Neuropathies Related to Nutritional Deficiencies

Patients can develop neuropathies due to inadequate nutrition and subsequent vitamin deficiency (Table 18-1). Nutritional deficiency-related polyneuropathies are currently uncommon, especially in developed countries. However, these neuropathies do occur and are important because they are potentially treatable. Malnutrition may occur in chronic alcoholics and in patients with chronic illness, unusual diets, and obesity surgery. Some vitamin deficiencies (e.g., vitamins B12 and E) often occur because of impaired gastrointestinal absorption rather than poor dietary intake. In other cases, neuropathy may develop secondary to the effects of medications (e.g., isoniazid causing vitamin B6 deficiency). The clinical and laboratory features of most nutritional polyneuropathies are similar to those of the more common polyneuropathies. Timely and accurate diagnosis is important because patients can improve with replacement therapy.


Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) deficiency

Cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiency

Folate deficiency

Vitamin E deficiency

Copper deficiency




Thiamine deficiency or beriberi is uncommon nowadays and primarily occurs as a consequence of chronic alcohol abuse, recurrent vomiting, total parenteral nutrition, inappropriately restrictive diets, and perhaps bariatric surgery.1 The symptoms arising from insufficient dietary intake of thiamine are known as beriberi and may present in two forms: dry beriberi and wet beriberi. The difference between these two types of beriberi is simply the presence (wet beriberi) or absence (dry beriberi) of congestive heart failure and lower limb edema. Affected individuals usually present with numbness, tingling, and burning in the distal lower extremities, which subsequently spread to involve the proximal legs and upper extremities.2 On examination, a mild-to-moderate reduction in all sensory modalities is noted in a stocking distribution along with diminished muscle stretch reflexes. Mild, predominantly distal weakness may be appreciated. Congestive heart failure with edema of the lower legs is seen in the so-called wet beriberi.


Measuring thiamine concentration in serum and urine is not very reliable.3 Assay of erythrocyte transketolase activity and the increase in activity after adding thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) appears to be more accurate and reliable.47 Sensory nerve conduction studies (NCS) reveal reduced or absent sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs) amplitudes with relative preservation of distal sensory latencies and conduction velocities.2 The motor NCS may be normal or demonstrate slightly reduced amplitudes.


Sural nerve biopsies reveal loss of primarily large myelinated axons.1,8 Necropsy studies have demonstrated chromatolysis of the anterior horn cells and dorsal root ganglia cells along with axonal degeneration and secondary demyelination of the posterior columns.


Most meats and vegetables contain adequate amounts of thiamine, in particular unrefined cereal grains, wheat germ, yeast, soybean flour, and pork.3 It is absorbed in the small intestine by both passive diffusion and active transport. Here, thiamine is converted to TPP.3 Because stores of thiamine in the body are limited and its half-life is only 10–14 days, 1–1.5 mg daily of thiamine should be part of any routine diet else deficiency can arise.3

Thiamine and TPP catalyze the decarboxylation of alpha-ketoacids to coenzyme A moieties, an important process in ATP synthesis in mitochondria.3 TPP plays a role in the formation of myelin.9 Thiamine may also affect neuronal conduction by altering membrane sodium channel function.10,11


Thiamine 100 mg/d should be given intravenously or intramuscularly in deficient patients. In patients with thiamine deficiency secondary to alcohol use, discontinuation of alcohol is imperative. In addition to the likely direct toxic influences on Schwann cells and peripheral nerves, ethanol is likely to impair thiamine utilization even when blood levels are normal.12 Cardiomyopathy usually is quite responsive to thiamine replacement, although improvement in neurologic function is more variable and less dramatic.13 Motor deficits appear to improve more so than sensory.14 Some improvement is expected in most patients, but this typically occurs slowly over 6–12 months. In patients with severe neuropathy permanent deficits are typical.2


Pyridoxine not only is neurotoxic when taken in large dosages (see Chapter 20),1518 but can also be associated with a sensorimotor polyneuropathy when deficient. Pyridoxine deficiency is usually associated with isoniazid and hydralazine treatment.1921 Pyridoxine deficiency may also result from malnutrition (e.g., chronic alcoholism) or in patients receiving chronic peritoneal dialysis.22 The symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency are nonspecific. Affected individuals manifest with a sensory greater than motor polyneuropathy similar to most idiopathic neuropathies. The electrophysiology studies reflect an axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy.19,20 Vitamin B6 levels can be measured in blood. Deficient patients should be treated with 50–100 mg/d of vitamin B6.23,24 This should also be given prophylactically in patients being treated with isoniazid or hydralazine.25



