A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
accessibility, 302. See also individual park descriptions
Accipiter cooperii, 88
accipiters, 88
acorn woodpecker, 67, 82-83, 211, 269, 278
ADA accessibility, 302. See also individual park descriptions
aestivation, 163
African clawed frog, 34-35
Agaricus bisporus, 167
Agaricus xanthodermus, 167-168
air pollution, 171
Alamitos Bay, 306
alarm signals, 146. See also warning signals
alders, 268
Allen’s hummingbird, 45-46, 66, 97-98, 238
alluvial washes, 264
altitude sickness, 284
Ambigolimax valentianus, 164-165
American avocet, 310
American bullfrog, 148-149, 254, 269
American mastodon, 20
American white pelican, 300, 301
amphibians, 46-47, 148-161. See also Reptiles and Amphibians of Southern California (RASCals project)
Anas platyrhynchus, 99-100
Anax junius, 111-112
Angeles Crest, 177, 181, 191, 194, 268, 272, 277, 278
Angeles National Golf Club, 264
animal tracks, 65, 74, 269-270
Anna’s hummingbird, 66, 97-98, 200, 238
Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve, 178
antlions, 106-107
ants, 83, 106-107, 115, 150, 176, 186
Aphelocoma californica, 86
aposematic coloration, 144
Araneidae, 129
Araneus cavaticus, 302
Arctostaphylos species, 190-191
Ardea herodias, 92-93
Argiope aurantia, 129
Arlington Garden, 260-262
Army Corps of Engineers, 32
arroyos, 272
Arroyo Seco, 256, 257, 259, 270
Artemisia californica, 179-180
Arundo donax, 172-173
Audubon Center (Debs Park), 256, 257-258, 259
Audubon Society, 92, 226, 272, 291
avian pox, 96
Baccharis pilularis, 187-188
backyard habitats, 66-71
bacteria, 181
badgers, 135
Baldwin Hills, 47, 87, 231-234
Baldy Village, 282
baleen, 318
Ballona Wetlands, 225-230
bamboo, 172
bark beetles, 195
barn spider, 302
bass (fish), 254
Batrachoseps major, 153
bearberry, 190
Bear Flag Revolt, 132
bears. See black bear; grizzly bear; short-faced bear
Bette Davis Picnic Area, 252
bighorn sheep, 17, 138-139, 282-283
bigpod ceanothus, 180-181
bike rides and bike paths, 287, 292, 296, 311
biodiversity, 8-9, 15-18, 25, 67
Biodiversity Science: City and Nature (BioSCAN project), 74, 77
biological control of invasive pests, 53, 108, 117
biological diversity, 8-9, 15-18, 25, 67
bird feeders, 70, 95, 96, 101, 238
bird migrations, 44, 45, 54-55, 59, 95, 227-228, 309
bird of paradise, 18
birds, 82-105. See also nest building; and specific bird names
in backyards, 66-67
Ballona area, 227-228
Bonelli Regional Park, 287-290
Debs Park, 257-258
Earvin “Magic” Johnson Park, 313-315
feather colors, 86, 96, 99-100, 102-103
feeding, 70, 95, 96, 101, 103, 238
Franklin Canyon Park, 242-244
Glendale Narrows, 255
Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area, 234
Lower LA River at Willow Street, 309-311
at the Nature Gardens, 238
at night, 62-63
Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve, 218-219
birds of prey, 39, 44, 288-289. See also specific bird names
birdwatching, 54-55, 218-219, 234, 268, 309-310
bison, 21
black bear, 15, 42-43, 131-132, 283
black-bellied slender salamander, 69
black-crowned night heron, 218, 289
black fingers of death (fungus), 184
black-headed parakeet, 211
black-necked stilt, 84-85
black saddlebags (dragonfly), 56
Black Walnut Trail, 296
black widow (spider), 126-127
Blainville’s horned lizard, 149-150
blue belly (lizard), 159
bluebirds, 91
blue dasher dragonfly, 266
blue gum eucalyptus, 52, 173-175, 214, 215
blue jay, 86
blue-ringed octopus, 151
