Although distal weakness is often presumed to be neuropathic in etiology, a variety of neuromuscular disorders, including myopathies, are associated with distal extremity weakness (Table 27-1, Fig. 27-27).2,378,379 The distal myopathies are characterized clinically by progressive atrophy and weakness of distal arm or leg muscles and histologically by nonspecific myopathic features on muscle biopsy. We consider the distal myopathies to be forms of muscular dystrophy. Advances in the molecular genetics of these disorders support this notion, as some types of distal myopathy have been found to be allelic with specific types of LGMD (tibial myopathy and LGMD 2 J caused by titin mutations and Miyoshi myopathy and LGMD 2B caused by dysferlin mutations). Furthermore, there is a clear overlap of some distal myopathies with some forms of h-IBM and MFM. The distal myopathies can be subdivided, based on the clinical features, age of onset, CK levels, muscle histology, and mode of inheritance.
Figure 27-27. Diagnostic approach to patients with a distal pattern of weakness and suspected muscular dystrophy. *Autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked inheritance may be responsible in sporadic cases. h-IBM, hereditary inclusion body myopathy; h-IBMPFD, hereditary inclusion body myopathy with Paget Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia. (Reproduced with permission from Narayanaswami P, Weiss M, Selcen D, et al: Evidence-based guideline summary: diagnosis and treatment of limb-girdle and distal dystrophies: report of the guideline development subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the practice issues review panel of the American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine, Neurology. 2014;83(16):1453–1463.)
Welander originally described the features of this autosomal dominant myopathy in a report of 249 cases from 72 Scandinavian families.380 Onset of weakness usually begins in the fifth decade of life, with rare cases beginning before the age of 30 years (mean age of onset 47 years, range 20–77 years). Weakness is usually first noted in the wrist and finger extensors and slowly progresses to involve the distal lower limbs—ankle dorsiflexors more than the plantar flexors.2,380–382 However, in approximately 10% of cases, weakness is initially appreciated in the legs or there is simultaneous involvement of the distal arms and legs. Although the extensor muscle groups are more severely affected, the flexor groups are involved in over 40% of cases. Rarely, proximal muscles become weak. Sensation is usually normal. Muscle stretch reflexes are initially preserved, but the brachioradialis and Achilles’ reflexes diminish or disappear over time.
Serum CK levels are usually normal or only minimally abnormal.2 Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies are usually normal for age. Diminished temperature and vibratory perception quantitative sensory testing has been demonstrated in some patients.381–383 Needle EMG demonstrates early recruitment of small-amplitude, short-duration MUAPs.2,381–383 Quantitative EMG further suggests a myopathic process.381
Muscle biopsies demonstrate variability in fiber size, increased central nuclei, split fibers, and increased endomysial connective tissue and adipose cells in longstanding disease.2,381–386 Furthermore, rimmed vacuoles typical of IBM, h-IBM, and OPMD are seen in scattered muscle fibers. EM also reveals 15–18-nm cytoplasmic and nuclear filaments similar to those observed in IBM, h-IBM, and OPMD. In addition, disruption of myofibrils and accumulation of Z-disc-derived material similar to that found in MFM can also be demonstrated. Nerve biopsies may reveal a moderate reduction of mainly small-diameter, myelinated fibers.383
Welander myopathy is caused by mutations in the TIA1 gene that encodes for T-cell restricted intracellular antigen, which is a RNA-binding protein.387 The TIA1 protein appears to aggregate in granules in muscle biopsy in patients with Welander myopathy. The mutations in TIA1 may make the transcribed protein more prone to self-aggregation and aggregate with other proteins.387,388
As previously discussed, this autosomal dominant distal myopathy is associated with mutations in the TTN. Udd distal myopathy usually presents after the age of 35 years (usually in the fifth to seventh decade), with weakness of the anterior compartment of the lower legs resulting in unilateral or bilateral foot drop.2,209,210,211–220,389,390 The disorder is slowly progressive, beginning in the toe extensors and gradually involving anterior tibial muscles. Occasionally, the proximal legs and distal upper limbs (predominately the hand intrinsics and wrist extensors) are affected. Rarely, the arms are affected more than the legs, posterior calves are involved with sparing of the anterior tibial muscles, or patients have a limb-girdle distribution of weakness.209 Facial muscles are usually spared, although bulbar weakness has been reported. Sensation is normal. Achilles’ tendon reflexes are usually reduced. Unlike other forms of titinopathy, cardiac and ventilatory muscles are usually spared in Udd distal myopathy.
