
abortion, 69110

abortion clinics, 72, 76, 106

defined, 69

elective, 10, 69, 7172

feminism, 70, 71, 7476, 77, 8288, 9296, 106, 230, 232, 250

fetus, moral status of, 7072, 7475, 78, 8296, 105

Serrin M. Foster, 70, 76, 9296, 232

history in other countries, 70, 72, 73, 77, 104

history in the U.S., 6971, 73, 76, 78, 86, 9296

Don Marquis, 75, 8892

maternal drug or alcohol use, 69, 7071, 76, 105

maternal rights and autonomy, 7576, 8288

methods, 7374

natural law theory, 16

partial-birth, 71, 73

paternal rights and duties, 76, 107

pro-choice position, 71, 77, 8288, 9394

pro-life position, 71, 7576, 77, 8288, 9296, 106, 167

rape, 76, 106107

religious versus moral views, 16, 72

Roe v. Wade decision, 10, 69, 7172, 75, 84, 94

selective, 69, 7071, 72, 7576, 77, 104

Judith Jarvis Thomson, 230

universalism, 11

utilitarian/consequentialist arguments, 7475, 7778

Mary Anne Warren, 11, 74, 7576, 8288

Abraham and Isaac, 15

Abrams v. the United States, 273,

absolute pacifists, 377

abusive (ad hominem) fallacy, 3

“Active and Passive Euthanasia” (Rachels), 110, 117, 119,

active euthanasia, 110, 113, 119


defined, 188

disease model of addiction, 190, 194195, 196, 197, 199206, 226

moral model of addiction, 195, 199206

Adkins, Janet, 114

adoption, 76, 234

affirmative action, 27, 328329, 332, 362363

Afghanistan, 370

Africa. See also specific African nations

racism in Sudan, 365

African Americans

abortion, 6970, 72

affirmative action, 27, 328329, 332

death penalty, 151152, 157

drug use, 190, 192193

racism, 321, 322, 324327, 331, 331, 332, 363

school segregation, 284, 294, 297, 326, 332

segregation laws of the South, 6

slavery, 6, 11, 16, 322, 324

“Against the Legalization of Drugs” (J. Q. Wilson), 196, 207, 206214


animal farming, 418420

genetic engineering, 419

Ahimsa, 27, 28, 117, 154, 377, 415, 423

AIDS/HIV, 129, 232

Akan tribe (Ghana), 16

Alaska, abortion, 71


abortion and maternal drug or alcohol use, 69, 7071, 7576, 105

binge drinking, 188, 193

college student use, 188, 193, 197, 222223

current use, 188, 191193

disease model of addiction, 190, 194195, 197, 199206, 212213, 226

drinking age, 198,

fetal alcohol syndrome, 76

historical background, 189191

human dignity and categorical imperative, 196197

John McCardell, 193

moral model of addiction, 195, 199206

nonmaleficence and preventing harm to others, 198

paternalism and harm to self, 197198

philosophers on alcohol abuse, 195196

pleasure, 197

Thomas Szasz, 195, 196197, 199206, 207

virtue ethics, 195, 196



Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 195, 212, 226

Alexander the Great, 40

al-Jazeera, 275

Allen, Floyd, 1

al-Qaeda, 15, 275, 318, 370, 381, 388390, 392, 393, 408, 411

altruism, 19

Alzheimer’s disease, 114 121

American Bar Association, 249

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 211, 272, 274, 277, 279, 283, 299301, 408, 409

American College of Sports Medicine, 194

American Medical Association (AMA), 70, 71, 110111, 118, 153, 190, 191, 195, 223, 316

American Revolution, 54, 273, 381, 417

Amnesty International, 152, 156, 409, 411

amphetamines, 201, 213

Analects, The (Confucius), 35, 6568

Andersen, Jonathan, 260264

androgyny, 231

anencephaly, 146

Anglin, Douglas, 211212

“Animal Liberation” (Singer), 423424, 425433

Animal Liberation Front (ALF), 448449

“Animal Rights Revisited” (Narveson), 419, 422

animal welfare

“animal” as term, 3

animal farming, 418420

Carl Cohen, 421, 422, 423, 433439

justice and equality414, 417, 424

legal and moral status of nonhuman animals, 414416, 422

medicinal animals, 415, 420421, 425433, 448450

moral community, 910

natural law theory, 1617, 424

philosophers on 416418

Tom Regan, 415, 424, 635–640

rights-based ethics, 3134, 423, 433439

Peter Singer, 423424, 425433

social contract theory, 422

speciesism, 424, 426433

universalism, 10

utilitarian/consequentialist arguments, 22, 422423

zoos, 451

Animal Welfare Act of 1970, 415, 449

anorexia nervosa, 268

Anthony, Susan B., 7, 70, 9395, 229, 417

anthropocentrism, 3, 9, 416417

antidepressants, 194, 225

Anti-Saloon League, 189190

appeal to force fallacy, 3

appeal to tradition fallacy, 3

applied ethics, 2

Aquinas, Thomas, 16, 72, 112, 371372, 417

Arab Americans, racism, 327


animal welfare, 416417

community and social values, 9

distributive justice, 28

doctrine of the mean, 36, 196

euthanasia, 112

feminism, 232

freedom of speech, 279

natural law theory, 16

Nicomachean Ethics, 4051

racism, 323

virtue ethics, 9, 3537, 4051, 65, 72, 195

Arizona, abortion, 69

Armstrong, Lance, 194

Ashcroft, John, 114

Ashcroft v. Oregon, 114

Assad, Hafez, 397

assassination, 376, 394399, 411412

assisted reproductive technologies (ART), 234

Atkins v. Virginia, 152

Augustine, St.

