1. Veach, 22

2. Jefferson, 109

3. Corlis Papers, Filson Historical Society

4. The Kentucky Encyclopedia, 228

5. Lehmann, 262

6. Veach, 24

7. US Congress, 47–48

8. “Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs,” 94

9. Wagner, 171

10. “Slave Trade,” 26

11. Pearce, 11

12. Young, 166

13. Portions of this sidebar appeared in my Whisky Advocate story about bourbon taxes.

14. “New Whiskey Ruled Out for Rest of Year,” 9

15. US Congress, 21


1. Edstrom, Ed. “Nice Work if You Can Get It.” St. Louis Globe-Democrat, May 31, 1943. Section C, page 1.

2. This quote originally appeared in my Whisky Advocate coverage regarding barrel wood forestry.


1. Hennesey, 81

2. Bonforts Wine and Spirit Circular, no. 212, October 10, 1883.

3. Filson Club, 79

4. Life, R4

5. Pacult, F. Paul, American Still Life: The Jim Beam Story and the Making of the World’s #1 Bourbon (Wiley, 2003). Page 164.

6. Lowery, Steve, “Noe Bourbon for Him.” Kentucky Standard, April 11, 1988. Page 3.

7. Carson, Gerald, The Social History of Bourbon (University Press of Kentucky, 2010).

8. Veach, 53

9. Van Winkle Campbell, Sally, But Always Fine Bourbon: Pappy Van Winkle and the Story of Old Fitzgerald (Limestone Lane Press, 1999). Page 22.

10. Portions of this Woodford Reserve biography were originally published in my tasting-panel coverage of the brand.