
Abbott, Andrew 90, 97

Abstraction 31

Actor-Network Theory 4347

Agamben, Giorgio 47

Agency 6, 119133; and structure 40, 65, 119121, 130, 132, 165, 209; and ethics 119121, 125, 127129, 131132

Agent-structure debate 165167

Antonym 3031

Aquinas, St. Thomas 210211

Archival research 163164, 225226

Arendt, Hannah 47, 131132

Aristotle 128132, 210211

Assumption 2627, 160

Austin, J.L. 89, 204

Baghdad Generation 186

Belief 1718, 173, 208209

Biopolitics 46

Blyth, Mark 64

Boer War 4849

Boundary 178

Bourdieu, Pierre 11, 90, 97

Buber, Martin 12, 21

Cambridge School 203209

Causality 66, 68, 80, 93, 96, 140141, 165, 173, 176

Césaire, Aimé 171172, 176

Chiasmatic crossings 108

Cicero, Marcus Tullius 208211

Classical realism 18, 134

Coates, Ta-nehisi 184185, 196197

Communication 7, 20, 25, 205206

Community 1322, 2732, 161, 170171, 180

Comte, Auguste 90

Concentration Camp 40, 4749

Concept 2434, 205210

Conceptual analysis 2434

Constructivism: Comfortable v. Uncomfortable 187190, 241, 245

Context 3, 2533, 42, 84, 112114, 119121, 132133, 139142, 151152, 167168

Contingency 174176, 197

Coser, Lewis 175176

Counterfactual 32, 35

Crawford, Neta 117, 126127

Critical Constructivism 18, 85, 119120, 124128

Critical theory 121, 219

DA-RT 6771

Decolonial voices 157168

Deductive reasoning 93, 172

Definition 2426, 29, 159168

Democracy 20, 52, 55

Dialogue 34, 1222, 131132

Discourse analysis 162, 172, 177

Doty, Roxanne 76, 78, 8485, 112, 157160, 165, 167

Durkheim, Emile 90

English school 18, 43, 118, 219, 221222

Epistemology 3941, 140143, 157, 160

Erskine, Toni 118, 124, 128

Ethics 6, 6571, 117133, 191192; and reflexivity 119120, 125126, 128133; and rules 6971, 119120, 122, 129133