feminism, 233

Austria, medical marijuana, 192

authority, Milgram’s experiment, 1, 14


alcohol and drug use, 197

euthanasia, 117, 125127, 128

feminism, 238

libertarian, 33, 34

moral disagreement, 89

Awlaki, Anwar al–, 411

baby boomers, 120

Baby Doe, 120, 146147

Bachellar v. Maryland, 277

Bacon, Francis, 417

Bakke, Allan, 329

Banks, Tyra, 268

Barbara Grutter v. The University of Michigan Law School, 362363

baseball, 194, 197, 223

basketball, 194, 197, 223224

Battin, Margaret Pabst, 27, 117, 119, 122130

Beauvoir, Simone de, 230, 234235

Bedau, Hugo Adam, 28, 154156, 163172


euthanasia, 114

medical marijuana, 192

Belkin, Lisa, 252253

Benedict, Ruth, 6

Beneficence, duty of, 26, 28

Bentham, Jeremy, 2122, 22, 5455, 154, 156, 166, 373, 380, 417, 426427

Bewley, Thomas, 212213

Bhagavad Gita, 25


Bible. See also Christianity; Judaeo–Christian ethics

abortion, 72

Abraham and Isaac, 15

creation story, 73, 111, 233

death penalty, 150

Genesis, 326, 233

Genesis 1: 26, 417

Genesis 2: 227, 111

Matthew 25, 173

Psalms 81: 4, 372

Romans 12: 19, 173

Romans 13: 4, 372

Bill of Rights (NOW), 230, 231

binge drinking, 188, 193

bin Laden, Osama, 318, 411412

biocentrism, 422

bioethics. See abortion; cloning; genetic engineering; stem cell research

biological warfare, 322

birth defects

euthanasia, 119, 121, 145146

selective abortion, 69, 70, 76

Thalidomide, 69, 7071, 421

Birth of a Nation, The (film), 322

Blacks. See African Americans

blood doping, 194

Bloom, Allan, 4

Bloomberg, Michael, 158

Boas, Franz, 6

body image, 268

Booth, John Wilkes, 411

Boston University, 317

Boxill, Bernard, 33, 328, 329, 332, 342347

BP Gulf Oil spill of 2010, 420, 453

breast cancer, 94

Brinkerhoff, Mattie, 95

British Medical Society, 110111

British Petroleum, 420, 453

Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoyevsky), 17

Brown, Henry Billings, 343

Brown, Louise, 234

Brownmiller, Susan, 330

Brown University, 313314

Brown v. Board of Education, 284, 294, 296, 325, 326, 327, 332

Buckley, William F., Jr., 273


ahimsa, 27, 28, 117, 154, 377, 415, 423

alcohol and drug use, 196

animal welfare, 415, 422, 423

death penalty, 154, 156

ethical egoism, 20

euthanasia, 111, 113, 116

freedom of speech, 280

moral community, 10

racism, 324

rights-based ethics, 34

vegetarianism, 415

virtue ethics, 35, 36, 37

bulimia, 268

Bureau of Justice Statistics, 328

Bush, George H. W., 192

Bush, George W., 15, 198, 304, 370, 374, 376, 379, 388, 392, 411


abortion, 71

death penalty, 157158

euthanasia, 113

in-state tuition for illegal immigrants, 364365

medical marijuana, 192

pregnancy leave, 266267

Proposition 209, 329

California Savings and Loan v. Guerra, 266267

Calley, William, 374

Camus, Albert, 157, 170, 183


alcohol and drug use, 206, 213

death penalty, 155

euthanasia, 147148

freedom of speech, 280

Kabloona culture, 9, 17

medical marijuana, 192

pornography, 275, 281

cancer, 94,

cannabinoids, 189

capitalism, 31

capital punishment. See death penalty

“Capital Punishment” (Bedau), 10, 154156, 163172

Capone, Al, 190

care ethics, 3031, 38, 231

community and social values, 25

death penalty, 38, 157158, 172177

Nel Noddings, 3031, 38

racism, 332

Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education (Noddings), 3031, 38

“Case for Euthanasia, The” (Battin), 27, 117, 18, 120, 122129

Casey, Robert, 95

Castro, Fidel, 397

categorical imperative (Kant), 2526, 30, 6061, 196, 282283, 381

Catholic Church. See Roman Catholic Church

censorship, 272, 282, 313314

Center for Work–Life Policy, 249, 251

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 76, 197

Centerwall, Brandon, 316

cerebral palsy, 126

Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 277, 301

Charles, Sandy, 316

Chemerinsky, Erwin, 307

chemical warfare, 376


Chemical Waste Management, 365

Child Pornography Prevention Act, 275

children’s rights. See also juvenile offenders

child molesters, 5

child neglect/abuse, 77, 86, 275

pornography, 275

child support, 76


abortion, 70, 72, 73, 77

death penalty, 151

drug use, 190

euthanasia, 113

food needs, 418

outsourcing, 330

pollution, 444, 445

Chinese Americans, racism, 327

Christianity. See also Bible; Judaeo–Christian ethics; religion; Roman Catholic Church

abortion, 72

alcohol and drug use, 204205

animal welfare, 417

death penalty, 150

feminism, 232, 242

virtue ethics, 38

Churchill, Winston, 407

civil disobedience, 16, 378, 382, 408409

Civil Liberties Act of 1988, 332

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 237, 302303, 339340

Civil Rights Commission, 326

Civil Rights Movement, 339342

Civil War, 324, 377

climate change, 420, 439446

“Climate Change and Moral Outrage” (Garvey), 420, 439446

Clinton, Bill, 366

Closing of the American Mind, The (Bloom), 4

Coady, C. A. J., 373374

cocaine, 105, 190, 192193, 209213

Cohen, Carl, 421, 422, 423, 433439

Cold War, 376

Cole, Jackie, 120

Colin, Margaret, 94


abortion, 94, 106, 107

affirmative action in college admissions, 329

alcohol use, 188, 193194, 197, 222223

animal welfare, 450451

date rape, 106, 193

drug use, 188, 193195, 197, 224226

feminism, 235

freedom of speech, 28, 31, 272, 277, 278279, 281, 283, 291299, 305307

in–state tuition for illegal immigrants, 364365

Internet plagiarism, 317318

moral development, 1314

pregnant and parenting students, 95

racism on campus, 327

sexual harassment on campus, 238

speech codes, 272, 278279, 281, 305307

work of women after graduation, 248253

Collins, Kevin, 183

colonialism, 330

colonial rights discourse, 323


abortion, 72

Columbine High School shootings, 152

color-blind principle, defined, 328

“Color-Blind Principle, The” (Boxill), 33, 328, 329, 332, 342348

Columbia University Law School, 158

Columbine High School shootings, 152

Commentary magazine, 307

Communication Act of 1934, 274

Communications Decency Act of 1996, 274


McCarthyism, 273274, 281

compassion, euthanasia, 117, 123125, 127


euthanasia decision, 110, 114, 119120

mental retardation and death penalty, 152

conflict of interest, 20

conformity, 78, 25


alcohol and drug use, 196

community and social values, 9, 25

death penalty, 154155

deontology, 26, 27

freedom of speech, 280

virtue ethics, 9, 3538, 6572, 72


The Analects, 35, 6569

virtue ethics, 3538, 6572


abortion, 70, 71

alcohol regulation, 189

Conroy, Michael, 271

conscientious objection (CO), 378379, 382

conscription, 28, 377378, 380

conservatism, 230231, 236, 238, 250, 252

contraception, 9192

Controlled Substances Act, 114

copycat crimes, 316

Cowart, Donald, 145

Cox, Donald, 226

Cox, Stephen, 350358

crack cocaine, 105, 209211, 212

creation story, 72, 111, 233

critical race theory, 322

Critique of Practical Reason, The (Kant), 17

Cruzan, Joyce, 115116, 143

Cruzan, Lester, 115116, 143

Cruzan, Nancy Beth, 115116, 143


Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, 113, 115116, 143


Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, 379, 389, 410

cultural relativism, 69

defined, 4, 6

ethnocentrism, 1011

faulty reasoning, 7

natural law theory, 16

sociological relativism versus, 67

strengths and limitations, 78, 38

Curren, Franklin, 144

Curren, Judith, 120, 143144

Dalai Lama, 112

Dale v. Boy Scouts of America (BSA), 274

Darrow, Clarence, 178

Darwin, Charles, 418

date rape, 106, 193,

David, Eric, 385

Dean-Mooney, Laura, 193

death penalty, 150188

Hugo Adam Bedau, 28, 154156, 163172

care ethics, 38, 158159, 172176

defined, 150

deterrence, 154, 155, 157, 169

distributive justice, 156157

DNA testing, 151, 153, 158

finality and risk of errors, 158

historical background, 150152

human dignity and sanctity of life, 156, 163172

human rights and moral standing, 153154, 156, 164166

incapacitation, 155, 169

international terrorism, 182183

juvenile offenders, 152, 183184

medicalization of executions, 152153, 184185

mentally retarded offenders, 152

methods of execution, 152153, 175, 184185

number of executions in U.S., 151, 152

philosophers on, 24, 28, 38, 153155

Helen Prejean, 16, 28, 38, 154155, 156, 158159, 172176

Jeffrey Reiman, 155

retributive justice, 28, 151, 154, 155156, 159, 167, 169171

social contract theory, 157

utilitarianism/consequentialism, 24, 154, 157158, 166

Ernest van den Haag, 157

Decalogue (Ten Commandments), 16

Declaration of Independence (U.S.), 31, 205, 324

“Deep Ecology” (Devall/Sessions), 416

deep ecology movement, 416, 423

Defense Authorization Bill of 2011, 380

“Defense of Abortion, A” (Thomson), 75, 230

deontology, 2531

deontological theories, defined, 25

freedom of speech, 281282

justice, 28

Immanuel Kant, 2526, 28, 30, 33, 35, 37, 5862, 282

moral dilemmas, 29

prima facie duty, 2729, 30

John Rawls, 23, 24, 2829, 30

rights-based ethics, 32, 33

strengths and limitations, 30

universalization, 26

depressants, 189

depression, 125

Dershowitz, Alan M., 272, 279, 281, 305307

Descartes, René, 417

Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 418


death penalty, 154, 155, 157, 169

defined, 155

war and terrorism, 377

Devall, Bill, 416

de Waal, Frans, 418

Diaz, Angel Nieves, 157

Didache, 72

dilation and curettage (D & C), 73

dilation and evacuation (D & E), 73

dilemmas, moral, 29

discontents, 310312

discrimination. See also racism; sexism

defined, 322

reverse, 329, 362363

selective abortion, 69, 7071, 72, 76, 77, 104

workplace, 234235, 236237, 238239, 252

disease model of addiction, 190, 194195, 196, 197, 199206, 226

distributive justice, 28, 156157

divine command theory, 15

DNA testing, 151, 153, 158

“Do Animals Have Rights?” (Cohen), 425, 433439

doctrine of the mean (Aristotle), 36, 196

Doe v. University of Michigan (1989), 308

domestic violence, 94, 400, 401

dominant cultural values

cultural relativism, 7

Donnelly, Elaine, 410

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 17

double effect, principle of, 113, 119, 380381

doublethink, 8, 10

Down syndrome, 76, 146

Draize eye irritancy test, 421, 431

DREAM (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) Act of 2007, 364365

