NOTE: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refers to endnotes.

Abidin, Crystal, 106n51, 133n232, 133n235, 135n250, 143n302

Advertorial, 76, 79, 93, 94, 95

Affection economy, 9495

AKB48, 28, 112n97

Albania, 22

Algorithm, 15, 78, 80, 81

Alibaba, 32

Amazon, 83

Amos Yee, 85

Andrea V. Wojnicki, 148n334

Ang, Tian Tian, 115n120, 117n130

Aniftos, Rania, 128n198

AnnieChangNewsOn6, 121n155

Antoine Dodson, 43

Appointment viewing mode, 8

Armenti, Marissa, 137n265

Arnold, Michael, 106n46

Asian-American, 36, 87

AsiaOne, 115n116

Attention economy, 28, 37, 67, 92, 9495, 9495, 98

Attention hacked, Hijack, 64, 69

Australia, xviii, 1, 2, 14, 84

azliah, 132n229, 230

Bad Luck Brian, Kyle Craven, 48, 55

Baey Yam Keng, 17

Bangkok, 73

Barker, Christian, 141n291

BBC, 126n186, 126n187, BBC, 127n189, 127n190, 143n301

BeLive, 89

Belle Gibson, 86

Berg, Madeline, 133n237

Berita Harian, 63

Bernard, Zoë, 140n281

Bhargava, Rohit, 135n245

Biersdorfer, J. D., 138n269

Bigo, 89

Black, 17, 84, 86

Blattberg, Eric, 110n88

Blay, Seba, 121n152

Blog, Blogger, Blogging, xviii, 20, 21, 32, 33, 35, 60, 61, 63, 7374, 75, 77, 84, 86, 87, 88, 96

Blogshops, 13, 7374, 7374, 88

Boboltz, Sara, 142n295

Bologna, Caroline, 118n132–135

Booth, Norman, 105n38

Bot, 78, 7980, 81, 82, 95, 98

Bourdieu, Pierre, 108n65, 108n66, 110n80, 117n130

Bow Wow, 86

Bradley, Diana, 139n277, 141n286

Brand-jack, 45

Brennan, Siofra, 109n73

Britain, 152

Business of Fashion, 141n290

buzzoid, 136n260

Calibrated amateurism, 91, 9192, 92

Camgirls, 11, 12


Cultural, 22, 28, 91

Economic, 20, 28

Social, 28, 33, 36, 61, 91

Technical, 28

Carter, Marcus, 106n47

Casual observation mode, 8

Catchphrases, 3840

Celebrity–audience relations, 89

Celebrity culture, 3, 4

Censorship, 6364

Chanel Brusco, 86

Channel 4, 110n77

Charles Ramsey, 40

CharlieHannenma Newson6, 119n140

Chengdu, 30

Chen, Siyi, 117n127

Chiara Ferragni, The Blonde Salad, 84

China, Chinese, xviii, 2, 3, 12, 14, 27, 30, 32, 36, 83, 87

Chokshi, Niraj, 134n238

Chrissy Teigen, 17

Chu, Kathy, 146n316

Citizen Relations, 84

Cliff, Martha, 109n72

Coco, 87

Comedic factor, 40

Commercial blogging, Commercial bloggers, Commercial blogs, 7374

Commodity, 4, 42, 43

Constine, Josh, 147n326

Content creation, 43

Content Summit, 116n120

Contract, Contracted, 1, 52, 53, 65, 75, 78

Contrera, Jessica, 123n167–169

Courtney Barnes, 40

Cowie, Tom, 145n311

CrazyLaughAction, 119n141

Crenshaw, Kimberlé, 110n81

Crowd-puller cameos, 37, 60, 64, 68

“anti-Islam behaviour,” 63

censorship, 6364

internet-native audiences, 30

lending fame, 6061

“MunahHirziOfficial” (MHO), 61

social media entertainment, 62

YouTube content production, 62

Cultural capital, 22

Cultural histories, 3

DaddyOFive, 85

Danielle Bregoli, 86

DeFranco, Philip, 134n241, 134n243

Demotic turn, 5, 6

Dickey, Megan Rose, 121n156

Digital audience, 37

Digital culture, 14

DIY celebrity, 911

digital technology and social media platforms, 9

homemade content, 9

“representational” to “presentational” media and culture, 10

self-brand, 10

webcams, 11

Dr. Phil, 5

Dubai, 21

Dubecki, Larissa, 130n215

Dylan, Sceneable, 86

Earl, Jennifer, 124n171

East Asia, xviii, 26, 27, 52, 55, 74, 83, 86, 89

Economic capital, 20

The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Ellen DeGeneres, 57

Ellis, Jack, 140n284

Emotioneering, 7

E News, 110n76

Ethnocentrism, Ethnocentric, 26, 55

Eunice Annabel Lim, 60, 131n218

Europe, 152

Everydayness, Everyday, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 19, 24, 30, 3235, 40, 56, 74, 95

