Broccoli-Bok Choy Smoothie

This Asian-inspired smoothie gets a nutritional boost from the addition of a small amount of coconut aminos. Coconut aminos are a soy sauce substitute that is soy-free, gluten-free, and dairy-free and can be found in most specialty stores, natural food stores, and online. Made from raw coconut sap, they have a notable amount of amino acids, which contribute to the repair of muscle tissue. So, drink up after an active day and let your body heal itself while you relax.

Recipe Yields: 3–4 cups

1 cup chopped bok choy

1 cup chopped broccoli

1 celery stalk, including leaves

1 teaspoon coconut aminos

18 teaspoon Chinese five-spice powder

1 garlic clove

2 teaspoons sesame seeds

Pinch of sea salt

2 cups green tea, cooled

  1. Combine all ingredients and blend on high until smooth.
  2. Add more liquid if necessary.

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