abolition, 46, 58

abortion, 12, 71, 88

Absalom, 82–83

absolute truth, 108

accountability software, 135

accountability to God, 65

Acoustic Genesis, theory of, 63


       to bring change, 185

       responsibility for, 157

Adam, 91, 154

Adams, John, 45

Adams, Samuel, 26, 27

       on potential impact of Bible, 47

adoption, 203n19

Africa, Christianity in, 183

Agness, Karin, 106–107

American Heart Association, on childhood obesity, 142

American Horror Story, 8

American Taliban (Moulitsas), 30

Amusing Ourselves to Death (Postman), 170

ancestors, 83

Andy Griffith, 8

Arab world, names, 82, 202n3

Aramaic language, names, 202n3

Arellano, Diana, 59

Asia, Christianity in, 183

atheism, 42, 65–66

       on college campuses, 107

       in Russia, 51

authority given to Jesus, 189

The Awakening That Must Come (Drummond), 178

Baldwin, Chuck, 124

Barna, George, 123–124

Barna Group, 130

Beatles, 10–11

Benham, David, 77

Benham, Jason, 77

Benwell, Max, 128

Besen, Wayne, 29–30

Beyerlein, Kraig, 108

Beyond Scared Straight, 8

Bible. See also separate Scripture index

       S. Adams on potential impact, 47

       attacks on, 44

       in colonial America, 13

       founders’ perception of role, 43

       God of Old Testament, 45

       gospel message, 121, 123

       language of, 18

       love of, 110–115

       priority of, 120–121

       purposes of, 67

       reading banned from schools, 43

       relevance, 42–54

       role in American history, 20, 23

The Bible and Social Reform (Paris), 46

biblical literacy, 40

Big Bang, 62

bin Laden, Osama, 44

birth rate, 90

black churches, independent, 46

“Black Robed Regiment,” 126

Blackburn, Marsha, 59

Blackstone, William, 43

blame-shifting mentality, 160

blood, shedding of innocent, 74

Bob Hope Show, 9

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 86

Bonnke, Reinhard, 187

books in public schools, objections, 19

Boston University, 24–25

Brezhnev, Leonid, 51

Brinkley, David, 9

Brown University, 25

California, law on LGBT American history, 19–20

Campbell, W. Keith, The Narcissism Epidemic, 170

“carbon units,” 57, 58, 64

Carlson, Allan C., 89

Carlsson, Arvid, 168

Carmona, Richard, 142

Carter, Stephen L., 125–126

Case Western Reserve University, 106

cellphones, 85, 167, 168

change, 118–119

       actions to bring, 185

       Christianity and, 47

       in environments, 85

chapel, compulsory attendance at Yale, 26

Chariots of Fire, 10

Charles, Joshua, 86

Chesterton, G. K., 52, 54, 183

children, 86

       ability to read Bible, 18–19

       dehumanizing mentality and, 60

       education in America, 104–105

       education materials indoctrinating, 107

       gender identity, 57

       Jewish people and, 94

       joy of having, 92

       and legacy in Israel, 82

       and negative messaging, 100

       obedience to parents, 97–99

       obesity in, 142

       parents’ nurturance of, 99–100

       and pornography, 129

       regaining appreciation of, 91–94

       without fathers, 12

choice, 64–65

Christ-Janer, Arland F., 25

Christian ethic, and society, 27

Christian identity, of America, 38–39

Christian Manifesto (Schaeffer), 178

Christian schools, 111

       accreditation, 112–113


       and change, 47

       complacency, 178

       growth in, 182–183

       hypocrisy in, 188

       opportunity for, 182

       questioned examples, 119–120

chronic illness, and obesity, 141

church and state separation, 33

church attendance

       need for prophetic zeal, 125

       in Russia, 51

Cities 4 Life, 77

civil rights, for U.S. black Americans, 46


       qualities, 124–125

       as university presidents, 24, 25

Clinton, Bill, 133

Clinton, Hillary, 59

Cohen, Eliot, 8–9

Colbert, Stephen, 9

Cole, Nathan, 34

College of New Jersey, 24

colleges and universities, 103

       Christian basis for, 23–25

       diversity on, 107

       ideological indoctrination, 103

colonial America, 13, 36

Colonial Williamsburg, 33–36

colonies, charters of, 37

Columbia University, 24

communication, in marriage, 97

communism, 184

Connecticut, Fundamental Orders, 37, 159