Exceptionalism, Exceptional, 19, 2832

celebration of, 29

commercial requests, 32

cross-cultural reach, 31

decade-long presence, 30

food-related cosmetic videos, 32

“technical capital,” 28

Exclusivity, Exclusive, 6, 19, 2022, 52, 74, 76

Exoticism, Exotic, 19, 2228, 40, 41

cooking process, 2324

cultivation of, 22

ethnocentrism concept, 26

inter- and intracultural contexts, 23, 28

“intersectionality” concept, 23

orientalism concept, 26

sentiments, 2526

socialbakers, 27

YouTube platform, 27

Exploitation, 40, 78, 86

Eyewitness viral stars, Eyewitness virality, 37, 3844, 68

catchphrases, 3840

comedic factor, 40

domestic violence and homelessness awareness, 4142

exotic informants, 41

fame and commerce, 42

financial return, 43

likeability factor, 40

news-reporting strategies and news network circuits, 38

pity factor, 40

social/economic progress, 42

virality cycle, 44

Facebook, xviii, 30, 31, 38, 39, 41, 42, 48, 51, 53, 63, 85

Faces of memes, 4547

FameBit, 84

Family Influencers, 13, 85

Farley, Megan, 121n154

Farokhmanesh, Megan, 145n310

Fashion, Fashion blogger, Fashion industry, 11, 13, 14, 17, 28, 73, 74, 76, 78, 80, 83, 84, 85, 87, 93, 151, 152

Fearn, Rebecca, 139n274

Finstagrams, 92

First order intimacy, 9

Fiverr, 65

Fleming Jr, Mike, 126n182

Flite, 84

FOMO, Fear of Missing Out, 89

Fortune, 142n294

Fritz, Ben, 133n236

Funny Guys, 65

Fyre Festival, 85

9GAG, 48

García-Rapp, Florencia, 105n46

General, Ryan, 147n322

Gibbs, Martin, 106n47

Gilbert Chan, 61

Ginzamarkets, Inc., 83

Goldsmith, Belinda, 128n196

Gontcharova, Natalie, 140n283

Google, 84, 96

Govani, Shinan, 139n276

Grace, Sophia, 57, 128n198, 130n212, 213

Greyson Chance, 57

Griffiths, Josie, 109n69

Grumpy Cat, Tardar Sauce, 51, 55

Guangzhou, 73

Guarriello, Nicholas-Brie, 105n42

Gushcloud, 75, 83, 136n255

Haberman, Stephanie, 122n163

Hallam, Jed, 134n244

Hallanan, Lauren, 140n282

Hashtags For Likes, 80, 137n264

Hayden, Erik, 122n162

Hearn, Alison, 106n47

Heidi Yeh, Ugly Children Lawsuit Hoax, 56

Hemsley, Jeff, 124n173

Herrera, Monica, 127n195

Herreria, Carla, 144n306

h3h3Productions, 66, 134n240, 134n242

Hjorth, Larissa, 116n124.

