Acaso, Fernando, 27273
Acerbis, Teresa, 206 , 207
Act of Contrition, 173
Acts of the Apostles, 81 , 133
Africa, 47 , 63 , 187 , 373
agnosticism, 44 , 119
agricultural schools, 40 , 41
Albareda, José María, 16 , 369
Albas, Dolores. See Escrivá, Dolores
Albas, Pily, 138
Alcalde, Tasia, 188
Alexis, St., 29
Alonso, Joaquin, 350
Alphonsus Liguori, St., 96
Altabella, Pedro, 267
Alvarez, Begoña, 79 , 91 , 187 , 193
Alvarez, Jesus, 153 , 361
Alvira, Tomas, 58 , 369
Amat, Montse, 136
Andes University, Chile, 42
Andres, Concha, 28 , 73
anecdotes, 71
Angelicchio, Francesco, 8 , 89 , 99 , 336
angels, 146 , 148 , 197
guardian, 38 , 55 , 13233 , 141 , 294
Angelus, 19 , 141
Angles, Mercedes, 351
Anointing of the Sick, 102 , 360
Anthony, St., 261
anticlericalism, 124 , 238
anti-Semitism, 8991
Antoniutti, Ildebrando, 109 , 278
apostacy, 92
Apostles, 10 , 81 , 132
apostolate, 74 , 128 , 303
corporate works of, 280
friendship and, 40
holiness and, 7
laity and, 342
of Opus Dei, 7 , 8 , 17 , 22 , 26 , 84
personal, 17
service to, 22
women of Opus Dei and, 15 , 40 , 41
young people and, 84
appointments, 19596
Appunto reservato all’Augusta Persona del
Santo Padre , 67
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 117 , 162
Arellano, Marichu, 193
Argentina, 8 , 42 , 63 , 362
Arrupe, Father, 6769 , 286 , 34042
asceticism, 19 , 296
Asia, 42 , 63
aspirations, 5455 , 78 , 81 , 135 , 141 , 209 , 221 , 234 , 248 , 263 , 288 , 372
associates, 296
atheism, 44
atonement, 141
Augustine, St., 162
Australia, 17 , 63 , 208 , 362 , 373
Austria, 63 , 123 , 228 , 292 , 372
authoritarianism, 225
Babo. See Canals, Salvador
Badui, Jalil, 86
Baggio, Sebastiano, 97 , 343
Bajot, Father, 341
Balmes Street student center, Barcelona, Spain, 80
Barcelona, Spain, 9 , 10 , 25
Bartimeus, 138
Barturen, Marga, 294 , 296
Beascoechea, Juan Carlos, 16061
Belgium, 301
Benediction, 147
Benedict XV, Pope, 332
bereavement, 107
Bernard of Clairvaux, St., 62
Bertolucci, Giuseppina, 264
Blanco, Carrero, 202
Blessed Sacrament, 63 , 126 , 141 , 147 , 239 , 250 , 31819 , 331
Blessed Trinity. See Trinity
Bofill, Pablo, 51
Botella, Enriqueta, 40
Botella, Francisco, 143 , 369
Boullon, Concepcion, 376
Brevi Sane , 19
Buddhists, 47 , 229
Bueno y Monreal, Cardinal, 278
Burjasot residence hall, Valencia, Spain, 90
Burke, Cormac, 164
Bustillo, Julia, 21 , 73 , 87 , 186 , 199 , 266
Caamaño, Rafael, 51 , 70 , 146 , 170 , 273
Caballero, Manolo, 157 , 288
Cabrera, Juan, 50
Cabrera, Maria Luisa, 105
Caggiano, Cardinal, 8
Cagigal, Jesus Alberto, 15657 , 250
Caligula, 17
Caliz, Eduardo, 27475
Calvinists, 229
Calvo, Dora, 21 , 266
Calvo, Rafael, 202
campaign of insults and calumnies, 10 , 73100
attributing to a real scene some spurious phrase or false episode and, 8688
“blood rites” and “human sacrifices” and, 8081
cabalistic signs and, 81
cracked copper with rivets and, 8284
cross, use of and, 8081 , 82
enemies as benefactors and, 9193 , 107
Escrivá, Josemaría as heretic and, 79
Escrivá, Josemaría, overthrowing of and, 9498 , 330
Escrivá, Josemaría, trip to Greece of and, 8486
gossip and, 79 , 93
half-truths and distorted facts and, 8284
misrepresentations and, 82 , 8486
Opus Dei, structure of and, 312
saying one thing, then the opposite and, 8991
slander and, 79 , 80 , 92
strange telephone calls and, 93
taking a part for the whole and, 8889
The Way (Escrivá) and, 80 , 82
Campello, Countess, 333
Canals, Salvador, 63 , 92 , 209 , 370
Città Leonina, subletting in and, 13
Opus Dei, canonical recognition of and, 15 , 16
Pius XII, Pope, audience with of, 16
Rome, Italy, journey to and, 10
Villa Tevere, making of and, 27 , 28
Cano, Flor, 272
canon law, 611 , 1419 , 21 , 53 , 5758 , 61 , 6267 , 6970 , 74 , 266 , 286 , 299 , 312 , 337 , 340 , 371
Cantero, Alejandro, 3 , 106
Canticle of Canticles, 350
Capovilla, Loris, 65
Carballo, Rof, 9
Cardona, Carlos, 5657 , 162 , 192 , 23839 , 24748 , 324 , 361
Carlists, 215
Carnation Revolution, 18283
Carrasco, Fernando, 112
Casa del Vicolo, Villa Tevere, 38 , 250 , 272
Casariego, Mario, 265 , 343
Casciaro, Pedro, 5 , 20 , 69 , 90 , 143 , 25253 , 299 , 369
Castelletto del Trebbio, Italy, 294 , 29498 , 299300
Castelli, Leonardo, 31
Catechism of the Work , 16869
Catherine of Siena, St., 13 , 132 , 330
Catholic Action, 269
Catholic Church. See Church
conversion to, 263
Protestantism and, 22829 See also Church
celibacy, 23637
Central America, 80 , 344
Central University of Madrid, 106 , 125
charity, 48 , 81 , 176 , 217 , 253 , 302
chastity, 243
Cherubini, Ines, 310
children, 44 , 230
Chile, 42 , 63
Chiqui. See Hernandez de Garnica, José María
Christianity, 303
dynamism and, 34445
society and, 7
spirit of, 75
Christ Is Passing By (Escrivá), 323 , 375 Church, 17 , 75 , 217 , 299
celibacy and, 23637
crisis in, 301 , 327 , 34344 , 34548
faith and, 223 , 306
freedom and, 340
Opus Dei and, 7 , 8 , 16 , 22 , 74
papacy and, 33132
Peter, St. and, 13 , 331
politics and, 213
poverty and, 51
prayer for, 123 , 342 , 34344 , 356
service to, 45
suffering for, 75
Church of Our Lady of Angels, Madrid, Spain, 281
Church of Santa Maria Novella, 298
Church of the Holy Cross, 298
Church of the Holy Spirit, Madrid, Spain, 266
