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Common Dream Symbols

In this book, we’ve discussed what some dream symbols mean, including flying, falling, losing your teeth, and being chased. I discussed these four in greater depth because they are some of the most common dreams that a majority of people have sometime in their lifetime.

I’ve also explained that while you can look at symbols and see what they could mean, they should not be used as the only guide to interpret your dream. In an earlier chapter when I shared the dreams of clients who dreamt of powerful symbols, such as a wolf, we could see that we had to take in all the aspects of the dream to really understand what the wolf meant and why it changed over time into a sweet puppy.

I’m including this appendix in the book with some definitions of symbols and potential meanings, but remember, the best interpreter of your dreams is always you. You know better than anyone else what is going on in your life and can look at these symbols in regard to what you are dealing with in your daily life to discern what they symbolize.

I’m listing some of the most popular dream symbols here in this chapter, but I recommend that you check out some dream books that are large encyclopedias that list thousands of dreams symbols and what they can mean. It’s always good to have one of these dreams books in your library as a ready reference guide.

If you have a dream that is particularly memorable to you or if it recurs, you may find that a dream interpreter can helpexplain the meaning of the dream. In the old days, every village had an oracle, a dream interpreter, a wise woman, or a shaman who assisted in interpreting dreams. It was helpful to have someone in your local area who could interpret your dreams, as they understood the local cultural and societal mores and practices of the area.

This is one of the reasons that the symbols cannot be the end-all, absolute meaning. One culture can see a raven as a harbinger of good news, while another culture sees it as an omen of terrible things to come. So your dreams are partly affected by your spiritual and cultural beliefs.

Take this into account when you are looking at symbols and what they mean to you.


In many dreams, an alligator represents something hidden that has yet to rise to the surface. It means to pay attention to the danger that lurks nearby.

For many people, this is the meaning of an alligator, yet I happen to adore alligators. They bring back good memories of my hometown in Louisiana. When I dream about an alligator, it’s always a good dream for me, and it is typically a message from my father, who often appears as an alligator in my dreams. Keep in mind that no matter the typical meaning of a symbol, it may have very different personal significance to you.

Alligators are a symbol of masculine energy. My alligator dreams are always friendly and fun. I love alligators, have them in decor in my home, and even wear jewelry with them. Even the symbol of something emerging that was hidden by the alligator can be a sign of something good coming. You may encounter a surprising incident that could be startling at first, but the opportunity is there for growth and evolution from the experience.


Dreams with angels are usually visitation dreams in which you are truly being visited by an angelic being from the other side. If it is truly a visitation, you will see the brilliant light around the angel and will feel very positive energy emanating from this being. If you don’t feel this incredible positive energy, it is something else masquerading as an angel, and you should send it away.

A visit from an angelic being is a blessing. They come as messengers to show that you are loved and under their protection. Pay special attention to anything that the angels are holding in their hands, as these will be symbols of the gifts they are bringing to you.


Eating an apple in a dream means that you are open to gaining wisdom through your actions. It is a symbol of the goddess or divine feminine energy, as seen in the five-pointed star created by cutting the apple in half. It can also indicate you are opening to your intuitive side.

Apples have been misrepresented in many stories as being a temptation. Pay attention to what you do with the apple in your dream or how the apple is being used in the dream. Are you eating the apple while looking into someone’s eyes? This indicates you are awakening your knowledge, whether that be carnal knowledge or esoteric wisdom. If the apples are bright and shiny in a bowl, it means that the information being shared with you in the dream is very helpful and good. If the apples are turning brown or looking rotten, it means the opposite, that the information someone is sharing with you in the dream is not helpful and you should not trust what this person is telling you.


Many people think that when they dream that they are pregnant, this means they are going to become pregnant, but this is generally not the case. (See the entry for Pregnancy.) When there is a very good chance that you or someone in your life is about to become pregnant, it is more likely that you will dream about a baby.

Many times, the it’s the soul of the baby, introducing themselves to you from the spirit world. You may hold the baby in your dream as you get to know them. A crying baby indicates that there is some emotional tension around the relationship between you and your partner. A laughing baby indicates that the couple is very happy together and that the baby will be an added blessing to the family.


In brief, water symbolizes the emotional field, and land or the beach symbolizes the mental field. To understand more about what the ocean means in your dream, see the entry for water. The beach represents the portal, the connection between the mental field and the emotional field.

Notice how you feel in this dream on the beach. Are you looking out at the shore and enjoying the feel of the sun and the sound of the waves? Do you feel like you are on vacation? Are there palm trees swaying in the breeze? Dreaming about the beach could be from the conscious mind if you are about to go on vacation, but if it’s just in a random dream, you are about to have an awakening. Your emotions and your thoughts are bringing you to a new understanding about a situation in your life and possibly a new beginning. This is usually a deep, introspective revelation of some kind.

If you dream that you are walking on the beach, where are you walking? Are you walking toward the water, to connect with your emotional side, or away from the water, to go contemplate the situation, or are you walking along the beach, which indicates balancing your thoughts and emotions?


