nature of, 294
nonsynonymous mutations and, 297
transcription and, 28, 76, 88, 238, 245, 248, 249, 294–296, 347
RNA sequences, 248, 327, 329, 335
nucleotides and, 248, 327, 329, 330
Robotic design, aim of, 102
Robots, xv, 101–102, 224. See also Automata
conceptions of, 102
Romanes, George, 70–71
Russell, Bertrand, 269
S-adenosyl methionine (SAM-e), 325
Saint-Hilaire, Étienne Geoffroy, 6–7, 204
Sameness and difference, 81, 99, 203–208, 215. See also Difference; Difference making and mechanisms; Homology
developmental, 350–352
diachronic change in the interplay of, 334
genes and, 317
mutation and, 100
patterns of, 203
preference and, 308 (see also Preferences)
Saussure, Ferdinand de, 326, 333–334, 382–383
humanities and, x, xxv, xxvii, 263, 360, 370, 373, 374
Scientific Revolution, xxi, 359
Second-person images/second-person representations, 166–173
Second-person sympathy
creates recursive complexity, 168
defined, 165
direct reciprocity and, 166–168
evolution, 369
reflexive vs. reflective, 167
tensions between third-person sympathy and, 172–173
Selection. See also specific topics
defined, 252
and sources of variability, 223
Selective environment, 228, 229, 232, 256
Self, sense of, 156
Self-defeating actions, 163
“Self-destructive” behaviors, 153
Self-interest, 21, 176. See also Selfishness
Self-interested agents, genes as, 21, 43, 59, 91, 98. See also Strategic genes
Selfish gangs, xv
Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins), 17–19, 53, 59, 67–69, 101
Selfish gene(s), xii, xvi, 18, 61, 63, 87, 103, 160
and benevolent motives, 60, 61, 160
informational gene and, 61
Selfishness, 17, 69, 156, 159–160, 172, 175, 181, 373. See also “Good of the group”; Self-interest
and caring about others, 159–160
gene selectionists and, 19
natural selection and, 67
vs. selflessness, 126
Selfish propagation of alternative memes, cultural change as the, 17
“Selfish thymine,” 254
Selfish unit, siblings as a, xv
Self-reflection, 178, 287, 314
Semantic differences, 74
Semantic flexibility, 24–25
Semantic information, 268, 302–305
as oxymoron, 285
Semantic problems, 304–306
Semantics, 199. See also Meanings of words
Semantic topiary, 340–343
Serial homologs, 217
nature of, 204
Sex, 36, 44–45, 389. See also Fruitless females; Gonads; Maternal and paternal genes
gender and, 386–389 (see also Gender)
Sex determination, 46–47
Sex differences, 44. See also Gender roles
Sex ratio, 46–47
Sexual eukaryotes, 84
Sexual genomes, 68–69
Sexual genotypes, 258
Sexual recombination, 86, 260–261
Sexual reproduction, 36–37, 234, 284. See also Sex; Sex chromosomes; Sperm
Sexual revolution, 40–42
Sexual tournaments, 151
Shakespeare, William, 379–380
Shannon, Claude, 305–308
Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence, 325
Sibling interactions, 112
Siblings, 112, 137–138. See also Half-siblings
considered as a unit, xv
Sickle-cell disease, 254
Signaling system, stalemate expressed in a, 114–115
Signals, signalers, and receivers, 109–110
Silence, 113
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 244
Slime mold, 35–36
Smith, Adam, 157, 158, 160, 164
on final causes, 157, 158, 179
on levels of causal explanation, 157
on moral sentiments, xvi, 155–157, 164, 171, 172, 174, 177–179, 182, 183
sympathy and, 156–157, 164, 166, 170, 172
Smith, John Maynard, 196
Social choice, theory of, 162
Social groups, 18, 122, 141, 175–177, 180. See also “Good of the group”
genes as members of, 21
Soma and psuche, 353
Soul, 315, 353–357, 363, 364, 367
Special homologs, 217
Special homology
Darwin on, 206–207
nature of, 204
Spencer, Herbert, 189–190
Sperm, 36, 44, 50, 62, 63, 136, 234
Spinoza, Baruch, xxii–xxiii, 186–187
Sterne, Laurence, 233
Stokes, George, 189
Strategic cooperation, 149, 151
Strategic genes, xii, xv, 62–63, 87–89, 91–92, 103
genes as strategists, 21–23
as individuals, 91–92
informational genes and, 24, 25, 92
natural selection and, 228
and organisms, 122–123
phenotype(s) and, 62, 89, 91, 98, 99
phenotypic effects and, 24–26, 62, 89, 91
reach of, 25–27
tokens and, 88, 89, 90f, 91–92
Structuralism, 371–372
Günter Wagner and, 212–213, 229, 231
vs. adaptationists, 213, 227, 272–273
Sturtevant, Alfred, 57–58
Subjective awareness, 364, 367. See also Consciousness
Subjective experience, 126, 152, 364
vs. mechanisms, 153
Subset selection, 255–257, 268, 284
natural selection and, 257, 284
as a semantic engine, 256
Sympathology, 169
Sympathy. See also First-person sympathy; Second-person sympathy; Third-person sympathy
and proliferation of selves, 164–173
reflections on rhetoric and belles lettres, 173–174
reflexive and reflective, 155, 167
Synchronic versus diachronic, 91, 123, 224, 271, 274, 333–336, 355-356, 385–386
Synonymous mutations, 249, 297
“System conflicts,” 128
Systems. See also Developmental systems theory; Recursive systems
capacities of, 277–278
Tamarins, 36–37
Teleological concepts, 192, 262
Teleological distinctions, 283
Teleological explanation, 237–238, 262
Teleological language, xxv, 79, 184, 198, 201, 250–251
Teleological questions, 158
adaptation and, 195, 201, 283–284
Aristotle’s, 194–195
culture and, 164
Darwin and, 231
explanation, causality, and, 193, 237–238, 262
final causes and, xxi, 9, 11, 79, 158, 262
of interpretation, 283–285
Teleology (cont.)
