Fiber Flush Smoothie

With the fiber of the greens, apples, and cauliflower and the soothing effect of the ginger, this recipe makes for the perfect combination for optimizing digestion. You can alleviate stomach discomfort with this tasty combo. Ginger is also an anti-gas aid as it relaxes tension in the gastrointestinal tract. Introduce ginger tea to your nighttime routine and you should be ready to go by morning.

Recipe Yields: 3–4 cups

112 cups kale

14 cup chopped cauliflower

2 small apples of choice, peeled and cored

12 lime, peeled and seeded

12" knob ginger, peeled

2 cups ginger tea, cooled

  1. Combine all ingredients and blend on high until smooth.
  2. Add more liquid if necessary.

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