Part III

About the AP U.S. Government and Politics Exam


The AP U.S. Government and Politics Exam is a two-part test. The chart below illustrates the test’s structure.

This breakdown represents the latest information to come from the College Board about their new test, which debuted in May 2019. All of the information here is in alignment with what has been announced thus far, but because it’s possible that there may be some last-minute adaptations after we’ve gone to print, please check your online student tools for any late-breaking news!

We also strongly recommend checking the College Board’s official AP Students website for any other free resources they may have released as the test approaches.

There are several types of multiple-choice questions, which we’ll get into in Chapter 1, but they all pull from the five major topics of the AP U.S. Government and Politics course. Not all subjects are tested equally; the following list is a breakdown of how they appear in the newly released 2018–2019 sample test:


Percent of Questions

Covered in Chapter #

Foundations of American Democracy

12 to 20

Chapter 4: The Constitutional Underpinnings

Interaction Among Branches of Government

20 to 30

Chapter 8: Institutions of Government Chapter 9: Public Policy

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

15 to 20

Chapter 10: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

10 to 18

Chapter 5: Public Opinion and the Media

Political Participation

20 to 30

Chapter 6: Linkage Institutions Chapter 7: Elections

There are a wide variety of new questions on the exam that expect you to be able to analyze data, get to the heart of short reading passages and quotes, and to compare two distinct thoughts. Don’t be thrown; these questions tend to boil down to the dynamics of how government operates within a political environment. For example, you may be asked how interest groups attempt to influence policy making in Congress and the bureaucracy or how the president attempts to influence Congress through public opinion. The test writers want to know whether you understand the general principles that guide U.S. government and the making of public policy.

In addition to the multiple-choice questions, there are four mandatory free-response questions. You’ll have a total of 100 minutes to answer all of them. You should spend approximately 25 minutes per question, but be aware that you must manage your own time. Additional time spent on one question will reduce the time that you have left to answer the others. Writing more than is necessary to answer the question will not earn you extra points.


The graders assign each of your free-response answers a numerical score. Weighing the average on the free responses and the score on the multiple-choice questions each as 50%, the graders create a final score from a low of 1 to a high of 5. The chart below tells you what that final score means.

The data above is from the College Board website and based on the May 2018 test administration.

How Will I Know?

Your dream college’s website may list such information or you can contact the school’s admissions department to verify AP exam score acceptance information. After results come in from the May 2019 test, some colleges may change what they consider a passing score.

To score your multiple-choice questions, award yourself one point for every correct answer, regardless of whether you guessed the answer or not. (You shouldn’t have left any blanks, but if you did, they are worth nothing.)

Of course, if you follow our advice for how to write a good free-response essay, you could score higher on the free-response section than on the multiple-choice section and thus potentially increase your final score by one point.

Check your online tools for any possible updates on scoring info.


As mentioned earlier, questions on the exam fall into five main units:

Here are some key topics that fall into each of these categories:

Foundations of American Democracy

  • the political and economic circumstances at the time of the framing of the Constitution

  • the motivations of the framers

  • the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

  • the strengths of the Constitution

  • separation of powers

  • the nature and political impact of federalism

  • principles of democratic government

  • system of checks and balances

Interaction Among Branches of Government

  • the structure and function of the legislature, executive branch, judiciary, and bureaucracy

  • the structural and political interrelationships of the institutions of government

  • the connections among the national government, citizens, political parties, public opinion, elections, interest groups, and the states

  • the process of making public policy

  • citizen participation in policy making

  • the interactions among Congress, the courts, and the bureaucracy on policy making

  • the impact of elections in policy making

  • the participants in domestic and economic policy making

  • the limitations of domestic and economic policy making

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

  • substantive and procedural rights and liberties

  • the impact of the Fourteenth Amendment on rights and liberties

  • the consequences of legislation and judicial interpretation on rights and liberties

