1. Father to the Nation: The Putin Cult
2. Imagining Russia: A Vision for the Russians
3. Tsars, Commissars and After: The New Official Past
4. Years of Hurt: Picturing National Humiliation
5. Long Live Russia! Achievements and Prospects
6. Behind the Facade: Putin as Leader
7. Loyalty and Discipline: The Kremlin Team
8. Life at the Top: No Embarrassment of Riches
9. Economic Fist of State: Holding the ‘Oligarchs’ to Account
10. Start and Stop Reforms: Perks for the Few, Costs for the Many
11. Point of Decision: The Reaction to Revolution in Kyiv
12. The Inseparable Peninsula: The Annexation of Crimea
13. Transatlantic Obsession: Troubles with America
14. Continental Disruptions: Russia’s Penetration of Europe
15. Political Order: Parties, Elections, Parliaments
16. Media Pressures: TV, Press and the Internet
17. Russian Soft Power: Global Charm Offensive
18. Public Opinion: The Potential for Unrest
19. Knocking Down Skittles: The Flooring of the Political Opposition
20. Eternal Vigilance: The Unbroken Rise of the Security State
21. Military Renewal: A Great Power Prepares
22. Tranquillity of the Graveyard: Chechnya Under Kadyrov
23. Imperial Instinct: Moscow and the ‘Near Abroad’
24. Economic Shock: Western Sanctions and the Oil Price Tumble
25. Trailing the Dragon: Russo-Chinese Relations
26. Fighting Abroad: The Syrian Intervention
27. Jostling and Embracing: The American Factor