1 Week or More Before Feast
■ Source and purchase iron kettle cauldron.
■ Purchase cooking tripod or kettle stand or parts to make your own.
■ Pick up firewood or arrange for delivery.
■ Buy any items you need on the Fish Fry Essentials and Outdoor Cooking Essentials lists.
■ Make pickled vegetables.
■ Source and order smoked fish.
2 Days Before Feast
■ Do your big grocery shop.
■ Cook beans for salad.
■ Make mayonnaise (if necessary) and tartar sauce.
1 Day Before Feast
■ Select location to set up tripod or deep-fryer.
■ Prepare (but don’t assemble!) elements for potato salad.
■ Buy ham.
■ Make cheese bread.
■ Make tart dough.
Morning of Feast
■ Set up tripod and kettle cauldron.
■ Build fire under cauldron. (But don’t start it!)
■ Roast tomatoes and make bean salad.
■ Make dressing for lettuce salad.
■ Prepare (but don’t dress!) lettuce salad.
■ Make (but don’t assemble!) deviled eggs.
■ Prepare and bake mürbeteig.
3 Hours Before Feast
■ Prepare potato salad.
2 Hours Before Feast
■ Fill cauldron with oil.
■ Start fire.
■ Assemble deviled eggs.
■ Assemble potato salad.
1 Hour Before Feast
■ Slice cheese bread.
■ Set up fry station with dredging flour and eggs.
30 Minutes Before Feast
■ Layer sheet pans with paper towels to rest the cooked fish on.
■ Start frying fish. Keep warm in a food warmer, cooler, or chafing dish.
5 to 10 Minutes Before Feast
■ Warm cheese bread and assemble bread boards.
■ Assemble and toss salad.