Consult a dream dictionary to get specifics on the type of bird in your dream, because each bird carries a special message of its own. In short, when you dream of a bird, it means a message will soon be delivered to you.

If the bird is in a nest, you may be looking for a new home soon. If you dream of a nest full of eggs, it can indicate money coming your way. If the bird is singing or flying, it means that a wish is coming true for you. If birds are attacking you, you have taken on too many obligations and cannot handle all the responsibilities given to you. If you dream of a dead or dying bird, you are experiencing a great disappointment in a hope or dream that you are now realizing won’t come to fruition.


After dreams of being on a boat, begin by referencing the meaning of water in a dream to determine your emotional state. Next, notice the size of the boat. If you are on a cruise ship, you are along for the ride with many other people and don’t have to give much thought or energy to where you are going in life at the moment. If you are alone in a small boat, like a canoe or rowboat, it implies that you will have to do the work yourself and that it will require some effort and action on your part, like rowing the boat. If you are on a sailboat and heading out into the ocean, you are embarking on a new journey or starting something new. If you are the captain of the ship, it’s a very positive sign that you have everything you need to make a wish or dream come true; you just need to set sail and have faith that you can do this. A kayak represents someone who is working to have balance between the mind, body, and spirit.


If you are reading a book and the last page says “The End,” you are closing a chapter of your life and walking away from your life as you’ve known it. If there is a stack of books on your desk, it indicates that you are prepared and knowledgeable for the task at hand. If you dream of being in a library, it means that you will be given great knowledge about a topic or subject that you are interested in, but it will take time and you must be patient and willing to go the distance to receive this information.


Dreaming about a bridge is similar to dreaming about the beach. The bridge is another portal, something you cross over to get from one phase in your life to another or from one state of mind to another. If you are happy to cross the bridge, you are open-minded and ready to receive new information and experiences. If the bridge is blocked, broken, or in disrepair, you have severed the connection between one part of you and another, such as staying too deeply in your thoughts and the worries of your logical mind while blocking off all of your emotions and intuition that can help give you a sense of what is going on.

If you are standing on the bridge but are afraid to walk forward or drive over it, you are struggling with issues of self-
esteem and self-confidence. You do not feel that you are strong enough or good enough to move forward. If you dream that you fall off the bridge, you are dealing with subconscious fears of failure.

If you jump from the bridge, your fears are giving you the impulse to run away rather than to face your fears head on. Jumping from a bridge usually indicates that the fears are not real but rather in your overactive thoughts and worries. The size of the bridge indicates how big your fears are, and the height can indicate how far you have to travel to reach this new destination. If someone is waiting for you at the other end of the bridge and waving you on, you have others who are willing to support you in this new journey.

If you are driving over the bridge, the color of the car also indicates your emotional state. Lights on the bridge indicate moments of inspiration and clarity. Fog on the bridge indicates that the state of your mind is clouded with too many concerns.


Butterflies are very often visitations in dreams, as they represent the soul of a loved one who has come to visit. They can choose to come as a butterfly, as it is easier for someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one to see them in this form than their human form. Many times it means to pay attention when you are out in the world, and when you see a butterfly, it is this loved one announcing their presence to you and that they love you and are watching over you.

Butterflies indicate transformation from one form to another, from the caterpillar to the butterfly, from the person in their physical body to the soul in the spirit world. In many dreams, the butterfly can indicate that you will undergo a metamorphosis in which you are about to experience great change and have a personal transformation. Many times this is a spiritual awakening, but it can be for any aspect of your life.


A dream about a cat can mean a variety of things. If it’s a particular breed, consult a dream encyclopedia. The first thing to consider is how you personally feel about cats. Are you a cat person, or do you not care for them? What is the cat doing in the dream? Is it purring and content or screeching and on the prowl? This can be interpreted similarly for any member of the cat family, including tigers, leopards, panthers, mountain lions, and cougars. If the cat is menacing toward you in the dream, it can mean that a negative experience will pop up out of nowhere soon. Think of how a cat in the wild can remain hidden until it pounces.

If you like cats and the cat is playful and friendly in your dream, it means that you are being perceived as strong and independent. If the cat just looks at you in the dream or gazes at you and then sits nearby licking its paw, it indicates that magical abilities are coming to you.


Many people dream about a favorite celebrity in a dream. Often they are out somewhere with them or making love to them. In these dreams, it’s not that they want to be with that celebrity but rather that they wish to possess the personality, charisma, charm, gifts, or talents that this celebrity displays.

Men often dream about comic book characters that are hero archetypes to them. Yes, fictional characters are celebrities in their own way. Women often dream about their ideal romantic dream-man celebrity, wishing that they would be romanced like the love interest of this celebrity in a movie role. When you dream of a strong, powerful celebrity who takes charge, saves the world, gets rich, pulls one over on the bad guy, and so on in a movie, you are looking to find this power within yourself. If you dream that you are a celebrity, walking the red carpet or with photographers surrounding you, it means that you are looking for affirmation and acknowledgment from others that you are special and are doing a good job in whatever you are doing or creating.