conservative movement, 30

controversy, 124

counterculture revolution, 184

covetousness, 148

creation, God’s first act of, 63

Cronin, Sheila, 92

Cronkite, Walter, 9

cultural change, 10

       between 1960 and 2000, 11

culture, influence of, 76

culture wars, 182

DailyKos, 30

Damascus I (pope), 47

darkness and light, 76–77, 179–181

daughters, starvation in India, 60

Davis, Kim, 31

Dawkins, Richard, 45, 74

death, 71, 75, 76, 81

death penalty, 67

debt, 148–149

       growth in, 141–142

Decalogue (Ten Commandments), 45, 83, 99

Declaration of Independence, 26

Delingpole, James, 70

democracy, 33, 40

       laws in, 42

Dennis the Menace, 8

descendants, 83

determinism, 64–65

dignity, 67, 72, 79

distractions, 169

diversity, on campuses, 107

divorce, 12, 94–95, 138

dopamine, 168

Doritos commercial, 58

dowry, 60

Drummond, Louis, The Awakening That Must Come, 178

Drusilla (wife of Felix), 122

Dworkin, Andrea, 92

dying to self, 171, 173


in America, threats from lack of preparedness, 105

       Bible and, 49

Edwards, Jonathan, 183

elderly, respect and care for, 77–78

Elizabeth I (Queen of England), Bible’s effect during reign, 49

elves, 52

email, addiction to, 168–169

Eminem, 11

end-times, 87

entertainment, increase in availability, 169

entitlement, 176

       undoing negative effects, 163

entitlement mentality, 159–160, 161

entry-level candidates, skills deficiencies, 105

environments, change, 85

equality, as entitlement, 27

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, 10, 44

excuses, 154–155

fad diets, 146

fairies, 52


       vs. fear, 181

       living out, 188

faithfulness, 161–162

fall of man, 154


       children’s obedience to parents, 97–99

       importance, 89–90

       life in 1961, 3, 7, 9

       nuclear, 92

       parents’ nurturance of children, 99–100

       regaining appreciation of, 91–94

Family and Civilization (Zimmerman), 89

fatherless children, 12

fear, 154

       vs. faith, 181

Federal Transit Administration, 141

female infanticide, in Greco-Roman world, 48

Feminism and Geography: The limits of Geographical Knowledge, 104

feminism, radical, 92

fetuses, as humans, 58–59

Fifty Shades of Grey, 19, 132

financial issues, 146–152

Finney, Charles G., 116

Fisher, Dan, 126

Fisher, Eddie, 9

Flanders, Scott, 128

Flintstones, 9

Flood, world before, 74

focus, 172


       gluttony and, 144–145

       idolatry, 143

fornication, 210n16

Founding Fathers

       references to other sources, 44

       religious views, 43

Franklin, Benjamin, 34

freedom, 64–65

       as entitlement, 27

       God and, 44

       and slave of God, 173

freedom of religion, 33

French, David, 131

Future Timeline website, 85

Gandhi, 10

garden of Eden, 154

Gatto, John Taylor, 109

gay activism, 29–30

       hostility toward marriage, 93

gender identity, 57

Generation Me, question for, 172–173

Generation Me (Twenge), 166, 170

Generation Y, 160

generations, teaching next, about God, 83

generosity, 152, 171–176

get-rich-quick schemes, 147

ghosts, 51

gladiatorial combat, end of practice, 46

gluttony, 144–145

gnomes, 52


       bodies belonging to, 143–144

as creator, 65

in Genesis, 61–62

       judgment on Israel, 74

       vs. money, 147–148

       reverence for, 36

Gordon, Linda, 92

Gosnell, Kermit, 71

gospel message, 121, 123

grace, 156

Graham, Billy, 29

Grand Theft Auto V (video game), 70

grateful attitude, 177

Great Awakening, 38, 183

Great Commission, 186–188

Green, John, Looking for Alaska, 19

Green, John Richard, 49

guilt, 154

Guinness, Os, 40, 47

Haidt, Jonathan, 106

Hannibal, 8

Hard Way, 163

Harvard University, 24

       rules in 17th century, 13

healing, 49–50

heaven, treasure in, 149–151

Hebrew language, names, 202n3

Heidenreich, Walter, 181

Hezekiah, 81, 101–102

higher education. See colleges and universities

Hilarion, 48

Hillarp, Nils-Ake, 168

Hitler, Adolph, 52

Holloway, Carson, 40

Holmes, Tamiko, 71

holy countercultural movement, 40

Holy Spirit, 120

       body as temple of, 143

homeschooling, 109, 111, 113–114

hospitals, origins, 50

House of Cards, 9

huldufolk (hidden people), 52