Patients with vitamin B12 deficiency can present with central nervous system (CNS) or peripheral nervous system (PNS) abnormalities with or without hematologic findings (megaloblastic anemia).2634 Those affected may manifest with numbness and sensory ataxia due to posterior column dysfunction and spastic weakness due to pyramidal tract insult (subacute combined degeneration). In addition, they may have altered mental status. Most patients have signs and symptoms of both CNS and PNS involvement, with reduction of vibratory perception and proprioception, positive Romberg sign, sensory ataxia, decreased or absent reflexes at the ankles, and brisk reflexes elsewhere. Plantar responses can be either extensor or flexor. Because of the myelopathy, patients may present with numbness restricted to the hands potentially mimicking carpal tunnel syndrome. A subacute onset and constant, rather than intermittent numbness would favor vitamin B12 deficiency. A positive Lhermitte’s sign may be present owing to swelling in the cervical spinal cord.


Serum vitamin B12 assays are not sensitive, as many symptomatic patients may have serum vitamin B12 levels that are within the normal range.35,36 Serum levels of the vitamin B12 metabolites, methylmalonic acid (MMA) and homocysteine (Hcy), are much more sensitive in detecting deficiency of B12.36,37 MMA and Hcy levels are increased (i.e., evidence of B12 deficiency) in 5–10% of patients with serum vitamin B12 levels less than 300 pg/mL and in 0.1–1% of those with levels greater than 300 pg/mL.37 We measure MMA and Hcy levels in patients with polyneuropathy who are suspected of having vitamin B12 deficiency (e.g., those with a sudden onset of symptoms, symptoms beginning in the hands, findings suggestive of myelopathy, or risk factors for vitamin B12 malabsorption). In addition, we routinely measure copper, ceruloplasmin, and zinc levels in the same group of patients as copper deficiency manifests in a virtually identical manner.

In the absence of symptomatic gastrointestinal disease, it probably is not necessary to seek a diagnosis of pernicious anemia in a patient with vitamin B12 deficiency because this information will not alter management.38 A Schilling test can be done to diagnose pernicious anemia.39 It is a multistep and therefore inconvenient test which is now uncommonly utilized. Anti-intrinsic factor antibodies are specific for pernicious anemia but are found in only 50% of patients.40 The combination of elevated gastrin and antiparietal cell antibodies is more sensitive and specific for pernicious anemia.41

NCS reveal absent or reduced SNAP amplitudes with CMAPs amplitudes that are normal or slightly reduced. Motor and sensory distal latencies and conduction velocities are essentially normal or only mildly abnormal.2630,34,42 Somatosensory-evoked potentials and magnetic stimulation studies may reveal prolongation of central conduction time.29,32 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the cervical cord can reveal increased signal on T2 images in the posterior columns (Fig. 18-1).43


Figure 18-1. Vitamin B12 deficiency. Sagittal (left image) and axial (right image) T2 MRI in subacute combined degeneration (SCD) showing abnormal hyperintensity in the posterior columns. The patient had markedly reduced vibration and position sense and a Romberg sign; the tendon reflexes were preserved and there were no corticospinal tract or peripheral nerve signs. (Reproduced with permission from Ropper AH, Samuels MA, Klein JP, eds. Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology, 10th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2014.)


Degeneration of the posterior columns and corticospinal tracts has been found at autopsies. Nerve biopsies reveal loss of large myelinated fibers, axonal degeneration, and secondary segmental demyelination.31,34,44


Cobalamin is found in meat, fish, and dairy products but is not present in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Vitamin B12 requires a transport molecule, intrinsic factor, which is synthesized and secreted by gastric parietal cells. Vitamin B12 deficiency can result from lack of dietary intake (strict vegetarian diet), lack of intrinsic factor (pernicious anemia with autoimmune destruction of parietal cells or gastrectomy), malabsorption syndromes (sprue or lower ileum resection), genetic defects in methionine synthetase, and bacteria (blind-loop syndrome) or bacterial or parasitic consumption prior to its absorption. Cobalamin functions as an enzyme necessary for demethylation of methyltetrahydrofolate.45 Tetrahydrofolate, in turn, is required for the production of folate coenzymes that are necessary for DNA synthesis. The pathogenic mechanism for the neuropathy/myelopathy associated with cobalamin deficiency is not known but may be related to impairment in DNA synthesis, decreased methylation of myelin phospholipids, or buildup of methylmalonic and propionic acids that serve as abnormal substrates for fatty acid synthesis, leading to aberrant myelination.45


We generally treat deficient patients with B12 1,000 μg IM/week for 1 month, followed by 1,000 μg IM/month thereafter. It may be possible to treat vitamin B12 deficiency with oral replacement. A randomized trial comparing treatment with 2,000-mg oral vitamin B12/day to 1,000-mg intramuscular vitamin B12/month showed similar improvements in hematologic indices, serum MMA and Hcy, and neurologic symptoms.46 However, a minority of subjects had neurologic symptoms, and the methods by which clinical efficacy was assessed were lacking.

