Title Page
Lesson 1: The Start of Being Finished
Lesson 2: Beware Flywaymen, for They Are Ill-dressed and Ill-mannered
Lesson 3: How Not to Make Introductions
Lesson 4: The Correct Configuration of a Finishing School
Lesson 5: Never Hurl Garlic Mash at a Man with a Crossbow
Lesson 6: The Real Meaning of Finishing
Lesson 7: The Proper Place for Sooties
Lesson 8: The Teaching Habits of Werewolves
Lesson 9: How Not to Flirt
Lesson 10: The Correct Way to Get Caught
Lesson 11: On the Importance of Proper Dress
Lesson 12: Proper Communication in Social Situations
Lesson 13: Attack of the Fan and Sprinkle
Lesson 14: On Intermingling the Classes
Lesson 15: Keeping Proper Records and How to Steal Them
Lesson 16: Breaking, Burgling, and a Proper Breakfast
Lesson 17: Conducting Oneself Properly at a Ball
A Sneak Peek of
Curtsies & Conspiracies
Begin Reading
Table of Contents