3Victor Jacquemont (b. 8 August 1801 in Paris; d. 7 December 1832 in Bombay), a bot-anist, natural historian, and traveler. He sailed for America in 1826, visited Haiti and two years later, having returned to France, left on a scientific mission to India, where he explored the Himalaya region, penetrated into Chinese Tartary, the Kashmir region, and Tibet. After returning to Bombay, he died of cholera. The journal of his Indian experience, Voyage dans l’Inde (1836), edited posthumously by Guizot, is rich in geological, geographical, botanical and zoological information, and offers equally interesting details about the institutions, traditions, and languages of the countries he visited. His chief claim to fame, however, is probably his epistolary exchanges with family and friends during his travels (Correspondance, 1833), which were appreciated for their lively style and detailed observations [Editor].