Champagne is more common in dreams than any other alcoholic beverage, more so than wine, beer, or mixed drinks. Whether or not you like the taste of champagne, it appears often in dreams because we associate champagne with toasting to the good life, a great success, a wedding, or the start of something new and wonderful. Toasting with champagne means that your higher self is already celebrating the fortuitous news and awards and recognition to come. Enjoy—good news is on the way. In the dream, notice if you are celebrating alone, with a special person, or with a group of people. This will give hints to what the celebration is related to, be it work, family, your love life, or a personal achievement. If the champagne is flowing like a fountain and lots of people are celebrating, some fabulous news is on the way!


Dreams about someone cheating on a partner are very common. Sometimes they are literal, an intuitive sign that you are being cheated on. If that’s truly the case, you won’t just dream about it—you will feel it intuitively when you’re awake, and signs will keep popping out around you.

Most times, though, cheating dreams have to do with insecurity and feeling that you are not good enough for your partner, so it’s just a matter of time before they realize this and leave you for another person. When you dream of this scenario, it’s time to work on yourself and to practice some self-love and encouragement. Make a list of all the wonderful things that you bring to the relationship.

If self-confidence is not your problem, then a dream of cheating implies that you don’t fully trust the person in the dream who is cheating on you, whether or not they are being sexual with another person. They could be an untrustworthy person by lying to you about who they are, what they do, or what goes on in their life and career. They could be stealing from you, doing things behind your back, and setting you up to get taken advantage of.

If the dream is about you cheating on your partner, it implies that you are not feeling satisfied in the relationship and that you are looking outward to feel acknowledged and understood. In a sense, you feel that you are being cheated out of something in the relationship, not given enough time together, not getting enough attention, or not being satisfied in some way. This is a warning sign that it’s time to connect and share your feelings with your partner so that you can work together to bring intimacy on the mind-body-spirit level in order for the relationship to evolve and for the two of you to grow closer and more intimate.


If you dream about an Old-World type of church with a steeple, it indicates a message is being delivered to you from the higher planes of the spirit world. If you are in a church that you do not recognize and the people are not kind to you, it implies that you are feeling unfairly judged by others who have no reason to be judging you. If you walk into a dark church with no one inside, it can mean you will be attending someone’s funeral in the near future. If you are in a church where the choir is singing, good news will be revealed to you soon. If you dream that you are always late to church, you are not giving the needed attention to your spiritual self.

If you are in an old European church or cathedral in your dream, it means you will connect soon with a past-life memory. If there are gargoyles on this old church, the number of gargoyles indicates the number of people or guides who will help you reconnect with this past-life memory.


When you notice what you are wearing in a dream, the color of the clothing is most important. Consult a dream dictionary about what colors mean or consult my book The Awakened Aura to see what each color means on a mind-body-spirit level.

The size and state of the clothing is also very important. If you dream of being formally dressed in a tuxedo or ball gown, you are wishing to be seen in a romantic way or in high esteem for who you are. If your clothes are tattered, dirty, and worn, it indicates how you are feeling about the state of your life at the moment and how worn out you are by your life. If your clothes are too baggy, you are feeling self-conscious about showing the world who you truly are. If the clothes are too tight, too overtly sexy, or way too loose and baggy, you are struggling with your feelings of how you are perceived in your physical body and how attractive you are to others. Dreaming that you are in a wedding dress pretty obviously indicates what you are wishing for.

If your clothing is torn off of you in a dream, you are worried about a secret you are hiding being exposed. If you drop part of your clothing, such as a scarf, hat, glove, or handkerchief, you are secretly wanting to be exposed and to have your secret come out into the open.

If you are dressed inappropriately in your dream in comparison to the event, such as old gym shorts when everyone else is in formal wear, it indicates that you are unsure of your status in life and whether you can trust the people in your life. It can also indicate that your friends are not giving you the best advice.


To dance in a dream is typically a good thing. It means that you are in the flow, engaged in the rhythm of your life, and making your way through it. The style of dancing indicates the progress you are making and how you are most comfortable in your life. If you are line dancing to country music, you like a sense of order and being part of a team. If you are dancing in a gown at a ball, you appreciate the finer things in life and want to live a more glamorous life. If you are slow dancing with someone you love or are attracted to, you are wanting to get closer and more intimate with this person. If you are at a party dancing with friends, you are opening up to being more social in the future. If you are at an event and are happily dancing by yourself, you are experiencing a breakthrough in which you and your sense of self-worth will shine for all to see.


In most dreams, seeing a demon or dark figure represents the shadow side of yourself. It’s a dark aspect of your personality that you prefer remain hidden, and you do not like to think about it. It’s showing itself because you are struggling with your thoughts and feelings about something that is upsetting or worrying you.

On a few rare occasions, it could be something from a lower spiritual plane that has entered your dream, in contrast to a visitation from an angel that is from the higher spiritual planes. You will sense that difference because of the feeling of cold, dreadful energy, unlike the warm, loving energy of the angel. If you sense this energy in your dream, banish it immediately, put up your white-light shield, and state that this being can never return.

