‘abbreviated thinking’, 184
‘academic capitalism’, 141
accelerated change
of earlier generations, 16, 75–6, 185–6, 186–8
see also ‘social acceleration’; speed and acceleration
access to digital technologies
technology as panacea, 217
urbanization and slum dwellers, 132
accumulation, see capital
accumulation; flexible
AIDS research and ‘good speed’, 169
anti-globalization movements, 206–7, 236
anxiety and social acceleration, 172–6
Arthur, Charles, 156
assembly-line process, see Fordism
automation and employment practices, 48–52
‘bad speed’, 11, 96–7, 159, 169–80
‘Baghdad Blogger’, 210
Barbrook, Richard, 84
Barthelme, Donald, 69
Baudrillard, Jean, 205
Beard, George Miller, 175
Beck, Ulrich, 174
Beck-Gernsheim, Elizabeth, 174
Bell, Daniel, 57–8, 74, 114, 178, 191, 218
post-industrial society, 23–4, 52–5
Benjamin, Walter, 229
Bertman, Stephen, 170, 171, 175
‘bits with atoms’ approach, 89, 90–2
Blackburn, Robin, 28
blogs and blogging, 119, 207–15, 224–5
self-referencing nature of, 211, 212, 214, 215
Bohrmann, David, 205
Borsook, Paulina, 82
Bourdieu, Pierre, 235
‘brain-as-computer’ view, 77–8
Brenner, Robert, 107
broadband, 225
Brown, Gordon, 192
browsers, 225
Burma: Internet censorship, 117–18, 119
Bush, George W., 192
CEOs and pressure of time, 179–80, 186
digital capitalism critique, 99–104
inefficiency and ICT systems, 106, 180
Internet ‘change agents’, 82–7
and literacy, 116
MIT Media Lab sponsorship, 89–90
and ‘need for speed’, 162, 179–80, 223
and politics in information society, 95–6, 196–7
and time–space compression, 112–14, 166
value of knowledge, 29
‘weightless’ businesses, 4–5, 111, 162–3, 166
see also capitalism; computer games industry
business cycles, 41
Cairncross, Frances, 112–20, 133
‘calm technologies’, 4
Cameron, Andy, 84
capital accumulation
and expansion, 38–9, 43–4, 200
over-accumulation problem, 43–5
control and power through technology, 61–6
digital capitalism critique, 99–104
expansion and consumption
and environment, 127–30, 133–4
and global warming, 216
inefficiency and wastefulness, 106–7, 180
mode of production and speed, 32–46, 48–52, 54–5
and ‘need for speed’, 36–8, 161, 162, 166, 223
science and technology in service of, 122–3
and social democracy, 236
and time–space compression, 112–20, 121–2
see also commodification; ‘friction-free capitalism’
‘casino capitalism’, 30
Castells, Manuel, 23, 24–5, 59–60, 93–9, 131–2, 156, 216, 233
censorship, 65, 117–18, 119, 194–6, 209
Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA), 90–2
Center for the Internet and
CEOs and pressure of time, 179–80, 186
and earlier generations, 16, 75–6, 185–6, 186–7
‘keeping up’ with, 170
and Internet censorship, 65, 194–6, 209
neoliberal growth model, 127–30, 131
choice and information society, 19–20
circulation of capital and speed, 37–8
global civil society, 229
climate change, 128
clock technology and construction of time, x, 161–2
CNN and ‘YouTube Debates’, 204–5
code and decommodification, 146–9
cognitive psychology
and information overload, 176–80
information processing and Internet, 181–5
Cold War and computer science, ix, 1, 47–8, 218
colonization and commodification, 137
‘Colorado Experiment’, 214
command and control systems in US military, 48
commodification, 62–3, 135–58, 226
‘culture of commodification’, 137, 142–6
definition, 136
and digital capitalism critique, 103–4
of power, 191
‘communities of interest’, 152, 156
‘academic capitalism’, 141
free market and progressive improvement, 35–6
and instability, 127
and ‘need for speed’, 37, 162, 180, 223
‘complete information’ and Internet, 71–2
computer: as metaphor, 77–8, 79–80
computer code and decommodification, 146–9
computer games industry, 7–8, 143–4
computer gaming culture
online gaming community, 8, 17–19, 144–6
computer science
development of computerization, 3–4, 4–5, 46–52
increases in processing speed, 159–61, 167–9
see also computerization
computer–human interaction (CHI), see human–computer interaction (HCI)