Dred Scott v. Sanford, 10


abortion and maternal drug or alcohol use, 69, 7576, 105

autonomy and liberty rights, 197

classification, 189


college student use, 188, 193, 197, 224225

current use, 191193

defined, 188

drug abuse, defined, 188

drug trafficking, 330

historical background, 189190

human dignity and categorical imperative, 196197

legal and illegal, 190191, 198, 206214

medical use, 190, 192

moral model of addiction, 195, 196, 199206

nonmaleficence and preventing harm to others, 198

paternalism and harm to self, 197198

philosophers on drug abuse, 195196

pleasure, 197

in sports, 193194, 197, 224225

Thomas Szasz, 195, 197, 199206, 207

virtue ethics, 196

James Q. Wilson, 196, 206214

“Drugs, Sports, and Ethics” (Murray), 193194, 197

drug testing, 105, 193194, 197, 213

Dukes v. Walmart Stores, Inc., 238

Duke University, 177, 194

Durkheim, Emile, 6

duty. See deontology

Dworkin, Ronald, 100101, 345

Earth in the Balance (Gore), 448

Earth Liberation Front (ELF), 449

eating disorders, 268

ecocentrism, 422

ecofeminism, 38, 232, 416, 423, 452, 453


altruism, 1819

ethical, 1820

psychological, 1819

Eighteenth Amendment, 189, 190, 191

Eighth Amendment, 152, 160, 162

elective abortion, 10, 69, 7171

Ellinwood, Everett, 209

Emancipation Proclamation, 324

Engels, Friedrich, 233

England, alcohol and drug use, 208209

Enlightenment, 153, 180, 233

environmental ethics

agriculture, 419420

BP Gulf Oil spill of 2010, 420, 453

deep ecology movement, 416, 423

defined, 416

Bill Devall, 416

ecofeminism, 38, 232, 416, 423, 452, 453

James Garvey, 420, 439446

global warming and climate change, 420

legal and moral status of the environment, 416

Aldo Leopold, 416

rain forests, 452453

George Sessions, 416

solid waste disposal, 419

utilitarian/consequentialist arguments, 423

vegetarianism, 419

Karen J. Warren, 418, 424

environmental racism, 365366

Epicurus, 21

EPO, 194

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 237


animal welfare, 414, 417418, 424

euthanasia, 119120, 127

racism, 331332

utilitarianism, 21, 2324

Equal Rights Amendment, 93, 231, 409

equivocation fallacy, 3

erotica, 275

Eskimo culture, 89, 370

“Essentialist Challenges to Liberal Feminism” (Groenhout), 232, 239, 240248

ethical egoism, 1820

defined, 18

psychological, 18

Ayn Rand, 18, 19, 5153

rational, 19

strengths and limitations, 20

ethical relativism, 411

cultural relativism, 68, 911, 16, 3738

defined, 4

doublethink, 8, 10

ethical subjectivism, 56, 8

moral community, 911

moral disagreement, 89

ethical subjectivism, 56, 8

ethics education

importance, 1415

stages of moral development, 1115

“Ethics of Addiction, The” (Szasz), 199206

ethnocentrism, 1011

European Union (EU)

death penalty, 150

euthanasia, 110149

active/passive, 110113, 116, 119, 123125, 127

autonomy and self–determination, 117, 125127

Margaret Pabst Battin, 27, 117, 119, 120, 122129

care ethics, 38

compassion and principle of mercy, 117118, 123125, 127

competence of patient, 110, 114, 119

contemporary debate, 112113

death with dignity, 113114, 118

defined, 110

duty to die, 120

finality of death/hope of recovery, 120121


John Hardwig, 118

hospice movement, 38, 116, 117, 124

justice and principle of equality, 28, 119120, 127

legislation, 113114

nonmaleficence, 117

ordinary versus extraordinary treatment, 118119

philosophers on, 111112

physician as healer, 119

physician-assisted suicide, 33, 110111, 114116, 119, 128129, 143144

principle of double effect, 113, 119

quality of life, 118, 144

sanctity of life, 112, 116117

slippery slope argument, 121, 127128

types, 110111

Susan M. Wolf, 117

Ex parte Quirin, 390

extraordinary treatment, 119

family. See parenting and parenthood

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 236, 237, 239

fatherhood. See also abortion; marriage; parenting and parenthood; sexual intimacy

paternal rights and duties, 76, 107

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 177

federalist society, 310

feeding tubes, 115, 117118, 143

Feinberg, Joel, 344, 345, 346

feminine antidote, reflections, 260264

Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 230, 237, 250

feminism, 229270

abortion, 70, 71, 7476, 77, 8288, 9296, 106, 230, 232, 250

animal welfare, 418

autonomy and liberty rights, 238

conservatism versus, 230231

defined, 93, 229

dignity and respect for person, 230

ecofeminism, 38, 232, 416, 423

feminist care ethics, 30, 38

gender essentialism, 229, 231, 232, 233234, 236, 238, 240248

Steven Goldberg, 233

Ruth Groenhout, 232, 240248

Linda Hirshman, 230, 248253

historical background, 229232

human nature, 238

justice and gender equality, 238239

liberal feminism, 229230, 232, 235, 236, 238, 239, 241244, 246247

Marxist feminism, 230, 232, 239

motherhood, 234235, 239, 248253

patriarchy, 233, 234, 238

philosophers on women, 233234

physician-assisted suicide, 119

pornography, 275, 281284

radical feminism, 230, 232, 234, 238, 250

Katie Roiphe, 238

sexual harassment, 237238, 267268

socialist feminism, 232, 235236, 239

types, 232

utilitarianism/essentialism, 239

work, 230231, 235237, 248253

“Feminist Critique of Physician–Assisted Suicide, A” (Wolf), 117

feminist perspective, 261

Feminists for Life of America, 9296

feminization of poverty, 235, 239

fetal alcohol syndrome, 76

fetal drug syndrome, 210


moral status of, 7075, 78, 8287, 9092

quickening, 70, 75

viability, 71, 80, 75, 84

fidelity, duty of, 27

war and terrorism, 381382

Fifth Amendment, 391

Fifty Shades, 253257

“Fighting words” doctrine, 278, 294296

filial piety, 27

Final Exit (Humphry), 144145

“Final Exit” (TV program), 144145

Finkbine, Sherri, 69, 70

First Amendment, 272, 273275, 278, 279, 293, 294, 295299, 300304, 306, 307308, 310, 311, 312, 315, 317, 318, 400

Fish, Stanley, 272, 279, 299305


abortion, 72

death penalty, 150

maternal drug use, 105

Flynt, Larry, 313


eating disorders, 268

genetically altered, 419

Foot, Philippa, 124

football, 194, 197

Foster, Serrin M., 70, 76, 77, 9296, 232

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), 279, 308

Fountainhead, The (Rand), 19, 5153

Fourteenth Amendment, 10, 71, 79, 80, 81, 100, 161, 162, 325, 326, 335, 336, 343, 362

Fourth Amendment, 81, 408

France, euthanasia, 113

Franklin, Ben, 408

Franks, Tommy, 408

Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) of 1994, 106

freedom of speech, 271320


campus speech codes, 272, 278279, 281282, 305307

censorship, 272, 282, 314

defined, 271

Alan M. Dershowitz, 272, 279, 281, 305307

dignity and respect for person, 282

First Amendment rights, 272, 273275, 278, 279, 293, 294, 295299, 300304, 306, 307308, 310, 311, 312, 315, 317, 318, 400