blue whale, 56
Boag, Camille, 60
Bonebrake, Tim, 249
Bonelli Park, 286-290
Botta’s pocket gopher, 133-134, 234
bristlecone pine, 195
brittlebush, 273
broad-footed mole, 134
brome grasses, 183-184
Bromus species, 183-184
Brotogeris chiriri, 105
Brown, Brian, 76-77
brown chippy, 87
brown widow (spider), 126-127
brush mouse, 224
Bubo virginianus, 93-94
Buckhorn Campground, 280
bufflehead duck, 227
bullfrogs, 46, 148-149, 242, 254, 269
bumblebees, 278
bunchgrasses, 21, 33-34, 41, 184
Burbank, 246
Burghduff, A. E., 132
burls, 38
bush sunflower, 175-176
bushtit, 85
butterflies, 177, 249, 270. See also specific butterfly species
cabbage white butterflies, 67
cacti, 51, 139, 233-234, 264-265, 289
Calabasas Creek, 33
California buckwheat, 176-177
California bush sunflower, 273
California Christmas berry, 248
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 42, 138, 253, 282
California Floristic Province, 17-18
California gnatcatcher, 180
California ground squirrel, 134, 135-136, 216, 295
California holly, 198, 247, 248
California Invasive Plant Council, 193
California king snake, 47
California Lichen Society, 171
California lilacs (ceanothus), 180-181
California newt, 150-151
California poppy, 178
California red-legged frog, 46-47, 148
California sagebrush, 179-180
California scrub-jay, 86, 93, 258, 274
California sea lion, 230
California yucca moth, 182-183
Caltech, 270
Calypte anna, 97-98
cameras and photography
birdwatching, 219
community science, 74, 78, 209, 239
and coyotes, 61
tips, 208
traffic cameras, 241
whale spotters, 318
camera traps
and bobcats, 133
for community science, 78
Debs Park, 259
Griffith Park, 143
Hahn Recreation Area, 233
and mountain lion P-22, 250
NHMLA Nature Garden, 146, 238, 239
Canary Island date palm, 192
Canary Island pine, 194-195
Canis latrans, 136-137
canyon bat, 130-131
canyon bunting, 87
Captain’s Roost, 248
carbon-14 dating, 25-26
carpenter ants, 150
carp fishing, 34
Cassin’s kingbird, 313
castor bean plants, 252-253
Catalina Island, 317
catamount, 250
caterpillars, 115, 116, 126, 128
cats, outdoor, 70
cattails, 242
cattle ranching, 33-34
ceanothus (California lilacs), 180-181
Ceanothus crassifolius, 180-181
Ceanothus megacarpus, 180-181
Century Lake, 212
Certified Wildlife Habitat program (National Wildlife Foundation), 69
chameleons, 159
Channel Islands, 20, 98, 104, 171, 177, 317, 319
chaparral shrubs, 38
chaparral yucca, 182-183
Charlotte’s Web (White), 302
Charlton Flats, 276-280
Chatsworth Nature Preserve, 214
Chatsworth Oaks Park, 213-216
Chatsworth Reservoir, 216
cheatgrass, 183-184
chickadees, 59
chicken hawks, 88
Chilao, 280
Christmas berry, 198
chytrid (fungus), 46-47
circadian rhythms, 62-63
citizen science. See community science
Civilian Conservation Corps, 278
climate, Mediterranean, 16, 178, 208, 260-262
climate, mountain, 282
climate change, 20, 25-26, 26-28
coastal coral tree, 18
coastal prickly pear cactus, 233-234
coastal sage, 179, 233-234, 273
cochineal scale, 289-290
Cold War, 214
Columba livia, 102-103
common garden snail, 162-163
common names of species, 9, 181
common raven, 89-90
common side-blotched lizard, 151-152
community science, 72-79
camera use for, 74, 78, 209, 239
LA Spider Survey, 74, 127, 129
Monarch Alert project, 117
Natural History Museum projects, 74
RASCals project (Reptiles and Amphibians of Southern California), 72, 73, 74, 153, 160, 305
Southern California Squirrel Survey, 74, 145