Etymology 29

Exposition 84, 192193

Farcical 186187, 198

Feminism/-ist 143, 150153, 246249

Feminist curiosity 142153

Finnemore, Martha 39, 4243, 51, 76

Foreign policy 7579, 8284, 9193, 97, 235

Foucault, Michel 131132, 145, 157, 159, 160, 162, 165167, 177

Frost, Mervyn 121129

Gadamer, Hans Georg 20, 112

Genealogy 161163

Generation 185187

Geometric Data Analysis (GDA) 9293

Giddens, Anthony 157, 166

Global health politics 5556

Grammar 25, 173

History 58, 124128, 203209, 215229

Hohfeld, Wesley Newcomb 31

Human rights 42, 122, 126129

Humanitarian intervention 26, 42, 118119, 122124, 127

Ideal type 31, 241

Identity 33, 3940, 6366, 7586, 148152, 166, 172, 175179, 190191

Illocution 33, 204211

Illocutionary force 204, 211

Imposter syndrome 180

Index 33

Indexicality 33

Intention 45, 191192, 205209

International community 2732, 56

Interposition 192194

Interpretation 157168

Interpretivism 91, 106, 159, 233

Jackson, Patrick T. 2, 89, 142, 153, 177, 179

Jargon 22, 180

Judgment 119120, 126, 128132

Juxtaposition 8386, 195196

Kant, Immanuel 210211

Kayaoglu, Turan 43

Knowledge 13, 54, 57, 9091, 125127, 158168, 172173

Knowledge production, relational 105113, 120, 167, 173

Kratochwil, Friedrich 2, 7, 11, 3941, 63, 99, 107, 187, 191

Kuhn, Thomas 186

Laboratory 4447

Language 2425, 6667, 7779, 8386, 109113, 179181, 203205

Latour, Bruno 4446

Laurison, Daniel 9597

Legitimacy 126130, 138142

Levinas, Emanuel 17

Liberalism 15

Ling, L. H. M. 128, 130

Literature 171173, 177

Locution 33

Logic 25, 131132

Luhmann, Niklas 11

Lynch, Cecelia 248251

Mandelbrot, Benoît 32

Mannheim, Karl 90

Marx, Karl 90

Marxism 239

Matua, Makau 125127

Mccoy, Alfred 44

Meaning 2526, 3034, 105114, 157168, 173174, 204205, 209211

Meaning in use 2628, 3233

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 112

Meta-data 13

Mills, C. Wright 9091

Minh, Ho Chi 174177

Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) 9299

Narrative 6371, 7986, 108109, 224227

Narrative analysis 6571

Neo-liberal institutionalism 18, 108, 190

Neoclassical realism 18

Netz, Reviel 48

Non-Western 39, 43

Norm diffusion 39, 43, 47, 49

Norms 12, 1718, 3943, 6365, 119133

Objectivity, strong 1718, 105, 110

Offensive and defensive realisms 18

Ontological security 6667, 81, 109, 190191

Ontology 40, 123127, 140143, 157167

Onuf, Nicholas 7, 11, 3945, 63, 145151, 184, 196197, 203204, 208; and agency 45, 128130; and ethics 129, 132, 145, 151, 196; and rules the ‘everyday’ 4041, 121, 129

Operationalization 24

Parmenides 17

Pedagogy 5160

Perestroika 64, 141

Performance 177179

Perlocution 25, 33

Perlocutionary effects 204208

Philippines 44

Politics 41, 5455, 8486, 140, 145, 159, 190198

Positivism 12, 41, 69, 126, 229

Post-structuralism 17

Postcolonialism 248249

Power 4347, 121126, 148154, 165166, 172175

Practice 32, 41, 5559, 122133, 143153, 159161, 178, 194195

Preconception 28

Price, Richard 121128

Process 33

Prototype 30

Qualitative research 68, 89, 141, 228

Quantitative research 68, 70, 90, 93, 94, 99, 141, 219, 228

Rationalism 66, 172173

Realism 11, 1718, 159, 166, 192196

Reflexive 111, 125126, 13, 145

Reflexivity: transparent 110114

Relationalism 194

Research-at-home 105114

Responsibility 1920, 30, 69

Responsibility to protect 27, 125127

Rhetoric 59, 108

Right 2627, 132

Role(s) 15, 9192, 205211

Rorty, Richard 15

Rules 4041, 7677, 119123, 129133, 148149, 207209

Schmitt, Carl 175176

Science 5, 1419, 93, 234

Scientific realism 11

Self-reflexivity 1316

Self/Other 85, 176177

Semantics 203

Sikkink, Kathryn 39, 122126

Simulations 5657

Skinner, Quentin 7, 204210

Social interactions 7, 43, 172, 175, 207

Sorites 30

Sovereignty 27, 124

Speech Act Theory 203211

Spencer, Herbert 90

Standpoint epistemology 13

Stoppard, Tom 171172

Strategy 1213, 1921, 9899, 119122, 189, 216, 239240

Structural neo-realism 18

Structuralism 160

Synonym 30

Tactic 1921, 7982, 9899, 226228

Taxonomy 31

Teaching 5160, 188189, 193195, 238

Third generation Constructivism 1121

Tilly, Charles 90, 217, 219

Trust 146148, 189192

Truth 4, 1721, 33, 54

Typology 31, 7677

Undergraduate education 54, 59

Walt, Stephen 64

Weber, Max 90, 97, 218

Wendt, Alexander 3943, 6366, 76

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 24, 89, 179, 206

Zehfuss, Maja 159, 167