Serum CK is normal or only slightly elevated.2,209,210–213,215–220,389,390 Motor and sensory NCS are normal. EMG of affected muscles reveals fibrillation potentials and positive sharp waves as well as small-amplitude, brief-duration MUAPs that recruit early.2,212,390 Imaging scans of muscle revealed fatty infiltration in the anterior tibial and extensor digitorum longus more than the gastrocnemius muscles; the proximal pelvic muscles, gluteus medius and minimus may be affected later.210,215
Muscle biopsies reveal dystrophic features fibers with rimmed vacuoles.2,212,388,390 Other features of MFM are usually not seen in titinopathy manifesting with the Udd distal myopathy, but may be seen in those with the HMERF presentation as discussed in LGMD2J section.
Udd distal myopathy is caused by mutations in the TTN gene on chromosome 2q31–33 encoding for titin.2,209,391 As previously discussed, the disorder is allelic to autosomal recessive LGMDJ and autosomal dominant HMERF. Why dominant mutations in the TTN typically lead to such different phenotypes and inheritance pattern is not entirely clear. A confounding factor is the variability of clinical phenotype sometimes seen even within families. The giant protein titin (also known as connectin) is attached to the Z-disc and spans from the M- to the Z-line of the sarcomere. Titin serves to connect the myosin filaments to the Z-disc and probably plays an important role in myofibrillogenesis.
This is another late-onset, autosomal dominant distal myopathy, typically beginning in the anterior compartment of the legs with onset in third to eighth decade of life.2,392,393 Some patients develop proximal leg and distal arm weakness (wrist and finger extensors) as well. A dilated cardiomyopathy is common.
Serum CK is normal or only mildly elevated. Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies are usually normal. Serum CK is usually mildly elevated, and EMG reveals features of a myopathy with muscle membrane irritability.
Muscle biopsies demonstrate rimmed vacuoles and features of MFM.
Markesbery–Griggs distal myopathy is caused by mutations in LIM domain binding 3 gene (LDB3) that encodes for Z-band alternatively spliced PDZ-motif containing protein or ZASP.2,393
This autosomal recessive myopathy was initially reported in Japan,395–398 but it occurs worldwide, and is allelic to autosomal recessive inclusion body myopathy (h-IBM type 1).2,399–402 The preferred term nowadays is “GNE myopathy.” Affected individuals usually develop weakness of the anterior compartment of the distal lower limb, leading to foot drop in the second or third decade of life. The posterior compartment of the legs and distal upper limb muscles are also affected early, but to a lesser degree. The proximal arm and leg muscles as well as the neck flexors may become weak over time. The quadriceps may become affected but usually remain relatively spared compared to other muscle groups, as are ocular and bulbar muscles. Sensation is normal. Muscle stretch reflexes can be normal or absent.
Serum CK is normal or only mildly elevated. Motor and sensory NCS are usually normal. EMG reveals positive sharp waves and early recruitment of small-amplitude, brief-duration MUAPs in weak muscles.
Muscle biopsies demonstrate rimmed vacuoles with muscle fibers as well as other nonspecific myopathic features, as described in the other forms of distal myopathy.395–402 Because of the frequent rimmed vacuoles, the biopsy can be erroneously interpreted as sporadic inclusion body myositis (s-IBM). However, inflammation cell infiltrate and major histochemistry antigen 1 expression on muscle fibers are usually absent. EM can demonstrate 15–18-nm intranuclear and cytoplasmic tubulofilaments similar to that found in sporadic IBM.