companion plantings, 108
Comstock, John, 249
convergent ladybug, 58, 108-109, 239
Cooper, Dan, 249
Cooper’s hawk, 44, 45, 88, 289
coquí frog, 49-50
Cornu aspersum, 162-163
Corvus brachyrhynchos, 89-90
Corvus corax, 89-90
Cotinis mutabilis, 112-113
cottonwoods, 268
cottony cushion scale, 53
coyote, 43-44, 47, 60-62, 70-71, 136-137, 250
coyote brush, 187-188
Cozumel raccoon, 143
crab-eating raccoon, 143
crawly backs, 113
Crespí, Father Juan, 29-30
Crotalus oreganus, 160-161
crows, 89-90
Cucamonga Peak, 284
Cucamonga Wilderness, 283, 285
cyanobacteria, 170
Cyanocitta cristata, 86
daisy family, 175
dams and flood control, 220, 270, 290, 292, 293
Danaus plexippus, 115-117
Dante’s View, 248
darkling beetle, 119
Dasymutilla sackenii, 109
Debs Park Audubon Center, 256, 257-258, 259
deer, and fire, 39
deodar cedar, 242
desert bighorn sheep, 138-139
devastating grasshopper, 34
devil guts, 274
Didelphis virginiana, 146-147
dinosaurs, 19
discovery center building proposal, 293
dodder, 274
dog vomit slime mold, 169-170
Doheny, Edward L., 241
dolphins, 318
Donald Tillman Reclamation Plant, 219-220
doodlebugs, 106
double-crested cormorant, 54, 306
dragonflies, 56-57, 111-112, 257, 266
dreys, 146
drone flies, 120
Drury, Newton B., 67
dudleya, 319
Durand family estate, 261
Eagle Tree (western sycamore), 199
Earvin “Magic” Johnson Park, 312-315
eastern fox squirrel, 74, 135, 145-146, 189, 262, 300
Eaton, Benjamin Smith, 272
Eaton Canyon Falls, 275
Eaton Canyon Natural Area, 271-275
Eaton Creek, 273
echolocation, 130
Edwards, Allan E., 244
elaiosomes, 176
El Dorado Nature Center, 298-302
Elgaria multicarinata, 157-158
El Precipicio (Eaton Canyon), 272
El Segundo blue butterfly, 114, 319
El Segundo Sand Dunes, 230
Elysian Valley (Frogtown), Los Angeles River at, 251-255
Encelia californica, 175-176
endangered species, 114, 163, 318, 319
Endangered Species Act, 288
endemic plant species, 17
English walnut, 198
entrapment events, in tar pits, 24
Erika J. Glazer Family Edible Garden, 239
Eriogonum fasciculatum, 176-177
Eristalinus taeniops, 120
Ernest E. Debs Regional Park, 87, 256-259
Eschscholzia californica, 178
estuarine habitat, 309
eucalyptus trees, 116, 268. See also blue gum eucalyptus
Eumops perotis, 130-131
Eurasian collared-dove, 101
European mantis, 118
European starling, 91-92
exotic species, 48-53, 73-75, 242
Exposition Park, 192
fairy rings, 168
fairy shrimp, 229
false turkey tail, 166
false widow spiders, 127
Feliz, José Vicente, 246
fennel, 273
field guides, 209
field journal/notebook, 209
field trips, selection process, 9
fiery skipper butterfly, 249
filming locations, 210-212, 214, 241
fin whale, 56
fire, 36-41
and animals, 39
in Eaton Canyon Natural Area, 274
human activity and, 40-41
and lookout towers, 279
and plants, 38, 41, 174-175, 184, 190-191
fire beetle, 38
fire cycle, 38
fire danger signs, 41
fire poppies, 39
fire prevention and suppression, 40, 249
fish and fishing, 34, 35, 253, 287, 306, 307
fish eagles, 253
flame skimmer dragonflies, 237
floods and flood control, 31-32, 220, 270, 290, 292, 293, 309
Florida panther, 140
floss silk tree, 105, 188-189, 237
flower flies, 120
flycatchers, 313
foghorns, 319
forest bathing, 67
fragrant plants, 182, 190, 202, 262
Frank G. Bonelli Regional Park, 286-290
Franklin Canyon Park, 240-244
Fremont cottonwood, 266
fried egg plants, 224
Friends of Ballona Wetlands, 225, 226
Friends of the LA River, 253
“frog log”, 69