If you dream about another person you know turning into a demon, it indicates that they are struggling with their shadow side and that they are heading into trouble on the wrong path. Most likely at this point they are not open to interference by you and will not take your offer of help well.


In most cases, to dream of a dog is a happy thing. Dogs represent loyalty, fidelity, and friendship. Men tend to have more dreams of dogs than women do. If you dream of a pack of dogs, it’s a sign that it’s time to make new friends and grow closer to them. If the dog is happy and playful, you are in a good situation in your life. If the dog is anxious and barking, you are being warned that someone who doesn’t mean well is coming your way and to be ready. There are so many breeds of dogs, and the type of dog that you dream about gives many clues to the dream, so consult a dream dictionary that describes the meaning of the breed of dog.


To dream of a dolphin means that someone from the other planes is trying to establish telepathic communication with you. You may have noticed high-pitched sounds lately. These are also indications of someone in spirit attempting to speak to you. The dolphin is asking you to take a moment to relax and pull away from your work and everything that is keeping you busy. In order to receive a message from spirit, you have to be in a relaxed state to hear what they are trying to communicate. Take a break, go do something fun, and then relax, open up, and ask to receive the message.


To dream of wearing eyeglasses to see in the distance indicates that you are uncomfortable with seeing what the future holds. If you are wearing glasses to see things up close, this means that you are not wanting to clearly see what is going on around you in your daily life. If you willingly wear the glasses and look around, you are opening up to understanding what has really been going on around you that you have been resistant to seeing. If other people are wearing glasses and you aren’t, they are scrutinizing you and your work and are going to start pointing out some errors that you are making.


To dream about a nice fire that you are kindling and enjoying means that you are open to socializing and caring for others. If you dream about a fire that is large but not out of control and is all around you, you are being purified and transformed like the phoenix. In these types of purification dreams, you are aware of the fire, but it is not hot; it is cool and does not harm you.

With fires that are raging out of control and burning something down, such as a home or building, pay attention to what and where the fire is burning, as it will give clues to what is being destroyed and why. Trying to put out the raging fire can indicate that you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed in your life, like you are always on call, trying to put out fires. If in a dream you see someone you know set fire to something that you love, this person is envious of you. If you are setting fire to something of yours, you are feeling backed into a corner and that you have no other alternatives but to cut your losses and run.


Dreams about flirting are slightly different from dreams about cheating. In cheating dreams, there is an issue of trust present. In flirting dreams, you are experiencing the desire for an emotional connection with your partner, or if you’re single, with someone new. It indicates that you are open and ready to experience affection. If you are dreaming that you are flirting with someone other than your romantic partner, it indicates that you are not feeling that intimacy is strong in your relationship. If you dream that your partner is flirting with someone else, it means that the connection between the two of you is growing apart. It’s time to have a talk with your partner and both commit to making a conscious effort to reconnect on the mind-body-spirit level in your relationship.


If you dream of being lost in a forest or jungle but are calm and making your way through, it indicates that you have good instincts and self-confidence. When faced with a new challenge, you handle it well. It also means that a new opportunity is heading your way if you’re willing to seek it out.

If you’re trapped in the jungle or forest and are feeling scared, it means that you are feeling overwhelmed by a situation in your life. The other symbols in a forest or jungle dream will give clues to the new opportunity or the situation in which you are feeling overwhelmed, whether it’s in your personal life or career. If you find your way out of the forest before you wake up from this dream, you are close to figuring out the problem in your life and solving it. If you wake up from the dream feeling scared and still stuck in the jungle, you are feeling like you don’t know a way out of your current problem.


Dreams about funerals can sometimes be prophetic dreams. Abraham Lincoln’s dream about attending his own funeral is probably the most famous of this type. Like all dreams, pay attention to how you feel in the dream and how real the dream feels. If this dream recurs, it can indicate a prophetic dream of something to come.

Most dreams of a funeral, though, indicate putting something to rest, letting something go, or ending a period in your life. Pay attention to what is being buried: Is it someone you know, indicating a change in your relationship with that person? Or is it a different type of item that the funeral is being held for? This item will symbolize what is ending in your life.


If you dream that you are picking things up and throwing them into the garbage or that you are taking the garbage out, it means you are letting go of the clutter in your life, whether it’s physical items that are holding you back or emotional and mental baggage that is weighing you down. The bigger the bag of garbage, the more you are letting go. If you dream that you are surrounded by garbage or are in a garbage dump, it is the opposite: your mental, emotional, and even physical problems are piling up and weighing you down.


The most famous ghost dream story might be A Christmas Carol, in which Scrooge is visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future in order to learn about his future. In my world, we refer to this incident as a prophetic dream. I put ghost in this common list of symbols not because people often dream about ghosts, but to bring to your attention that you may be visited by one while sleeping. Many people discount this ghostly visitation as a dream because it is easier to deal with than the surprise of having seen a ghost.