Nonaka myopathy and autosomal-recessive h-IBM are allelic disorders caused by mutations in the GNE gene on chromosome 9p1-q1 that encodes for UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase/n-acetylmannosamine kinase.399,401,403 This may be involved in the post-translational glycosylation of proteins to form glycoproteins and in the production of sialic acid.
This recessively inherited myopathy is associated with early adult onset of calf atrophy and weakness and markedly elevated serum CKs. It is caused by mutations in the dysferlin gene and was discussed in greater detail in the section on LGMD 2B.
Laing and colleagues initially described an Australian family with dominant inheritance (nine affected members over four generations) with weakness beginning in the anterior compartment of the distal lower limbs and neck flexors between the ages of 4 and 25 years.404 Subsequently, this myopathy has been widely reported.2,405–409 Over time, there is involvement of finger extensors and later, to a lesser extent, the shoulder and hip girdle muscles. Finger flexors and hand intrinsic muscles are spared. Scapular winging, scoliosis, pes cavus, ankle contractures, and/or lumbar hyperlordosis are seen in approximately 50% of patients. Hand tremor may occur.
Serum CK is normal or slightly elevated.2,404,407,408 Motor and sensory NCS are normal. EMG reveals occasional fibrillation potentials and positive sharp waves and small-amplitude, short-duration, polyphasic MUAPs in distal more than proximal muscles.
Muscle biopsies demonstrate nonspecific myopathic features. Rimmed vacuoles are not seen. Large deposits of MyHC in the subsarcolemmal region of type 1 muscle fibers led some authorities to label this as a form of myosin storage myopathy.19,410
Laing distal myopathy is caused by mutations in the slow/beta cardiac MyHC 1 gene, MYH7, located on chromosome 14q.2,411–414 MyHC is the major myosin isoform expressed in type 1 muscle fibers. Of note, mutations have also been identified in the MYH7 in hyaline body myopathy (discussed in Chapter 28). Mutations in MYH7 are also a common cause of familial hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy, although patients with the cardiomyopathy usually do not have much symptomatic skeletal muscle involvement and vice versa.19 That said, we have followed patients with Laing myopathy, who also had a severe cardiomyopathy requiring transplantation, so cardiac evaluation in all patients is important.
Williams distal myopathy is an autosomal dominant disorder that manifests as progressive, predominantly lower extremity weakness that can affect proximal or distal muscles either in the arms or legs with an onset in the teens to fifth decade of life.2,415–418 Some patients develop a cardiomyopathy.
Serum CK is usually mildly elevated and EMG is myopathic.
Muscle biopsies may demonstrate features of MFM as will be discussed in a later section.
William distal myopathy is caused by mutations in the FLN-C gene that encodes for filamin C, an actin-binding protein felt to be important in cytoskeletal formation.
Mutations in the nebulin gene (NEB), although usually associated with nemaline myopathy with a congenital onset, can cause a later onset distal myopathy with nemaline rods.419,420 Such affected individuals develop slowly progressive weakness with foot drop along with finger extensor and neck flexor weakness later in childhood or in the teens. CK levels are normal or only slightly elevated. PFTs may reveal a reduced FVC.419 Fatty degeneration in the anterior compartment of the lower legs may be apparent on skeletal muscle MRI.419,420 The diagnosis is made by demonstration of nemaline bodies on muscle biopsy in patients with the characteristic phenotype and with confirmatory genetic testing.
Mutations in KLHL9 that encodes for KELCH-Like Homologue 9 is also associated with progressive foot drop followed by intrinsic hand weakness with onset in the first or second decade of life.421 Inheritance is autosomal dominant. Weakness is slowly progressive such that affected individuals retained the ability to walk until the seventh decade. CK levels are normal or mildly elevated. Muscle biopsy reveals nonspecific dystrophic changes without rimmed vacuoles.