development of, 3–4, 4–5, 46–52
intellectual responses to, xii, 52–66, 92–108
and social transformation, 24
consumption and environmental impact, 126–30, 133–4
contextual knowledge, 57
control, 17
capitalism and control through technology, 61–6
lack of control, 66, 221–2, 223
see also power relations
Copeland, Douglas, 143
‘copyleft’ system, 147
copyright and ‘fair use’ laws, 149
counter-culture ideology and Google, 194
‘creative commons’, 149, 150, 154–5
creativity and decommodification, 146–58
critical thinking: lack of time for, 11–12, 183–5, 220–1
‘cult of information’, 69–70, 74
commodification of, 137, 138–42
and ‘good speed’, 167
‘culture of commodification’, 137, 138–58
Cunningham, Ward, 150
cyberspace, 226
Daily me view of media, 211–12
‘data trash’, 202
de Sola Pool, Ithiel, 76
de Zengotita, Thomas, 19–20, 21–2, 171, 175
decentralization, 62
decision-making and pressure of time, 177, 180
DeLisi, Charles, 169
and blogging, 214
and ICTs, 27, 117–20, 201, 204–5
liberal democracy, 15, 39, 199, 200
see also liberal democracy
Denise, Malcolm, 49
Destutt de Tracy, Count Antoine, 230–1
Deutsche Bank, 126
developing countries, 130–3, 188
dialectical materialism, 227
digital capitalism critique, 99–104
digital convergence, 102
‘distributed computing’, 3
dot-com bubble, 72, 101–2, 227–8
Drucker, Peter, 26–30, 75, 76–7, 114
Dyson, Esther, 82–4, 85, 101, 135
Eagleton, Terry, 123
e-books, 182
economic relations perspective, 27
and ‘bad speed’, 169
state management of economy, 190
‘economies of speed’, 162, 220
and technology as panacea, 217
and acceleration, 164
and cognitive capacity, 177–80
inefficiency of capitalism, 106–7, 180
email: literacy and intelligibility, 116
employment perspective, 27, 104–5
automation and employment, 48–52
and ‘shrinking world’, 110–11, 125
social acceleration in workplace, 179–80
see also Fordism; work–life balance
empowerment and information technologies, viii
Enron Corporation, 30
entertainment and information society, 2, 7–9
see also computer games; computer gaming culture; media and digital technologies
environmental degradation, 126–30, 133
‘fair use’ laws, 149
family and ‘social acceleration’, 165–6
Ferguson, Adam, 33
fibre-optic networks and waste, 106–7
file-sharing, 149
filtering and media consumption, 115, 211–12
financial markets and information society, 29–30
financialization of daily life, 28, 30
‘flexible accumulation’, 43–4, 50–2, 66, 101, 120–1
Flexible Specialization, 235
flexible working systems, 5–6, 52, 108
‘flows’ of information, 3, 7, 124
assembly-line production techniques, ix, 33, 40–5, 54–5, 224
and overaccumulation problem, 43–5
as ‘total way of life’, 41–5, 163
see also post-Fordism
Forrester, Jay, 48
Franklin, Benjamin, 37
Free Software Foundation, 147
free-market economics, 45–6, 75, 120, 221, 231
environmental impact, 126–30, 133
historical context, 32–3, 35–6, 39
see also neoliberalism
‘friction-free capitalism’, 71, 72, 73, 99, 101, 105, 119
fun element of information society, 2
games, see computer games; computer gaming culture
Gare, Arran, 79
Gates, Bill, viii, 7, 71, 72, 73–4, 99
General Motors (GM), 193
Generation X (and Y) culture, 1, 143, 146
genetics and ‘good speed’, 167–9
Gibson, William, 226
Giddens, Anthony, 121, 189, 221
Gilder Report and ‘Gilder effect’, 86, 87
Gleick, James, 163–4, 176, 181
global civil society, 229, 236
Global Information Infrastructure (GII), 81
global perspective, 27
global power and Google, 193
‘global village’ theory, 213
see also neoliberal globalization
globalized society, 1
Glyn, Andrew, 132
‘gold farming’, 145
Goldberg, Arthur J., 49
Gore, Al, 80–2, 83–4, 102, 201
see also privatization; state power
‘grassroots lobbying’ and ICTs, 202
Harvey, David, 46, 67, 125, 130, 133
and Fordism as ‘total way of life’, 42, 44, 163
and speed of capital circulation, 37–8
time–space compression thesis, x, 120–3, 126–8, 166, 168
Hassan, Robert, 138, 160–1, 167
Hayek, Friedrich von, 45, 67–8, 221
benefits of ‘good speed’, 167–9