The most common dream about a ghost, however, involves a haunted house. You are scared and sense the house is haunted by a ghost. The easiest way to determine if a ghost is actually visiting you or if the dream is about a ghost is that if you are living in a haunted place, you’ll see this ghost again. If you are sleeping in a haunted hotel, you may only experience the ghost once, but it will enter your dreams in a random manner. You won’t be dreaming about anything scary or haunted; rather, your dream will draw you into a personal story the ghost is trying to tell you.


Hair is a very powerful indication of how we are feeling in our dreams. If you dream about your hair and it is long and beautiful, you are connected to your power and sensuality. If your hair is flowing in the wind, you are usually happy and enjoying life. If your hair is piled up or pulled back into a bun and you pull out the pins or hair band to let your hair cascade down, you are literally letting your hair down to have some fun and are not going to be as stressed and uptight about the situation that you are dreaming about. If you dream that you are cutting your hair short or getting your hair cut short, you are about to change your life in a big way. This dream will often follow a real visit to the hairdresser to get a major hairstyle change.

If your hair is not super dark but you dream about dying it black, it means that you are not ready to reveal your inner secrets and want to keep them hidden for a while longer. If you dye your hair blonde in a dream and you are not a blonde in life, it means that you are looking to lighten up about things in life and not take whatever you are dreaming about too seriously. If you dream that you are dying your hair red, you are looking to awaken your passion and creativity and explore something new.

If your hair falls out in a dream or you dream that you are going bald, this indicates that you are feeling vulnerable about the changes in your life and fear that there is nothing that you can do about them. If you dream that you are stroking someone’s hair and that person is not your current love interest, it indicates that you are having feelings for this person and want to pursue a relationship with them. If you are stroking a loved one’s hair, including family members and children, it indicates your deep love and care for them.


Hallway dreams are similar to bridge dreams but not as dramatic. They are the early beginnings to a new venture, to exploring something new. If all the doors in the hallway are closed, you are preparing to make a new decision and don’t have all of the information you wish you did. If you try to open a door and it is locked, this particular opportunity is not going to present itself to you. If all the doors are locked, new opportunities are not going to present themselves to you at this time, even as you are looking for a way out.

If you choose one of the doors, open it, and walk into a new room, notice who is in this room and what else is in the room. The people will give clues to who will be helping you with this new opportunity, and the items in the room indicate what the opportunity is about.

In hallway dreams, most people typically don’t dream about reaching the end of the hallway. Sometimes another figure or person will appear at the end of the hallway to deliver a message, or a person who is visiting from the spirit world will walk down the end of the hallway to return to the spirit world.


In dreams in which you are in a hotel, it’s all about the symbolism of the hotel where you are staying. Is the hotel luxurious, plain, a bed-and-breakfast, or a run-down, scary place? The condition of the hotel shows your feelings about the condition of things in your life. What floor are you staying on? The higher the floor, the better things are going in your life. What does your room look like? Are you surrounded by a comfortable, beautiful, and relaxing space, or is it sparsely decorated and dirty? Everything in the hotel is a hint to what’s going on in your life—how the bellman treats you, what the check-in service is like, and so on. Pay attention to it all, as it’s giving you a report card of how things are going in your world.

Because the dream is in a hotel, it indicates that this is a temporary situation and is giving clues about what is about to change in your life in the near future.


House dreams are similar to hotel dreams in that you need to pay attention to every detail in the home, the condition that it is in, where you live and sleep, how you feel in the rooms, and how others treat you in the dream. To dream about your home indicates what is going on in your life, and it’s not about to change unless you take action to change it.

If you dream about your childhood home and that’s a happy memory, some good news is coming your way for you or your family. If you dream about a happy experience in your current home, you are in a good place in life and feeling satisfied. If you dream about your current home and it is strangely in very bad condition, it could be a warning of an illness to come for someone living in the home. If the dream is about a home being torn down or falling down, it indicates that someone in the home is looking to break up the family unit and go their separate way.


Dreaming about insects and bugs is pretty literal and similar to what it means when you see them in person. They are irritating and imply that something is bugging you. They are pests, and someone or something in your life is becoming a pesky problem that will continue to bother you until you deal with it. Consult a dream encyclopedia to find out more about the particular type of pest.


When you dream that you are logging on to the Internet, it typically means that you are ready to explore and learn new things and that you are ready to approach life on a grander scale and meet new people. Many times it means that you will travel soon, meet new people, or take a course to learn something new.


Most dreams about being imprisoned, behind bars, or in jail are about feeling restricted in life. They are usually associated with guilt of some kind, feeling that you did something wrong or that you are trapped in a job you don’t like, in a relationship that isn’t working, or in some aspect of your life that isn’t going well. Notice how you feel in the cell. Are you wishing for freedom, or do you just feel stuck? Do you feel for some reason that you deserve to be there, or do you feel like someone else is responsible for you being there and that they should be in jail instead?


It’s rare for a dream about jewels or jewelry to be a bad thing, unless you dream about your jewels being stolen by thieves. To dream of receiving jewels or wearing jewelry represents your personal value and how the outside world perceives you. Thus, the larger the jewels, the more renowned you are.