HikakinTV, 28, 113n100

Hollywood, 1, 3, 17, 51

Hong Kong, 21

Huang, Menglin, 146n316

Huffington Post, 122n157

Hunt, Elle, 137n267, 142n293

Idols, 2

Ignacio, Angela V., 113n106

igReviews, 137n261

Impression management, 6

Indonesia, 12, 152

Infamy, 16, 19, 20, 54, 56

Influencer, xviii, 1, 13, 14, 52, 59, 61, 65, 67, 69, 71

The Influencer Network, 75

affection economy, 9495

agencies and managers, 7476

attention economy, 9495

blogshops, 7374

calibrated amateurism, 9192

commercial blogging, 7374

definition, 72

digital tools and social media, 88

Finstagrams, 92


culture, 8586

economics, 8384

legality, 8485

polarizing coverage, 82

social issues, 8687

Instagram Stories, 88

marketing strategies, 72

photoshopping, 91

platformed fame, 9294

qualitative impact, 9597

quantitative metrics, 9597

repository format, 89

revenue mode

advertising space sale, blogs and social media platforms, 7778

from advertorials, 7677

from selling wares, 78

self-brand, 71

shadow economies

bot followers & account purges, 7980

hashtag spam, 8081

Instagram & Twitter, 8182

products and services, 78

Snapchat’s Stories, 88

sociocultural climate and ideo-geographies, 72

tasteful consumption formats, 91

transient format, 89

“war of eyeballs,” 90

Instagram, 8182, 88, 98, 137n266, 147n324

Intense Human Emotions, 6

Intentional media coverage, 4

Intersectionality, Intersectional, 23, 26

Intimacy, 8, 9, 12

Jack Neo, 60

Japan, xviii, 2, 27, 28, 36

The Jerry Springer Show, 5

Jianhao Tan, 61

Jimmy Kimmel Live!, 57

Johnson, Sarah, 126n188

Jwcfree, 113n104, 113n105

Kai Langer, 57

Kamen, Matt, 137n268

Kan & Aki’s CHANNEL, 28, 112n97, 112n97

Kardashian-Jenners, 17

Kelly, Heather, 108n67

KevJumba, 87

Kimball, Trevor, 130n214

Kimberly Wilkins, Sweet Brown, 39

Kinoshita Yuka, 23, 24, 36

Kircher, Madison Malone, 138n270, 144n307, 148n329

Know Your Meme, 124n170, 127n192

Korea Boo, 115n114

Kozinets, Robert V., 148n333

K-pop, 83, 87

Ladyironchef, 136n257

Lakritz, Talia, 110n74, 75

Langer, Michelle, 127n193

Lashes, Ben, 47, 51

The Late Late Show with James Corden, 17, 107n58

Laura Izumikawa, 33, 118n131, 118n136–137, 119n138–139,

Laurent, Dheepthika, 108n62

Lavoie, Stephen, 114n111

League of Legends, 86

Leaver, Tama, 143n302

Lee, Dave, 137n262

Lee, Yang Yi, 130n216

LIBA Studio, viii, 21, 24, 29, 31, 34, 39, 46, 49, 53, 58, 62, 73, 77, 90, 97

Liew, Isabelle, 146n315

Li, Jiatao, 135n247

Likeability factor, 40

Lilymaymac, 85

Little Big Shots, Steve Harvey, 59

LiveJournal, 73

Livestream, 12

Lovemark, 94

Mainstream celebrities, 2

Makalintal, Bettina, 147n320

Maker Studios, Disney, 65

Malinda-White, Kyle, 131n223, 131n224, 131n225

Markiplier, 66, 134n239

Marwick, Alice, 106n49, 108n63

Matic, Julie Ann, 105n38

McCarter, Mark, 119n142

McClelland, Rosie, 57

McLaughlin, Erin, 141n289

McMillan Cottom, Tressie, 105n40

Mediacorp Suria, 132n226–228

Media formats, 5

MeiPai, 30

Meitu Xiuxiu, 27

Memes, Meme personalities, 14, 37, 40, 4447, 49, 5256

capitalism and cultural industries logic, 45

celebrities, 5052

cultural participants, 44

faces of, 4547

meme personae, 4850

one-off virality, 44

unwilling memes, 5256

Meng, Di, 105n43

Meese, James, 106n46

Michelle Dobyne, 38, 39, 41

Microcelebrities, 1116, 37, 6467, 86

“achieved” microcelebrities, 12