Ciriaci, Cardinal, 65
citizenship, 214
Città Leonina apartment, Rome, Italy, 1224 , 26 , 63 , 186 , 266
domestic management of, 15
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 1213 , 15 , 18
oratory in, 12 , 13 , 27
poverty and, 13
subletting in, 12
women of Opus Dei in, 21 , 22
Civenna, Italy, 32327
class. See social class
clergy. See priests
celibacy and, 23637
confession and, 24042
dignity of, 240
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 284
holiness, universal call to and, 16
laity and, 212
loneliness and, 23233
loneliness of, 5859
in Opus Dei, 5861 , 63
Opus Dei, canonical recognition of and, 17
vocations and, 328
Colombia, 42 , 63
Commission for the Laity, 335
Communion, 124 , 140 , 141 , 251
Communism, 46 , 90 , 309
Confalonieri, Cardinal, 65
confession, 88 , 102 , 144 , 203
interior life and, 297
priests and, 24042
public, 4
seal of, 24042 , 297 n2
working summers and, 29698 , 299
Congregation of Seminaries and Universities, 333
conscience, 55 , 156
examination of, 74 , 141 , 159 , 258 , 313 , 320
freedom of, 223 , 229
humility and, 261
consecration, 140 , 150
contemplation, 1 , 33 , 129 , 131 , 134 , 139 , 223 , 232 , 296 , 322 , 357
contemplative life. See interior life
conversion, 263 , 345
cooperators, 337
corporate projects, 41
correction. See fraternal correction Cotelo, Javier, 9193 , 135 , 293 , 294 , 295 , 306 , 309 , 310 , 320 , 321 , 324 , 358
courage, 22829
Cox, Juan, 77 , 350
Creed, 17 , 54 , 147 , 160 , 288 , 331
Cremade, Juan Antonio and Pilar, 22930
Crocchiolo, Calogero, 314
Cronica (internal publication), 140
cross, 96 , 117 , 125 , 219
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 7778
Opus Dei, campaign of insults and calumnies against and, 80 , 82
as seal of Opus Dei, 7778 , 139
crucifix, 13 , 20 , 3233 , 79 , 143 , 239 , 240
cultural centers, 41
Cummings, Dan, 360
Cum Societatas (Pius XII), 19 , 81
Curia. See Roman Curia Czechoslovakia, 42 , 3079
da Vinci, Leonardo, 302
de Albornoz, Carrillo, 92 , 107
death, 2038
cheerfulness in, 351 , 352
Jesus Christ and, 357
sudden, 35153
de Borja Lopez, Francisco, 285
Decretum Laudis , 8 , 16 , 57 , 266 , 371
de Fuenmayor, Amadeo, 91
de Gasperi, Alcide, 14
De Guevara, Marquis and Marchioness, 237
Delapuente, Fernando, 250
Del Arco, 73
del Hoyo, Dora, 21 , 73 , 183 , 266 , 294 , 295 , 305 , 310 , 315
Dell’Acqua, Angelo, 85 , 109 , 213 , 278 , 305 , 310 , 32527 , 340
de Lopera, Jose, 108
del Portillo, Alvaro, 19 , 3536 , 55 , 57 , 5960 , 63 , 6869 , 77 , 86 , 105 , 122 , 128 , 134 , 143 , 147 , 150 , 160 , 166 , 168 , 170 , 188 , 24546 , 280 , 281 , 341 , 351 , 358
Città Leonina, subletting in and, 12 , 13 , 22
Escrivá, Josemaría, death of and, 154 , 350 , 358 , 360 , 361 , 36263 , 376
Escrivá and, Josemaría, health problems of, 75 , 314
Escrivá, Josemaría, interior life of and, 121 , 130 , 133 , 139 , 14344 , 25758 , 273 , 274 , 285
Escrivá, Josemaría, portrait painted of and, 3
Escrivá, Josemaría, writing of and, 307
financial difficulties and, 2931
freedom, love of and, 215
freedom in work and, 22728
God as spectator and guest and, 131
goodness of, 31
Greece, trip to and, 84
as guardian, 227 , 27071 , 273 , 274 , 27576
health problems of, 203 , 32829
Holy See and, 329
honesty of, 31
love of, 33
Opus Dei, attack on structure of and, 313
Opus Dei, campaign of insults and calumnies against and, 22 , 84 , 94 , 95 , 100
Opus Dei, canonical recognition of and, 9 , 16 , 64 , 65 , 6566
Opus Dei, carrying on of and, 282
Opus Dei in Rome, Italy and, 21
ordination of, 287 , 315 , 370
papacy and, 333
Pius XII, Pope, audience with of, 6 , 16
Prague Spring and, 309
Rome, Italy, journey to and, 6 , 10 , 11
Second Vatican Council and, 33536
Vatican and, 33435
Villa Tevere, making of and, 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 2931
working summers and, 292 , 293 , 294 , 296 , 299 , 306 , 307 , 309 , 310 , 313 , 317 , 319 , 320 , 32426 , 328
de Meer, Chus, 137 , 183
de Miguel, Josefina, 19
de Orbegozo, Ignacio, 333 , 335
detachment, 239 , 244
poverty and, 249 , 257
working summers and, 295
Deuteronomy, 148
devil, 5
Diaz, Miguel de los Santos, 284
Diego de Leon Street center, Madrid, Spain, 4 n2 , 40 , 77 , 1023 , 107 , 260 , 267 , 272 , 278 , 285 , 287 , 350 , 370
dignity, 45 , 47 , 51 , 1012 , 240 , 249 , 270 , 308 , 3089
discernment of spirits, 16365
discrimination, 4749
Disney, Walt, 105
diversity, 224
divine sonship, 12527
do Amaral, Cosme, 335
Dols, Heliodoro, 104
Domecq, Alvaro, 112
Dominic, St., 339
Dominicans, 298
Dominic Guzman, St., 300
Dona, Agostino, 164
donkey, image of, 59 , 78 , 127 , 136 , 143 , 188 , 204 , 26162 , 26667 , 280
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 162
Dotta, Roberto, 164
dreaming, 129
Dufrenois center, Abrainville, France, 300
DYA Academy, 215 , 368
dynamism, 34445
Ecclesiae Sanctae (Paul VI), 67
Echevarria, Javier, 95 n41 , 105 , 122 , 134 , 135 , 144 , 206 , 207 , 209 , 235 , 240 , 245– 46 , 273 , 291 n1 , 293 , 320 , 341 , 346 , 358
Escrivá, Josemaría, death of and, 350 , 358 , 360 , 361 , 363
Escrivá and, Josemaría, health problems of, 314
Escrivá, Josemaría, interior life of and, 130 , 133
Escrivá, Josemaría, portrait painted of and, 3
