity


Derived from the ancient Greek word amethustos, meaning “not drunk,” amethyst was carved by the Greeks into ancient drinking gourds to ward off drunkenness. It has been called the “couple’s stone,” as it deepens relationships and allows for a more spiritual communion.


Boosts hormone production

– Highlights root causes behind negative behaviors and emotional patterns

– Sustains peaceful energy to help one overcome addictions

– Provides comfort to those grieving the loss of a loved one

– Releases sorrow and provides understanding of the soul’s eternal existence

– Carries high spiritual energy and encourages devotion to the divine

– Enhances intuition and psychic powers, including lucid dreaming

– Eliminates impatience and promotes calm and peace

– Inspires spiritual growth and enlightenment

– Protects against psychic attacks and opens channels for telepathy, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and other gifts

– Purifies the aura of negative energy and provides emotional stability

Clear Quartz

Eighth-century BCE Greek priest Onomacritus once said that anyone entering a temple with a quartz crystal in hand was certain to have his prayers answered, as the Gods could not resist its power. Today we call it the master healer stone, and it represents the largest, most diverse family in the mineral kingdom. Clear quartz contains a prismatic quality that vibrates its energy throughout all color frequencies. One must feel deserving and in harmony to receive the gifts of this crystal.


Opens the head and heart to higher guidance and allows for source energy to be translated to the physical world

– Can aid in manifestation, meditation, expanding consciousness, communication with guides, past-life recall, and attracting love by amplifying one’s intention or energy

– Protects the aura and dispels static electricity to cancel out the effects of radiation

– Conducive to sleep and deciphering messages received during a dream state

– Harmonizes with the entire chakra system and demonstrates our ability to do the same

– Links the physical dimension with the spiritual

– Enhances communication with plants, crystals, animals, and higher realms

– Integrates light and positive energy into one’s daily thoughts, feelings, and actions

– Increases awareness and clarity in thought

– Filters against negativity and encourages one to be mindful with their words