Approximately 2% of patients experience worsening sensory symptoms for unclear reasons during the first month of treatment.47 The response to treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency polyneuropathy, separate from other neurologic complications of vitamin B12, has not been well studied. Patients with vitamin B12 deficiency polyneuropathy/myelopathy probably do not show an immediate response to treatment and may not respond at all.34,48 The duration of symptoms is an important determinant of treatment response.47,49,50


Nitrous oxide can inactivate methylcobalamin, leading to neuropathy and subacute combine degeneration in individuals with low or borderline vitamin B12 levels, euphemistically referred to as “anesthetica paresthetica.”5154 Physical examination, electrodiagnostic findings, and nerve biopsies are similar to that seen in B12 deficiency, as described in the previous section.



Folate deficiency is associated with neurologic abnormalities similar to those complicating B12 deficiency.55,56 Subacute combined degeneration of the posterior columns and corticospinal tracts, sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy, and altered mental status can develop.


Serum folate levels should be reduced. It is necessary to measure both serum folate and vitamin B12 levels to define a pure folic acid deficiency. Megaloblastic anemia may be evident on a complete blood count and smear. Sensory and motor NCS are similar to those seen with B12 deficiency.


Folate is found in fruit and vegetables and in liver. It is primarily absorbed in the proximal jejunum. Isolated folic acid deficiencies are extremely rare but can occur in the elderly on poor diets, alcoholics, young persons’ consuming only snack foods, partial gastrectomies, duodenojejunal resections, celiac disease, and disorders of the jejunal mucosa.55,56 Several drugs (e.g., phenytoin, phenobarbital, sulfasalazine, and colchicine) can also interfere with the optimal utilization of folic acid. The mechanism by which folic acid deficiency results in a polyneuropathy is not known; however, folic acid is required in DNA synthesis.


Administration of folic acid usually results in good clinical recovery.



Vitamin E or alpha-tocopherol is a lipid-soluble antioxidant vitamin that is present in the lipid bilayer constituting the cell membrane.57,58 There is a close relationship between the metabolism of lipids and that of vitamin E. There are three major mechanisms associated with vitamin E deficiency: (1) deficient fat absorption (e.g., cystic fibrosis, chronic cholestasis, short-bowel syndrome, and intestinal lymphangiectasia), (2) deficient fat transport (abetalipoproteinemia, hypobetalipoproteinemia, normotriglyceridemic abetalipoproteinemia, and chylomicron retention disease), and (3) a genetically based abnormality of vitamin E metabolism. Patients with vitamin E deficiency usually present with progressive difficulty ambulating and impaired coordination of the hands.5962 Some individuals complain of weakness and sensory loss. Dysarthria can also occur.

Physical examination is remarkable for ataxia of the trunk and upper and lower extremities.5962 There is prominent loss of proprioception and vibratory perception. Muscle stretch reflexes are reduced or absent. Manual muscle testing can be difficult secondary to the ataxia, but there can be proximal muscle weakness, suggesting a superimposed myopathic process. Ocular examination may reveal ophthalmoplegia and retinopathy.


Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) levels in the serum are low. With hyperlipidemia, the vitamin E level may be normal. In such cases, the ratio of total serum vitamin E to the total serum lipid concentration is a more sensitive indicator of vitamin E deficiency.63

NCS reveal reduced amplitudes or absent SNAPs.5764 The sensory nerve conduction velocities are normal or only slightly reduced. Somatosensory-evoked potentials demonstrate normal peripheral nerve potentials with marked slowing and attenuation of central responses consistent with slowing of central conduction with loss of posterior column fibers.65 Motor NCS are normal.