audiences, 15

blogshops format, 13

concept of, 12

digital media technologies and platforms, 11

family Influencers, 13

impact, 15

vs. internet celebrity, structural differences, 16

“micro-microcelebrities,” 1116, 37, 6467, 86

nature, 15

platform, 14

practice, 15

scale, 14

“Micro-microcelebrities,” 13

Miller, Joshua Rhett, 145n309

Millington, Alison, 109n70, 109n71

Milner, Ryan M, 107n6, 122n158–161, 123n166, 125n176, 127n191

Molloy, Tim, 119n143

The money shot, 6

mrbrown, 63, 113n231, 133n231, 133n233–234

Ms Yeah, Zhou Xiao Hui, 30

Mukbang, 14, 23, 2427

“MunahHirziOfficial” (MHO), 61, 62, 131n222

The Museum of Ice Cream, 87, 83

My Fat Pocket, 75

Nahon, Karine, 124n173

Nansen, Bjorn, 106n46

Naomi Neo, 61, 131n219

Naptime With Joey, Joey Marie Choi, 33

The Narrative Group, 84

Network, 38, 41, 42, 46, 51, 65, 75, 83, 93, 125n180

Newton, Casey, 147n322

Ng, Gwendolyn, 131n221

Nicas, Jack, 133n236

Nigeria, 22

Night Owl Cinematics, 85

Noah Ritter, Apparently Kid, 57

Noah Yap, 60

North America, 152

Noyan, Burcu, 139n275

Nuffnang, 75, 136n254

O’Connor, Clare, 126n183, 126n185

The Official Grumpy Cat, 125n178

Online retail business, 3

Oogui, 23

OpenDiary, 83

“Ordinary” life, 5

Orientalism, 26, 27

Ortiz, Meann, 114n112

Otherness, Othering, 40

Outfit of the Day, OOTD, 33

Parasocial relations, 8

Parker, Asha, 121n153

Patricia Tayer, Kyra, 114n108

Peaches Monroee, 84

Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen, PPAP, 27

Periscope, 89

PewDiePie, Felix Kjellberg, 65

Phan, Michelle, 84, 141n288

Philip DeFranco, 66

Photoshopping, 91

Pikotaro, 27, 33

Pink_Sparkles, m86

Pity factor, 40

Popular factual television, 7

Power 96, 120n146

Pressly, Linda, 146n314

Pulley, Anna, 114n110

Purge, Instagram Purge, 78, 80, 98

Purtill, James, 142n292, 143n298

Qualities, exceptionalism (See Exceptionalism), exoticism (See Exoticism)

“capital” forms, 19

everydayness, 3235

exclusivity, 2022

social behaviors, 19

realgrumpycat. 125n177

Real Grumpy Cat, 125n179

Reality TV, 78, 11, 17, 22

Reddit, xviii, 46, 47, 48, 51

Reinstein, Julia, 138n272, 138n273

Repository format, 89, 90, 93

Reuters, 115n117, 116n121

Revenue mode, influencers

advertising space sale, blogs and social media platforms, 7778

from advertorials, 7677

from selling wares, 78

Rich Kids of Instagram rkoi, 2022, 36, 108n68

Richkidsof, 110n79

Riddell, Marlena, 120n146

Ridiculously Photogenic Guy, Zeddie Watkins Little, 55

Robehmed, Natalie, 107n59

Roberts, Kevin, 148n331

Robertson, Matt, 123n164, 123n165

Roca-Cuberes, Carles, 105n45

Ruth, 105n39

Ryan Higa, 87

Ryan ToysReview, 87

Saaya, 28, 112n91, 112n91

Said, Edward W., 110n84

Sales, Nancy Jo, 145n313

Sasakiasahi, 28, 112n92, 112n92

Schaefer, Mark, 135n246

Schilling, Dave, 121n151

Schmidt, Samantha, 146n317

Schoenhoff, Stephanie, 106n47

Second order intimacy, 9

SekineRisa, 28, 112n93

Self-brand, 6, 10, 71

Selfie, xix, 17, 87, 93

Senft, Theresa M., 106n48, 108n64

Shadow ban, 8081, 98

Shadow economies

bot followers & account purges, 7980

hashtag spam, 8081

Instagram & Twitter, 8182

products and services, 78

Shenzhen, 73

Shontell, Alyson, 124n174–175

Shortline Dental, 119n145

Sichuan, 30

Silverman, Matt, 124n172

Singapore, Singaporean, xviii, 13, 17, 60, 61, 63, 72, 73, 74, 83, 85, 87, 88, 98