Escrivá, Josemaría, suffering of and, 315
Escrivá, Josemaría, writing of and, 307 , 309
fraternal correction and, 322
freedom and trust and, 22627
as guardian, 227 , 270 , 275
Mass and, 300
Opus Dei, campaign of insults and calumnies against and, 85
Prague Spring and, 309
as secretary, 22627 , 257
Villa Tevere, making of and, 22527
working summers and, 292 , 294 , 295 , 29697 , 299 , 300 , 305 , 306 , 307 , 309 , 30911 , 310 , 315 , 316 , 31718 , 32122 , 323 , 328
Echevarria, Mari Tere, 19
economics, 212 , 214
Ecuador, 63
ecumenism, 47 , 229 , 337
Eigelstein residence, 188 , 250
Eijo y Garay, Leopoldo, 6 , 71 , 82 , 266 , 270 , 285 , 370
ELIS Center, 333 , 336
Elizabeth, St., 132
enemies as benefactors, 91 , 107
England, 13 , 63 , 127 , 16465 , 248 , 292 , 295 , 370 , 373
Epiphany, 244
Epistle to the Hebrews, 122
Escarré, Aurelio M., 82 , 222
Escola, Rafael, 81
Escrivá, Ascuncion, 354 , 365
Escrivá, Carmen, 58 , 206 , 324 , 354 , 365 , 373
Escrivá, Dolores, 245 , 279 , 365 , 370
Escrivá, José, 245 , 27879 , 365
Escrivá, Josemaría
angels and, 55
appearance of, 13 , 255
beatification of, 377
birth and baptism of, 365
campaign of insults and calumnies against, 2223 , 73100 , 330
canonization of, 377
character of, 12 , 2 , 87 , 169
Città Leonina, subletting in and, 1213 , 15 , 18
as communicator, 2 , 41 , 10119
confession and, 28488
daily life of, 7376 , 179210
death of, 34950 , 35663 , 376
detachment and, 239 , 240 , 244
discernment of spirits and, 16365
dress of, 1 , 253
education of, 365 , 366 , 367
epitaph of, 15354
as father, 15378 , 279
financial difficulties and, 2532 , 3436 , 108
foundational charism and, 7 , 124 , 163 , 225 , 259 , 279 , 282 , 286 , 368
fraternal correction and, 8788 , 16573 , 27075 , 322
freedom and, 4547 , 21131 , 3089 , 315
friendship and, 3 , 106 , 10910 , 269
good humor of, 18 , 17375
health problems of, 8 , 9 , 18 , 23 , 3132 , 7374 , 7576 , 93 , 128 , 184 , 257 , 27677 , 291 , 310 , 31314 , 344 , 35657 , 366
humanity of, 1 , 2
humility and, 26090
interior life of, 7879 , 12952 , 159 , 257 , 28488 , 307 , 310
Opus Dei, canonical recognition for and, 1519 , 65 , 6667 , 6970
ordination of, 367
papacy, devotion to of, 1314 , 15 , 22
patience and, 18 , 69 , 74 , 87
photographs of, 1516 , 13942
politics and, 51 , 8991
poverty and, 3436 , 24359
prayer and, 2 , 4 , 10 , 13 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 26 , 27 , 5455 , 74 , 75 , 76 , 95 , 121 , 12224 , 12930 , 135 , 136 , 289 , 301
preaching and, 74 , 301
as president general of Opus Dei, 255 , 259 , 335
priesthood and, 11516 , 143 , 23242 , 268 , 284
radicalism of, 13637
Rome, Italy, journey to and, 56 , 911
as saint, 4 , 17 , 120 , 265 , 266 , 377
as sinner, 83 , 108 , 151 , 153 , 154 , 262 , 265 , 266 , 282 , 307
spiritual guidance and, 28488
suffering and, 1 , 2 , 8 , 17 , 2324 , 26 , 36 , 51 , 74 , 75 , 76 , 315
travel and, 74 , 29293
vocation of, 3 , 136 , 284
women of Opus Dei and, 4041 , 87 , 17992 , 236
working summers of, 291329
writing of, 18 , 74 , 15859 , 244 , 295 , 3067 , 30911 , 323 , 368
See also Opus Dei Escrivá, Lolita, 354
Escrivá, Rosario, 354 , 365
Escrivá, Santiago, 58 , 244 , 277
España, Eladio, 220
Eucharist, 140 , 141 , 151
examination of conscience, 74 , 141 , 159 , 258 , 313 , 320
Faelli, Carlo, 23 , 128 , 203 , 259
faith, 40 , 44
Church and, 223
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 14 , 41 , 42
in Jesus Christ, 228
reading about, 161
safeguarding, 155
Falange , 80
family, 25 , 163
appointments and, 19596
love of, 219
Opus Dei and, 17981
parents and, 19195
women of Opus Dei and, 17981 , 17992
fanaticism, 46 , 155 , 21718
Farri, Umberto, 164 , 313 , 360
fascism, 90
Fathers of the Church, 162
Faulhaber, Cardinal, 90
feminism, 45
Fernandez, Bernardo, 350
Fernandez-Vallespin, Ricardo, 143
Ferraz Street residence, Madrid, Spain, 253 , 281
Ferreira, Firmina, 164
Ferretto, Cardinal, 97
Filippone, Gabriella, 168
financial difficulties
del Portillo, Alvaro and, 2931
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 2532 , 3436 , 108
of Opus Dei, 252
Opus Dei and, 2122 , 2532 , 108
personal responsibility and, 34
poverty and, 34
prayer and, 34
Villa Tevere, making of and, 2532 , 3436 , 63 , 74 , 185
Finland, 42
Fisac, Lola, 40
Fisac, Miguel, 369
Fontan, Blanca, 187 , 299
The Forge (Escrivá), 94 , 243 , 323 , 375
forgiveness, 24041 , 27275 , 283 , 306
fortitude, 72
France, 13 , 63 , 292 , 300301 , 362 , 370
Francis, St., 339
Franciscans, 298
Francis of Assisi, St., 153 , 302
Franco, Francisco, 80 , 88 , 202 , 216 , 218
Frankl, Viktor, 292
fraternal correction, 20 , 8788 , 322
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 16573 , 270
freedom and, 167
Gospel and, 167
humility and, 27075
patience and, 166
fraternity, 52
freedom, 7
charity and, 217
children and, 230
Church and, 340
of consciences, 223 , 229
contemplation and, 223
courage and, 22829
diversity and, 224
fanaticism and, 21718
fraternal correction and, 167
grace and, 231
holiness and, 212
ignorance and, 4546
interior life and, 224
Jesus Christ and, 213 , 214 , 223
knowledge and, 233
of laity, 342
love and, 231
love of, 3089
Opus Dei and, 21131
