End Notes

1: You will get this particular SAS output by choosing the PROC MEANS program (e.g. see “Code06a Continuous descriptives”) and using the keywords “N MEAN STD STDERR PROBT LCLM UCLM.” [return]
2: For instance, the bootstrap generally cannot find confidence intervals for the maximum or minimum. Also, if a sample is very small (say < 25 observations) bootstrapping may not work for many techniques. [return]
3: This is not always true: sometimes you have all the data on the complete population (what we would call a census), for instance you may only be interested in studying your own employees and you have all required data on all your employees. In this case, there is not really a “broader population” in the short term. But, when your employee pool changes due to turnover and new hires, it becomes a new population, so your statistics on the current employee pool could be seen as a sample of the broader employee population over time. [return]