frogs. See specific frog species
frogs, nocturnal, 63
Frogtown, Los Angeles River at, 251-255
Fuligo septica, 169-170
fungi, 46-47, 74, 166-168, 170-171, 174, 184, 274
Gabrieleño/Tongva people, 22, 227, 258, 283
garden slender salamander, 153
Garrett, Kimball, 48, 49, 54-55, 101, 255
Gehrt, Stan, 61
genus names, 181
ghost cat, 250
glasswort, 229
Glendale Narrows (LA River), 252
Goat Buttes, 211
golden velvet ant, 109
Gonzalez, Lisa, 254
gophers, 154
gophersnake, 47, 154-155, 160, 234
grackles, 313
graffiti, 223-224
gray bird grasshopper, 110
Gray Squirrel Trail, 296
great blue heron, 30, 92-93, 289
great egret, 289
greater roadrunner, 287
greater yellowlegs, 59
Great Flood of 1862, 31
Greek Theatre, 247
green darner (dragonfly), 56, 111-112
green fruit beetle, 70, 112-113
green sea turtle, 16, 18, 304-305
Griffith, Griffith J., 246, 247
Griffith Observatory, 247
butterflies in, 249
fire in, 36-37
folk gardens in, 248
megafauna in, 250
grizzly bear, 18, 42, 132, 190, 264
Gronwold, Michael, 66
ground sloths, 21
habitat connectivity, 43, 59, 71, 79, 140, 233, 259, 269
habitat creation and restoration, 66-71, 78, 254-255
habitat diversity, 16
Haemorhous mexicanus, 95-96
Hahamongna Watershed Park, 267-270
Haines Creek (Oro Vista Park), 266
Hallett, Mark, 21
hand lens/magnifier, 208
Hansen Dam, 220
Haskell Creek (Sepulveda Basin), 219-220
Hawaii, coquí frogs in, 49-50
hawks, bushtits and, 85
Haynes Generating Station, 303
Heavenly Pond (Franklin Canyon Park), 244
heliotropism, 175
Helminthoglypta traskii, 163-164
herbivore populations, 47
Hesperoyucca whipplei, 182-183
Heteromeles arbutifolia, 198-199
hikes and hiking trails, 216, 222-224, 226, 268, 272, 284-285, 295-296. See also trails
Himantopus mexicanus, 84-85
Hippodamia convergens, 108-109
historical artifacts, 236
hoary-leaved ceanothus, 180-181
Hollywood, Mount (Griffith Park), 245-250
Hollywood sign, 247
Holocene epoch, 20
homing pigeons, 103
horns vs. antlers, 139
horny toad, 149
horses and horseback riding, 196, 296, 297
house sparrow, 96-97
hoverflies, 120
human-caused fires, 40-41
human impact on wildlife populations, 27-28
hummingbird feeders, 46, 66, 95, 98, 238, 299
hummingbirds, 97-98, 189, 238, 244. See also Allen’s hummingbird; Anna’s hummingbird
humpbacked flies, 77
Husher, Edwin, 31
Hyles lineata, 128
Icehouse Canyon trail, 284-285
Icehouse Saddle, 285
ice plant, 230
Icterus cucullatus, 94-95
iNaturalist.org, 74, 75, 239, 305
Indo-Pacific gecko, 75-76
Inglewood Oil Field, 232
insect pollinators, 66, 175, 178, 198, 202, 279, 319
insects, 53, 106-129, 187. See also migrations
insect sting ratings, 122
International Union for Conservation of Nature, 52, 148, 163, 173
introduced species, 48-53, 73-75, 242
invasive species, 34-35
American bullfrog, 148
arundo, 172-173
blue gum eucalyptus, 52, 173-175
control methods and removal projects, 52-53, 78
vs. naturalized species, 49
Peruvian pepper, 192-193
red-eared slider, 51-52
Janice’s Green Valley (Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area), 233
Japanese beetle, 113
Jerusalem cricket, 113-114
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), 270
jimsonweed, 65
Juglans californica, 197-198
jumping cholla, 265
June bugs, 123
Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area, 231-234
Kuruvungna Springs Cultural Center and Museum, 227
LA Department of Water and Power, 232, 241
LA River. See Los Angeles River
LA Spider Survey, 74, 127, 129
