Page numbers in italics indicate recipe photos on pages separate from recipes.


Activated charcoal, as binder, 45

Active vs. passive sweating, 78

Allergies/asthma, improving, 18

Alzheimer’s disease, protecting against, 18, 20

Apple Cider Vinegar Water, 136–137

Arugula Soup with Sprouted Mung Beans, 58–59

Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), 19

Asian Turnip and Cabbage Soup, 60–61

Avgolemono Soup, 62–63


Chicken Broth with Avocado, 70–71

Chilled Avocado Soup, 72–73


Beans and other legumes

Arugula Soup with Sprouted Mung Beans, 58–59

Chinese Cabbage and Mung Bean Soup, 76–77

Sprouted Mung Bean Soup, 116–117

Bedtime, stopping eating three hours before, 13, 14

Beef Bone Broth, 162–163

Beef Bone Broth Tea, 138–139

Binders, 45–46

Blood pressure, improving, 17

Bok choy

about: nutritional and health benefits, 17–21

Bok Choy and Ginger Soup, 64–65

Laksa Soup, 100–101

Bone broth. See Broths

Braised Kale Soup, 66–67

Breastfeeding, KetoFasting and, 30


about: DIM in, 44–45; nutritional and health benefits, 17–21, 44–45; preparing, 21

Italian Egg Drop Soup (broccolini), 90–91

Roasted Broccoli Soup, 106–107

Romanesco Soup with Pesto, 110–111

Broths, 161–173

about: bone broth and making it, 37–39

Beef Bone Broth, 162–163

Beef Bone Broth Tea, 138–139

Chicken Bone Broth, 164–165

Chicken Broth with Avocado, 70–71

Chimichurri Bone Broth, 74–75

Fish Broth, 166–167

Mushroom Broth, 168–169

Pete’s Super Broth Tea, 154–155

Pork Bone Broth, 170–171

Vegetable Broth, 172–173

Brussels sprouts

about: DIM in, 44–45; nutritional and health benefits, 17–21, 44–45

Cabbage and Brussels Sprout Soup, 68–69

Roasted Brussels Sprout and Cauliflower Soup, 108–109

Buddhism, fasting and, 7



about: DIM in, 44–45; nutritional and health benefits, 17–21, 44–45

Asian Turnip and Cabbage Soup, 60–61

Cabbage and Brussels Sprout Soup, 68–69

Chinese Cabbage and Mung Bean Soup, 76–77

Laksa Soup, 100–101

Turmeric Kraut, 132–133

Watercress, Cabbage, and Shiitake Soup, 120–121

Calorie target, 15

Cancer-causing agents, 34

Cancer, reducing risk of, 19–21, 24, 25, 27, 44–45, 46

Carbohydrates, macronutrient targets for, 15

Carbon and carbon block filters, for water, 36


about: DIM in, 44–45; nutritional and health benefits, 17–21, 44–45

Avgolemono Soup, 62–63

Creamy Curried Cauliflower Soup, 78–79

Indian-Spiced Cauliflower Soup, 88–89

Roasted Brussels Sprout and Cauliflower Soup, 108–109

Vegetable Broth, 172–173

Chamomile tea, about, 23

Chamomile Tea recipe, 140–141

Charcoal, activated, as binder, 45


Avgolemono Soup, 62–63

Chicken Bone Broth, 164–165

Chicken Broth with Avocado, 70–71

Chicory Tea, 142–143

Children, KetoFasting and, 30

Chilled Avocado Soup, 72–73

Chimichurri, 75

Chimichurri Bone Broth, 74–75

Chinese Cabbage and Mung Bean Soup, 76–77

Chitosan, as binder, 45–46

Chlorella, as binder, 46

Christianity, fasting and, 7

Chromium-6, in water, 35

Citrus pectin, modified, 46

Coconut chips, turmeric and ginger, 130–131

Coffee, Mitomix, 150–151

Colitis, aiding treatment of, 18

Contraindications for KetoFasting, 30–31

Creamy Curried Cauliflower Soup, 78–79

Creamy Turnip Soup with Mesclun, 80–81

Cronometer, tracking nutrient intake, 29–30

Cruciferous vegetables. See also Bok choy; Broccoli; Brussels sprouts; Cabbage; Cauliflower; Kale