see also ‘pathologies of speed’
Hegel, G.W.F., 227
hegemonic, 229
Heim, Michael, 70
Henwood, Doug, 32
historical development of ICTs, viii–ix, 46–52
historical materialism, 35, 229–30, 232
Hobsbawm, Eric, 39
Hofstadter, Douglas R., 176
Howard, John, 203
Hughes, Thomas, 70
human cognition and information overload, 176–80
Human Genome Project (HGP), 168
human–computer interaction (HCI), 4, 40, 88, 90, 230
Hume, David, 33
‘hydraulic effect’ of Internet, 7–8
ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies), 230
identity and new technology, 97–8, 175
counter-culture ideology and Google, 194
and development of information society, 1, 66–74
and environmental issues, 133
neoliberalism as dominant ideology, 219–20
illusion and dangers of speed, 12–17
imperialism, 200
improvement and progress, 33–4, 35–6
income inequality, 105
incremental technological change, 187
individual: isolation of, 174–5
and digital technologies, 69–70, 83, 105–6, 175
and free-market economics, 32–3, 45, 67–8, 71
Industrial Revolution, 34
paradigm shift from, 23–4, 44–5
see also urbanization
and ‘bad speed’, 169–71, 176–80
indiscriminate production, 115–17
non-equivalence with knowledge, 53–7, 114, 115
as power, 191
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), 230
information and culture perspective, 27
‘information overload’, xii, 115–17, 169–71, 185
and cognitive psychology, 176–80
in political forum, 202
information processing and Internet, 181–5
information society, vii,–xiii,, 52
definition and perspectives on, 23–31
positive and negative views of, 75–108
information technology revolution, ix
and neoliberal globalization, 219
‘informational capitalism’, 59–60, 61
intellectual activity
and information overload, 115–16, 176–80, 220–1
information processing and Internet, 181–5
intellectual legitimacy of new technologies, 87, 88–108
‘intellectual technologies’, 53–4
interaction, 226
see also human–computer interaction
International Labor Organization (ILO), 105
International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 123
Internet, vii
censorship, 65, 117–18, 119, 194–6
and ‘complete information’, 71–2
and decommodification of culture, 149–50, 155–6
digital capitalism critique, 99–104
and ideology, 71
and information processing, 181–5
literacy and intelligibility, 116
origins of, 50
politics and access to, 60–1, 80–1
speed of change, 188
speed and social-psychological
Wikipedia, 150–2, 155, 181–2, 196
‘invisible hand’, 33
iPod market domination, 162
Iran: Internet censorship, 65, 209
isolation, 70, 106, 108 of individual, 174–5
Jameson, Fredric, viii,, 121–2, 227
Jobs, Steve, 72
Judt, Tony, 217
‘just-in-time’ system, 51
‘keeping up’ with change, 170
Kelly, Kevin, 77
Klein, Naomi, 221
Kling, Rob, 24
‘Knol’ application, 196
‘global diffusion’, 114, 115–16
non-equivalence with information, 53–7, 114, 115
types of, 54
‘knowledge technologies’/’knowledge society’, 53–4, 55
‘knowledge workers’/‘knowledge executives’, 26–30
Kroker, Arthur, 202
Krotosi, Aleks, 8
Kurzweil, Ray, 160
laissez-faire economics, 45–6, 231
Lanchester, John, 128
cognition and information overload, 178–80
Legend of Mir 3, The (computer game), 17–19
commodification, 63
see also work–life balance
Leslie, Larry L., 141
Lévinas, Emmanuel, 78
liberal democracy, 15, 39, 199, 200
libertarianism, 83
Licklider, J.C.R., xii,, 4, 40, 78, 88, 90
Lincoln, Abraham, 200
Linux operating system, 147–8, 154
Lipietz, Alain, 43
literacy and new technologies, 115, 116, 182
Loader, Brian, 60
lobbying and digital technologies, 202
Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM), 29–30
Lubbe, Hermann, 165
Lyotard, Jean-François, 55–6, 57, 115, 122–3
McLaughlin, Andrew, 195
McLuhan, Marshall, 155, 212–13
Madlin, Nancy, 89
Magaziner, Ira, 84
‘mainframe era’, 3
man–machine interaction, see
human–computer interaction
marketing of sports branded wear, 139–40
marketization, 59
see also commodification
Marx, Karl, 16, 34–5, 37, 132, 136, 227, 229, 232