LA Zoo and Botanical Gardens, 246
La Brea Tar Pits, 19-28
labyrinths, 261
lace lichen, 170-171
ladybird beetles, 108
ladybugs, 53, 58, 68, 108-109, 239, 292, 293
Lantz, Walter, 82
Larus occidentalis, 104
Latrodectus geometricus, 126-127
Latrodectus hesperus, 126-127
la viejita, 87
Legg Lake (Whittier Narrows), 292-293
Leo Carrillo State Beach, 57
Leo Politi Elementary School, 71
Leptotes marina, 114-115
lerp insects, 268
lesser goldfinch, 238
lesser nighthawk, 264-265
levees for flood control, 309
lichen, 170-171
lighthouses, 319
lightning strikes, wildfires and, 40
Linepithema humile, 107
litter removal, 209
little brown jobs (LBJs; birds), 87
Living Wall (NHM Nature Gardens), 236, 237
lizards, 62, 69, 72, 75. See also specific species of lizards
lodgepole pine, 38
Los Angeles
geographic center of, 244
habitat diversity, 16
megafauna in, 42-46
views of downtown, 232, 256, 257
Los Angeles Mycological Society, 168
Los Angeles River, 28, 31-32, 219-220
changing course of, 227
early explorers and, 29-30
at Elysian Valley, 251-255
at Frogtown, 251-255
Glendale Narrows, 252
headwaters, 33
Lower LA River at Willow Street, 308-311
and shorebirds, 85
Los Angeles Times, 31
Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens, 246
Los Cerritos Wetlands, 307
Lower San Gabriel River, 303-307
lungless salamanders, 153
Lyme disease, 159
Lynx rufus, 132-133
M*A*S*H film site, 210-212
mako shark, 317
malacology, 164
Malaise traps, 77
Malibu Creek State Park, 210-212
mallard, 99-100, 243, 244, 258, 314
mammals, 130-147. See also big mammals; and specific types of mammals
mammoths, 20
Manihot esculenta, 183
Mantidae, 117-118
mantid species, 117-118
manzanita species, 38, 190-191
maps, 209, 244, 295. See also descriptions of specific day trips
Marah macrocarpus, 202-203
marine blue butterfly, 114-115
Marsh Park, 251
marsupials, 147
mastodon tusk, 25
matilija poppy, 224
mayflies, 254
Meatball (black bear), 42-43
Mediterranean climate, 16, 178, 208, 260-262
Mediterranean house gecko, 72, 73
Melanerpes formicivorus, 82-83
Melozone crissalis, 87
Mephitis mephitis, 144
Merwin, Ramona, 279
mesopredators, 47
Mexican fan palm, 191-192
Mexican free-tailed bat, 12-13
microfossils, 24–26
migrations, 13, 54-59, 115-117, 150-151. See also bird migrations; whale migrations
milk snails, 259
Millard Canyon trail, 268
mimicry, 102
Mimus polyglottos, 101-102
Mission San Fernando, 30
molting, of birds, 99-100, 104
molting, of insects, 112
Monarch Alert project, 117
monarch butterfly, 57, 115-117
Monarch Butterfly Grove (Pismo Beach), 57
moon flower, 65
moths, 63-64
mountain biking. See bike rides and bike paths
mountain lion, 47, 79, 139-140, 141, 142, 250
mountain peak hikes, 284
mountain ranges, 296
Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, 220, 241, 254
Mount Washington neighborhood, 257
mourning dove, 45, 100-101, 238, 258
Muir, John, 279
mulefat, 268
Mulholland, William, 241
Muscovy duck, 314
music, distraction of, 209
mutualism, 182-183
mycologists, 168
mycoremediation, 167
Myrmeleon species, 106-107
Nanday conure, 211
Nanday parakeet, 211
National Forest Service, 278, 279
National Park Service, 70, 241, 250
National Wildlife Foundation, 69
Native Americans
and sea turtles, 305
use of fire, 40
uses of manzanita, 190
and wild cucumber tuber, 203
Natural History Museum community science projects, 74
naturalized species vs. invasive species, 49
nature eyes, 209
