Obstacles are always lurking. To be successful with your lifestyle reset, get into the habit of looking for and anticipating those obstacles. This worksheet will help you overcome them.
H: How is your upcoming schedule different? Think about your day, week, or month and look at your calendar. What event is unusual or scheduled for an unusual time?
U: Understand how these appointments or obligations could derail you from eating well or exercising, or otherwise get in the way of your goals. Will something prevent you from eating a meal or getting to your exercise class on time? Will someone else be in charge of your meals or your schedule? How might some activity or problem prevent you from sticking to your lifestyle plan?
R: Record your options. Write down every possible solution even if it seems silly.
D: Decide on a solution. From the list above, pick one or more options that are doable and likely to bring you success.
L: List the steps. Record everything you must do to make this solution work. If you must buy something, wake up early, ask for help, or prepare something, write it down.
E: Exercise your choice and Evaluate it.
Carry out your plan. How did it go? Would you do it this way again, or make some changes? What did you learn? What will you do differently next time?