passion for, 21131
perfection and, 65
philosophy and theology and, 22223
piety and, 223
politics and, 21118
poverty and, 243
prayer and, 224
respect for other’s, 220 , 221
responsibility and, 212 , 214 , 220 , 222 , 227
service and, 201 , 231
of spirit, 54
spirit of, 162
trust and, 22627
truth and, 4547
vocation and, 223 , 22425
in work, 22728
friendship, 44
apostolate of, 40
communication and, 106
divine, 229
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 3 , 10910 , 269
with guardian angels, 55
women of Opus Dei and, 40
Friends of God (Escrivá), 323 , 375
Friends of the University of Navarre, 302
Frings, Joseph, 8 , 343
Furrow (Escrivá), 323 , 375
Gabriel, Archangel, 132
Gagliano Aterno, Italy, 3015
Galleria del Fumo, Villa Tevere, 4 n2 , 147 , 247 , 349
Galleria della Campana, Villa Tevere, 160 , 176
Galleria della Madonna, Villa Tevere, 129 , 239
Galleria del Torrione, Villa Tevere, 146 , 170
Galleria di Sotto, Villa Tevere, 32
Gaona, Pelancho, 188
Garcia, Francisco, 261
García, José María, 270 , 287
Garcia, Victor, 58
Garrido, Ciriaco, 284
Geiger, Jutta, 183
Germany, 63 , 88 , 90 , 163 , 188 , 18889 , 228 , 292 , 301 , 362
Gil, Jose, 43
Gilroy, Norman, 17
conversation with, 131
Escrivá, Josemaría, vocation of and, 3
interior life and, 130 , 134 , 141
intimacy with, 319
love of, 26 , 54 , 76 , 155 , 197 , 217 , 219 , 262
Mass and, 151
mercy of, 242
Mother of, 9
Opus Dei and, 3 , 20
papacy and, 332
presence of, 130 , 247 , 31516
providence of, 119 , 253 , 322
relationship with, 54 , 79
service of, 213
as spectator and guest, 131
trust in, 23 , 34
union with, 75
will of, 10 , 23 , 52 , 119 , 25859 , 339
“God and Daring,” 36 , 215
Gomez, Antonieta, 19
Gonzalez, Nisa, 40 , 351
Gonzalez Martin, Marcelo, 343
Gospel, 133 , 141 , 158 , 162 , 167 , 263 , 274 , 281 , 337 , 357
Gouvcia, Cardinal, 8
Goyeneche, Siervo, 22
grace, 78 , 120 , 129 , 134 , 153 , 234 , 288 , 324
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 4 , 225
freedom and, 231
holiness and, 4
humanity and, 4
interior life and, 339
Great Britain. See England Greece, 8486
grief, 204
guardian angels, 38 , 55 , 13233 , 141 , 294
Guatemala, 63
Guitarte, Jose Miguel, 221
Guzman, Nisa, 60
Hail Mary, 54 , 55 , 143 , 159
health care centers, 41
Heliopolis, 17
Henry VIII, King, 219
heresy, 22 , 46 , 155 , 342
Hereza, Maria Jesús, 40
Hernandez de Garnica, José María, 19 , 143 , 208 , 215 , 287 , 315 , 370
Herranz, Julian, 350 , 361
Herrera Oria, Angel, 106 , 269
hierarchy of the Church, 217
historical consciousness, 20
Hitler, Adolf, 89 , 91
holiness, 120 , 217 , 248
apostolate of, 7
Escrivá, Josemaría, portrait painted of and, 4
freedom and, 212
grace and, 4
love of little things and, 24749
of married people, 61
personal, 17
of Pius XII, Pope, 14
universal call to, 16 , 17 , 37 , 342 , 370
Holland, 228 , 301 Holy Rosary (Escrivá), 368
Holy See, 58 , 168
confession, seal of and, 24041
del Portillo, Alvaro and, 329
fraternal correction and, 270
Greece, Opus Dei in and, 85
Opus Dei, canonical recognition of and, 611 , 7 , 1519 , 21 , 61 , 66 , 266 , 286 , 299 , 337
Holy Spirit, 129 , 155 , 159
Hong Kong, 42
hospitality, 21
Hruska, Kurzio, 27677
Humanae Vitae (Paul VI), 45
Humberto II, King, 14
humility, 196 , 213
conscience and, 261
donkey, image of and, 26667
Escrivá, Josemaría as bishop and, 26970
Escrivá, Josemaría as “hindrance” and, 27980
Escrivá, Josemaría as Marquis of Peralta and, 27778
Escrivá, Josemaría, confessors of and, 28488
Escrivá, Josemaría, guardians of and, 227 , 27071 , 273 , 274 , 27576
Escrivá and, Josemaría, health problems of, 27677
forgiveness, asking for and, 27275
fraternal correction and, 27075
going unnoticed and disappearing and, 26769
Jesus Christ and, 261
lowliness and, 260
mangy donkey and, 26162
obedience and, 275
truth and, 17
humor, 18
Hungary, 27 , 42
hypocracy, 140
Ignacio the gypsy, 1023
Ignatius, St., 339
ignorance, 4546
Il Fabbriato Piccolo, Villa Tevere, 38
Illanes, José Luis, 4344 , 184
Il Pensionato , 36
Il Ridotto, Villa Tevere, 38
Immaculate Conception, 21
In Love with the Church (Escrivá), 375
inner locutions, 261
interior life, 114
angels and, 148
confession and, 297
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 3 , 7879 , 28488 , 307 , 310
examination of conscience and, 74 , 141 , 159 , 258
freedom and, 224
God, presence of and, 130 , 134 , 141
grace and, 339
guardian angels, relationship with and, 13233
holiness, universal call to and, 16
love and, 137 , 141
Mass and, 141 , 143 , 14445 , 14552
norms of Opus Dei and, 14142
peregrine falcon and, 232
poverty and, 25758
prayer and, 12930 , 135 , 136 , 142 , 159
“reverse distractions” and, 13637
saints and, 148
snake at Gagliano Aterno and, 13031
Trinity and, 130 , 131 , 134 , 141 , 143 , 145 , 148
internal documents, 168 , 169
Intimate Notes (Escrivá), 60 , 122 , 125 , 235 , 261 , 299 , 3067
Iparraguirre, Father, 341
Ireland, 13 , 63 , 248 , 292 , 362 , 370
Isaiah, 136 , 233 , 317
Ivory Coast, 42
Japan, 116 , 16465 , 186
Jean-Marie Vianney, St., 132
Jenner Street residence hall, Madrid, Spain, 81 , 22021
Jeremiah, 263
Jesuits, 6769 , 88 , 92 , 285 , 286 , 34041
