Money plant/Jade plant Crassula ovata

A tree-like succulent that retains water in its leaves, the money plant can survive long dry periods. According to the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui, the money plant is considered a symbol of luck and good fortune, hence the name. This easy-going plant can survive for several months without access to water. Given ideal conditions, a mature plant may put out small, starry pink or white flowers during the spring.


The money plant requires plenty of sun – ideally direct sunlight – in order to grow properly. It is accustomed to desert conditions, so give it as sunny a position as possible. It can help to turn the plant regularly to ensure symmetrical growth.


Water extremely moderately; the plant likes the top layer of soil to dry out completely between waterings. As a general rule, water sparsely every other week. Water just once a month during winter, but only when the soil in the pot has dried out completely.

Image SOIL

Use a 1:4 mix of horticultural sand to potting compost with a layer of leca balls in the bottom. You can also use ordinary potting compost mixed with some peat moss.


An extremely frugal plant, so be stingy with the plant food. Give the plant a little liquid organic plant food a few times during the warmer months.


The money plant is native to South Africa.


Money plants can be propagated from leaf cuttings. Money plants can be repotted in the spring if the roots have become crowded. They do best in a relatively shallow pot. Note that the plant is toxic to pets, and mildly toxic to people. Contact may also cause skin irritation.
