Tropical Youth Smoothie

Luscious fruits such as kiwi, pineapple, and strawberries blend perfectly with delicious vitamin- and mineral-rich romaine. When making green smoothies, it is natural to throw everything into your blender. However, fruits can be different. Strawberry stems emit a poison to ward off pesky critters and protect the black strawberry seeds. Although not lethal to humans, ingesting the stems can be a source of gut discomfort.

Recipe Yields: 3–4 cups

2 cups romaine lettuce

4 mint leaves

1 kiwi, peeled

1 cup frozen and cubed pineapple

1 cup frozen strawberries, stems removed

4 walnut halves

2 cups spearmint tea, cooled

  1. Combine all ingredients and blend on high until smooth.
  2. Add more liquid if necessary.

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