The type of jewel and type of jewelry indicate your growth and evolution. Wearing a crown or tiara indicates spiritual gifts and growth coming to you. Wearing a ring indicates love coming your way. A long necklace symbolizes a very long, good-standing reputation in the community and being seen as successful and trustworthy by others. A short necklace, like a choker, represents the fifth chakra and suggests that your powers of communication and suggestions in presentations will be well received.

The color of the jewel is very important, as the colors correspond to the chakras. For example, ruby red is the first chakra and represents stability and being grounded. Green is the heart chakra and indicates love; if it is a sickly lime green, it indicates the heart turning from love to jealousy. Blue is communication, gold is action and masculine energy, and silver is receiving and feminine energy. If you are wearing a bracelet in your dream, notice which wrist the bracelet is on. Worn on the left wrist, it indicates gifts coming to you from another; worn on the right wrist, it indicates rewards coming to you from your hard work.

Pearls imply wisdom, and the person wearing them is generous and full of integrity. They also indicate that prosperity and good luck are on the way.


See Forest.


If you are a woman and you dream about a king, that person represents the masculine person that you see as an authority in your life. If this man is kind and loving in the dream, you have chosen a good partner. If this king is cruel and overbearing and forceful, you are being warned that you are in a position with this person in which you will not be treated well or fairly.

If you are a man and you dream about being a king, it indicates that you are about to come into a position of strength, power, and authority. If the dream is celebratory and people are happy to see you as the king, it indicates that this new transition will be well received. If you have to fight someone in order to become king, pay attention to the person you are fighting and the symbols around them, as this will give you clues as to who your adversary is in real life.


If you dream that someone kisses your hand, it means they are reaching out to you in respect. If you kiss someone you know and like in a dream, it indicates your fondness for them. If someone grabs you and kisses you against your will in a dream, they mean you harm in one way or another, and you should not trust this person.


There are lots of dreams about candy. Consult a dream encyclopedia about the meaning of the different types of candy to delve deeper. However if you dream that you are licking a lollipop in a dream, it indicates that you are opening up to your sensual side and are ready to explore new things sexually.


Typically, to dream that you have won the lottery—sadly, I’m here to report—doesn’t mean that you are about to win the lottery. It can in a few prophetic instances, but typically not. If you dream about numbers to play in the lottery, that’s a better indication that you may be closer to winning the lottery. Dreaming about winning the lottery indicates your desire to have something come quickly with little effort on your part to solve your problems. You want fast relief without having to do much to get there. It also means that if you choose a fast and seemingly easy solution to the problems you are experiencing in the dream, the problems won’t be resolved. They will just lead to more problems that eventually will grow so large that you will be forced to take action and take care of them.


To dream about receiving a letter in the mail indicates that a person from your past, particularly an older person, will be contacting you soon. To dream about emails piling up in your inbox indicates the frustration you are feeling about having too much to do.


A mansion dream is similar to a house dream, with the exception that if you are moving into the mansion, it indicates that you are moving up in life—in health, wealth, or social status. If you are being thrown out of a mansion at a party, it indicates that you are about to experience an embarrassing social and public situation. As in house dreams, pay attention to the style, decor, and people at the mansion.


If you dream that you are a mermaid, you are opening to your divine feminine power. You are ready to feel free, independent, and in control of your life. You are a sensual person and do not like being contained, confined, defined, or controlled by others.

If you dream that a mermaid visits you, she is inviting you to open up to these aspects of yourself. If the mermaid is under the moonlight, she is inviting you to open up to your psychic abilities. If she is combing her hair and gives the comb to you, it is a very rare and special gift, giving you control over your emotions and the ability to weather all types of storms in your life.


To receive a large sum of money in a dream indicates that wealth of some kind is coming to you soon. The most important thing to pay attention to in this dream is how the money came to you. Consider who gave you the money and then what you did when you received the money. If you dream that you are losing money, it indicates where your thoughts and worries are about your current finances and cash flow.


If you are climbing a mountain in your dream, it indicates that you are making steady and sure progress in achieving your goals. If you are coming down the mountain, it means that this goal is not what you thought it would be and that you have decided to abandon this journey and will set out to try something new. If you are somewhere looking at the mountains, it indicates that you are opening up to looking at new dreams. If you dream you are falling off a mountain, it means that you do not have the resources available to you at this time to reach the success that you are working toward, so you will need to reach out for reinforcements.


Men dream more about nurses than women do. When a man dreams about a nurse, it typically does not mean he has an illness. Rather, he has an emotional need for someone to love and care for him. He is opening up to being loved and showing affection. If the dream is one-sided, though, and the nurse comes and cares for him but he does not engage with her otherwise, it indicates that he is struggling with being selfish and not giving of himself in relationships. Women dream more often about a nurse giving a message about the status of a situation.

If a nurse walks out of the hospital room or is walking away from the room, it means that the problem is solved and all will return to normal. If the nurse is preoccupied in treating the patient, it indicates that more work is needed on this problem and it won’t be solved quickly.