Jesus Christ, 10 , 13 , 36 , 80 , 134 , 144 , 197 , 238 , 240 , 268 , 278 , 307
confession and, 241
crucified, 133
death and, 357
divine sonship and, 127
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 46
faith in, 228
freedom and, 213 , 214 , 223
humility and, 261
“hunchbacked,” 73
identification with, 201
imitation of, 138
love of, 3 , 46 , 81 , 175 , 233
Mass and, 146 , 149
as moral standard, 47
papacy and, 13 , 111 , 330 , 332
Passion of, 141
Peter, St. and, 33
pope and, 13
relationship with, 234
Sacred Heart of, 70
scourging of, 73
in tabernacle, 310 , 320
Jews, 46 , 47
Jimenez Vargas, Juan, 369
Jiménez-Vargas, Lola, 40
J.J. Sister , 56 , 9
John, St., 125 , 132 , 274
John of the Cross, St., 232
John Paul II, Pope, 45 , 88 , 340 , 376 , 377
John XXIII, Pope, 37 , 64 , 65 , 32627 , 332 , 333 , 33438
jokes, 71
Jorge Manrique Street center, Madrid, Spain, 40 , 77 , 254 , 370
Joseph, 87
Joseph, St., 132 , 141 , 197 , 198
Joseph of Calasanz, St., 96
Julia, Ernesto, 144 , 171 , 256 , 272
justice, 4951 , 154 , 176 , 308
Kennedy, John, 211
Kenya, 42 , 47 , 101 , 16465 , 373
Kianda College, Kenya, 47
Kiawki, Rainer, 164
Knights Templar, 52
König, Franz, 343
Kücking, Marlies, 86 , 114 , 134 , 181 , 188 , 197 , 234 , 246 , 356
Labiaga, Ramon, 160
La Casetta, Villa Tevere, 38
La Estila center, Santiago de Compostela, Italy, 334
Laguens, Palmira, 137 , 157 , 183
apostolate of, 342
clergy and, 212
freedom of, 342
holiness, universal call to and, 16
Opus Dei, canonical recognition of and, 16 , 17
La Moncloa University Hall, Madrid, Spain, 4243 , 165 , 170
La Montagnola, Villa Tevere, 38 , 137 , 140 , 173 , 185 , 187 , 194 , 197 , 199 , 205 , 240 , 24445 , 256 , 275 , 361
Lantini, Mario, 89
Laplana, Cruz, 269
Lara, Agustin, 189
Larraona, Arcadio, 22 , 97 , 278
La Sabana, Colombia, 42
Latin, 39 , 54 , 65 , 72
Latin Rite, 86
Lazzaroni, Baroness, 302
leadership, 112
Lebanese, 86
Le Figaro magazine, 302
Leo XIII, Pope, 332
Lercaro, Giacomo, 343
Letter to the Romans, 317
Leviticus, 148
Libero Istituto Universitario Campus Biomedico, Italy, 42
literacy programs, 41
Llamas, Emilia, 188
London, England, 12728 , 164 , 292
loneliness, 5859 , 124 , 159 , 23233
Lopez, Jose, 284
Lopez, Rosalia, 21 , 73 , 19293 , 266 , 294 , 295 , 305
López-Amo, Laura, 40
Lopez-Bravo, Gregorio, 218 , 219
Lorente, Ana, 140
Lorenz, Loretta, 115
Los Rosales women’s center, Spain, 19 , 20 , 25 , 34 , 128
L’Osservatore della Domenica , 302
L’Osservatore Romano , 377
love, 14 , 8
charity and, 48
of country, 219
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 33 , 34
family and, 5253 , 219
freedom and, 21131 , 231
of God, 26 , 54 , 76 , 155 , 197 , 217 , 219 , 262
interior life and, 137 , 141
of Jesus Christ, 3 , 175 , 233
papacy and, 1314 , 15 , 22
trust and, 23
Loyola, Maria, 252
Luchana Street student center, Madrid, Spain, 80
Lumen Gentium (Paul VI), 296
Luque, Elisa, 358
Macao, 42
Madonna , 25
Madurga, Miguel Angel, 75 , 205 , 263 , 332
Manceras, Miguel and Antonia, 104
Manzanos, Jose, 1045
Marco, Teofilo, 104
Marella, Cardinal, 278
marriage, 5758 , 58 , 61 , 82
Marti, Justo, 221
Martinez, Jesus, 175
Martinez, Saturnino, 285
Martinez de Irujo, Luis and Cayetana, 103
martyrdom, martyrs, 19 , 309 , 342
Marxism, 49
Mary, Mother of God, 9 , 46 , 55 , 85 , 134 , 350 , 352
Immaculate Heart of, 148
Opus Dei and, 95
as Queen of Opus Dei, 13739 , 157
Mary Magdalene, St., 306
Masia, Juan, 96
Mass, 14 , 77 , 207 , 230 , 235 , 253 , 303 , 314 , 317
interior life and, 143 , 14445 , 14552
Jesus Christ and, 149
liturgical reform and, 14950
materialism, 44 , 46
maternity clinics, 40
matrimony. See marriage
McIntosh, Joan, 179 , 190
media, 302
Medina, Paquita, 137
meditation, 40 , 54 , 83 , 99 , 158
Memorare , 76
mental prayer, 141
Mercuriana, St., 19
mercy, 128 , 242
Merlini, Dr., 27 , 30
Mestre, Joaquin, 261
Mexico, 42 , 4849 , 63 , 344 , 371
Michael, Archangel, 132
Middle Ages, 52
Miguel, Jose, 284
Miraflores center, Saragossa, Italy, 334
Molinoviejo Conference center, Segovia, Spain, 4 , 19 , 20 , 25 , 50 , 60 , 232 , 250 , 263 , 273
Molteni, Giuseppe, 302 , 313 , 324 , 325 , 345 , 350 , 358 , 360
monarchists, 215
Montalat, Ramon, 250
Monterde, Maria Jose, 305 , 306 , 309 , 310 , 314 , 315
Montfort, Helen, 320
Montini, Giovanni Battista. See Paul VI, Pope
Montserrat, 9 , 82 , 222
Monzo, Severino, 350
Morado, Mercedes, 91 , 134 , 137 , 138 , 171 , 182 , 183 , 18485 , 193 , 196 , 197 , 200 , 205 , 234
Morcillo, Casimiro, 278
More, St. Thomas, 132 , 148 , 219
Mortes, Vicente, 21922
mortifications, 76 , 173 , 248 , 344 , 346
Mozambique, 8
Mugica, Begoña, 68 , 19091 , 305 , 306 , 310 , 314
Mulcahy, Olive, 156
Mulieris Dignitatem (John Paul II), 45
Muñoz Jofre, Emilio, 3 , 144
Muslims, 47
Muzquiz, José Luis, 143 , 215 , 287 , 315 , 370
National Association of Basque Students, 215
National Movement, 80
Navarre, University of, Spain, 42 , 230 , 267 , 302 , 372
Navarro, Mariano, 58
Nazism, Nazis, 8991
Nevado, Manuel, 377
The New York Times , 302
New Zealand, 42
Nicholas of Bari, St., 132
Nieto, Blanca, 303
nihil obstat , 6 , 7 , 108 , 370
Noah, 103
non-Catholics, 337
norms of Opus Dei, 14142 , 217
Norway, 42
Notari, Annamaria, 157 , 183