Marxism, 35–6, 37, 38–45, 197–8
mass production techniques, 41–5, 51, 54–5
see also Fordism
Massey, Doreen, 191
see also dialectic materialism; historical materialism
mechanistic world-view, 77–8, 79
media and digital technologies, 10–11
filtering and media consumption, 115, 211–12
medicine and `good speed’, 167–9
memory and information overload, 178–80
mergers and acquisitions
and digital convergence, 102
and games, 144
Merton, Robert C., 30
metaphor of computer, 77–8, 79–80
‘military-industrial complex’and
Mills, C. Wright, 46
Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA), 90–2
Mitchell, William, 117
mobility of capital, 43–4, 45, 124
‘moblogs’, 208
mode of production, 232
capitalism and role of speed, 32–46, 48–52, 54–5
Modes of Regulation (MORs), 43, 235
Moore, Gordon E., 160
Moore’s Law, 160
MP3, 232
multinational corporations (MNCs), 62, 123–5
see also business; neoliberal globalization
and time–space compression, x, 36, 95, 166, 220
Mumford, Lewis, 161
Murdoch, Rupert, 113
narcissism and technology, 212–13
National Information Infrastructure (NII), 80–1, 84
‘need for speed’
and capitalism, 36–8, 161, 162, 166, 223
CEOs and pressure of time, 179–80, 186
negative views of information society, 92–108
‘bad speed’, 11, 96–7, 159, 169–80
Negroponte, Nicholas, 70–1, 88–92, 135, 232
neo-Fordism, 46
neoliberal globalization, ix, xii, 2, 62–3, 69, 112, 222–3
and ‘culture of commodification’, 137, 142–6
environmental impact, 126–30, 133
and revolution in ICT, 219
and shrinking world, 109–10, 123–5
and speed and acceleration, 162, 163, 166, 170, 179–80
neoliberalism, 233
and commodification of information, 59
digital capitalism critique, 99–104
and digital divide, 59–61, 227
and ‘flexible accumulation’, 50–2
growth model, 128
and promotion of Internet, 85–7
and ‘shrinking world’, 109–12, 123–34
and sites of power, 191
Neo-Schumpeterianism, 235
‘network effect’, 2–15, 25, 101–2, 223
network society, vii–viii, 1, 6, 24–5, 233
and ‘space of flows’ theory, 94–5
technology and civil society, 98–9
networks and digital capitalism critique, 99–104
Neubauer, Deane, 132
newspapers and digital technologies, 10
NII, see National Information Infrastructure
Nolan, James, 174
Nowotny, Helga, 14
‘numbness’ and ‘bad speed’, 22–3, 171, 172
obsession with technologies/selves, 212–13
online gaming community, 8, 17–19, 144–6
open-source software, 147–8, 154–5
oral culture and print culture, 182–3
organizational management, 38
outsourcing, 111
overaccumulation problem, 43–5
Owen, Robert, 35
‘pace of life’, 166
see also ‘social acceleration’
‘pathologies of speed’, 167, 170, 171
performative knowledge, 55–6, 57, 115
‘personal computer (PC) era’, 3
philosophy and lack of time, 183–4, 220–1
Plato, 12
polarization of wealth, 105
political economy, 33–6, 221, 234
critique of new technologies, 76–7, 79, 92–108
‘political economy of information’, 58–9
and business in information society, 95–6, 196–7
censorship of Internet, 65, 117–18, 119
see also democracy; political economy
positive views of information society, 79–92
Poster, Mark, 112
and decentralization, 62
and speed and acceleration, 163
post-industrial society, 23–4, 52–7
Postman, Neil, 78
postmodernity: transition to, 23, 76–108, 120–3, 201
‘poverty of attention’, 220
power relations
capitalism and control through technology, 61–6
information as power, 191
politics and control, 189, 190–223
power elites and research, 46–7
see also control
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 7–8, 143
private sector and power, 190–1
information technologies, 100, 102–4
productive forces, 232
programming code and decommodification, 146–9, 154
progressive improvement, 33–4, 35–6
promotion of Internet, 83–4, 85–7
Proulx, E. Annie, 182
psychological effects, 170
anxiety and social acceleration, 172–6
cognition and information overload, 176–80
social-psychological effects of Internet, 181–5
quality of life: material prosperity, 125–6
reality in postmodern world, 122–3