Late-onset, autosomal dominant vocal cord and pharyngeal distal myopathy (VCPDM) is a rare and controversial disorder, in regard to the localization of the lesion (i.e., motor neuron disease versus myopathy).422–425 Weakness usually begins in the anterior tibial muscles in the fourth to sixth decade. Weakness is asymmetric in some. Vocal cord and pharyngeal involvement develops after the limb weakness manifested. Ventillatory weakness can ensue.
The initial description of a large family in America was that of a vacuolar a myopathy.422.423 Subsequently, some affected individuals developed progressive ventilatory failure resulting in death with 15 years of onset and examinations showed hyperreflexia of the lower limbs, indicative of upper motor neuron involvement as well as tongue fasciculations.424 These clinical findings led to the reclassification of this disorder in this family by one group of authors as a form of slowly progressive familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS21) rather than a myopathy.424 However, a recent paper involving 6 other families with the same MTR3 mutation reported a clearly progressive degenerative myopathy without any evidence of lower motor neuron defects by clinical examination, EMG, and histopathology.425 This again calls into question the site of the localization, but we feel most cases are really a myopathy.
Serum CK levels are normal to moderately elevated. Motor and sensory NCS are usually normal but may reveal mild slowing of conduction velocities. EMG may reveal either myopathic or neurogenic features, but the description of these features was limited. Fibrillations and positive sharp waves have been described, but not fasciculation potentials.
Muscle biopsies demonstrated nonspecific myopathic features along with numerous rimmed vacuoles. Notably, fiber-type grouping and grouped angulated atrophic fibers have not been reported.
This disorder is caused by mutations in MTR3 that encodes for matrin-3.423–425 Matrin-3 is a component of the nuclear matrix and appears to have roles in DNA replication, transcription, and RNA splicing. As mentioned, the localization of the site of pathology (motor neuron vs. muscle) is of debate. Perhaps, this may be similar to other disorders such as seen with mutations affecting similar genes such as VCP, SQTM1, HNRNPA2B1, and HNRNPA1 that can all be associated with familial ALS or a h-IBM (also associated with rimmed vacuoles in muscle—see later section on h-IBMPFD).
There is no specific medical treatment currently available for distal myopathies. Braces for lower limb weakness and other orthotic devices may be of benefit in improving gait and functional abilities.
MFM is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders, characterized by the pathologic finding of myofibrillar disruption on EM and excessive desmin accumulation in muscle fibers.2,20,21,426–438 Because desmin is not the only protein that accumulates, the term “MFM” was suggested to be a more accurate description of the spectrum of the histologic abnormalities.435 This myopathy has been reported as desmin storage myopathy, desmin myopathy, familial desminopathy, spheroid body myopathy, cytoplasmic body myopathy, Mallory body myopathy, familial cardiomyopathy with subsarcolemmal vermiform deposits, myopathy with intrasarcoplasmic accumulation of dense granulofilamentous material, and h-IBM with early respiratory failure.426 In addition, some cases previously diagnosed with other forms of distal myopathy (Markesbery–Griggs distal myopathy) have MFM histopathology.392 MFM has been classified by some in the past as congenital myopathies, but are probably best considered a form of muscular dystrophy.
As mentioned, MFM is associated with a wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes.2,426,429,431–438 Most affected individuals develop weakness between 25 and 45 years of age, although weakness may be noticeable in infancy or may present later in adulthood. Weakness can be predominantly proximal, distal, or generalized. In addition, some patients have a facioscapulohumeral or scapuloperoneal distribution of weakness. Facial and pharyngeal muscles can also be affected in some individuals. Rigidity of the spine can also be seen.
