
1 Week or More Before Feast

■ Buy any items you need on the Turkey Brining and Smoking Essentials and Outdoor Cooking Essentials lists.

■ Order turkey and duck fat.

3 Days Before Feast

■ Pick up turkey and thaw if necessary.

■ Order rib roast.

■ Begin drying out corncobs.

■ Make vanilla sauce.

2 Days Before Feast

■ Do your big grocery shop.

■ Make soup.

■ Make candied pecans for salad.

■ Make country sausage.

1 Day Before Feast

■ Make Yorkshire pudding batter.

■ Pick up roast.

■ Make cornbread for dressing.

■ Make garlic butter.

■ Make vinaigrette for salad.

■ Make bread pudding.

■ Make croutons for soup.

■ Make boozy sauce.

Night Before Feast

■ Make brine and put in turkey.

81/2 Hours Before Feast

■ Fire up grill for smoking.

8 Hours Before Feast

■ Put turkey on grill to smoke.

4 Hours Before Feast

■ Take roast out of refrigerator.

■ Blanch Brussels sprouts.

■ Blanch potatoes.

31/2 Hours Before Feast

■ Put roast in oven.

■ Make cornbread dressing.

■ Make peas.

11/2 Hours Before Feast

■ Put potatoes in oven.

30 Minutes Before Feast

■ Bake Yorkshire puddings.

■ Make salad.

■ Finish Brussels sprouts.

■ Put dressing in oven.

■ Heat soup.

■ Heat peas.

When You Sit Down to Feast

■ Put bread pudding in oven.