Autopsy studies demonstrate swelling and degeneration of axons in the posterior columns and spinocerebellar tracts along with neuronal loss and lipofuscin accumulation in the gracile and cuneate nuclei.60,66,67 Changes within the basal ganglia may be seen. Sural nerve biopsies show nonspecific abnormalities including the loss of large myelinated fibers, axonal degeneration, regenerating sprouts, occasional vacuoles in the myelin sheath, and breakup of the Schmidt–Lanterman incisures, but little in the way of primary demyelination.68,69


There are four main types of vitamin E, the most active of which is alpha-tocopherol. Vitamin E is lipid soluble and absorbed in the small intestine. Vitamin E is incorporated into chylomicrons and is transported to the liver. Here, vitamin E is incorporated into very low-density lipoproteins in a step requiring alpha-tocopherol transfer protein. Deficiency of this transfer protein is associated with hereditary vitamin E deficiency (discussed in Chapter 12). Vitamin E may serve to eliminate free radicals and stabilize cell membrane structure.70

Vitamin E deficiency is usually due to factors other than insufficient intake.71 As mentioned, deficiency can result secondary to disorders of lipid malabsorption or transport. Abetalipoproteinemia is a rare autosomal-dominant disorder characterized by steatorrhea, pigmentary retinopathy, acanthocytosis, and progressive ataxia that is associated with vitamin E deficiency.72 Cystic fibrosis can also be complicated by vitamin E deficiency secondary to malabsorption. There are also genetic forms of isolated vitamin E.73,74 Mutations in the alpha-tocopherol transfer protein gene, TTPA, located on chromosome 8q13 result in loss of vitamin E.75,76 Vitamin E deficiency may also complicate various liver and biliary disorders as well as surgical removal of parts of the intestines leading to short bowel or dumping syndrome.64,77,78


Therapy is aimed at preventing progression, but improvement in neurologic function may occur. The specific dose of vitamin E is dependent upon the cause of deficiency.71 In cases of isolated vitamin E deficiency, patients are treated with 1,500–6,000 international units (IU)/day in divided doses. Patients with chronic cholestasis are initially treated with 50 IU/kg/d and the dose is increased in 50 IU/kg increments up to a 200 IU/kg/d as required to obtain a normal serum tocopherol to lipid ratio. Patients with cystic fibrosis, who are receiving oral pancreatic enzyme therapy, require doses of 5–10 IU/kg/d. Those with short bowel syndrome are given 300–5,400 IU/d. Abetalipoproteinemia is treated with vitamin E 150–300 IU/kg/d and vitamin A 15,000–20,000 IU/d.


Polyneuropathy may complicate gastric/bariatric surgery for gastric ulcers, cancer, or morbid obesity.14,7982 The clinical picture is variable and may include acute or subacute sensory loss, burning feet, generalized weakness that can resemble Guillain–Barré syndrome, mononeuropathies, and radiculoplexus neuropathy.8286 Some cases are complicated by CNS dysfunction resembling Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. In the largest retrospective series, 71 out of 435 (16%) of patients who underwent bariatric surgery developed some type of peripheral neuropathy. The neuropathy is associated with malnutrition and the rapidity of weight loss and usually develops within the first 1½ years following weight loss surgery.79,82,86 The latency between surgery and symptoms ranges from a few months to years in patients following total or partial gastrectomy for ulcer or cancer.14,87

Weight reduction surgical procedures include gastrojejunostomy, gastric stapling, vertical banded gastroplasty, and gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y anastomosis. Although thiamine deficiency seems to be a factor (given the frequent co-occurrence of the Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome), there is not good documentation of thiamine deficiency in the reported cases. In some cases, one or more vitamin deficiencies are identified.88 In many cases, no specific deficiency is identified. Electrodiagnostic studies most commonly reveal evidence of a length-dependent, axonal, sensory greater than motor polyneuropathy.


Sural nerve biopsies when obtained may reveal active axonal degeneration and mild perivascular, endoneurial, and epineurial infiltrate.


The basis of the neuropathies is unclear but likely to result from multiple nutritional deficiencies.


Patients should be treated with parenteral vitamin supplementation and, on occasion, reversal of the surgical bypass.82,88,89 Patients with protracted vomiting after weight reduction surgery should receive total parenteral nutrition and vitamins. Patients can recover if started on treatment early, though some will have persistent sensory loss and weakness. The duration and severity of deficits before identification and treatment of neuropathy are important predictors of final outcome.



