The following poses stimulate your throat, easing energy blockages that might prevent you from expressing yourself fully. They also bring balance to your neck, soothing and grounding your udana energy. This is helpful if you tend to be too expressive – for example, if you talk too much, worry excessively or have an overactive mind that results in insomnia.
It is best to practise these poses in a sequence. First let Shoulder Stand prepare you energetically and mentally to shoulder responsibilities, then use Plough Pose to stretch your spine and broaden your self-expression. A good counter-balance to these poses is Fish Pose (see page 101). Finish with Lion Pose to build the courage you need to express your potential. If the first two poses are not for you (see caution opposite), go straight to Lion Pose.
1 Lie on your back, legs together, and lift them up by 90 degrees.
2 Place your hands on your buttocks, one on each side. Walk your hands up your back, lifting yourself until your body is as straight as possible from shoulders to feet and your weight rests on your upper arms, elbows pointing away and fingers toward your spine.
3 Relax your calves and feet. If you are a beginner, hold for up to 10 seconds. Gradually increase the time, building up to 3 minutes.
4 Drop your legs behind your head, halfway to the floor and either do Plough Pose or place your palms on the floor and roll down.
1 From Shoulder Stand, exhale as you drop one foot to the ground behind your head. Inhale as you raise your leg. Repeat with your other leg.
2 Try to drop both feet to the ground behind your head as you exhale. If your toes touch the ground, flatten your palms on the floor behind your back. If your feet do not reach the floor, keep your hands on your back for support.
3 Try to hold the position for 10 seconds, breathing steadily. Gradually build up to 1 minute in the pose, and then work up to a 3-minute hold.
4 When ready, slowly roll down, keeping your arms and head on the ground while lowering each vertebra separately. When your back is on the floor, lower your legs and relax for a minute before progressing to Lion Pose.
1 Sit on your heels, resting your hands lightly on your thighs. Inhale deeply through your nose.
2 Exhale strongly through your mouth, making a roaring sound. As you do so, “spring” your upper body forward – straighten your arms, stiffen your body, make “claws” with your fingers, stick your tongue out as far as possible and bulge out your eyes.
3 Relax and repeat the “pounce” 2–3 times. Then relax completely.