Minor Street Crossings



Minor Street Crossings for bicycle boulevards typically involve the intersection of two residential or local streets with low motor vehicle volumes and speeds. At intersections with local streets and minor collectors, bicycle boulevards should have right-of-way priority and reduce or minimize delay by limiting the number of stop signs along the route. Stretches of at least a half mile or more of continuous travel without stop sign control are desirable.

Stop signs along a bicycle boulevard increase travel time for bicyclists and may be viewed as unnecessary, resulting in low compliance and unpredictability. On many local streets, stop signs are ‘woven’ such that travelers along local streets must stop at every other intersection. On bicycle boulevards this pattern should be altered to remove stop signs on the bikeway and reorient them towards intersecting local streets. This provides clarity at the intersections, while creating a more continuous flow of bicycle travel. Speed and volume control measures should be used in coordination with this approach to prevent these conditions from becoming attractive to motorists as a shortcut.



A bicycle boulevard should have traffic control and/or geometric design elements at all intersections to reduce conflicts. Neighborhood traffic circles can help direct traffic where stop controls are not appropriate. Parking can be prohibited on the intersection approaches and a pavement marking placed in the intersection so that the approaching driver on the cross street knows to expect bicyclists crossing.

A cyclist who rolls through a stop at 5 mph needs 25 percent less energy to get back to 10 mph than does a cyclist who comes to a complete stop.

Fajans, J., and M. Curry. (2001). Why Bicyclists Hate Stop Signs. Access. 18:28-31.




Enabling bicyclists to ride along the corridor with few stops significantly reduces travel time, minimizes bicyclist effort, and can improve compliance.157

Typical Applications

Wherever the bicycle boulevard is stop controlled at an intersection with a minor street, consider turning the stop signs to stop the cross traffic, thereby maximizing through bicycle connectivity and preserving bicyclist momentum.

At uncontrolled intersections of minor streets, neighborhood traffic circles may be used to reduce conflicts and maintain appropriate speeds. See speed management for a discussion of traffic circles and other related treatments.



Required Features

image There is no minimum required element to a minor street crossing since they can vary significantly depending on the geometry and the speed/volume of cross traffic. Treatments shall be considered using engineering judgment and shall consider the safety and comfort of bicycle movements along the bicycle boulevard.

Recommended Features

image Stop signs or geometric design elements should be considered at all minor street crossings to control the intersecting street and allow for the continuous flow of bicyclists.158

image Stop signs should control cross traffic only along the bicycle boulevard. If vehicle traffic increases along the bicycle boulevard, implement volume control measures. If vehicle speeds increase along the bicycle boulevard, implement speed control measures.

Optional Features

image The bicycle crossing sign (MUTCD sign W11-1; may be supplemented with AHEAD plaque) may be used on the cross street to indicate the crossing.

image The CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP plaque (MUTCD sign W4-4P) may be used in combination with a STOP sign on the cross street to indicate the crossing.

image Parking may be prohibited up to 20 feet back on all intersection approaches to improve visibility.

image A sign using the bicycle boulevard branding with an arrow may be used on the cross street to indicate the crossing.





Travel Time Impacts of Stop Signs on Bicyclists


Calculations assume a 2.5 mile trip distance. Delay calculation adapted from: City of Berkeley. (2000). Bicycle Boulevard Design Tools and Guidelines.



Treatment Adoption and Professional Consensus

Several jurisdictions have turned stop signs and consider bicycle connectivity a key factor in the development of bicycle boulevards.

A typical bicycle trip of 30 minutes is increased by 33% to 40 minutes if there is a STOP sign at every block.

City of Berkeley. (2000). Bicycle Boulevard Design Tools and Guidelines.