Stanley Fish, 272, 279, 299305

hate speech, 272, 277278, 279, 282

homosexuality, 274, 277

impartiality/equal justice, 283284

Internet, 274275, 317318

Charles R. Lawrence III, 28, 31, 272, 278, 281, 283, 291299

liberty rights, 281282, 284291

limitations, 272

Catherine A. MacKinnon, 241, 281

John Stuart Mill, 271, 273, 279, 280, 284291, 297

nonmaleficence, 282

philosophers on, 279280

pluralism and tolerance, 283

pornography, 272, 275277, 281, 282, 283, 313

racist speech, 291299

slippery slope argument, 283

social order, 280281

Nadine Strossen

free speech zones, 278279, 281

French and Indian War, 377

French Revolution, 54, 417

Freud, Sigmund, 233

Frey, R. G., 433

Friedan, Betty, 230, 237, 250, 252

Friedman, Milton, 207208

Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, 324

Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Ethics (Kant), 39, 58

Furman v. Georgia, 150, 151, 160, 161

Gallup polls, 4, 71, 177, 232, 236, 327, 329, 361, 379

Galvez, Sergio Gonzalez, 385

Gandhi, Mohandas “Mahatma,” 377, 397, 415, 417, 424

Garcia, Jerry, 224

Garvey, James, 420, 439446, 448

Gawin, Frank, 209

gender. See also feminism

alcohol and drug use, 210

glass ceiling, 235, 252

stages of moral development, 1213

gender-essential feminism, 231232, 236, 238, 240241, 243244, 245246

genetic engineering. See also cloning; stem cell research

food, 419

marijuana use, 192

nonhuman animals, 420421

religious issues, 75

genetic testing

selective abortion, 77

Gennarelli, Thomas, 448

geographical roulette, 360

Georgia, death penalty, 150, 151, 159160, 161, 229

German measles, 70


Nazi, 1, 6, 14, 106, 112, 127128, 276277, 321, 373, 382, 434435, 449

World War II, 376

Gilligan, Carol, 231, 235

care ethics, 1213, 30, 38

women’s moral reasoning, 1213, 38

Ginsberg, Morris, 15

glass ceiling, 235, 249, 252


defined, 330

immigration, 326331

racism, 330331

global warming, 420


abortion, 72

concept, 15

divine command theory, 15

euthanasia, 111112, 117

natural law theory, 16

Goldberg, Steven, 231, 233

Golden Rule, 16, 26, 379, 383

Gonzales v. Oregon, 114

good will (Kant), 25, 37, 38, 59

Gore, Al, 446448

government, rights-based ethics, 30, 31, 6264, 153154

Graczyk, Michael, 184

Granoff, Jonathan, 377, 379, 381, 383387, 408

Gratitude, duty of, 27

Great Britain

alcohol and drug use, 209, 212213

intoxication regulation, 189

medical marijuana, 192

greatest happiness principle (J. S. Mill), 22, 5657

Great Society, 327, 340

Greenberg, Seth, 271

greenhouse gases, 420

Gregg, Tony, 150

Gregg v. Georgia, 150, 151, 159162

Griswold v. Connecticut, 71

Groenhout, Ruth, 232, 240248

Grotius, Hugo, 372

growth hormones, 194

Grutter, Barbara, 362363

Grutter v. Bollinger, 329

Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, 182, 379380, 387, 389, 393, 410

Gyges’s ring, 18

gynergy, 230


habituation, virtue ethics, 36, 37

Hales, Steven, 76

hallucinogenic drugs, 190

Hamilton, Alexander, 273, 284


ethical egoism, 20

greatest happiness principle (J. S. Mill), 21, 22, 5657

punishment, 154

utilitarianism, 21, 22

Hardin, Garrett, 362

Hardwig, John, 118

Harlan, John Marshall, 343

Harris, Arthur, 407

Harris, Eric, 152

Harris polls, 419

Hart, Myra, 249

Hartnoll, Richard, 209

Harvard University, 99, 196, 279, 305

hasty generalization, 3

hate crime, 327328

hate speech

defined, 271

distributive justice, 28

freedom of speech, 272, 277, 279280, 282

natural rights, 31

“Hate Speech and Pornography” (Strossen), 23, 275, 281, 282

Hawaii, abortion, 71

hazardous waste disposal, 420

headhunting cultures, 6, 9

Heaton, Joan, 183

Heaton, Patricia, 93

hedonist paradox, 20

Hegel, G. W. F., 241

Held, Virginia, 38

Hemlock Society, 135, 137, 144

herd morality, 37

heroin, 190, 192, 202, 203, 204, 207210, 212

heterosexuality, cultural relativism, 10

Hill, Anita, 446447

Hill v. Colorado, 72


abortion, 72

drug use, 190

euthanasia, 112

racism, 323324

vegetarianism, 415

Hippocratic Oath, 111, 123, 153

Hirschman, Catherine, 253

Hirshman, Linda, 230, 235, 239, 248253

Hispanic Americans

drug use, 192

racism, 322, 328, 330, 366

Hitler, Adolf, 1, 373, 395, 396, 399

HIV/AIDS, 129, 232

Hobbes, Thomas, 18, 332, 370, 372373, 379, 408

Hochschild, Arlie, 250

hockey, 194

Holcomb, Simone and Vaughn, 409410

Holcombe, W. H., 322

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 203, 273, 301

Homelands: The Case for Open Immigration, 360

“Homeward Bound” (Hirshman), 230, 248253


cultural relativism, 10

freedom of speech, 274, 277

military, 379380

religious versus moral views, 16

Horn, Mildred, 316

Horowitz, David, 313314, 332

hospice movement, 38, 116, 117, 124

Howard University, 329, 339, 340342

human genome, selective abortion, 77

Human Life Amendment, 71

human rights. See rights–based ethics

Hume, David, 21, 35, 38, 112

Humphry, Derek, 144145, 149

Hundt, Reed, 316

Hunting Girls: Sexual Violence from The Hunger Games to Campus Rape (Oliver), 253, 254

Hurricane Katrina (2005), 331332, 363364, 367

Hurst, Lionel, 441

Hussein, Saddam, 377, 380, 405, 408

Hustler magazine, 313

Hyde, Henry, 302

hysterectomy, 73

hysterontomy, 73


body image, 268

“If He Hollers Let Him Go: Regulating Racist Speech on Campus” (Lawrence), 28, 31, 272, 278, 281, 283, 291299


in–state tuition for illegal immigrants, 364365

racism, 326327

In a Different Voice (Gilligan), 231, 235

incapacitation, death penalty, 155, 169


abortion, 77, 104

drug use, 191

food needs, 418

outsourcing, 330

pacifism, 377

surrogate mothers, 234, 265

vegetarianism, 415

war and terrorism, 371

Indiana, euthanasia, 146

individual integrity, utilitarianism, 2324

Indonesia, drug use, 191


Industrial Revolution, 21, 54


abortion as form of, 70, 83, 85, 93

euthanasia, 113, 124

infertility, 234, 266

inhalants/solvents, 189

institutional racism, 322, 327, 328, 331

intact dilation and extraction (IDX or partial–birth abortion), 71, 73

International Congress of Anesthesiology, 113

International Court of Justice (ICJ), 383, 384385

International Olympic Committee, 193


freedom of speech, 274275, 317318

plagiarism, 317318

terrorism, 318

Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, An (Bentham), 21, 5455

in vitro fertilization (IVF), 234, 266

involuntary euthanasia, 111

Iowa v. Marzel Jones, 197

Iran, 39, 151, 374, 377, 380, 387, 393, 396

Iraq, 151, 274, 314, 318, 364, 365, 370, 374, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 393, 405, 408, 409411

irrelevant conclusion fallacy, 3


abortion, 72

death penalty, 151

divine command theory, 15

euthanasia, 111112, 113, 117

feminism, 242

jihad, 371

racism, 327, 365

Sunna, 373

war and terrorism, 15, 182183, 371, 379

Israel, war and terrorism, 377, 393, 398

“Is There a Duty to Die?” (Hardwig), 118

IVF (in vitro fertilization), 234, 266

Jaboulay, Mathieu, 449

Jackson, Jesse, 324

Japan, World War II, 326, 371, 374, 380, 384, 397, 407

Japanese Americans, racism, 326, 332

Jefferson, Thomas, 31, 323, 324, 418, 426

Jellinek, Elvine M., 195, 206

Jenkins, Brian Mitchell, 394399

Jesus of Nazareth, 35, 38, 112, 159, 172176

Jews, racism in Nazi Germany, 1, 6, 10, 14, 112, 128, 276277, 321322, 373, 435, 449