language of, 25
Ernst Mayr and, 190–196
natural selection and, 201, 283–284, 339
teleonomy and, 194–195
two levels of, 159
vs. adaptation, 195
defined, 195
teleology and, 194–195
Telos (purpose/end), 159, 160, 206, 241, 269
final causes and, xi, xxi, 206
nature of, 13
of reason, 162
Tennyson, Alfred, 264
“Text,” definitions of, 361, 382
genomes as, 264–267
significance of, 391
Thermodynamics, 95, 238, 256, 268
Thermogenesis, nonshivering, 106–107, 115–117
Thermoregulation, 106. See also Thermogenesis
Thiamin (vitamin B1), 327, 337
Thiamin pyrophosphate. See TPP
Third-person perspective, 173, 179
Third-person sympathy, 369
corruptibility, 172
definition and nature of, 165
and indirect reciprocity, 170–172
tensions between second-person and, 172–173
Time, passage of, 332–334
Timescale, 107, 121–123, 327, 330–334, 350–351, 353
Tinbergen, N., 199
Tokens, gene, 87–88
cause and effect and, 230, 237, 284
defined, 23
vs. gene types, 87
informational genes and, 23, 91, 92
nature of, 87
organismal function and, 121
phenotypic effects and, 87, 89, 91, 237
strategic genes and, 88, 89, 90f, 91–92
transcription, 88
types of, 88–89
Token-tree, 88–89
representations of a, 90f
of TPP aptamers, 340–341
simplified, 342f
Tooby, John, 28–29
Tournaments, 150–151
TPP (thiamin pyrophosphate), 324, 325
and anti-Shine-Dalgarno (SD) and anti-anti-SD sequences, 325
TPP aptamers, 324, 325, 336, 337, 343
TPP riboswitches, 324, 327, 336, 337
Tradition, 271
messenger RNA (mRNA) and, 31, 116, 245, 249, 295, 296
RNA polymerases and, 28, 76, 88, 238, 245, 248, 249, 294–296, 347
Transfer RNAs (tRNAs), 245, 249, 295
Transmission and development, conceptual separation of axes of, 262–263
Trials, 261
tRNAs (transfer RNAs), 245, 249, 295
Trypanosomes, mitochondria of, 31
Twins, 36–37
Type causation, 230
Type–token distinction, 91, 230. See also Tokens
Ultimate causes, 187
final causes and, 184–187, 190, 199, 200
meanings of the term, 184–185
nature of, 184
necessity of, 186
vs. proximate causes, 183–185, 189–190, 193
after Ernst Mayr, 196–201
Ernst Mayr on, 158, 183, 190–194, 196, 200, 201, 334
in 19th century, 187–190
remote origins of, 184–187
“Ultimate,” definition and etymology of the term, 185, 200
Ultimate ends, 127, 133, 134, 185
Uncertainty, 286. See also Indecision
interpretation and, 242, 301 (see also Interpretation(s): indeterminacy of)
Uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), 107, 108
explanation and, 361–362, 384–385
interpretation and, 315, 362, 363, 382, 384–385
Unit of information, defined, 247
Unity of Type, 231
Urtoken, 88–89, 90f, 340–341, 342f
Utilitarian purposes, 13, 353, 379
Utility, 278
adaptation and, 371
culture and, 164
final cause and, 13 (see also Final causes)
fitness and, 126, 160, 164, 176
reason and, 162, 176, 178, 179
relation between current and past, 10
Vestal virgins. See also “Barren virgins”
Viruses, 30–32, 51, 230. See also Retrorecursion
plasmids and, 30–32
Vitale, Francesco, 320
Vitalism and vitalistic theories, 192–194, 201
Vitamin B1. See TPP
Vitamin B12, 325
Vitamin B complex. See B-group vitamins
Vrba, Elisabeth, 273
on adaptation and novelty, 213–214, 219–220
adaptationists and, 213, 219–221
on character identities vs. character states, 213–214
Character Identity Networks (ChINs) and, 214, 230
definitions and, 217–218
genetics and, 213, 214, 219, 220, 222, 230
Homology, Genes, and Evolutionary Innovation, 212–220, 229, 230
model of character development, 213–214
natural selection and, 214, 219–221
nominal and natural kinds and, 216–218
structuralism and, 212–213, 229, 231
Wandering two-bitser, allegory of the, 276
Warden’s Rule, xii–xv
Wardlaw, Claude, 191–192
Westoby, Mark, 379
Whole to parts, relation of, 122, 231, 360–363
Williams, George C., 59, 85–86, 196, 238
Wilson, David Sloan, 18, 60, 87
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 384
Word, last, 391
Words. See Definitions of words; Meanings of words
XLαs (“extra large” αs), 116
Zimmermann, Arthur, 298, 301, 303