In addition to skeletal muscle, the heart can also be affected and cardiac arrhythmias and CHF may be the predominant features of the disease. In severe cardiomyopathies, pacemaker insertion or cardiac transplantation may be required. In addition, severe ventilatory muscle involvement can develop in MFM. Also, smooth muscle involvement may lead to intestinal pseudo-obstructions.
Serum CK is normal or usually only slightly increased in MFM.2 EKGs may demonstrate conduction defects or arrhythmia, while echocardiograms may reveal a dilated or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. NCS are usually normal, although low CMAP and SNAP amplitudes and slowing of conduction velocities can be seen. EMG reveals increased insertional and spontaneous activity with fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves, pseudomyotonic potentials, complex repetitive discharges, and early recruitment of short-duration, small-amplitude, polyphasic MUAPs.2 Long-duration, large-amplitude MUAPs may also be seen, owing to the chronicity of the disorder.
Muscle biopsies reveal variability in fiber size, increased internalized nuclei, occasionally type 1 fiber predominance, and in some cases, scattered fibers with rimmed vacuoles.2 In addition, Nakano et al. defined two major types of lesions on light and EM that characterize MFM: hyaline structures and nonhyaline lesions (Fig. 27-28).434 The hyaline structures are cytoplasmic granular inclusions, which are typically eosinophilic on H&E and dark blue-green or occasionally red on modified Gomori trichrome stains. They do not stain for NADH. On EM, the hyaline lesions resemble cytoplasmic, spheroid, or Mallory bodies. The nonhyaline lesions appear as dark green areas of amorphous material on Gomori trichrome stains. On EM, these nonhyaline lesions correspond to foci of myofibrillar destruction and consist of disrupted myofilaments, Z-disc-derived bodies, dappled dense structures of Z-disc origin, and streaming of the Z-disc.434,436 In addition, larger-size tubulofilaments (14–20 nm) typical of the inclusion body myopathies may accumulate.
Figure 27-28. Myofibrillar myopathy. Nonhyaline lesions appear as amorphous accumulation of reddish-purple or dark green material (A), while the hyaline lesions are denser and can have the appearance of cytoplasmic or spheroid bodies (B) on Trichrome stain. The hyaline lesions are eosinophilic on H&E but less well seen than on the trichrome stains (C). The hyaline and nonhyaline lesions do not stain with NADH-TR (D). Immunostaining reveals that the lesions are immunoreactive to desmin (E).
Immunohistochemistry reveals that both the hyaline and the nonhyaline lesions contain desmin and numerous other proteins.2,22,426–434,436,438 Abnormal accumulation of desmin is not specific for MFM and can be seen in a variety of neuromuscular conditions, including X-linked myotubular myopathy, congenital myotonic dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, nemaline rod myopathy, fetal myotubes, IBM, and in regenerating muscle fibers of any etiology. Abnormal accumulation of desmin has been demonstrated in cardiac muscles in MFM patients with cardiomyopathy. Immunohistochemistry also reveals that the nonhyaline lesions react strongly not only for desmin, but also for dystrophin, gelsolin, N terminus of β-amyloid precursor protein, and NCAM in addition to desmin. In addition, the nonhyaline lesions are depleted of actin, α-actinin, myosin, and, less consistently, titin and nebulin. In contrast, the hyaline structures are composed of compacted and degraded remnants of thick and thin filaments and react to actin, α-actinin, and myosin, in addition to dystrophin, gelsolin, filamin c, and the N terminus of β-amyloid precursor protein; they do not react to NCAM and react variably to desmin. Both types of lesions also react for αB-crystallin, α-1 antichymotrypsin, and ubiquitin and can be congophilic. The abnormal muscle fibers also abnormally express several cyclin-dependent kinases (CDC/CDK) in the cytoplasm, including CDC2, CDK2, CDK4, and CDK7.426,438
Nerve and intramuscular nerve biopsies have demonstrated enlarged axons with accumulation of intermediate-sized neurofilaments and formation of axonal spheroids in some patients.439,440
The pathogenesis of MFM is likely related to disruption of the Z-disc.2,20,21,426,435,436 Mutations have been identified in the genes that encode for desmin, αB-crystallin, myotilin, filamin c, BCL2-associated athanogene 3 (BAG3), FHL-1, ZASP (Z-band alternatively spliced PDX motif-containing protein), titin, selenoprotein N, DNAJB6, and transportin 3. Most of these proteins are Z-disc-related proteins. Most familial cases demonstrate autosomal-dominant inheritance, although autosomal-recessive (some desmin) and X-linked inheritance (FHL1) occur.