Jihad, 371

Jim Crow laws, 322, 324, 333, 344

John Paul II, Pope, 117, 175

Johns Hopkins Hospital, 78

Johnson, Jennifer, 105

Johnson, Lyndon B., 327, 328, 339342

Judaeo-Christian ethics. See also Bible; Christianity; Judaism

abortion, 72

environmental ethics, 416

Golden Rule, 16, 26, 379, 383

Judaism. See also Judaeo-Christian ethics

abortion, 72

death penalty, 151

euthanasia, 113, 117

Junior League of Voters, 237


abortion services, 76

animal welfare, 414, 416418, 424

color-blind principle, 346347

distributive, 156157

duty of, 28

euthanasia, 28, 119120, 127129

fairness, 2829

racism, 331

rational ethical egoism, 19

John Rawls, 23, 24, 2829, 30

retributive, 28, 151, 154, 155156, 159, 167, 169171

utilitarian, 21, 2324

virtue ethics, 3536

war and terrorism, 381

“Just Say No” campaign, 195

just-war tradition, 371372, 373376, 381

jus ad bellum, 373374

jus in bello, 374376

jus post bellum, 375

juvenile offenders

alcohol and drug use, 198, 204205

death penalty, 152, 183184

Kabloona (Eskimo culture), 9, 17


freedom of speech, 274

school segregation and Brown decision, 284, 294, 296, 325, 326, 327, 332

Kant, Immanuel, 17, 233

animal welfare, 417, 435, 438

categorical imperative, 2526, 30, 61, 196, 282, 381

death penalty, 154, 155156, 166

deontology, 2527, 30, 33, 35, 37, 58, 282

euthanasia, 112

Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Ethics, 5862

war and terrorism, 373

Kaplan, John, 208

Kaufman, Harry, 316

Kennedy, John F., 339

Kentucky State University (KSU), 308

Kevorkian, Jack, 16, 33, 114, 119, 143144

Khaldun, Ibn, 373

Khomeini, Ayatollah, 397

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 6, 7, 16, 326


Kirkpatrick, Jeanne, 34

Klebold, Dylan, 152

Kleiman, Mark, 212

Kluckholn, Clyde, 9

Kohlberg, Lawrence, 4, 1213, 159

Koop, C. Everett, 94, 114

Kramer, Peter, 225

Krueger, Scott, 188

Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 322, 324327

Kyoto Protocol, 420, 441

laissez-faire capitalism, 3132

Lamarkian theory, 323

“Land Ethic, The” (Leopold), 416, 419420, 422, 423

Latimer, Laura, 147

Latimer, Robert, 147

Latinos. See Hispanic Americans

Lawrence, Charles R. III, 28, 31, 272, 278, 281, 283, 291299

League of Nations, 370

Leahy, Patrick, 348350

Least Worst Death, The (Battin), 122

Lee, Barbara Coombs, 145

legitimate interest, 3234

Leipold, Alexander, 193

Leopold, Aldo, 416, 419420, 422, 423

lesbianism, 230

lethal injection, 152153

Leviathan (Hobbes), 18, 373

Levin, Michael, 328, 331

Lewis, David, 129

Lex talionis, 151, 170

liberal feminism, 230, 232, 235, 236, 238, 239, 241244, 246247

libertarians, 9, 33, 34, 196, 212, 242, 272, 281

liberty rights, 3234, 196, 205206, 230, 238, 281, 284291

Libya, 395

lifeboat metaphor, 362

Lincoln, Abraham, 324, 411

Lind, Paul, 316

Lindh, John Walker, 381, 389

Linnaeus, Carolus, 323

Listening to Prozac (Kramer), 225

Locke, John

death penalty, 153154, 155, 156, 164, 166

euthanasia, 112

freedom of speech, 280

racism, 323

rights-based ethics, 3133, 6264, 153154, 164, 417

Two Treatises of Civil Government, 6264, 153154

logical fallacies, 2, 3, 7

“Logic of Patriarchy, The” (Goldberg), 233


alcohol and drug use, 322323

death penalty, 172176

Hurricane Katrina (2005), 331, 363364

LSD, 190, 201, 202

Luban, David, 375, 380, 387393

Lukianoff, Greg, 279

Luxembourg, euthanasia, 114

lynch laws, 326

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 371

MacKinnon, Catherine, 230, 241, 243244, 246247, 281284

Malcolm X, 326

Manifest Destiny, 327

Mantle, Mickey, 223

marginalization, 10

marijuana, 190, 191, 192, 198, 203, 204, 205

Marks, Jonathan, 307308

Marquis, Don, 75, 8892

marriage. See also sexual intimacy

domestic violence, 94

Marx, Karl, 154

Marxism, 323324

Marxist feminism, 230, 232, 239

Maryland, abortion, 78

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 188, 317

Maternal Thinking Towards a Politics of Peace (Ruddick), 235, 410

maxims, moral, 25

McCain, John, 235

McCarthy, Joseph, 273

McCarthyism, 272, 281

McCartney, Linda, 414

McCartney, Paul, 414

McVeigh, Timothy, 412

media. See also pornography

child pornography, 275

sex stereotypes, 264

violence in, 316317

medical abortion, 73

medical induction of uterine contractions, 74

medicalization, of executions, 152153, 184185

medical use of drugs, 190, 192

Medicare, 120, 198, 327

medicinal animals, 415, 420421, 425433, 448450

Meese, Edwin, 276

Mehanna, Tarek, 318

Mengele, Joseph, 449

mental retardation

death penalty, 152

Down syndrome, 146147

metaethics, 2

methadone, 203

Mexico, immigration, 330

Middle Ages

death penalty, 150

witchcraft, 203

Mifepristone (RU 486), 73, 107

Milgram, Stanley, 1, 14



conscription, 28, 377379, 382

homosexuality, 380

parenting and parenthood, 409410

sexual harassment of women, 237, 267268

Military Commissions Act of 2006, 410

Mill, Harriet Taylor, 233, 241, 242

Mill, James, 55

Mill, John Stuart, 144

alcohol and drug use, 194195, 199, 203204

death penalty, 154

freedom of speech, 271, 273, 279, 280, 282, 284291, 297

On Liberty, 7, 206, 271, 273, 280, 284291

self-determination, 381

utilitarianism, 22, 30, 5557, 166, 229, 233, 242, 373, 380

Milton, John, 300302


abortion, 76

euthanasia, 113, 115116, 143

Missouri Compromise, 324

Moen, Phyllis, 251

Mohammed, Khalid Sheik, 412

Money Train (film), 316

Montana, euthanasia, 113

moonshining, 206

Moore, Bob, 150

“Moral Basis of Vegetarianism, The” (Regan), 422, 424

moral community, 910

moral dilemmas, 29

moral model of addiction, 195, 196, 199206

moral rectitude, lack of, 441

“Moral Right to Use Drugs, A” (Husak), 197, 198

“Moral Significance of Abortion, The” (M. A. Warren), 11, 74, 7576, 8288

moral theory, 167

applied ethics, 2

defined, 23

deontology, 2530

divine command theory, 15

ethical egoism, 1820, 5153

ethical relativism, 4, 411

logical fallacies, 2, 3, 7

moral philosophy, 2

natural law theory, 16, 424

normative ethics, 2

purpose, 23

religion, 1517. See also religion

rights-based ethics, 3135, 5153

as road map, 3, 5

stage theory of moral development, 1115, 38

theoretical ethics, 2

types, 4

universalist theories. See universalist moral theories

utilitarianism. See utilitarianism

virtue ethics. See virtue ethics

morning-after pill, 73, 107

morphine, 190, 196, 203

Morris, Christopher, 156

motherhood. See also abortion; marriage; parenting and parenthood; pregnancy; sexual intimacy