American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

  • the ideological beliefs people maintain regarding their government

  • political socialization

  • public opinion and its impact on policy

  • how and why citizens vote as they do

  • the methods of political participation

  • the reasons citizens disagree over political beliefs and behavior

Political Participation

  • what parties do and how they operate

  • how parties are organized

  • how parties link citizens to government

  • how parties help make and use the rules of elections

  • how electoral laws affect the outcome of elections

  • what interest groups do and what makes them effective

  • the role of PACs and their impact on the political process

  • the types of mass media

  • the purpose of the media

  • the impact of the media on the political agenda

As you can see, the primary focus of the test is the nuts and bolts of the federal government. The test also emphasizes political activity—the factors that influence individual political beliefs, the conditions that determine how and why people vote, and the process by which groups form and attempt to influence the government. Be aware that the test is always changing—especially for the 2019 iteration, so keep an eye on every area, such as constitutional issues and civil rights, which are very important for providing context to the new scenario-based questions.


One thing the course now expects from students is that they’ve learned the major details of fifteen different Supreme Court cases and that they are familiar with the ideas behind nine foundational documents. We touch on and reference these in the Part V content review, but you’ll definitely want to go above-and-beyond in familiarizing yourself with the following:

Marbury v. Madison

McCulloch v. Maryland

Schenck v. United States

Brown v. Board of Education

Baker v. Carr

Engel v. Vitale

Gideon v. Wainwright

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District

New York Times Co. v. United States

Wisconsin v. Yoder

Roe v. Wade

Shaw v. Reno

United States v. Lopez

McDonald v. Chicago

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

The Declaration of Independence

The Articles of Confederation

The Constitution of the United States

The Federalist Papers Nos. 10, 51, 70, and 78

Brutus No. 1

“Letter from a Birmingham Jail”

Other Sources

While the primary sources listed above are the only ones that you’ll be required to know for the exam, you should take the opportunity to widen your familiarity with other documents.

Where Trust Is a Must

Just because something is on the Internet does not mean that it is a source you should use in a Free-Response section. As a rule of thumb, think at least as critically about web content as you would a Qualitative Analysis question and trace it back to a source.

Reading political articles in newspapers and magazines, particularly those that present accompanying information in visual formats, can be helpful when preparing for the Quantitative Analysis questions. The Argument Essay in Section II allows you to cite from other sources, and the SCOTUS Comparison question will refer to lesser-known cases (although it will provide you with all the necessary facts).

If you do your own reading—and we highly recommend it!—make sure that you take into account the credibility of your sources. If you intend to reference anything on the test, make sure these other texts are both credible and reliable. That is, make sure they’ve been fact-checked and that they are both well-sourced and up-to-date.


Different colleges use AP exams in different ways, so it is important that you visit a particular college’s website in order to determine how it accepts AP exam scores. The three items below represent the main ways in which AP exam scores can be used.


There are many resources available to help you improve your score on the AP U.S. Government and Politics Exam, not the least of which are your teachers. If you are taking an AP course, you may be able to get extra attention from your teacher, such as feedback on your essays. If you are not in an AP course, you can reach out to a teacher who teaches AP U.S. Government and Politics to ask if he or she will review your essays or otherwise help you master the content.

More AP Info Online!

We have put together even more goodies for a handful of AP Exam subjects. For short quizzes, high level AP course and test information, and expert advice, head over to

Another wonderful resource is AP Students, the official website of the AP exams. The scope of the information available on this site is quite broad and includes the following:

The AP Students home page address is:

Finally, The Princeton Review offers tutoring, small group instruction, and admissions counseling. Our expert instructors can help you refine your strategic approach and enhance your content knowledge. For more information, call 1-800-2REVIEW.

Another Course? Of Course!

If you can’t get enough AP U.S. Government and Politics and want to review this material with an expert, we also offer an online Cram Course that you can sign up for here:


In Part I, you identified some areas of potential improvement. Let’s now delve further into your performance on Practice Test 1, with the goal of developing a study plan appropriate to your needs and time commitment.

Read the answers and explanations associated with the multiple-choice questions (starting at this page). After you have done so, respond to the following questions: