1 Week or More Before Feast
■ Obtain a fire permit, if needed.
■ Source and purchase barrel.
■ Source and purchase stones.
■ Pick up firewood or arrange for delivery.
■ Buy anything you need from Clambake Essentials and Outdoor Cooking Essentials lists.
■ Construct clambake barrel.
5 Days Before Feast
■ Order seafood.
■ Order seaweed.
■ Make graham crackers.
2 to 3 Days Before Feast
■ Do your big grocery shop.
■ Soak barrel in water for at least 24 hours.
■ Make marshmallows.
■ Make cocktail sauce.
1 Day Before Feast
■ Select location for clambake barrel.
■ Choose place to build small bonfire.
■ Make fish dip.
■ Pick up seafood and seaweed.
■ Clean shrimp for peel ’n’ eat shrimp and for barrel.
■ Boil and chill peel ’n’ eat shrimp.
■ Make garlic-herb butter.
■ Make aioli.
■ Shuck and cook cranberry beans (but don’t make the salad).
Morning of Feast
■ Make croutons.
■ Butter and tie corn.
■ Assemble (but don’t toss!) bean salad.
■ Purge clams.
5 Hours Before Feast
■ Light bonfire.
■ Prep remaining ingredients for barrel (chorizo, artichokes, onions, and potatoes)
■ Tie bundles for barrel.
1 Hour Before Feast
■ Soak burlap tarp.
■ Begin loading clambake barrel.
■ Toss bean salad.
■ Assemble fish dip croutons.