reflection: lack of time for, 11–12, 176–7, 183–5, 220–1
Regimes of Accumulation (ROAs), 235
‘remaking of the world’, 46
Reporters Without Borders (RWB), 196, 209–10
research and power elites, 46–8
‘reserve army of labour’, 132
Rheingold, Howard, 3, 117, 152–3, 201, 205
Ricardo, David, 198
Roszak, Theodore, 55, 57, 69, 79
Sabelis, Ida, 179–80, 184–5, 186
Schiller, Dan, 99–104, 106, 135
Scholes, Myron, 30
Schumpeter, Joseph, 215
and technology in service of capitalism, 122–3
Second Life, 153
security services and digital technologies, 25
self and new technology, 97–8, 174
service industries in post-industrial society, 53
shirt sponsorship and sales, 138–40
‘shrinking’ of space, ix–x, 38–9, 109–34
Sigarchi, Arash, 209
simulacra, 205
Slaughter, Sheila, 141
slowness of change in earlier generations, 186–8
slums in developing countries, 131, 132
Smith, Adam, 32–3, 45, 71, 198, 233
‘social acceleration’, 9, 16, 21–3, 112, 158, 164–7, 169–89, 223
social communication and commodification, 137
social democracy, 41, 42, 45, 220, 235–6
social exclusion and digital divide, 59–61
social networking, 69, 119, 152–4, 207
commercial interests in, 155–6
and ‘network sociality’, 156–8
social and technical relations of production, 232
software and decommodification, 147–8, 154–5
South Korea, 8
‘shrinking’ of space, ix,–x, 38–9, 109–34
space and time perspective, 27
see also time–space compression
speed and acceleration, xi–xii, 1–31, 159–89, 220
bad speed, 11, 96–7, 159, 169–80
and capitalism and mode of production, 32–46, 48–52, 54–5
and education, 7
and networks, 11–15, 94–5, 181–2, 185, 188
and pressure on individuals, 68–9, 161, 179–80, 186
speed of change in earlier generations, 16, 75–6, 185–6, 186–8
see also ‘need for speed’; ‘social acceleration’
see also speed and acceleration
Stallman, Richard, 147, 150, 154
Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, 159
Strange, Susan, 30
stress, 106
Sunstein, Cass, 211–12, 213–14
superficiality, see `surface effect’
‘surface effect’, 20, 22, 181, 184–5
surveillance and information technologies, 63–5
systemization of capitalism, 38–46
systems of technology, 93, 107–8
‘technological acceleration’, 164
technological change: slowness in earlier generations, 186–8
technopolitics, 205–7, 222, 236
terrorism and new technologies, 25
Thatcher, Margaret, 50, 68, 75, 221
theory and information society, 52–66
and time–space compression, 112–34
see also economic theory; regulation theory
Thompson, Tony, 145
pressure of time for CEOs, 179–80, 186
space and time perspective, 27, 187
‘speeding up’ of time, ix,–x, 68–9
see also time–space compression
‘time is money’ethos, 37, 55, 163–4
time–space compression, ix,–x, 38–9, 95, 188
and ‘pace of life’, 166, 176–7
see also ‘shrinking space’; speed and acceleration; ‘speeding up’ of time
Toffler, Alvin, 66
‘transition phase’, 3
transport and shrinking world, 109–10
and context, 14
Turing Test and `brain-as-computer’, 77–8
‘ubiquitous computing era’, 3–4
‘unconnectedness’: disadvantages, 9
unemployment and New Economy, 110–11, 125
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), 60
see also industrial society
user-generated content, see blogs
and blogging; social
video-enabled mobile phones, 8
Virilio, Paul, 169–70, 171, 175, 202
‘digital Town Hall’ politics, 201
online gaming, 8, 17–19, 144–6
social networking, 152–4, 155–6, 207
‘virtual sweatshops’, 145
‘voice over the internet protocol’ (VoIP), x, 110
Wales, Jimmy, 150
Walton, Sam, 163
‘war on terror’, 25
wastefulness of capitalism, 106–7
web browsers, 225
‘weightless’ businesses, 4–5, 6, 111, 162–3, 166
Weinstein, Michael, 202
Welch, Kathleen, 183
Wiener, Norbert, 78
Wi-fi, 236
wiki technologies, 150, 214, 215
Wikipedia, 150–2, 155, 181–2, 196
work–life balance, 5–6, 62–3, 166
World Social Forum (WSF), 99, 222, 236
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), 123
world view and technological change, 76–8
Wozniak, Steve, 72
Ziek, Slavoj, 142
Zuckerberg, Mark, 153