
Part 1
The Nature of Discomfort

Chapter 1: The 21st-Century Survivalist
The New Paradigm for Transforming Discomfort into Power

Chapter 2: The Cozy Paradox
Uncomfortable in a Comfortable World

Chapter 3: The Balancing Act
The Delicate Sway Between Calm and Catastrophe

Chapter 4: The Seat of the Survival Instinct
The Biology of Fear

Chapter 5: The Birth of a Bad Habit
Obsessions, Compulsions, and Addictions

Chapter 6: Conditioning and the Genesis of Habits
Please and Thank You

Chapter 7: Externalization
The Dark Side of Creature Comforts

Part 2
The Nature of Survival

Chapter 8: Managing Your Comfort Zone
Fifteen Simple Strategies to Stay Cool, Calm, and Collected

Chapter 9: Taking the “Dis” Out of Discomfort
The Hardy Survivalist

Chapter 10: Survivalism at Work
Performance and the Art of Decision Making Under Pressure

Conclusion: Discomfort—An Opportunity for Growth


Selected Bibliography
