
This book would not be the same without the editing skills of Eric’s oldest child, Carissa, and Mormonism Research Ministry associate Sharon Lindbloom. Both of you have made this book better and we are deeply indebted to you. Also, we want to thank those contributors who have provided a diversity of evangelistic methods described in this book and made this project possible. We believe your ideas will encourage many who will use these approaches in the upcoming years. May our Lord provide you with His richest blessing on your ministries. Finally, a book of evangelism aimed at a specific people group (Mormons) is a tough sell for most publishers, but our hats go off to Terry Glaspey and the team at Harvest House Publishers. You believed in this project from the very beginning and have been supportive each step of the way. Thank you for your ministry mindset and a sincere desire to see Mormons find their way to Jesus.