healthy compounds in, 18–21

nutritional and health benefits, 17–21

sulforaphane and, 17, 18, 19–21, 45

super-nutrients in, 17

Cyclical ketosis/ketogenic diet, 4–5, 13–14


Daikon soup, Japanese, 92–93

Dandelion root tea, about, 22–23

Dandelion Tea recipe, 144–145


active vs passive sweating and, 78

binders aiding, 45–46

cruciferous vegetables for, 17

flushing toxins from body, 12

foods/recipes facilitating, 4

gradual approach to fasting for, 4

liquids for KetoFast days and, 21–23, 33–37

metabolic flexibility and, 4

nourishing filtration organs for, 33–39

paradox, 11–12

potential side effects from, 4, 12–13

releasing toxins into blood, 3–4, 11–12

sauna therapy for. See Saunas

sulforaphane and, 20

supplements aiding, 41–46

sweating to remove toxins from body, 47–48. See also Saunas

transforming toxins from fat- to water-soluble, 12

two things needed for, 12

Diabetes, contraindications for KetoFasting and TRE, 31

Diabetes, reducing risk and treating, 17–18, 20

DIM (diindolylmethane), 19, 44–45

Dioxane (1,4), in water, 35

Drinks and teas, 135–159. See also Water

about: acceptable for KetoFasting days, 21–23; chamomile tea, 23; dandelion root tea, 22–23; drinking plenty of pure water, 33–35; herbal tea benefits, 22–23; honeybush tea, 22; other useful teas and herbs, 23; rooibos tea, 22; things to add to, 22

Apple Cider Vinegar Water, 136–137

Beef Bone Broth Tea, 138–139

Chamomile Tea, 140–141

Chicory Tea, 142–143

Dandelion Tea, 144–145

Fish Tea, 146–147

Honeybush Tea, 148–149

Mitomix Coffee/Tea, 150–151

Mushroom Tea, 152–153

Pete’s Super Broth Tea, 154–155

Seaweed Tea, 156–157

Vegetable Tea, 158–159



Avgolemono Soup, 62–63

Italian Egg Drop Soup, 90–91


Fasting. See also Intermittent fasting; KetoFasting

benefits/effects of, 3–4

burning fat for fuel and, 3–4

gradual approach to, 4

history of, 7–8

introduction to, 3–5

meaning of, 3

metabolic flexibility and, 4, 9

partial, 10

quotes from prominent figures on, 7

releasing toxins, 3–4, 11–12

safety considerations, 11–12

time-restricted eating (TRE) or Peak Fasting, 9–10, 13, 30–31

types of, 9–10

water-only, 10, 11


macronutrient targets for, 15

releasing toxins (POPs) into your blood, 4

toxins stored in, 3–4

Fijian Fish Soup, 82–83

Filtering water, 35–37

Filtration organs, nourishing, 33–39


Fijian Fish Soup, 82–83

Fish Broth, 166–167

Fish Tea, 146–147

Flavorings/spices. See Sauces and seasonings

Foods, for KetoFasting, 17–21. See also specific main ingredients for recipes

Franklin, Benjamin, on fasting, 7

French Onion Soup, 84–85


Garam Masala, 89

Garlic soup, healing, 86–87


Bok Choy and Ginger Soup, 64–65

Turmeric and Ginger Coconut Chips, 130–131

Goldhamer, Dr. Alan, 8

Gout, tendency toward, 31

Graham, Sylvester, 8


Healing Garlic Soup, 86–87

Health, cruciferous vegetable benefits for, 17–21. See also specific cruciferous vegetables

Heart health, 18

Herbal tea. See Drinks and teas

Hippocrates, on fasting, 7

History of fasting, 7–8

Honeybush tea, about, 22

Honeybush Tea recipe, 148–149

Hydration. See Drinks and teas


Indian-Spiced Cauliflower Soup, 88–89

Inflammation, suppressing chronic, 17

Infra-red saunas. See Saunas

Intermittent fasting, 4. See also KetoFasting; Time-restricted eating (TRE) or Peak Fasting

