A large number of people in the Paleo community have been enjoying the flavor and health benefits of adding real butter (yep, that’s right) to their coffee mugs in the morning. If dairy really bothers your gut health, use ghee, which is void of milk solids; however, a little bit of real butter from grass-fed cows is considered healthy if your system is not bothered by dairy. This creamy green concoction plays on that trend. It will give you a proper caffeine jolt, keep your tummy filled and satisfied, and have your taste buds coming back for more.
2 cups Bibb or Boston lettuce
2 frozen and peeled bananas
1 tablespoon pure, organic butter from grass-fed cows
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla or seeds from 1⁄2 vanilla bean
2 cups black coffee, chilled