Introduction: Should Christians Share the Good News with Mormons?—Eric Johnson
Section 1: Basic Training Approaches
1. Helping Our Friends Evaluate Truth Claims: The Straight-Thinking Approach—Mark Mittelberg
2. Sharing the Reasons for God: The Evidence Approach—Dr. Sean McDowell
3. Did God Really Say So? The Reliability-of-the-Bible Approach—Matt Slick
4. Who Is the Real Jesus? The Christ-Centered Approach—Dr. Robert M. Bowman Jr.
Section 2: Reasoning Approaches
5. Investigating Mormonism: The Case-Making Approach—J. Warner Wallace
7. Joseph Smith’s First Vision and the Book of Mormon: The Historical Approach—Bill McKeever
8. Using Surveys to Reveal Truth to Mormons: The Polling Approach—Chip Thompson
Section 3: Personal Approaches
9. Sharing with a Mormon Family Member: The Keeping-Good-Relations Approach—Carl Wimmer
10. When the Elders Come Calling: The Missionaries-At-Your-Door Approach—Sandra Tanner
11. Sharing the Truth with LDS Women: The Compassion Approach—Becky Walker
Section 4: Invitational Approaches
13. Engaging in Gospel Discussions: The Keep-It-Simple Approach—Aaron Shafovaloff
14. LISTEN: The Conversational Approach—Dr. David Geisler and Brian Henson
15. Authentic, Humble Dialogue with Mormons: The Columbo Approach—Dr. Lynn Wilder
16. The Power of a Simple Invitation: The Come-and-See Approach—Dr. Bryan Hurlbutt
Section 5: LDS Event Approaches
17. Let Your Voice Be Heard: The Open-Air-Evangelism Approach—Andrew Rappaport
18. Extra! Extra! Read All About It: The Newspaper Approach—Sharon Lindbloom
19. The Miracle of Forgiveness: The Free-Book Approach—Eric Johnson and Randy Sweet
20. Website Advertising: The Sign Approach—Rob Sivulka
Section 6: Salvation Approaches
21. When Being Good Is Not Good Enough: The Awareness-of-Sin Approach—Joel B. Groat
22. Can Something Valuable Really Be Free? The Meaning-of-Grace Approach—Dr. Loren Pankratz
23. Are You Considered as Good as Jesus? The Imputation Approach—John Kauer
24. I’m Trying My Best: The Impossible-Gospel Approach—Keith Walker
Appendix 1: The Gospel (Good News) According to the Bible
Appendix 2: 101 Mormon Terms Defined (from Aaronic Priesthood to Zion)