Dreams about an octopus mean that you are getting tangled up in a problem. If the octopus is grabbing you, someone around you is being too clingy and you are feeling trapped. If you are the octopus, you are being too controlling and clingy with other people, which will drive them away. If the octopus is swimming around you and releases its ink, it means that the situation you are dreaming about is cloudy and unclear and will not be easily revealed to you.


The owl is one of the most magical symbols to receive in a dream. It has the ability to see at night, which represents seeing psychically through the veil to the spirit world. It brings esoteric wisdom and practical magic to you. If the owl acts as your guide in the dream, you will soon open to your psychic abilities and your higher self/superconsciousness.


To dream about going to a party indicates that you are open to more socializing. Pay attention to what type of party it is, how you feel at the party, and how others treat you at the party. If you are throwing the party in your dream, this indicates that you have greater self-confidence and are feeling good about yourself.


Many times, when loved ones who have crossed over to the
other side want to come to us in a dream, they will come through by talking to us on a phone. Pay attention to this dream because it may be a visitation.


Dreams about the police symbolize authority figures in your life, how you feel about authority, and if you feel respected. If you are talking to a police officer or if they are protecting you, it indicates that help will be provided for you when you need it.

If you are arguing with the police or being arrested, it indicates that you are experiencing some inner turmoil and confusion about the direction that your life is going. The police officer symbolizes the part of your consciousness that is trying to show you that you are heading in the wrong direction.


Popcorn in a dream is such a fun symbol, as it means that new and exciting ideas are popping up all around you and that they will be easily accessible to you for the taking. These could be creative thoughts, new opportunities, a new relationship, and even gifts from others. You are in a wonderful time in your life and should take advantage of all the opportunities and positive potential around you.


Dreaming about being pregnant usually has nothing to do with being pregnant. The dream is about a part of yourself that is growing and evolving. You are about to embark on a new journey with a great new idea or project.

If you are already pregnant in real life and you dream about your pregnancy, it is one of the daily life dreams in which you are working out your thoughts and emotions about having a baby.

See the entry for Baby to learn about symbolism of a future pregnancy.


In your dream, your purse or wallet indicates who you are, how you identify yourself, and how healthy your cash flow is. If you lose your wallet or purse in a dream, it indicates that you have a fear of losing who you are or how people identify you. If your wallet or purse is full of money, it indicates success and prosperity coming your way. If you dream of buying a new wallet or purse, it means that you are close to achieving your goal and that money will soon follow to reward you for your efforts.


If you are a woman and you dream of being a queen, it indicates that you are stepping into your power in the divine feminine energy. You have moved on from the princess realm, which indicates a person who has more of a desire to be pampered and spoiled. A queen takes control of her life and her destiny. If you dream about a queen who is not treating you nicely, a woman that you see as having authority over you is about to cause some conflict in your life.

If you are a man and you dream about your partner becoming a queen, it means that you recognize and respect their position in your life as your equal partner. This woman is strong, independent, loving, and powerful, and you find all these qualities attractive and engaging in your relationship.


Like so many symbols, seeing rain in a dream can mean a variety of things depending upon the intensity. Is it pouring down and storming, or is it a gentle falling rain? Depending upon what else is occurring in your dream, it can indicate your emotional well-being. If you are dreaming about something sad and it’s raining, this represents your tears and grief.

If it’s raining and you are outside walking in the rain or watching the rain through a window while you are working, it means that new ideas are coming to you. You are receiving a gift of inspiration that will rain down upon you soon.


To dream about a long road ahead indicates that you are about to embark on a journey. Sometimes it can indicate travel and a road trip, and sometimes it symbolizes the long journey ahead in the new direction you are heading in your life. Pay attention to whether you are driving the car and taking control of the journey or whether you are a passenger in the car and being taken along for the ride by another person. If you are on a motorcycle, you are longing to be freed from your responsibilities in life. If you are on a bus, you are not sure where this road will take you and have felt a need to escape.


You may dream about your classroom if you are in school. If this is the case, you are processing your daily life thoughts in your dreams. If you are out of school, dreaming that you are back in school indicates that there is a learning curve coming in your life or career. When people dream about being naked in dreams, many times they are in a classroom environment where they are being asked to speak in front of the class. Being naked in this case represents feeling vulnerable and unsure about your situation.


Snakes are a common dream symbol. Unlike to most people’s reactions to them, they actually symbolize wisdom. If you are not afraid of a snake in the dream and you pick it up, you are opening your kundalini and chakras and will have an enlightening spiritual experience. If you are not afraid of the snake and it moves toward you to climb up your leg, you are about to have a powerful sexual-awakening experience.

If you are afraid of the snake and it bites you, someone is going to cause you harm, so pay attention to whether the bite is poisonous or not so that you know how badly this person will hurt you. If a snake sheds its skin in the dream or you see a snakeskin, it indicates that a spiritual transformation is coming your way.


To dream about a situation that occurs during sunrise means that it is a new experience and that it will be hopeful and promising. It also indicates that younger people may be involved in this endeavor.


