
1Stice, E.; Shaw, H. E. (1994). ‘Adverse Effects of the Media Portrayed Thin-Ideal on Women and Linkages to Bulimic Symptomatology’. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, quoted by The Body Project study by the Women’s Studies Program of Bradley University, (2012).

‘Predictors of Media Effects on Body Dissatisfaction in European American Women’, University of Missouri–Columbia, (2007).

2Anne O’Hagan, quoted in ‘Out on Assignment: Newspaper Women and the Making of Modern Public Space’, University of North Carolina Press, (2011).

3Katharine Whitehorn, BBC News Magazine, (August 2008).

4Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth, William Morrow and Company, (1991).

5Hayes S. and Tantleff-Dunn S. (2010) ‘Am I too fat to be a princess? Examining the effects of popular children’s media on young girls’ body image.’ Study published in British Journal of Developmental Psychology, (2009).

6NHS statistics on labiaplasty quoted by Liao, Lih Mei, and Creighton in ‘Requests for Cosmetic Genitoplasty: How Should Healthcare Providers Respond?’ in the British Medical Journal, (26 May 2007).

Data from survey conducted by WhatClinic search engine, (2013).

Data from research conducted by the Cosmetic Surgery Guide, (2013).

7‘Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain’, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America and conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, (December 2013).

8‘Does red lipstick really attract men?’, International Journal of Psychology, (June 2012).

Research carried out by Nicolas Guéguen and Céline Jacob at Université de Bretagne-Sud, France, published in Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, (2012).

9Research carried out by Cosmetic Executive Women UK, (February 2012).

10‘Girls’ Attitudes: What Girls Think About …’ Girlguiding UK, (2012).

11Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá, Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means For Modern Relationships, Harper Perennial, (2010).

12Germaine Greer, The Female Eunuch, MacGibbon & Kee, (1970).

Prof. Jean-Denis Rouillon, University of Besançon, quoted on France Info, (April 2013).

13Data from ‘Media Values Survey’, IPC Magazines, conducted by Research Services Ltd, (1992).

14Guy Consterdine, ‘How Magazine Advertising Works’, PPA, (August 2005).

15‘Sex and Power’, survey by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, (2011).

16‘Obesity discrimination: the role of physical appearance, personal ideology, and anti-fat prejudice,’ by the University of Manchester and Monash University, Melbourne, published in the International Journal of Obesity, (April 2012).

17Horvath, M.A.H., Hegarty, P., Tyler, S. & Mansfield, S., ‘Lights on at the end of the party: Are lads’ mags mainstreaming dangerous sexism?’, study by Surrey and Middlesex Universities, published in the British Journal of Psychology, (2011).

18C. Carter, G.A. Branston and S. Allan (eds), News, Gender and Power, Routledge, (1998).

Rosalind Gill, Gender and the Media, Polity Press, (2006).

19‘Basically … porn is everywhere: A Rapid Evidence Assessment on the Effects that Access and Exposure to Pornography has on Children and Young People’, Office of the Children’s Commissioner [UK], (May 2013).

Bridges A.J., Wosnitzer R., Scharrer E., Sun C., Liberman R., ‘Aggression and sexual behaviour in best-selling pornography videos’, Violence Against Women, Sage Journals, (2010).

Online Sexual Imagery Study, conducted by Dr A. Roberts, Psychology department of the University of East London (2013).

Research conducted by Dr Valerie Voon, Department of Psychiatry, Cambridge University, featured on Channel 4, ‘Porn on the Brain’, (September 2013).

20Data from ‘The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles’, published in The Lancet (2013).