maternal drug or alcohol use, 69, 7071, 7576, 105

maternal rights and autonomy, 7576, 8287

Muhammad, 373

multiculturalism, 261, 283

Murray, Charles, 314

Murray, Nancy, 381

Murray, Thomas H., 197

muscle enhancement, 193194

Mutua, Makau, 365

My Lai massacre (Vietnam War), 374, 382

Myth of Mental Illness, The (Szasz), 199

Nadelmann, Ethan, 212

Naess, Arne, 416

Narcotics Anonymous, 212

National Advisory Council for Drug Abuse Prevention, 206, 207

National Centers for Health Statistics, 234

National Eating Disorders Screening Program, 268

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 116

National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), 210

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse, 193

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 223, 448

nationalism, 370

National Organization of Women (NOW), 230, 231, 267

National Service Act of 2007, 409

Native Americans

drug use, 190, 192193

ethics, 11

Indian Removal Act, 326

racism, 323, 324, 326, 332

Natural Born Killers (film), 316

naturalistic fallacy, 3, 7

natural law theory

abortion, 16

animal welfare, 16, 424

cultural relativism, 16

natural rights, 3133, 272, 323, 417

Nazi Germany

Jews and racism, 1, 6, 10, 14, 112, 128, 276277, 321322, 373, 435, 449

war criminals, 382, 449

Nebraska, abortion, 71

Neo-Nazis, 276277


euthanasia, 113, 114, 121

medical marijuana, 192


medical marijuana, 192

New Guinea cultures, 6


New Jersey

alcohol and drug use, 222

euthanasia, 110

Newman, Joel, 359361

New York City

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 15, 272, 370, 317, 380, 388

New York state

abortion, 71

drug control, 202

Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 4051

nicotine (tobacco), 191, 192, 204, 211, 225

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Übermensh (superman), 3738, 373


racism, 366

1984 (Orwell), 8, 11

Noblitt, Cindy, 145

noncombatants, 374375

nonhuman animals. See animal welfare

nonmaleficence, duty of, 26, 27, 117, 198, 282, 380

normative ethics, 2

North Korea, 393

Norton, Sarah, 93

NOW (National Organization of Women), 230, 231, 267

nuclear protesters, natural law theory, 16

“Nuclear Weapons, Ethics, Morals, and Law” (Granoff), 377, 379, 381, 383387, 408

Nye, Philip, 78

Obama, Barack, 235, 321, 328, 331, 379, 399403, 411, 420

obedience, Milgram’s experiment, 1, 14

objectification of women, 230, 238, 241, 243, 246, 247, 264

objectivist moral theories, 4. See also universalist moral theories

Occupy Wall Street protesters, 274, 279

Of Woman Born (Rich), 235

Oklahoma City terrorist attack (1995), 371, 412

Oliver, Kelly, 253257

Olympics, 193, 398

On Liberty (J. S. Mill), 7, 206, 271, 273, 280, 284291

opiates, 189, 202

opinions, 5

opium, 190, 202


euthanasia, 113114, 144

organ donors, 421, 449450

organized crime, 190, 389, 398

Ortega, Daniel, 397

Orwell, George, 8, 11

Other, 322

pacifism, 377379

Pakistan, 411

Palin, Sarah, 235

palliative care, 116

parenting and parenthood. See also marriage

adoption, 76, 234

assisted reproductive technologies (ART), 234, 264265

fatherhood and paternal rights, 7677, 125126, 197198

feminization of poverty, 235, 239

maternal rights and abortion, 7576, 8288

military service, 409410

motherhood and feminism, 234235, 239, 248253

work, 95, 235, 237, 248253, 266267

partial-birth abortion, 71, 73

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, 71

passive euthanasia, 110, 113, 119


alcohol and drug use, 197198

defined, 197

euthanasia, 126127

paternal rights and duties, abortion, 7677, 107108

patriarchy, 10, 261262

abortion, 76

feminism, 233, 238, 260264

Paul, Alice, 93

Paul, Ron, 378, 404406

Pennsylvania, abortion, 95

Pentagon, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 15, 370, 388

People vs. Larry Flynt, The (film), 313

performance enhancement, 189, 194

Perry, James, 316


defined, 10

moral community, 910

Pew Research Center, 330

peyote cult, 189, 190

Philosophy of Moral Development, The (Kohlberg), 11

physician-assisted suicide, 33, 110111, 112113, 119, 128, 143144

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, 105

Pius XII, Pope, 113

plagiarism, 317318

Planned Parenthood, 71

Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danford, 76

Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 71


death, 40

euthanasia, 111

feminism, 233

freedom of speech, 279

psychological egoism, 1819

The Republic, 1819, 279, 323

Ferguson, Plessy V., 334339

Plessy, Homer, 343

Plessy v. Ferguson, 325, 334, 343

pluralistic cultures

cultural relativism, 7

freedom of speech, 283

Poe, Matthew, 279


Pogge, Thomas, 330

“Political Correctness, Speech Codes, and Diversity” (Dershowitz), 272, 279, 281, 305307

political correctness movement, 278

Poncins, Gontran de, 9

popular appeal fallacy, 3

pornography, 246, 264

defined, 275

freedom of speech, 272, 275277, 281, 282, 283, 313

Catherine A. MacKinnon, 230, 272

“Pornography, Civil Rights, and Speech” (MacKinnon), 281284


abortion, 70

conscription, 378

feminization of, 235, 239

human rights, 330, 332


Milgram’s experiment, 1, 14

self-interest, 1920

“Power and the Promise of Ecological Feminism, Revisited, The” (K. Warren), 416, 418, 424