Nature Gardens at the Natural History Museum, 235-239
neon skimmer dragonflies, 266
Neoscona crucifera, 302
nest building
bushtit, 85
hummingbirds, 98
mourning dove, 101
nighthawks, 264-265
nitrogen fixation, 181
nocturnal species, 60-65
non-native grasses, and fire, 41
non-native species, 48-53, 73-75, 242
northern elephant seal, 57
northern mockingbird, 62-63, 101-102
northern raccoon, 143
northern red bishop, 310
nutmeg mannikin, 309
Oak Grove Park (Hahamongna Watershed Park), 267-270
oak titmouse, 272
oak trees, 170, 171, 185-186, 215, 247-248, 269, 295, 296
Observatory Dash bus, 245
Odocoileus hemionus, 141-142
olive-sided flycatcher, 278
orange dog, 126
orange jelly fungus, 274
orange puppy, 126
orb weavers (spiders), 129, 302
orcas, 318
Orcutt, William W., 23
Oro Vista Park, 263-266
osmeterium, 126
ostrich farms, 246
Otospermophilus beecheyi, 135-136
our Lord’s candle, 182
Ovis canadensis nelsoni, 138-139
owl boxes, 70
owls, 93-94
Pacific treefrog, 46, 155, 212
packing for nature adventures, 208-209
Palos Verdes blue butterfly, 114, 319
Palos Verdes Peninsula, 98, 317
Papilio rumiko, 125-126
papyrus, 301
parasitic plants, 274, 279-280
Parastrellus hesperus, 130-131
parrots, 51, 105, 188-189, 237
parthenogenesis, 75
Pasadena Audubon Society, 272
Passer domesticus, 96-97
Pauly, Greg
and community science projects, 73-75
and lizard mating behavior, 76
Peanut Lake (Debs Park), 258
pedipalps, 121
peeps, 309
pelicans, 300
peninsular shoulderband snail, 164
Pepsis species, 122-123
peregrine falcons, 44, 45, 88, 319
Perseid meteor shower, 283
Peruvian pepper, 192-193, 257-258, 261
pest control and pesticides, 53, 70-71, 108, 117
eastern fox squirrels as, 145
skunks as, 144
Virginia opossums as, 147
phainopepla, 293
phalarope, 228
phorid flies, 77
photos for species documentation, 74, 78
Phrynosoma blainvillii, 149-150
pickleweed, 229
Piedras Blancas rookery, 57
pigeons, 102-103
Pinus canariensis, 194-195
Pinus ponderosa, 194-195
Pismo Beach State Park, 115
Pituophis catenifer, 154-155
Planet of the Apes (1968), 212
plant blindness, 278
plant quarantine inspections, 52-53
plants, 172-203
on coastal bluffs, 319
at night, 64-65
pollination, 279
plasmodia, 169-170
Platanus racemosa, 199-200
Pleistocene epoch, 19-21, 25-28
Plethodontidae, 153
pneumostomes, 165
pocket gophers, 133-134
Pogonomyrmex species, 150
Point Vicente Interpretive Center, 317
Point Vicente Park, 316-319
Polyphylla decemlineata, 123-124
pomes, 198
ponderosa pine, 194-195, 277, 279
Popillia japonica, 113
poppies, 178
Portolaà, Gaspar de, 258
possums, 147
potato bug, 113
poultry farming, and Cooper’s hawks, 44
Powder Canyon, 294-297
Powder Canyon Trail, 295-296
power plants, 303, 304, 305-306
praying mantis, 117-118
predator behavior, 68
prickly pear cactus, 233-234, 264, 289
Procyon lotor, 143
Psaltriparus minimus, 85
Pseudacris regilla, 155
psyllid insects, 268
Puddingstone Reservoir, 286-290
puddling (butterfly behavior), 270
Puerto Rico, coquí frogs in, 49-50
pufferfish, 151
purple martins, 91
Purple Sage Trail, 296
pyriscent plants, 38
Quercus agrifolia, 185-186
rabbits, as prey for coyotes, 61
Ramalina menziesii, 170-171
Rana catesbeiana, 148-149
Rancho Los Alamitos, 299
Rancho Los Cerritos, 299
Rancho Los Coyotes, 299
Rancho Los Feliz, 246
RASCals project (Reptiles and Amphibians of Southern California), 72, 73, 74, 153, 160, 305
rattlesnakes, 46, 47, 136, 160-161, 295
red-breasted sapsucker, 243
