The Purpose Of This Book: What’s In It For You?
“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.”
—Foster C. McClellan
Dear Reader (or potential reader, if you’re still browsing),
Ten years ago we launched our book, The Power of Focus, not knowing how it would be received in the marketplace. Since then, we’ve been gratified and humbled by the tremendous response from hundreds of thousands of people all around the world.
Recently, we realized the demand from our clients was becoming stronger for an updated version. So here it is. A lot has changed in the last decade, with severe economic challenges heading the list. Incredible advances in technology have made our world faster, with much of what we want to know only a few clicks away.
What challenges are you facing today?
We’ve had our own challenges, too, which we’ll share in detail and how we solved them. Time pressure, getting ahead financially, job security, and the struggle to enjoy a healthy balanced lifestyle still remain major challenges for millions of people. Our research shows that a lack of focus is still one of the biggest factors causing these hardships. And yet despite this uncertainty and anxiety, there are many people who are doing exceptionally well. Their businesses are expanding, becoming more profitable and employing more people. You’ll meet many of them in this revised edition, and learn how they’ve done so well—including stories from some amazing teenage entrepreneurs.
If you are one of those people who feel you’ve been tossed about in an economic storm, or if you’re stressed out, burned out, and almost wiped out financially, take heart. There’s hope. It’s time to refocus, reflect, rethink, and become rejuvenated.
The Power of Focus will help you in many ways, whether you are a CEO, vice president, manager, supervisor, salesperson, entrepreneur, consultant, or the owner of a professional practice or home-based business. And if you’re doing well right now, there’s always more to learn as you’ll find out between these covers, even if it’s just one more idea that will leverage your success or help you avoid the subtle onset of complacency.
Here’s our GUARANTEE:
If you study and gradually implement the strategies we are about to share, you’ll not only hit your business, personal, and financial targets consistently, you’ll far exceed the results you are currently experiencing. Specifically, we’ll show you how to focus on your strengths, so that you can maximize your income, and at the same time enjoy a healthier, happier lifestyle.
In addition, you’ll learn how to build a stronger, sustainable foundation for the future, based on a little-used technique called Unusual Clarity. On top of that, you’ll discover how to create financial peace of mind using proven methods from several multimillionaires. There’s also a smorgasbord of ideas to help nurture and enrich your most important relationships.
The reason we are so confident that the ideas in this book will work for you is because they have already worked for us and thousands of our clients.
Since the first edition of this book, the three of us have collectively gained thirty years of experience. Our combined business experience since we first began now totals 109 years! This is real-world experience. It’s been earned by making lots of mistakes, as well as by focusing on doing some things extremely well. We’ll share some of our most important recent breakthroughs with you and tell you the way things are in the real world, instead of giving you vague theories and philosophies. This will help you avoid much of the trial and error in life and save you a lot of time, money, energy, and unnecessary stress.
How to get the most out of this book.
Please note: If you are looking for a magic “quick-fix” formula, you won’t find it here. In our experience there’s no such thing. It takes a real commitment to create positive transformation. That’s why more than 90 percent of people who attend short-term seminars see no improvement in their lives. They don’t take the time to implement what they learn and all of their notes usually end up collecting dust.
Our primary goal has been to make this information so compelling that it will galvanize you to take immediate action. This book is user-friendly—it’s really easy to read. You’ll even find cartoons and stories along the way that make it fun.
Every chapter consists of a variety of strategies and techniques enhanced by anecdotes and inspiring stories. The first three chapters lay the foundation. Chapter 4, a new chapter, will show you how to thrive in a turbulent economy and eliminate the word “recession” from your vocabulary. Each subsequent chapter introduces a new set of strategies centered on a specific habit that will help you to focus and perform better. Implementing these habits is vitally important to your future success. Sprinkled through each chapter you’ll find lots of our own personal stories and insights: what worked for us and also what didn’t. Immediately following each chapter are a series of Action Steps. These are designed to facilitate your progress. It is essential that you follow through and complete these if you want to enjoy a higher level of prosperity. You can initiate them one at a time.
As a final bonus, we have added another significant chapter which features the stories of five entrepreneurs, all self-made millionaires and clients of The Power of Focus, who have built successful enterprises using the principles in this book. Each person gives you the five most important reasons they have become so successful. You’ll also get a glimpse into exciting “Gamechanger” companies, a new breed of organization setting new standards in employee culture, social consciousness, and profitability. In this revised edition, we have combined the most relevant new information with all of the timeless fundamental strategies from the original edition.
Use this book as a continuous work-in-progress that you can refer to over and over again.
We strongly suggest that you have a highlighter, notepad, or iPad beside you as you read. Use these to immediately capture the ideas that have the greatest impact for you. Remember, it’s all about focus. The main reason most people struggle professionally and personally is a lack of focus. They procrastinate or allow themselves to be easily distracted and interrupted. Now you have the opportunity to be different. The only purpose of this book is to inspire you to take action. That’s it, pure and simple, even more so than before. So let’s get started. Use The Power of Focus to guarantee your better future. And may your life be truly enriched in the process.
P.S. If you are the owner of a business and are planning for rapid growth in the next few years, buy a copy of this book for everyone on your team. The momentum created by implementing these focusing strategies together will ensure that you reach your targets much sooner than anticipated.
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