Mutations in the desmin gene, DES, located on chromosome 2q35 is associated with autosomal-dominant LGMD1E and recessive LGMD2R that have MFM histopathology as previously discussed.2,129–138,428,432,436,441 Mutations in DES were demonstrated in the initial family reported with scapuloperoneal myopathy. Desmin is an intermediate filament protein of skeletal, cardiac, and some smooth muscle cells. This cytoskeletal protein links Z-bands with the sarcolemma and the nucleus. The intermediate filament network is important in the stability of the muscle fiber and during mitosis/regeneration of muscle cells. These abnormal desmin filaments form insoluble aggregates, which prevent the genesis of the normal filamentous network.442
Mutations in the αB-crystallin gene, CRYAB, on chromosome 11q21–23 have been demonstrated in some autosomal- dominant kinships.435–437 Alpha B-crystallin possesses “molecular chaperone” activity and is felt to interact with desmin in the assembly of the intermediate filament network.
Missense mutations in the myotilin gene, MYOT, located on chromosome 5q22–31 cause late-onset MFM and are allelic to LGMD 1 A as previously discussed.2,20,90–99 These patients had late onset of distal greater than proximal weakness, polyneuropathy, and cardiopathy. Myotilin is a component of the Z-disc where it interacts with α-actinin, actin, and filamin c and probably plays a fundamental role in myofibrillar assembly.
In addition, missense mutations in the LDP3 gene located on chromosome 10q22.3–10q23.2 that encodes for ZASP are responsible for Markesbury–Griggs distal myopathy, which has MFM histopathology as previously discussed.2,21,393 ZASP is expressed in skeletal and cardiac muscle and it binds to α-actinin, a component of the Z-disc that in turn cross-links thin filaments of adjacent sarcomeres.21
Mutations in BAG3 located on chromosome 10q26.11 are associated with proximal and/or distal weakness, hypernasal speech, ventilatory weakness, and dilated cardiomyopathy with onset in the first or second decade.394 BAG3 interacts with heat shock proteins and may have a role in cellular response to environmental stress.
Mutations in FLN-C located on chromosome 7q32 that encodes for filamin-C cause Williams distal myopathy, as previously discussed.2,22,415–418 Filamin-C binds actin and is involved in the formation of the Z-disc. In addition, filamin-c also binds γ- and δ-sarcoglycan at the sarcolemmal membrane and may also play a role in signaling pathways from the sarcolemma to the myofibril.22
Mutations in FHL1 on Xq26.3 encoding for four and a half LIM protein some cases of scapuloperoneal dystrophy with reducing bodies and features of MFM on muscle biopsy.2,329
Mutations in the selenoprotein N gene (SEPN1) located on chromosome 1p36 were identified in autosomal-recessive MFM associated with Mallory-body-like inclusions.301 These patients have an early onset of axial muscle weakness, ventilatory weakness, and rigidity of the spine. Of note, mutations in SEPN1 gene can cause MDC with rigid spine and multi/minicore myopathy, but can also have histopathology resembling MFM.