red-crowned parrot, 51
red-eared slider, 51-52, 156-157, 244, 293, 301-302
red-whiskered bulbul, 261-262
red-winged blackbird, 218-219
reptiles and amphibians, 148-161
Reptiles and Amphibians of Southern California (RASCals project), 72, 73, 74, 153, 160, 305
research method, community science as, 73
ricin, 253
ring-billed gull, 314
riparian zones, 222
ripgut brome, 183
riprap, 310
roadrunners, 287
robins, 62
rock dove, 102
Rocketdyne Test Center, 214
rock pigeon, 102-103
Rock Pool swimming hole (Malibu Creek), 211
rock wren, 265
Rodeo de Las Aguas, 34
rosemary, 237
royal penstemon, 273
rufous hummingbirds, 238
Rumble, Brad, 71
Rustic Canyon, 221-224
sacred datura, 65
Salicornia, 229
Salvia apiana, 201-202
Salvia officinalis, 202
San Antonio, Mount (Mount Baldy), 281
San Antonio Falls (Mount Baldy), 284
San Bernardino Peak, 284
sand dunes, 230
sandpipers, 309
San Gabriel Mountains, 42, 232, 259, 281
San Gabriel River, 31, 32, 303-307, 309
San Gabriel Valley, 292
San Gorgonio, 284
San Jacinto, Mount, 284
Santa Ana River, 31
Santa Monica fault system, 257
Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, 241
saprobe fungi, 167
Sarcodes sanguinea, 280
#SaveLACougars campaign, 79
Sayornis nigricans, 83-84
scaly-breasted munia, 309
scarab beetles, 123
Sceloporus occidentalis, 159-160
Schinus molle, 192-193
Schistocerca nitens, 110
Schmidt Sting Pain Index, 122
school gardens, 71
scientific names of species, 9, 181
Sciurus griseus, 145-146
Sciurus niger, 145-146
scorpions, 265
scrub-jay. See California scrub-jay
sea asparagus, 229
sea beans, 229
Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, 306
seals, 318
sedges, 301
Selasphorus sasin, 97-98
Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve, 217-220, 252
Sepulveda Dam, 219–220
seven-spotted ladybug, 68
Shakespeare, and birds, 91
Shakespeare in the Park, 246-247
sharp-shinned hawk, 88
shinrin-yoku, 67
shorebirds. See water birds
short-faced bear, 27
shoulderband snails, 163
showy penstemon, 273
shrews, 26
ski lift, 283-284
skull insect, 113
slime molds, 169-170
SLIME project (Snails and slugs Living in Metropolitan Environments), 74, 164
slugs, 164-165
Snails and slugs Living in Metropolitan Environments (SLIME project), 74, 164
snakes, 46, 47, 135, 160-161, 295
snow plant, 279-280
snow storms, 284
soft -shelled turtles, 244
solitary bees, 238-239
Sonn, Xan, 76
Sooky Goldman Nature Center (Franklin Canyon Park), 241
southern alligator lizard, 157-158, 160
Southern California black walnut, 197-198, 258
Southern California shoulderband snail, 163
Southern California Squirrel Survey, 74, 145
Spanish bayonet, 182
spermaceti, 318
sphinx moths, 65
spotted orb weaver, 302
spotted towhee, 224
squirrels, 70, 71, 74, 145-146, 314
stabilimenta, 129
stables, 296
Station Fire (2009), 40, 42, 277, 279
Steller’s jay, 278
Stenopelmatidae, 113-114
Stevens, Norman and Winona, 223
stink beetle, 119
stinkweed, 65
Stoney Point, 215
stotting, 141
streetlights, 62-64
striped greenhouse slug, 164-165
striped mullet, 307
striped skunk, 144
stripe-eyed flower fly, 120
Sturnus vulgaris, 91-92
succulents, 230, 261, 319. See also cacti
sugar bush, 216
sugarcane, 172
sugar pine, 279
Sullivan Fire Road, 222
sunfish, 254
sunflowers, 175-176
swallows, 91
sycamores, 268
Syrphidae, 120
tail flagging, 136
tarantula, 74, 121-122, 122-123
tarantula hawk wasp, 122-123, 215
Taricha torosa, 150-151
Tenebrionidae, 119