Copper deficiency is associated with an unusual myeloneuropathy, neutropenia, and sometimes pancytopenia.82,90100 The clinical phenotype is similar to vitamin B12 deficiency. Most patients manifest with numbness and tingling in the legs, weakness, spasticity, and gait difficulties. Large-fiber sensory function is impaired, reflexes are brisk, and plantar responses are extensor. In some cases, light touch and pinprick sensation are affected and NCS indicate sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy in addition to myelopathy.91,93 A severe motor axonopathy can also be seen.94 The weakness and sensory loss in some cases is primarily due to a myelopathy.95 Demyelinating lesions may be appreciated on brain MRI, and some patients have ocular dysmetria indicating brain involvement.95


Besides low–serum-copper levels, some cases are associated with high levels of zinc. Microcytic anemia and neutropenia90,9398,101,102 and occasionally pancytopenia91 are also seen. Bone marrow biopsy may reveal abnormalities of a myelodysplastic syndrome. Cerebrospinal fluid may be normal or show mildly elevated protein or immunoglobulin synthesis rate.91,94,95,97 MRI may demonstrate abnormal T2-weighted signal in the dorsal columns.90,94,95,97,98

NCS may reveal features of a sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy.91,93,97,98 Somatosensory-evoked potentials demonstrate impaired conduction in the central pathway in those with myelopathy.97,98


Sural nerve biopsies may show evidence of axonal degeneration.97,98


Copper is absorbed in the stomach and proximal jejunum accounting for why deficiency may complicate gastric surgery.90,93,103 The reason that zinc can lead to copper deficiency is that it upregulates the production of metallothionein in the gut, which in turn reduces copper absorption.104,105 Interestingly, some denture creams contain a large amount of zinc and can lead to hypocupremia and neurologic disease.96 Copper deficiency may also result from malnutrition, prematurity, total parenteral nutrition, and copper chelating agents.101,103


The myeloneuropathy may improve with oral or intravenous copper replacement quickly90,92,93 but benefits may not be seen for months or years.91,95,97 and some patients do not improve at all.94 In contrast to the variable clinical improvement, the pancytopenia usually normalizes with copper replacement therapy.97


Hyperalimentation with inadequate phosphate supplementation can lead to hypophosphatemia and the development of a subacute and severe sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy, which can clinically resemble Guillain–Barré syndrome.106,107 Typically, serum phosphate levels need to be below 1 mg/dL for this to occur. Paresthesias are initially noted in the feet and ascend to involve the upper limbs and remainder of the body. Impaired ambulation secondary to both weakness and sensory ataxia occurs over the course of hours to days. Generalized weakness, ataxia, depressed muscle stretch reflexes, and reduced perception of all sensory modalities are appreciated on examination. Weakness may also involve the ventilatory muscles requiring mechanical assistance. NCS reveal an absence of SNAPs, reduced CMAP amplitudes, and slow conduction velocities. Correction of the hypophosphatemia results in clinical and electrophysiologic improvement.



Alcoholics can develop a generalized axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy.12,108112 Usually the neuropathy is slowly progressive, although some cases with acute or subacute presentation resembling Guillain–Barré syndrome have been reported.113,114 Unlike Guillain–Barré syndrome, CSF protein in alcohol-related acute axonal polyneuropathy is usually normal or only slightly elevated. Most cases are preceded by prominent weight loss for 2–3 months. Most patients manifest with an insidious onset of numbness, paresthesia, and burning pain suggestive of a small fiber polyneuropathy. It is estimated that the equivalent of 10 oz of 86 proof-distilled spirits were 3 L of beer a day for 3 or more years, which is the threshold for alcoholic neuropathy. It has also been hypothesized that the lead content of wine may also contribute to the pathogenesis of alcoholic neuropathy.12

Examination demonstrates a reduction of all sensory modalities in a glove and stocking distribution, worse in the lower compared to upper limbs. Muscle stretches are reduced or absent. Mild distal leg weakness may be appreciated, but proximal leg and arm strength is usually normal. An occasional patient presents with symptoms and signs suggestive of a myopathy as opposed to neuropathy. NCS reveal features suggestive of a generalized axonal sensory or sensorimotor polyneuropathy.12,108110,112


Nerve biopsies may reveal loss of large- and small-caliber myelinated fibers along with Wallerian degeneration and secondary segmental demyelination.112,114


The exact etiology of peripheral nerve insult in alcoholism is unknown but may in part be related to both a nutritional deficiency (e.g., vitamin B group and folate) and a direct toxic effect of alcohol on peripheral nerves.12


Abstaining from alcohol and consuming an optimal diet can result in an improvement of the peripheral neuropathy.114


Nutritional neuropathies are not particularly common. However, because they can be treatable with correction of the deficit, it is important to be vigilant for signs and symptoms that would suggest a nutritional deficiency. In particular, those patients with gastrointestinal disease or history of gastric bypass may be particularly vulnerable.


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