Finally, LGMD1D and LGMD1E caused by mutations in the genes encoding for DNAJB6 and transportin 3, respectively, can have MFM-like histopathology.140
There is no proven medical therapy to improve skeletal muscle weakness. Antiarrhythmic and cardiotropic medications are sometimes necessary in patients with cardiopathy. Cardiac transplantation can be lifesaving in patients with severe cardiomyopathy.
There are autosomal-dominant and autosomal-recessive forms of h-IBM.2
The most common form of autosomal recessive h-IBM2 is allelic Nonaka distal myopathy being caused by mutations in GNE that encodes for UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase.2,395–402 As previously discussed, the preferred term now is “GNE myopathy.” This myopathy was initially reported in Iranian Jews and other Middle Eastern Karaites and Arab Muslims of Palestinian and Bedouin origin as a form of hIBM, while Nonaka distal myopathy was the name given for similar patients reported in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese families. The age of onset and pattern of weakness in GNE myopathy are different from that of s-IBM. Most patients with s-IBM present over the age of 50 years with weakness of quadriceps and wrist and finger flexors. In contrast, most patients with GNE myopathy present in the late teens to early 40s with anterior tibial involvement leading to foot drop. There is insidious progression with gradual involvement of the iliopsoas, thigh adductors, and to a lesser extent the glutei muscles. Importantly, in differentiating from s-IBM, the quadriceps are usually normal or relatively spared.399–402 However, rarely the quadriceps can be affected. The proximal arms and neck flexors can also become affected. There can be asymmetry of muscle weakness. Progression is variable, with some patients becoming wheelchair dependent within a few years of onset, while others are ambulatory several decades later.
There are a few reports of familial cases of s-IBM in which siblings, even twins, had the characteristic clinical phenotype and histological features of s-IBM.402 These cases do not represent h-IBM. Rather, there may be a familial predisposition for development of s-IBM, similar to that described for other autoimmune disorders.
Serum CK levels are normal or only mildly elevated. Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies are usually normal. EMG demonstrates fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves, and complex repetitive discharges. There is a mixture of small-amplitude, short-duration polyphasic MUAPs with large-amplitude, long-duration polyphasic MUAPs.
Muscle biopsies are similar to s-IBM, except for the lack of significant endomysial inflammation and invasion of non-necrotic muscle fibers.2,399–402 Fiber size variability, split fibers, increased central nuclei, and fibers with rimmed vacuoles are evident. Amyloid and other “Alzheimer characteristic proteins” are seen in vacuolated muscle fibers, although they are much less frequent compared to s-IBM. As in s-IBM, EM demonstrates the abnormal accumulation of 15–18-nm tubulofilaments in the cytoplasm and nuclei of muscle fibers.
Nonaka-type distal myopathy and autosomal-recessive h-IBM are allelic disorders caused by mutations in GNE on chromosome 9p1-q1 encoding UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase.2,399–402 GNE is involved in the post-translational glycosylation of proteins to form glycoproteins. Disturbed glycosylation is therefore now recognized as a newly identified molecular genetic defect for muscular dystrophies. However, other mechanisms may be involved in the pathogenesis of this myopathy. GNE is an important enzyme in the sialic acid biosynthesis pathway.
There is no medical treatment available for GNE myopathy. Patients with distal lower limb weakness may benefit from bracing.
This myopathy usually presents with congenital arthrogryposis and ophthalmoparesis with mild proximal weakness beginning in adulthood. Face and distal extremity weakness may occur. Some patients complain of muscle pain. As muscle biopsies may demonstrate rimmed vacuoles and tubulofilamentous inclusions, this disorder has also been called h-IBM type 3.2,19,443,444
Serum CK levels are usually.
Muscle biopsies reveal small and infrequent type II fibers, particularly type 2 A fibers, focal disorganization of the myofibrils, and rimmed vacuoles and inclusion consisting of 15- to 20-nm tubulofilaments.2 Lobulated fibers and minicores have also been reported.