ten-lined June beetle, 123-124
tentacles, 165
Teratornis, 21
terns, 306
tetrodotoxin, 151
Theraphosidae, 121-122
thick-leaved ceanothus, 180-181
Thomas Fire (2017-2018), 37
Thomomys bottae, 133-134
Thoreau, Henry David, 315
ticks, 159
tilapia, 253
Tillman Reclamation Plant, 219-220
time of year/day, for nature trips, 208
tokay gecko, 48-49
Top of the Notch Restaurant and Bar (Mount Baldy), 284
Torrey pine, 195
Toxicodendron diversilobum, 195-196
Trachemys scripta elegans, 156-157
traffic cameras, 241
trails, 233, 292, 297, 302. See also hikes and hiking trails
Trametes versicolor, 166-167
Transverse Range shoulderband snail, 163
trash pandas, 143
Trask’s shoulderband snail, 163-164
trees, 20-21, 52, 69, 296. See also specific types of trees
tree squirrels, 145-146
trichomes, 177
truffles, 146
Tujunga Wash, 263-266
turkey tail fungus, 166-167, 274
turricula, 279
turtles, 244, 301-302, 303-306. See also red-eared slider
twice-struck ladybug, 108, 239
ultraviolet flashlights, 265
umbrella sedge, 301
urban adapters, 43-45
urban exploiters, 45-46
urbanization, and wildlife populations, 94, 249
Ursus americanus, 131-132
urticating hairs, 122
urushiol, 194
US Army Corps of Engineers, 32
US Fish and Wildlife Service, 114
Uta stansburiana, 151-152
valley carpenter bee, 124-125
variegated meadowhawk (dragonfly), 56
Vaux’s swift, 44-45
vedalia ladybug, 53
Vendetti, Jann, 164
Venice Beach, 233
Verdugo Mountains, 246
vernal pools, 229-230
vesper bats, 131
Vetter Peak and Lookout, 277-278, 279
Virginia opossum, 146-147
Vista Hermosa Park (Echo Park), 14
volunteer opportunities, 78, 79
walnut trees, 197-198, 256, 295, 296
wandering glider (dragonfly), 56
warning signals, 84, 109, 137, 141, 146
Washingtonia robusta, 191-192
water, role of, 29-35
water animals, 300-302
water birds, 84-85, 228, 234, 307, 308, 309-310
watershed map, 204-207
watersheds, defined, 8
water striders, 283
weather, 31, 36, 208, 282, 283
western black widow, 126-127
western fence lizard, 39, 151, 159-160, 254-255, 293
western giant swallowtail, 125-126
western gray squirrel, 74, 135, 145-146, 280
western mastiff bat, 130-131
western pond turtle, 156, 301, 302
western rattlesnake, 160-161
western spotted skunk, 144
western sycamore, 199-200
western tiger swallowtail, 200, 269
West Nile Virus, 94
whale hunting, 318
whale migrations, 56, 317, 318, 319
whales. See specific whale species
whimbrel, 229
white-headed woodpecker, 278
white-lined sphinx moth, 64, 128
white sage, 201-202
white snowy egret, 289
white willow, 311
white-winged parakeet, 105
Whittier fault system, 257
Whittier Narrows Earthquake (1987), 296
Whittier Narrows Recreation Area, 291-293
widow spiders, 126-127
Wilcox, Harvey, 247
wild cucumber, 202-203
wildfires. See fire
wildlife, attracting, 69, 71, 175-176, 190, 200
wildlife advocacy, 79
wildlife cameras. See camera traps
wildlife communities, 47
wild mustard, 258-259
willow flycatcher, 270
Wilson, E. O., 67
witches’ hair, 274
woodpeckers, 278. See also acorn woodpecker; red-breasted sapsucker
Woody Woodpecker, 82
writing spider, 302
Xerces Society, 117
xeriscaping, 261
Xylocopa varipuncta, 124-125
yellow-bellied slider, 301
yellow-billed cuckoo, 292
yellow-chevroned parakeet, 105, 188-189, 237
yellow garden spider, 129
yellow-staining mushroom, 167-168
yerba mansa, 301
Yoshida, Glen, 75-76
yucca longhorn beetles, 183
yucca weevils, 183
Yuma myotis bat, 63
Zenaida macroura, 100-101
zip lines, 284