
Key to Abbreviations


Introduction: My Personal Odyssey – An Overview


Parish and Pastoral Ministry in the light of Vatican II


1. We, the People of God, are the Church

2. Listening to Parishioners and Priests

3. Vision of a Vatican II Parish

4. Spirituality of a Vatican II Parish

5. Being the Catholic Parish Priest in the shared Roman Catholic/Anglican Church of St Basil & All Saints, Widnes

Appendix One: Shared Services during the Year;

Appendix Two: Canonical and Theological Reflections on the Decision to discontinue the Simultaneous Eucharist;

Appendix Three: Retirement Homily

6. The National Pastoral Congress 1980 and Collaborative Ministry Including Letter to The Tablet: On Homosexual Relationships


Moral Theology after Vatican II


7. Receiving Vatican II: An Ongoing Challenge for Moral Theologians

8. The Changing Face of Moral Theology after Vatican II

9. The Responsibility of Moral Theology to Church and Modern Society

10. Receiving Vatican II: The Contribution of the Association of Teachers of Moral Theology

11. Towards an Adult Conscience

12. ‘Do it Yourself’ Moral Theology

13. Live Simply: Being True to our Togetherness

14. Two-Minute Talk at a Liverpool Public Rally, Protesting against Government Cuts

15. Saints or Sinners? Towards a Spirituality of Growth out of Sin Jack Mahoney SJ, ‘Christianity in Evolution’ An online book review

16. I Believe in a Sinful Church

17. The Gift of General Absolution

18. Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Remarried

19. Can Marriage Breakdown be a Death-Resurrection Experience?

20. Is there a link between Sex Abuse and Systemic God Abuse in the Church?

21. HIV-Prevention, Women, Condoms: A Gospel of Life Perspective

22. Maria’s Story and other HIV/AIDS encounters

23. Vatican II Moral Theology in Practice: Part One – Bernard Häring

24. Vatican II Moral Theology in Practice: Part Two – Charles Curran

25. Dissent or Disagree: A Debate with Charles Curran


The Eucharist and Vatican II


26. The New Translation of the Roman Missal: Lament for a Flawed Process

27. The Eucharist and Unity

28. The Eucharist and Violence

29. On viewing Mel Gibson’s film, The Passion of the Christ

30. Some Thoughts on the Diminishing Number of Priests

31. Is ‘No’ to Female Priests ‘Good News’ for women? Letter to The Tablet, 2 December 1995

32. The Inhumanity of excluding Women from the Priesthood: A talk given in 1977

33. Celebrating the Eucharist in the Spirit of Vatican II

34. ‘Mind the Gap’: Person-centred Liturgy

35. Samples of Eucharistic Prayers

36. We are Church, We are Eucharist, We are Theology: A Feast of Thanksgiving

37. We are God’s Gift to Each Other: So to Honour One is to Honour All




38. Learning from a 1980 ‘Exposure Experience’ in the Philippines

39. Retirement in Post-Vatican II Theology

40. Are we ready for Vatican III?