To dream about an experience during sunset means that you have achieved the wisdom and knowledge from this experience, and it is now intrinsically part of you. You have grown with the wisdom of this experience and are better for having done so.


Trees indicate communication and that a message will be delivered to you soon. If the roots are predominant, the message will come from your family and will have to do with your past. If the trunk of the tree is what you notice the most, the message will have to do with your personal well-being. If the dream is focused on the branches, it indicates news about something in the future and will come from friends and acquaintances. This news may have to do with your children and other family members and friends. The condition, size, color, and shape of the tree and the color and condition of the leaves all give clues to what is going on with the message. Consult a dream encyclopedia to see the meaning of a specific type of tree.


A dream about a tornado can be a prophetic dream, especially if it recurs several nights in a row. If a tornado appears in your dream out of the blue and moves quickly past you without causing you any harm, it means that a chaotic experience is coming your way, but it’s not meant for you and you will not be directly affected during this situation. If the tornado picks you up or destroys your property, it can indicate that bad news that is going to shake you up and potentially be devastating is coming your way.


Turtles indicate home and the state of the world. Notice the turtle in the dream. Is he calm and happy, sunning himself on a log in the lake? Or is he tense and pulling into his shell? Then notice what else is occurring in the dream around the turtle. How the turtle is reacting to his environment will give you clues to what’s going on in your world and in the global consciousness of the world. Turtles can also appear in your dream to remind you to slow down and take it one step at a time. They are usually positive signs of loyalty and safety.


To dream about a UFO can mean that you are feeling alienated by the other people in your life, if the dream is not a good one. If it’s exciting to get on the UFO and take off, it indicates that you are opening up to a new spiritual journey. A dream about a UFO is different from dreaming about an alien invasion, alien visitation, or abduction. Consult a dream book that deals specifically with alien dreams and experiences to understand this on a deeper level.


If you dream of a sexy vampire who is seducing you and you are a willing participant, it implies that you are opening sexually and ready to meet someone new and to be seduced by them in one way or another.

If the vampire is scary to you in your dream and you are afraid of it attacking you, it is a warning that someone around you is wearing you out and sucking all your energy. In this case, look for clues in the dream that give hints as to whom this person could be.


See Purse.


It is very important to take notice of water in a dream. Overall, it indicates your emotional well-being. If the water is stormy and choppy, you are not feeling calm and relaxed.

The depth of the water indicates how deep the emotions are regarding the situation, so seeing water in a puddle is quite different from seeing the ocean or dreaming of a flood. Lakes can indicate a time for introspection, while oceans hint at new experiences and travel abroad.

If you’re swimming in the water and feeling strong, that indicates that you’ll handle what is coming your way easily. If instead you sink to the bottom, it implies that you will feel overwhelmed by the intensity of your emotions when this experience comes.


To dream about a wedding means that something new is coming into your life. If you dream that you are getting married, pay attention to how you feel about this situation. Are you happy and excited or feeling trapped with a sense of dread? If you are engaged in real life and having bad dreams about your wedding, most times that’s just stress, and you are working out all your worries and concerns about planning the wedding in your subconscious through your dreams.

If you are a guest at a wedding, notice how you feel to be there. If you are happy to be at the wedding, then you are open to something new coming your way. If you are not happy to be attending the wedding, then you are not happy with your life as it is currently. If you dream that you are wearing a wedding dress, but you are not currently engaged, you are thinking hard about the status of your current relationship and where that relationship is heading.


To dream about a whale is often a sign that you are reaching out to explore the akashic records on the spiritual planes. These are the records of all your lifetimes that are stored in the spirit world. The whale is a guide to your records and is asking if you would like to understand your karmic destiny and why you are experiencing things the way you are in this lifetime. The whale appears not just to explain this to you, but also to encourage you to step forward and share who you are with the world.


In dreams about the wind, just like with water, what matters is the strength of the wind around you. A gentle breeze in a dream indicates that spirit is around you and watching over you. Stormy winds like tornadoes or high winds indicate that chaos is coming your way. The wind blowing through your hair means you are opening up and feeling free. A howling wind is delivering upsetting news. A hurricane means your mental and emotional fields will be cleansed and cleared. A strong wind at sea means a good day for information to travel quickly. If a soft wind blows in around you, changes for the better are soon on the way. If you can control the wind in your dreams, you have achieved mastery over your thoughts and emotions.


If you are choosing to have an x-ray in your dream, you are actively seeking to understand a problem at a deeper level. If you are having an x-ray done and this is a surprise to you, someone around you is hiding something from you, and you will need to look deeper to find out what is truly going on.


To dream about being eaten by zombies means that you feel that life is completely out of control and beyond what you can do to fix it. This is why zombie movies are so popular right now—people feel that the world is going completely mad and they are powerless to stop what’s happening. To dream that you have become a zombie indicates that you are detaching emotionally and physically from the world and no longer want to handle stressful situations. To dream of someone you know who has become a zombie indicates that you no longer feel a connection to them. Dreams about zombies mean that you are feeling very stressed and helpless. It can be helpful to reach out to a counselor or therapist to discuss these feelings.