assisted reproductive technologies (ART), 234, 264265

infertility, 234, 266

maternity leave, 236, 237, 239, 266267

workplace, 95, 234235, 237, 248253, 266267

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, 237

Prejean, Helen, 16, 28, 38, 155, 156, 158159, 172175

prejudice, 322

Price, Craig, 5, 183184

prima facie duties, 2628, 30

Prince, The (Machiavelli), 371

principle of double effect, 113, 119, 380

principle of equality, 424

principle of mercy, euthanasia, 117, 123125, 128

prisoners of war, 375, 379, 389, 410411

prison reform, utilitarianism, 22


abortion rights, 71, 80

euthanasia rights, 110

pro-choice position, 71, 77, 8289, 94

Prohibition, 189190, 195196, 201

pro-life position, 71, 7576, 77, 8287, 9296, 106

property rights, 10, 3134, 6264

proportionality, 155156, 381

prostaglandins, 74

Prozac, 225226

psychological egoism, 1819


death penalty, 159, 166167

Milgram’s experiment, 1, 14

“Punishment and Loss of Moral Standing” (Morris), 156

Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, 190

Pythagoreans, 111, 416

Qadaffi, Muamar, 394398

Quakers, 16, 273, 324

quality of life, euthanasia, 118, 143144

quickening, of fetus, 70, 75

Quinlan, Karen Ann, 110

Quirin, Ex parte, 390

Qur’an, 16

euthanasia, 113

war and terrorism, 373

“Race, Biology, and Justice” (Levin), 331

race, defined, 321

racial profiling, 328

racism, 321369

affirmative action, 27, 528–529, 331

Bernard R. Boxill, 33, 328, 331, 332, 342347

care ethics, 332

cultural relativism, 10

current status, 327329

defined, 321322

environmental, 365366

freedom of speech, 31, 272, 277, 281, 283, 291299

genetic differences in attainment gap, 328, 331, 363365

globalization, 330331

hate crimes, 328

historical background, 324327

human dignity and individual moral worth, 331

immigration, 325331

individual, 328

institutional, 322, 327, 328, 331

Jews in Nazi Germany, 1, 6, 10, 14, 112, 128, 276277, 321322, 373, 435, 449

Lyndon B. Johnson, 339342

justice and equality, 331

Michael Levin, 331

philosophers on, 323324

Thomas Pogge, 330

profiling, 328

reparation and restitution, 332

speciesism versus, 424, 426433

utilitarianism, 332

radical feminism, 230, 232, 234235, 237, 238, 250, 281

Rand, Ayn

ethical egoism, 17, 19, 5153

The Fountainhead, 19, 5153

freedom of speech, 279

laissez-faire capitalism, 31

rights-based ethics, 3133, 5153


abortion following, 76, 106

culture versus feminism, 253254

conspiracy, 254

date rape, 106, 193

drug, 255

Rastafarians, 190


rational ethical egoism, 19

R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 278

Rawls, John, 23, 24, 28, 30, 360, 409

Reagan, Ronald, 327

Reason and Unreason in Society (Ginsberg), 15

reciprocity, 26, 156

“Reckless Eyeballing” (Roiphe), 238

“Refuse to Choose” (Foster), 70, 76, 9296, 232

Regan, Tom, 415, 422, 424, 434439

religion. See also names of specific religions

abortion, 7273

alcohol and drug use, 190, 192, 195196, 204205

animal welfare, 417

death penalty, 151, 154155, 156, 172176

divine command theory, 1516

drug use, 190

euthanasia, 111112, 113, 117, 118

feminism, 232, 242

freedom of speech, 274, 280

moral theory, 1516

natural law theory, 16

universality, 1617

virtue ethics, 3538, 6567, 71

war and terrorism, 1516, 153154, 272, 370371, 373

Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 274

reparation, duty of, 27, 332

Republic, The (Plato), 18, 279, 323

restitution, 332

retributive justice, 28, 151, 154, 155156, 159, 167, 169171

reverse discrimination, 329, 362363

Revolution, The (newspaper), 93, 95

Rhode Island, death penalty, 183184

Rich, Adrienne, 235

rights-based ethics, 3135

alcohol and drug use, 197

animal welfare, 3233, 423

death penalty, 153154, 156, 164166

duties, 32, 33

feminism, 241

laissez-faire capitalism, 3132

liberty rights, 3233

John Locke, 3133, 6264, 153154, 164, 417

natural rights, 3133, 272, 323, 417

poverty, 330, 332

Ayn Rand, 3132, 5153

strengths and limitations, 3334

war and terrorism, 379, 387393

welfare rights, 3233

Rockefeller, Nelson, 203

Roeder, Scott, 106

Roehling, Patricia, 251

Roe v. Wade, 10, 69, 7172, 75, 84, 94

Roiphe, Katie, 238

Roman Catholic Church. See also Bible; Christianity; religion

abortion, 72

death penalty, 115, 175

euthanasia, 113, 117

natural law theory, 16

principle of double effect, 380381

Roper polls, 151

Roper v. Simmons, 152

Ross, W. D., 2627, 20, 164

Roth v. United States, 275

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 5, 233

RU 486 (morning-after pill), 73, 107

Ruddick, Sara, 235, 410

Russell, Bill, 343


war and terrorism, 393

Rutgers University, 223

saline solution, 74

sanctity of life, euthanasia, 112, 113, 116117

Sanger, Margaret, 229

Satris, Stephen, 11

Satyagraha, 377

Saunders, Cicely, 116

Schenck v. Pro-Choice Network, 273

Schiavo, Terri, 110, 113, 117

Schlessinger, Laura, 277

Schmidt, Benno, 302303

Scott, Dred, 324

Seattle Community College, 274

Second Sex, The (de Beauvoir), 234

second shift, 235, 250

Second Wind (Russell), 343

selective abortion, 69, 7071, 72, 7576, 77, 104

Selective Service System, 379

self-actualization, 20

self-assertion model, 423

self-awareness, 85, 87

self-determination, 117, 381

self-esteem, 25

self-improvement, 28, 194

self-interest, 1820

Seneca Falls convention (1848), 93

sentient beings, 21, 7475, 8485, 86, 424

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 15, 272, 370, 371, 380, 388

serial killers, 5

Sessions, George, 419


cultural relativism, 6, 10

defined, 232

impact, 237

objectification of women, 230, 238, 241, 243, 247, 264

speciesism versus, 424, 426433

sex selection, selective abortion, 72, 77

sexual harassment, 237238, 257260, 267268


sexual intimacy. See also abortion; marriage

contraception, 91

homosexuality. See homosexuality

Shakespeare, William, 420

Sherwin, Susan, 142

Shinto, euthanasia, 113

“Should Our Arsenal against Terrorism Include Assassination?” (Jenkins), 394399

Sierra Leone, war and terrorism, 380

Simmons, Fred, 150

Simpson, O. J., 174

Simpsons, The (TV program), 414

Singapore, medical marijuana, 192

Singer, Peter, 422424, 425433, 441442

singer’s principle, 441442

Sisters’ Weekly, 93

Sixth Amendment, 391

Skinner v. Switzer, 153


cultural relativism, 7, 10

racism, 322, 324

religion, 16, 324

Slay, Brandon, 193

slippery slope argument

euthanasia, 121, 127128

freedom of speech, 283

Snyder v. Phelps, 274

social contract theory

animal welfare, 422423

death penalty, 157

socialist feminism, 232, 235, 239

sociobiology, 19, 244245, 247

sociological relativism, 89

cultural relativism versus, 67

defined, 6

sociopaths, 6

death penalty, 183184

Socrates, 18, 287288

solid waste disposal, 419

Sonnier, Patrick, 172176

South Carolina, maternal drug use, 105


medicinal animals, 415

speciesism, 424, 426433

speech codes, freedom of speech, 272, 278279, 281, 305307

sports, drugs in, 193194, 197, 224225

stages of moral development, 1115

college, 1314

Gilligan, 1213, 38

importance, 14

Kohlberg, 1114, 159

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 70, 93, 229, 417

State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), 95

state of nature, 18, 332

Steelcase Corporation, 95

stem cell research

religious versus moral views, 16, 75

Stenberg v. Carhart, 71

Stern, William, 234

steroids, 193, 194

stewardship, 423

stimulants, 189, 202, 209214

Stockport College (England), 279

Stoics, 111

Stone, Oliver, 313, 316


racism, 365

war and terrorism, 374375, 380

suffrage, 93

suicide, 94. See also euthanasia

assisted, 33, 110111, 112113, 119, 128, 143144

natural law theory, 16

rights-based ethics, 33

Suleman, Nadya, 266

Summa Theologica (Aquinas), 371, 372

Sumner, William Graham, 6

Sunna, 373

supererogatory duty, 377

surgical abortion, 73

surrogate motherhood, 234


war and terrorism, 392

Switzerland, euthanasia, 114

Syversen, Marion, 94

Szasz, Thomas, 195, 199206, 207

Taliban, 370

Tao (the Way), 36

Taylor, John, 224

Telecommunications Act of 1996, 274

Temperance movement, 189

Ten Commandments (Decalogue), 16, 274

Teneja, Baninder, 451452

Teresa, Mother, 25

terrorism, 371. See also war and terrorism

testosterone, 194


abortion, 7172

death penalty, 157, 181182, 184185


euthanasia, 114

Thalidomide, 69, 7071, 421

theoretical ethics, 2


defined, 23

moral. See moral theory

worldview and, 3

Theory of Justice, A (Rawls), 28

“There’s No Such Thing as Free Speech, and It’s a Good Thing, Too” (Fish), 272, 279, 299309


Thimpsen, Jonathan, 316

Third World, 322

Thirteenth Amendment, 324, 335

Thomas, Clarence, 257260

Thomson, Judith Jarvis, 75, 230

Thoreau, Henry David, 378

Tiller, George, 106

tobacco (nicotine), 191, 192, 204, 211, 225

“To Fulfill These Rights” (Johnson), 328, 339342

Tolaro, Sarah, 267

treason, 381

Tucker, Judith Stadtman, 252

Tucker, Karla Faye, 158, 181182, 317

Twain, Mark, 251

Twenty-first Amendment, 190

Two Treatises of Civil Government (Locke), 6264

Tyranny of the majority (J. S. Mill), 7, 280

Übermensch (superman; Nietzsche), 3738, 373

“Ultimate Punishment, The: A Defense of Capital Punishment” (van den Haag), 155, 157