Noticias (internal publication), 140
Nuevi Diario , 274
numeraries, 296
oaths, 1920
obedience, 171 , 275
Olaechea, Marcelino, 133 , 261
Old Testament, 148
Olidan, Aurora, 40
Olinda, 113
Oñate, Antolin, 284
Opus Dei, 64
apostolate of, 7 , 8 , 17 , 22 , 26 , 84
battlefronts of, 5354
campaign of insults and calumnies against, 10 , 73100 , 312
canonical recognition of, 611 , 14 , 1519 , 21 , 53 , 5758 , 61 , 6264 , 6467 , 6970 , 74 , 299 , 371
carrying on, 28184
character of, 70
Church and, 7 , 8 , 16 , 22 , 74
commitment to, 1920
congress of, 31112
criticism of, 63
family and, 179210
financial difficulties and, 2122 , 2532 , 108 , 252
foundational charism and, 7 , 83 , 368
freedom and, 21131
general council of, 19
God and, 3 , 7 , 20 , 54
governance of, 9 , 19 , 66 , 74 , 162 , 196 , 335 , 339
guardian angel of, 38
holiness, universal call to and, 16 , 17
hostility towards, 2223
internal publications of, 140
married people in, 5758 , 61
Mary, Mother of God and, 95 , 13739 , 138 , 157
as milita, 5253
nature of, 6 , 7
norms of, 14142 , 217
as personal prelature, 299 , 340 , 376
as Pious Union, 6
poverty and, 20 , 24359
prayer and, 16 , 20
priests in, 5861 , 63
purpose of, 2 , 16 , 74
Romanizing of, 22 , 331
scope of, 6
seal of, 77 , 139
as secular institute, 16 , 18 , 64 , 312
service and, 20 , 198201
spirit of, 20 , 25 , 82 , 83 , 158 , 166 , 214 , 279 , 296 , 353 , 358
spirituality of, 7 , 64
spread of, 13 , 34 , 74 , 224 , 301
statutes of, 304 , 312 , 323
unity of, 66
vocation and, 16
vocations to, 68 , 71 , 301
vocation to, 22425 , 263
See also Escrivá, Josemaría; women of Opus Dei
Orlandis, José, 90 , 209 , 370
Città Leonina, subletting in and, 13
Opus Dei, canonical recognition of and, 16
Pius XII, Pope, audience with of, 16
Rome, Italy, journey to and, 5 , 6
Ortega, Encarnita, 21 , 28 , 40 , 59 , 60 , 91 , 113 , 138 , 168 , 169 , 173 , 184 , 187 , 196 , 199 , 254 , 266 , 271 , 351
Orthodox Church, 8586
Ortiz-Echagüe, César, 92 , 104 , 210 , 288 , 321
Our Father, 54
Our Lady. See Mary, Mother of God
Our Lady of Einsiedeln, 30910 , 315
Our Lady of Guadalupe, 123 , 316 , 317
Our Lady of Peace, 53 , 153
Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, 331
Our Lady of Ransom, 1920 , 123
Our Lady of the Pillar, 9 , 123 , 138
Our Lady of Torreciudad, 44 , 1045 , 245 , 281 , 288 , 358
Pajares, Albino, 284
Palestinians, 86
Pan-American University, Mexico, 42
papacy, pope affection for, 331
authority of, 299 , 33940 , 342
Church and, 33132
del Portillo, Alvaro and, 333
devotion to, 15
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 1314 , 22 , 33048
fidelity to, 344
God and, 332
Jesus Christ and, 13
obedience to, 86
prayer for, 332
Paradise, 206
Paraguay, 362
parents, 19195 , 216 , 279
parents’ initiatives, 41
Parry, Lynden, 263
Pastor, José Luis, 75 , 158 , 328 , 329
patience, 18 , 67 , 69 , 72 , 74 , 8788 , 166
Paul, St., 36 , 85 , 132 , 262 , 317 , 363
Paul VI, Pope, 21 , 45 , 65 , 85 , 110 , 213 , 230 , 315 , 332 , 333 , 335 , 338
Church, crisis in and, 301 , 327
Escrivá, Josemaría consolation of, 32729
Escrivá, Josemaría, humility of and, 265
Opus Dei, attack on structure of and, 312
Opus Dei, canonical recognition of and, 1516 , 6567 , 340
Opus Dei, hostility toward and, 23
Second Vatican Council and, 34243
Pavanel, Scolastica, 109
peace, 130
Pedreño, Manuel, 280
Pentateuch, 319
freedom and, 65
secular institutes and, 16
Perruca, Joaquin Esteban, 267
perseverance, 24749
personal responsibility, 212 , 214 , 220 , 222 , 227
Peru, 42 , 63 , 229 , 33334
Peter, St., 10 , 13 , 33 , 36 , 66 , 85 , 132 , 133 , 331
Philippines, 42 , 374
philosophy, 53 , 22223
Piancastagnaio estate, 298
Piazza, Ugo, 97 , 34546 , 358
piety, 54 , 5556 , 75 , 136 , 142 , 156 , 297
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 141
freedom and, 223
norms of, 207 , 217
Pignedoli, Sergio, 343
Piura, University of, Peru, 42
Pius X, Pope St., 113 , 132 , 332 , 365
Pius XI, Pope, 14 , 332
Pius XII, Pope, 1 , 1314 , 37 , 57 , 81 , 330 , 332 , 333
accessibility of, 14
beatification process of, 327
Opus Dei, campaign of insults and calumnies against and, 9798
Opus Dei, canonical recognition of and, 6 , 1617 , 21 , 61 , 64 , 66 , 371
Pizzardo, Cardinal, 291
Pizzi, Nila, 349 , 350
pluralism, 224
Poland, 42 , 90
Poletti, Ugo, 343
politics, 51 , 8991
Church and, 213
freedom and, 21118
Opus Dei and, 21118
Pontifical Academy of Theology, 333
Popular Action, 215
Portavella, Maria, 166 , 171
Portugal, 13 , 63 , 18283 , 289 , 327 , 344 , 357 , 370
Postigo, Victoria, 294
Postius, Father, 285
Pou de Foxa, Jose, 284
Poveda, Pedro, 26869
poverty, 4951 , 153
attention to little things and, 24749
charity and, 253
Church and, 51
detachment and, 249 , 257
dignity and, 249
dress and, 253 , 25556
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 3436 , 25253
financial questions and, 34
freedom and, 243
interior life and, 25758
in Opus Dei, 24359
Opus Dei and, 20
personal, 20 , 34 , 3436 , 157 , 249
privacy and, 257
secular, 249
small details and, 250
voluntary, 24344
women of Opus Dei and, 190 , 24445
working summers and, 295
Prague Spring, 3079
for Church, 123 , 342 , 34344 , 356