Ion exchange, filtering water with, 36

Islam, fasting and, 7


Japanese Daikon Soup, 92–93

Jennings, Isaac, 7–8

Judaism, fasting and, 7



about: nutritional and health benefits, 17–21

Braised Kale Soup, 66–67

Kale Chips, 126–127

Kale Minestrone, 94–95

Warming Vegetable Soup, 118–119


calorie target calculation, 15

contraindications, 30–31

cyclical ketosis/ketogenic diet and, 4–5, 13–14

following ketogenic diet, 13

gradual approach of, 4

guidelines, 13–14

incorporating KetoFast days, 14

liquids acceptable for, 21–23. See also Drinks and teas

macronutrient targets for, 15

Peak Fasting and, 9–10, 13

restricting window for eating, 13

steps delineated, 13–14

stopping eating three hours before bedtime, 13

tracking nutrient intake on cronometer, 29–30

Ketosis, cyclical, 4–5, 13–14

Kidney function, improving and preventing disease, 18

Kidneys, nourishing, 33–39

Kohlrabi and Caramelized Onion Soup with Macadamia, 96–97

Kohlrabi and Leek Soup, 98–99

Kraut, turmeric, 132–133


Laksa Soup, 100–101

Leaky gut, aiding treatment of, 18

Leeks, in bone broths. See Broths

Leeks, in Kohlrabi and Leek Soup, 98–99

Liquids for KetoFast days, 21–23, 33–37. See also Drinks and teas

Liver function, supporting, 17, 33–39


Macronutrient breakdown/targets, 15

Magnesium, 41–42

Malnourishment, KetoFasting and, 30

Measurement conversion chart, 174–175

Meat, in bone broths. See Broths

Medications, KetoFasting and, 31

Metabolic flexibility, 4, 9

Metric conversion chart, 174–175

Milk thistle, 42–43

Minestrone, kale, 94–95


far-IR and, 49

NAD+ and health of, 19, 23

recharging using water, 37

sauna therapy for, 49, 51

seeds beneficial for, 24, 25, 28

supplements for, 41–42, 46

Mitomix Coffee/Tea, 150–151

Mitomix Seed Blend, about, 27–28

Modified citrus pectin, as binder, 46

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), 43–44


Mushroom Broth, 168–169

Mushroom Tea, 152–153

Watercress, Cabbage, and Shiitake Soup, 120–121

Mustard Greens Soup with Almonds, 102–103


NAC (N-acetylcysteine), 43

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), 19, 23

Nitrates, in water, 35


Kohlrabi and Caramelized Onion Soup with Macadamia, 96–97

Mustard Greens Soup with Almonds, 102–103


Obesity, reducing risk of, 17

Oil, turmeric, 86

Okra, in Radish and Okra Soup, 104–105


French Onion Soup, 84–85

Kohlrabi and Caramelized Onion Soup with Macadamia, 96–97

Kohlrabi and Leek Soup, 98–99

Osteoarthritis, reducing risk of, 17


Paleo Laksa Spice Paste, 101

Parkinson’s disease, protecting against, 18

Partial fasting, about, 10. See also KetoFasting

Passive vs active sweating, 78

Peak Fasting. See Time-restricted eating (TRE)

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), 11, 12

Pesticides and herbicides, 11–12, 27, 33, 36, 41

Pete’s Super Broth Tea, 154–155

Pho, 112–113

Photobiomodulation (PBM), 49

Plato, on fasting, 7

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 12

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 12, 46

Pork Bone Broth, 170–171

Pregnancy, KetoFasting and, 30

Probiotics, 41

Protein, macronutrient targets for, 15

Psyllium husks/seeds, 27, 41


Spicy Pumpkin Seed “Popcorn,” 128–129


Radish and Okra Soup, 104–105

Recipes, about, 4–5, 54. See also Broths; Drinks and teas; Snacks; Soups

Resources, other, 5

Reverse osmosis, filtering water with, 35

Roasted Broccoli Soup, 106–107

Roasted Brussels Sprout and Cauliflower Soup, 108–109

Romanesco Soup with Pesto, 110–111

Rooibos tea, 22


Safety of fasting, 11–12

Sauces and seasonings

Chimichurri, 75

Garam Masala, 89

Paleo Laksa Spice Paste, 101

Turmeric Oil, 86

Saunas, 48–53

activating bodily healing capacity, 49

active vs passive sweating and, 48

buying/building your own, 51–52

choosing low- or no-EMF near-IR unit, 52

far-IR misrepresentations, 50

“full-spectrum” far-IR precaution, 50

incandescent near-IR heating benefits, 50–51

increasing detoxification through sweat, 47–48

near-IR vs. far-IR, 48–51

safety guidelines, 52–53

therapeutic dosing, 51

Seasonings. See Sauces and seasonings

Seaweed Tea, 156–157


about: black cumin, 24–25; black sesame, 25; chia, 26–27; flaxseeds, 25–26; hemp, 26; Mitomix Seed Blend, 27–28; nutritional and health benefits, 24–28; overview of uses, 24; psyllium, 27, 41

