
1 Week or More Before Feast

■ Buy any items you need on Block Party Essentials and Outdoor Cooking Essentials lists.

3 Days Before Feast

■ Do your big grocery shop.

■ Make burger sauce.

■ Make sauerkraut.

■ Make Texas BBQ Dry Rub.

■ Order or grind burger meat (see The Beef on Ground Beef).

2 Days Before Feast

■ Make or buy bratwursts.

■ Make cookies and mix ice cream.

■ Assemble and freeze ice cream sandwiches.

1 Day Before Feast

■ Slice potatoes for chips and soak in water.

■ Make punch base. (Add soda and booze later!)


Morning of the Feast

■ Set up grill with all the tools you need nearby.

■ Form burger patties.

■ Make (but don’t dress!) potato salad.

■ Fry potato chips.

2 Hours Before Feast

■ Fire up grill.

■ Slice tomatoes and avocados for burgers.

■ Pull and clean lettuce for burgers.

■ Braise bratwursts.

1 Hour Before Feast

■ Set up an assembly station near your grill with condiments, cheese, buns, melted butter, salt, pepper, pickles, kraut, and lots of dish towels.

■ Enlist one or more friends for assembly.

■ Put out potato chips.

■ Make sure keg is flowing.

Feast Time

■ Finish and put out punch.

■ Dress and put out potato salad.

■ Grab a beer and start grilling.