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 2 , 4 , 10 , 13 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 26 , 27 , 5455 , 74 , 75 , 76 , 95 , 121 , 12224 , 12930 , 135 , 136 , 289 , 301
financial difficulties and, 34
financial questions and, 34
freedom and, 224
interior life and, 12930 , 135 , 136 ,
142 , 159
life of, 26
mental, 141
Opus Dei and, 16 , 20
papacy and, 332
personal, 4 , 54 , 289
women of Opus Dei and, 41
work and, 129 , 143
working summers and, 295 , 310 , 316
Prayers (Preces ) of the Work, 141
preaching, 301
Presbyterorum Ordinis (Paul VI), 67 , 340
priesthood, priests. See clergy
Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, 370
Primum Inter , 62
privacy, 257 , 304
progressivism, 223
promiscuity, 94
Protestantism, Protestants, 47 , 22829
Provida Mater Ecclesia (Pius XII), 16 , 21 , 22 , 64
Providence, 117 , 119 , 253 , 322
prudence, 163 , 235
Psalms, 52 , 71 , 99 , 124 , 201 , 261 , 267 , 357 , 363
purgatory, 112 , 141 , 146 , 2067
Quiroga, Cuqui, 137
Quiroga, Regina, 252
racism, 9 , 32 , 4749 , 80 , 89 , 91
radicalism, 13637
Ramos, Carmen, 113 , 163 , 181 , 246 , 256 , 346 , 355 , 356 , 361
Ranera, Josefina, 182
Raphael, Archangel, 132
Raphael, St., 192
Real, Ciudad, 107
Redemptorists, 96
Regina Coeli, 141
relaxation, 291 , 292 , 31415 , 319
residence halls, 40 , 41 , 4243
responsibility, 272 , 279
freedom and, 212 , 214 , 222 , 227
personal, 34 , 212 , 214 , 220 , 222
politics and, 21118
Resurrection, 229
Retz, Käthe, 188
Rey, Irene, 211
Rieman, Dick, 211 , 350
Rivero, Mary, 191
Robles, Gil, 215
Rodriguez, Jose, 40 , 164
Rodriguez, Maria Jose, 11011
Rodriguez-Casado, Amparo, 40
Romagnoli, Doctor, 314 , 357
Roman College of Our Lady, 32 , 37 , 169 , 211 , 331 , 372
Roman College of the Holy Cross, 32 , 3637 , 37 , 172 , 17475 , 199 , 214 , 216 , 282 , 331 , 371
Roman Curia, 63 , 326
Church, crisis in and, 327
Greece, Opus Dei in and, 85
Opus Dei, campaign of insults and calumnies against and, 97 , 98
Opus Dei, canonical recognition of and, 8 , 1519 , 21 , 61 , 65
Romans, Letter to the, 317
Roncalli, Angelo Giuseppe. See John XXIII, Pope Rosary, 2 , 14 , 33 , 55 , 95 , 133 , 141 , 143 , 166 , 208 , 358
Rossman, George, 164
sacraments, 51
Sacred Congregation of the Council, 335
Sagarminaga, Angel, 285
Sagliembene, Francesco, 164
sainthood, saints, 148
communion of, 132 , 341
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 120
interior life and, 132
Sainz de los Terreros, Manuel, 369
Salcedo, Pilar, 4445
Sallent, Ignacio, 13
Salord, Ignacio, 203
Salord, Santi, 174
salvation, 144
Sanabria, Jose Maria, 17475
Sanchez, Gumersindo, 204
Sanchez, Valentin, 28587
Sanchez Bella, Florencio, 3 , 209 , 362
Sanchez del Rio, Carlos, 266
Sanchez-Moreno, Luis, 335
sanctity, 120 , 122 , 143 , 212 , 219
Sant’Ambrogio Olona, Italy, 30511
Santiago, Chile, 79
Santo Domingo, 42
Saragossa, University of, 266 , 367
Scapinellli, Monsignor, 64
Scaretti, Signor, 294
Schuster, Cardinal, 96
scourging, 76
Second Vatican Council, 64 , 67 , 118 , 135 , 149 , 212 , 227 , 296 , 298 , 299300 , 312 , 326 , 335 , 33536 , 340 , 341 , 34243
Second World War, 6 , 9 , 15 , 114
secretarial schools, 41
secular institutes, 16 , 18
security, 18182
Segovia, Carmen Maria, 239
Segovia, Spain, 1
serenity, 217
Serer, Rafael Calvo, 92
Serrano, Armando, 13 , 204
Serrano, Helena, 105 , 110 , 136 , 139 , 140 , 150 , 166 , 187 , 19091 , 22728 , 249 , 256
service, 22 , 196
to Church, 45
of country, 217 , 21920
freedom and, 201 , 231
of God, 213
Opus Dei and, 7 , 20 , 198201
spirit of, 44
SEU. See Sindicato Español Universitario (Spanish Student Union) Sforza-Cesarini, Virginia, 26
Sindicato Español Universitario (Spanish Student Union) (SEU), 221
Sinferus, St., 19
Sixtus, 17
social class, 47 , 49 , 197
social justice, 4951
social life, 255
society, 7 , 45
Society of Jesus, 6769 , 88 , 92 , 285 , 286 , 34041
Soldevila, Cardina, 284 , 367
Soria, José Luis, 360
South America, 80 , 344 , 356
South Korea, 42
Soviet Union, 3078
Spain, 301 , 327 , 344 , 357 , 362
Opus Dei in, 1920 , 25 , 63 , 280 , 369
political turmoil in, 215
religious persecution in, 281 , 285
working summer in, 292
Spanish Civil War, 69 , 80 , 81 , 108 , 143 , 240 , 253 , 270 , 280 , 281 , 285 , 369 , 370
Spanish Renewal party, 215
Spiritual Canticle (St. John of the Cross), 232
spiritual communion, 14 , 141 , 331
Spiritual Considerations (Escrivá), 368
spiritual guidance, 163 , 221 , 237 , 284 , 28488 , 285 , 298 , 299 , 309
spirituality, 7 , 64 , 155 , 274 , 297 , 307 , 340 , 374
spiritual life. See interior life spiritual reading, 141 , 162
sport, 29394 , 295
Squarciarelli, 16061
St. Gabriel Instruction (Escrivá), 295
St. Michael Instruction (Escrivá), 296
stoicism, 23
St. Peter’s Square, 12 , 17
St. Raphael Instruction (Escrivá), 296
Strathmore University, Kenya, 42 , 47
struggle, 5253 , 53 , 64 , 141 , 172 , 223
study, 16 , 17 , 25 , 33 , 34 , 74 , 163 , 191 , 216 , 292 , 296
Suanzes, Salvador, 142
suffering, 2628 , 207
for Church, 75
Città Leonina and, 13
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 1 , 2 , 8 , 17 , 2324 , 26 , 36 , 51 , 74 , 75 , 76 , 315
Opus Dei, canonical recognition of and, 7
value of, 26