Mutations have been identified in the MYH2 gene located on chromosome 17p13.1, which encodes for MyHC IIa.2,9,443,444 The MyHC IIa isoform of MyHCs is expressed in type 2 A muscle fibers.
This autosomal-recessive h-IBM is associated with an infantile onset of progressive proximal greater than distal weakness, legs worse than arms, and marked cerebral white matter abnormalities on CT and MRI.445 Despite the apparent leukoencephalopathy on radiological imaging, intellectual function was normal in all the cases. Motor nerve conduction studies were mildly slow, suggesting dysmyelination of peripheral nerves as well.
h-IBM associated with Paget disease of the bone and frontotemporal dementia, or IBMPFD, is a rare autosomal-dominant disorder is usually caused by mutations in VCP that encodes for valosin-containing protein (VCP).2,446–463 It is characterized by adult onset (range late first to ninth decade, with mean in the 40s) of limb-girdle, distal, or scapuloperoneal weakness. There also appears to be a mild asymmetry and variability in the patterns of muscle weakness. Frontotemporal dementia is seen in approximately 30–50% with onset approximately 10 years after weakness (average age 54 years). Paget disease of the bone (PDB) tends to occur earlier than in the more common sporadic forms of PDB and is seen with variable frequency. The complete triad of h-IBM, PDB, and frontotemporal dementia occurs in only about one-third of cases. In addition, mutations in the same gene cause a form of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS) with or without frontotemporal dementia.464,465 A dilated cardiomyopathy may be seen in a quarter of patients.459 Ultimately, the cause of death is through progressive muscle weakness and ventilatory failure. There is significant heterogeneity in clinical phenotype and severity both between and within families.
Serum CK levels are normal to slightly elevated. Serum alkaline phosphatase levels can be a screening test but may not be elevated in those without PDB. EMG shows myopathic changes with muscle membrane irritability.
Muscle biopsy reveal fibers with rimmed vacuoles and inclusions that immunostain with ubiquitin, TDP-43, and VCP.2,455,456 Neurogenic features of type grouping and angulated fibers, which is notable VCP mutations can also be associated with motor neuron disease.455,456 EM may show paired helical filaments in muscle and in PDB osteoclasts.
h-IBMPFD is usually caused by mutations in the gene encoding VCP, a member of the AAA-ATPase superfamily.2,446,447 VCP is associated with a variety of cellular activities, including cell-cycle control, membrane fusion, and the ubiquitin–proteasome degradation pathway. VCP normally localizes to nuclei and specifically near nucleoli. Mutations in VCP gene may disrupt in nuclear structure or normal translation of mRNA. In addition, mutations in SQTM1, HNRPA2B1, and HNRNPA1, have been noted to cause hIBM or fALS, while mutations in SQTM1 can also cause PDB. Some have termed these disorders as “multisystem proteinopathies.”466,467.
With so many different types of muscular dystrophies and the variability of clinical phenotypes associated with specific forms of dystrophy, even within individual families, the evaluation of patients presenting with weakness can be quite daunting. However, rather than ordering every genetic test possible or doing a muscle biopsy initially on every patient, an approach to ordering tests based on clinical phenotype (inheritance pattern, age of onset, pattern of weakness, and associated manifestations—early contractures and cardiac or ventilatory involvement) should be useful (Figs. 27-8, 27-10, 27-16, 27-19, 27-23, 27-27).2,250 However, as next generation, whole genome, and whole exome sequencing become more widely available and less expensive, such large scale genetic testing will become a more accessible tool due to cost considerations. Nonetheless, accurate clinical assessment will remain a prerequisite in order to distinguish pathological mutations from the benign polymorphisms that this technology will uncover.
Unfortunately, there are limited beneficial medical treatments, other than corticosteroids for children with DMD. Still with supportive treatments (physical and occupational therapy, bracing, respiratory, and cardiac), quality of life can be improved in patients. More work needs to be done to further understand the pathogenesis of these disorders and discover targeted and better treatments.
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