Slefo, George, 141n287

Smart Insights, 139n278

Snapchat, 17, 84, 88, 89, 91, 93, 96, 97

Sochocki, Trevor, 116n123, 117n126

Socialbakers, 110n89, 113n101

Social Blade, 27, 96, 112n90, 112n94, 112n94

Social capital, 33

Social practices and identities, 8

Solis, Brian, 135n249

Southeast Asia, 74, 83

South Korea, xviii, 14, 23, 29, 36, 83

Sponsor, 85

Spotted and groomed investments, 37, 5659, 68

commodified childhoods, 59

Ellen factory, 5758

prime-time television, 56

viral social media posts, 56

Squier, Chem, 110n78

Steel, Catherine Knight, 120n146

Stern, Carly, 142n296

Stories, xix, 6, 38, 64, 81, 88, 93, 96

The Straits Times, 130n217

Structural histories, 3

Subculture, Subcultural, 25, 61, 65, 67

Subversive frivolity, xix

Success Kid, Sammy Griner, 48

Sungha Jung, 29, 30, 36, 114n107, 114n109

Suria, 62, 63

Sweden, Swedish, xviii, 14, 64, 85

Switzerland, 21

Tabloid, 4, 18, 54, 63, 65

TagBlender, 80, 137n263

Tait, Amelia, 145n312

Taiwan, Taiwanese, xviii, 23, 52, 87

Tan, Guan Zhen, 144n304

Tantiangco, Aya, 143n303

Tarento, 2

Tasteful consumption formats, 91

Tay, Samantha, 115n115, 115n118, 117n128

“Technical capital,” 28

Television industry, 6

Television, xviii, 310, 17, 38, 42, 56, 6062, 63, 68, 100

Tham, Chastina, 114n108

TheEllenShow, 128n199–202, 129n203–210, 130n211

TheGacchannel, 28

theofficialsunghajung, 114n113

Theoretical histories, 3

Thet, Nyi Nyi, 144n304

Thomas, Sujin, 136n259

Thompson, Eric C., 106n50, 135n250

Thompson, Rachel, 138n271

Time Magazine, 1

Today (newspaper), 63

Tomi Lahren, The Blaze, 85

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, 5657

Tosh Zhang, 60

Traditional celebrities, Internet, 1618

Traditional media

crowd-puller cameos

“anti-Islam behaviour,” 63

censorship, 6364

internet-native audiences, 30

lending fame, 6061

“MunahHirziOfficial” (MHO), 61

social media entertainment, 62

YouTube content production, 62

digital audience, 37

eyewitness viral stars

catchphrases, 3840

comedic factor, 40

domestic violence and homelessness awareness, 4142

exotic informants, 41

fame and commerce, 42

financial return, 43

likeability factor, 40

news-reporting strategies and news network circuits, 38

pity factor, 40

social/economic progress, 42

virality cycle, 44

meme personalities

capitalism and cultural industries logic, 45

celebrities, 5052

cultural participants, 44

faces of, 4547

meme personae, 4850

one-off virality, 44

unwilling memes, 5256

spotted and groomed investments

commodified childhoods, 59

Ellen factory, 5758

prime-time television, 56

viral social media posts, 56

value flows, 68

weaponized microcelebrity

attention hacking, 64

context and control, 6466

YouTubers talk back, 6667

Transient format, 4, 14, 16, 38, 39, 41, 43, 47, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94

The Traveling Garden Gnome, xix, 33

Troye Sivan,1

Tsui, Anne, 135n247

Tufeci, Zeynep, 105n41

Tumblr, xviii, 20, 21, 87

Turkey, 152

TV celebrities, 78

Twitch, 86, 89

Twitter, 8182, 148n332

U.K., 58, 84

Universal Music Japan, 28, 112n95, 112n95

Unwilling memes, 5256

USA, xviii, 3, 27

Vanessa C., 119n144

de Valck, Kristine, 148n333

Vice, 146n318

Vietnam, 22

Viral, Virality

cycle, 44

eyewitness, 37, 3844, 68

VisualiveTV, 120n146

Voyeurism, 36

Wallace, Francesca, 143n299

Wallace, Julia, 144n308

The Wall Street Journal, 6467

Walsh, Ben, 126n184

“Wanghong,” 2, 3

Wanghong, Zhibo wanghong, 32

Wang, Yuejia, 105n43

Warna, Emily, 139n279

“War of eyeballs,” 90

Weaponized microcelebrity, 37, 6467

attention hacking, 64

context and control, 6466

YouTubers talk back, 6667

Webcam, xvii, 11, 14, 88

Weibo, 30

Weird, 26, 55, 99

Weldon, Elizabeth, 135n247

WhatsApp, 97

Wiener, Anna, 147n323

Wife with a Purpose, 86

Wilner, Sarah J. S., 148n333

Winkler, Rolfe, 133n236

Wishcrys, 110n85, 110n86

Withfluence, 83

WNEP-TV, 127n194

Wojnicki, Andrea V., 148n333

Xiaoman, 87

Xiaxue, 136n258

Yardi, Sarita, 113n102, 113n103

Yello Digital Marketing, 83

YG Entertainment, 83

YouTube, 6667

Yoyo Cao, 84

Yu, Heather Johnson, 144n305

Zhang, Ge, 116n124

Zhuang, Pinghui, 116n122, 117n125

Zoe Sugg, 1