Underground Railroad, 324

United Nations (UN)

Charter, 372, 375376, 408

death penalty, 150, 156, 175

establishment, 370371

male-female gap in workplace, 235

racism in Sudan, 365366

self-determination rights, 374

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 175, 272, 379, 410

war and terrorism, 381

United States

abortion, 6972, 73, 76, 77, 86, 9296

alcohol and drug use, 209

American exceptionalism, 8

death penalty, 150, 151, 155, 157

drug use, 190193, 197

racial segregation, 6, 325

rights-based ethics, 31, 33

roots of racism, 324327

slavery, 6, 16, 322, 324

terrorist attacks (2001), 15, 272, 380, 388

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 235

U.S. Census Bureau, 327

U.S. Constitution, 205

First Amendment, 273274, 279, 293294, 267299, 300, 301302, 303

Fourth Amendment, 391, 408

Fifth Amendment, 391

Sixth Amendment, 391

Eighth Amendment, 152

Thirteenth Amendment, 324

Fourteenth Amendment, 10, 7172, 325, 343, 362363

Eighteenth Amendment, 189, 190

Twenty-first Amendment, 190

U.S. Declaration of Independence, 31, 205, 324

U.S. Department of Defense, 377

U.S. Department of Education, 328

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 449

U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 220, 449

U.S. Department of Transportation, 377

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 237

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 73, 212, 419, 421

U.S. Justice Department, 272

U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 212

U.S. Senate Judiciary, 257

U.S. Supreme Court cases, 10, 69, 7172, 76, 94, 113, 114, 115116, 143, 150, 151, 152, 153, 157, 192, 237238, 257, 267, 273274, 275, 277, 284, 313, 324, 325, 326, 329, 334339, 343, 362363, 364, 379, 390. See also names of specific cases

universalist moral theories, 9, 10, 1739

defined, 4

deontology. See deontology

ethical egoism, 1820

religious ethics, 1617. See also religion and names of specific religions

rights-based ethics. See rights-based ethics

utilitarianism. See utilitarianism

virtue ethics. See virtue ethics

universalization, 26

Universal National Service Act of 2003, 378

University of California at Davis, 274, 329

University of Konigsberg, 58

University of Massachusetts, 292

University of Michigan, 278, 293, 299, 308, 329

University of Washington, 316

University of Wisconsin, 254, 278

USA Patriot Act, 272, 281, 283, 380, 407408

utilitarianism, 2124

abortion, 7475, 7778

alcohol and drug use, 197

animal welfare, 22, 423

basis, 21

Jeremy Bentham, 21, 22, 5455

death penalty, 22, 154, 157158, 166

defined, 21

feminism, 229, 233, 239

greatest happiness principle, 21, 22, 5657

John Stuart Mill, 22, 30, 5557, 166, 229, 233, 242, 373, 380

racism, 332

rights ethic, 32, 33

sentient beings, 21, 7475, 8485, 86

social reform, 2223

strengths and limitations, 2324

utilitarian calculus, 24

war and terrorism, 373, 380

Utilitarianism (J. S. Mill), 5557


vacuum aspiration (D & E), 73

van den Haag, Ernest, 155, 157

vegan, 419

vegetarianism, 415, 416, 419, 425433

veil of ignorance (Rawls), 29

viability of fetus, 71, 80, 74, 85

Vietnam War, 374, 378, 382, 398, 409

Viktora, Robert A., 278

Village of Skokie v. National Socialist Party of America, 276277

Vindication of the Rights of Women, A (Wollstonecraft), 93, 233, 414

violence. See also war and terrorism

domestic, 94

genetic predisposition, 184

Virginia, alcohol regulation, 189

Virginia Slims, 225

virtue, 35

virtue ethics, 3539

alcohol and drug use, 195, 196

Aristotle, 9, 3536, 4051, 65, 72, 195

Buddhist, 36, 37

care ethics, 30, 38, 158159

Confucian, 9, 3538, 6567, 72

defined, 35

doctrine of the mean (Aristotle), 36, 196

strengths and limitations, 39

Übermensch (superman; Nietzsche), 3738, 373

Virtue of Selfishness, The (Rand), 18

vivisection, 417

voluntary euthanasia, 110111, 112

Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr., 407

Walker, Adele, 226

Walmart, 237238

war and terrorism, 370413

abortion clinic attacks, 106

Thomas Aquinas, 371372

assassination, 394399, 411412

autonomy and rights, 379

conscription, 28, 377379, 382

divine command theory, 15

domestic terrorism, 198, 371, 412

duty of fidelity, 381382

freedom of speech on the Internet, 318

Jonathan Granoff, 377, 379, 381, 383386, 408

historical background, 370371

international terrorism, 15, 272

Brian Mitchell Jenkins, 394399

justice, 381

just-war tradition, 371372, 373376, 380

David Luban, 375, 380, 387393

nature of terrorism, 371

nature of war, 370371

nonmaleficence, 380

pacifism, 377379

personal responsibility, 382

philosophers on, 371373

principle of double effect, 380381

prisoners of war, 375, 379, 389, 410411

racism, 326, 332

respect for persons, 379

rights-based ethics, 387393

self-determination, 381

September 11, 2001 attacks on U.S., 15, 272, 370, 317, 380, 388

United Nations Charter, 372, 375376, 408

utilitarianism/essentialism, 24, 373, 380

war, defined, 370371

weapons of mass destruction (WMD), 376379, 383386

Warlock (film), 316

war on poverty, 327

“War on Terrorism and the End of Human Rights, The” (Luban), 375, 380, 387393

Warren, Karen J., 418, 424

Warren, Mary Anne, 11, 74, 7576, 8287

Washington state

abortion, 71

Black drug sentencing, 192

euthanasia, 113

Watada, Ehren, 408409

the Way (Tao), 36

weapons of mass destruction (WMD), 376379, 383386

Wedgwood, Ruth, 389, 390

welfare rights, 3233

West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette (1943), 315

White, Lynn, 416

Whitehead, Mary Beth, 234

“Why Abortion is Immoral” (Marquis), 75, 8892

Wilde, Oscar, 316

Wilder, L. Douglas, 216

Will, George, 146

Williams, Joy, 419

Williams, Stanley “Tookie,” 157

Wilson, E. O., 19, 245

Wilson, James Q., 196, 207, 206214

Wilson, Woodrow, 404

Wolf, Susan, 117

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 229, 233, 241, 242, 414, 417

women. See also abortion; feminism; gender; motherhood; rape

domestic violence, 94

rights-based ethics, 32

subjection of, 6, 229

“Women Are Never Front-Runners” (Steinem), 237

Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), 189190

Woods, Billy Joe, 184


abortion, 94

discrimination in workplace, 235, 236, 238239, 252

feminism, 230231, 235238, 248253

glass ceiling, 235, 252


pregnancy and parenting, 95, 235, 237, 248253, 266267

workplace discrimination, 235, 236, 238239, 252

World Health Organization (WHO), 195, 200, 380

“World Poverty and Human Rights” (Pogge), 330

World Trade Center terrorist attacks (2001), 15, 272, 370, 317, 380, 388

World Trade Organization (WTO), 330


power of cultural, 10

theory and, 3

World War I, 273, 370, 377, 378

World War II, 272, 326, 327, 332, 371, 374, 376377, 380, 384, 395, 397, 398, 405, 407, 418

Wosik, Joseph M., 276277

“Would Jesus Pull the Switch?” (Prejean), 16, 28, 38, 155, 156, 157158, 172176

wrongful death, 316

Wynne, Benjamin, 222223

xenographs/xenotransplants, 421, 449450

Xu, Zhang, 274

Yale-New Haven Hospital, 120

Yates, Andrea, 15

Yoder, Traci, 309312

Young America’s Foundation (YAF), 309

Young, Cathy, 253

zoos, 451