Sulanitis, 70
summers. See working summers
supernumeraries, 219 n15
Supreme Congregation of the Holy Office, 335
Sweden, 42
Switzerland, 63 , 292 , 301 , 309 , 317
Syrians, 86
tabernacle, 10 , 13 , 39 , 78 , 134 , 149 , 229 , 260 , 310 , 319 , 320
Taiwan, 42
Tardini, Cardinal, 16 , 17 , 21 , 64 , 65 , 97
Tasso, Torcuato, 302
Tedeschini, Cardinal, 42 , 97 , 199
Te Deum , 37 , 63 , 64
Telva magazine, 44 , 45
Teresa of Avila, St., 78 , 162 , 236 , 354
Teresian Institute, 268
Termes, Rafael and Jaime, 81
thanksgiving, 141 , 144 , 159 , 358
theology, 53 , 22223
Thomas, Rolf, 200
Thomas Aquinas, St., 117 , 162
Thomas More, St., 132 , 148 , 219
Time magazine, 302
Tirelli, Luigi, 237
Tobias, 87
Toranzo, Lourdes, 168 , 169
Tor d’Aveia conference center, San Felice d’Orce, Italy, 303
Tordella, Marisa, 352
totalitarianism, 89 , 91 , 217
Tourne, Teresa, 137
Trinity, 57 , 130 , 131 , 134 , 141 , 143 , 145 , 148 , 159 , 206 , 358
freedom and, 22627
in God, 23 , 34
love and, 23
sanctity and, 120
truth, 308
freedom and, 4547
humility and, 17
scientific, 46
tyranny, 46 , 91 , 223 , 243
Ubi Caritas , 81
Udaondo, Juan, 9697
Uffici, Villa Tevere, 38
Ullastres, Alberto, 21617
ultra-conservatism, 223
United Nations Security Council, 308
United States, 63 , 89
university halls of residence, 40 , 41 , 4243
University of Asia and the Pacific, Philippines, 42
University of Navarre, Spain, 42 , 230 , 267 , 302 , 372
University of Piura, Peru, 42
University of Saragossa, 266 , 367
Urbani, Cardian, 135
Urbistondo, Julian, 1516
Urrutia, Maria, 68
Uruguay, 362
Valenciano, Fernando, 70 , 77 , 211 , 360
Varvaro, Sofia, 2058
Vatican, 13 , 27 , 327
del Portillo, Alvaro and, 33435
diplomatic relations of, 15
fraternal correction and, 270
Greece, Opus Dei in and, 85
Opus Dei, attack on structure of and, 312
Opus Dei, campaign of insults and calumnies against and, 95
Opus Dei, canonical recognition of and, 6 , 8 , 18 , 74
Vatican II, 64 , 67 , 118 , 135 , 149 , 212 , 227 , 296 , 298 , 299300 , 312 , 326 , 335 , 340 , 341 , 34243
Vatican Radio, 266 , 362
Vavaro, Sofia, 319
Venezuela, 182 , 356
Verdaguer, Juan Manuel, 360
Vergara, Maria Elvir, 252
Vernet, Gil, 329
Vettorelli, Anna, 164
Via Orsini center, 96
vigilance, 55
Villa delle Rose, Castelgandolfo, 37 , 63 , 163 , 168 , 179 , 180 , 208 , 228 , 246 , 31016 , 358
Villa Gallabresi, Premeno, Italy, 31619
Villanueva Street center, Madrid, Spain, 9
Villa Sacchetti, Villa Tevere, 38 , 68 , 73 , 169 , 172 , 180 , 190 , 239 , 244 , 361
Villa Tevere, 20 , 23 , 49 , 73 , 91 , 98 , 133 , 137 , 140 , 149 , 166 , 228 , 247 , 274 , 296
building of, 3132 , 3236 , 6162 , 74
crucifix in, 3233
decoration of, 15758
as family home, 25
financial difficulties and, 2532 , 3436 , 63 , 74 , 185
making of, 2538
naming of, 3738
oratory in, 239
purchase of, 2627
Villa Vecchia, Villa Tevere, 33 , 37 , 38 , 51 , 54 , 87 , 95 , 136 , 138 , 143 , 225 , 256 , 272
Villot, Cardinal, 361
Vince, Vladimiro, 13 , 2045
virtue, 19 , 44 , 53
Vives, Francisco, 345 , 358
Vives, Paco, 313
abandoning, 341
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 136 , 284
fidelity to, 23839
freedom and, 223 , 22425
Opus Dei and, 16 , 68 , 71 , 263 , 301
priesthood and, 328
of women of Opus Dei, 45 , 199
The Way (Escrivá), 16 , 42 , 80 , 82 , 105 , 125 , 184 , 204 , 220 , 234 , 247 , 369
The Way of the Cross (Escrivá), 323 , 375
will of God, 10 , 23 , 52 , 119 , 339
women of Opus Dei, 41 , 4143
apostolate and, 15 , 40 , 4143
Città Leonina, subletting in and, 21 , 22
dignity of, 45
domestic management and, 15
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 4041 , 87 , 15455 , 17992 , 236
family life and, 17992
friendship and, 40
God and, 41
holiness, universal call to and, 16
in Italy, 24
in Japan, 16465 , 186
in Kenya, 16465
Opus Dei, campaign of insults and calumnies against and, 87
Opus Dei, carrying on of and, 283
poverty and, 190 , 24445
prayer and, 41
Roman College of Our Lady and, 32
in Rome, Italy, 15
in society, 45
training of, 40
vocation of, 45 , 199
workshops for, 34
See also Opus Dei
Work. See Opus Dei
work, 33
apostolate of holiness through, 7
Escrivá, Josemaría and, 18 , 74
freedom in, 22728
prayer and, 129 , 143
sanctification of, 4344 , 224 , 342
working summers
Abrainville, France (1966), 300301
Caglio, Italy (1971), 31922
Castelletto del Trebbio, Italy (1965), 29498
Castelletto del Trebbio, Italy (1966), 299300
Civenna, Italy (1972), 32327
confession and, 299
Escrivá, Josemaría, health problems of, 291
Gagliano Aterno, Italy (1967), 3015
Prague Spring and, 3079
prayer and, 295 , 310 , 316
relaxation and, 31415 , 319
rest and, 291 , 292
Sant’Ambrogio Olona, Italy (1968), 30511
sport and, 29394 , 295
study and, 292
traveling on foot and, 29293
Villa Gallabresi, Premeno, Italy (1969), 31016
Villa Gallabresi, Premeno, Italy (1970), 31619
writing and, 295 , 3067 , 323
World War II, 6 , 9 , 15 , 114
writing, 18 , 74 , 15859 , 244 , 295 , 3067 , 323 , 368
Yauyos, Peru, 33334
young people, 84
Zaire, 42
Zanniello, Giuseppe, 164
Zorzano, Isidoro, 266 , 368 , 371
Zuloaga, Mirufa, 17273
Zumalde, Itziar, 79 , 172 , 206 , 207
Zumalde, Tere, 79
Zurbaran residence, Madrid, Spain, 254 , 353