Romanesco Soup with Pesto, 110–111

Spicy Pumpkin Seed “Popcorn,” 128–129

Shelton, Herbert M., D.C., N.D., 8

Simple Pho, 112–113

Skin, promoting healthy/beautiful, 18

Sleep, stopping eating three hours before bedtime, 13, 14

Snacks, 125–133

Kale Chips, 126–127

Spicy Pumpkin Seed “Popcorn,” 128–129

Turmeric and Ginger Coconut Chips, 130–131

Turmeric Kraut, 132–133

Soups, 57–123. See also Broths

Arugula Soup with Sprouted Mung Beans, 58–59

Asian Turnip and Cabbage Soup, 60–61

Avgolemono Soup, 62–63

Bok Choy and Ginger Soup, 64–65

Braised Kale Soup, 66–67

Cabbage and Brussels Sprout Soup, 68–69

Chicken Broth with Avocado, 70–71

Chilled Avocado Soup, 72–73

Chimichurri Bone Broth, 74–75

Chinese Cabbage and Mung Bean Soup, 76–77

Creamy Curried Cauliflower Soup, 78–79

Creamy Turnip Soup with Mesclun, 80–81

Fijian Fish Soup, 82–83

French Onion Soup, 84–85

Healing Garlic Soup, 86–87

Indian-Spiced Cauliflower Soup, 88–89

Italian Egg Drop Soup, 90–91

Japanese Daikon Soup, 92–93

Kale Minestrone, 94–95

Kohlrabi and Caramelized Onion Soup with Macadamia, 96–97

Kohlrabi and Leek Soup, 98–99

Laksa Soup, 100–101

Mustard Greens Soup with Almonds, 102–103

Radish and Okra Soup, 104–105

Roasted Broccoli Soup, 106–107

Roasted Brussels Sprout and Cauliflower Soup, 108–109

Romanesco Soup with Pesto, 110–111

Simple Pho, 112–113

Spiced Pumpkin Soup, 114–115

Sprouted Mung Bean Soup, 116–117

Warming Vegetable Soup, 118–119

Watercress, Cabbage, and Shiitake Soup, 120–121

Zucchini Soup with Fresh Mint, 122–123

Spices. See Sauces and seasonings

Spicy Pumpkin Seed “Popcorn,” 128–129

Spicy Squash Soup, 114–115

Sprouted Mung Bean Soup, 116–117


Spicy Squash Soup, 114–115

Steps to KetoFast, 13–14

Structured (H3O2), 37

Sulforaphane, 17, 18, 19–21, 45

Supplements, 41–46


active vs passive, 78

increasing detoxification with, 47–48

sauna therapy for. See Saunas

Sweeteners, artificial, 12


Teas. See Drinks and teas

Time-restricted eating (TRE) or Peak Fasting, 9–10, 13, 30–31

Toxins. See also Detoxification

binders to capture/remove, 45–46

bone broth and, 38

flushing out of body, 12

PAHs, 12, 46

PCBs, 12

POPs, 11, 12

released from fat into blood, 3–4, 11

sauna therapy for removing. See Saunas

stored in fat cells, 3

transforming from fat- to water-soluble, 12

in water, removing, 33–35

TrueNorth Health Center, 8

Turmeric Kraut, 132–133

Turmeric Oil, 86


Asian Turnip and Cabbage Soup, 60–61

Creamy Turnip Soup with Mesclun, 80–81

Twain, Mark, on fasting, 7


Ubiquinol (CoQ10), 41

Uric acid (high), KetoFasting and, 31


Vegetable Broth, 172–173

Vegetables. See also specific vegetables

about: cruciferous vegetable benefits, 17–21; factors impacting beneficial effects of, 21; preparing, 21; what you eat with, 21

bone broths with. See Broths

Seaweed Tea, 156–157

soups with. See Soups

Vegetable Broth, 172–173

Vegetable Tea, 158–159

Vitamin D, production of, 49


Warming Vegetable Soup, 118–119

Water. See also Drinks and teas

filtration system options, 35–37

liquids for KetoFast days and, 21–23

from natural, deep springs, 36

pure, drinking plenty of, 33–35

sauna use and intake of, 53

structured (H3O2), 37

things to add to, 22

Water-only fasting, 10, 11

Watercress, Cabbage, and Shiitake Soup, 120–121

Weight, contraindication for fasting, 30



Simple Pho, 112–113

Zucchini Soup with Fresh Mint, 122–123