


by Dave Wolverton

War Hero

by Brian Trent

Illustrated by Jon Eno

Planetary Scouts

by Stephen Sottong

Illustrated by Joshua Meehan

Twelve Seconds

by Tina Gower

Illustrated by Luis Menacho

The Manuscript Factory

by L. Ron Hubbard

The Grande Complication

by Christopher Reynaga

Illustrated by Olivia Xu

Cop for a Day

by Chrome Oxide

Illustrated by Jon Eno

Gonna Reach Out and Grab Ya

by Eric Cline

Illustrated by Daniel Reneau

The Sport of Writing

by Nnedi Okorafor

Vestigial Girl

by Alex Wilson

Illustrated by Jackie Albano

Holy Days

by Kodiak Julian

Illustrated by Aldo Katayanagi

The Ghost Wife of Arlington

by Marilyn Guttridge

Illustrated by Sida Chen

Journey for a New Artist

by Larry Elmore

Everything You Have Seen

by Alisa Alering

Illustrated by Karsen Slater


by Shannon Peavey

Illustrated by James J. Eads


by Andrea Stewart

Illustrated by Lucas Durham

Master Belladino’s Mask

by Marina J. Lostetter

Illustrated by Tiffany England

The Year in the Contests