human beings

       vs. animals, 64

       behavior as rebellion against God, 66

       creation in image of God, 63–64

human life, sacredness of, 67

Hurst, Erik, 106


       love for wives, 95–97

       wives respect for, 97

hyper-distraction, 106

hyper-sensitivity, 106

hypocrisy in the church, 188

I Love Lucy, 8

Iceland, 51–52


       food and money, 143

       secular academics, 111–112

illness, and sin, 215n4

image of God, 57–68

immorality, 10

incarnation, 67

independent black churches, 46


       arranged marriage, 98

       freedom and nationhood in, 64

       starvation of daughters in, 60

individualism, 89


       end of practice, 46

       female, in Greco-Roman world, 48

instant gratification, 169

Institute for Family Studies, 138

International Planned Parenthood Federation, 59

Internet, 85, 129–130, 168

ISIS, Christians compared to, 31–32

Islam, growth in, 204n31

Israel, God’s judgment on, 74

James, Samuel D., 106

Jehovah’s Witnesses, 187

Jeremiah, 117

Jerusalem. See New Jerusalem

Jesus, 53

       as advocate, 157

       authority given to, 189

       as bread of life, 73

       and excuses, 155

       today’s view of, 117–118

Jesus Revolution, 185

Jewish people, 45–46

       categories, 93–94

       and children, 94

John, on Jesus, 75

Johnson, Jeremiah, 158

Jonsen, Albert R., 50

Josh McDowell Ministry, 130

judging, 120

judgment, 157

       by God, 178

justice, 65

Juvenal, 140

Kansas Teachers’ Union, 23

Kant, Immanuel, 46

Kierkegaard, Søren, 47

Kimball, Roger, 103–104

kindness, 123

King, Martin Luther Jr., 125

King’s College, 24

language, of Bible, 18

Lassie, 8

Late Great Planet Earth (Lindsey), 87

Lawrence Welk, 8

Lazarus, 179–180

laziness, 146

leisure time, 106

Lenski, R.C.H., 210n16

Lewinsky, Monica, 133

Lewis, C.S., 66

LGBT American history, California law on teaching, 19–20

Liberty Bell, 43

Liberty University, 114

life, 72–73

       on earth, in 100 years, 85–90

       valuing, 79

light and darkness, 76–77, 179–181

Lindsey, Hal, Late Great Planet Earth, 87

Locke, John, 43

love of money, 148

Lukianoff, Greg, 106

Luna, Aletheia, 159

Lutz, Donald, 43–44

luxury, 140

MacArthur, John, 158

Madison (Bishop in Virginia), 183

Mangalwadi, Vishal, 60, 65, 67

marriage, 12

       arranged, 98

       biblical principles, 90–100

       communication in, 97

       hostility of gay activism toward, 93

       husbands love for wives, 95–97

       North Carolina vote on definition, 29–30

       regaining appreciation of, 91–94

       sacredness of vows, 94–95

       same-sex, 93

       sexual relations in, 137

       wives respect for husbands, 97

Marshall, John, 183


       First Charter, 37

       Old Deluder Act, 17–18

Matthews, Chris, 30–31

McCovey, Norma, 77

McDowell, Stephen, 37, 43–44

McGuffey Reader, 23

me-centered mind-set, 164

media fast, 170

medicine, Christian leaders in, 49–50

mental telepathy, 51

Meyers, Wayne, 151

microaggression, 164–166

Midnight Cowboy, 10

Milwaukee, 71

miscarriage, 59

missionaries, and schools and hospitals, 50

Mitchell, C. Ben, 49, 50


       vs. God, 147–148

       idolatry, 143

       love of, 148

Monighan, James, 85

Montesquieu, Baron de, 43

morality, safeguard of, 39

Mormons, in mission field, 187

Moses, 67, 99

Motley Fool, 142

Motown music, 11

Moulitsas, Markos, American Taliban, 30

MTV Music Awards, 8

Muehlenberg, Bill, 129–130

Müller, George, 173

multigenerational mentality, 81–102

       thinking in conservative political circles, 86–89

music, 8

       Motown, 11

My Fair Lady, 9

Myers, David G., 11

narcissism, 170

The Narcissism Epidemic (Twenge and Campbell), 170

narcissistic addiction, 169

National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), 58

National Education Association, 108

Native Americans, treatment of, 27

naturalism, 61

Nazism, 52–53

Near Eastern peoples, cosmologies, 61

negative messaging, and children, 100

Nelson, Patrick, 167–168

Network of Enlightened Women, 106, 167–168

New Age medicine, 51

New England Primer (1690), 20–22

New Haven Code of 1655, 18

New Jerusalem, 72

       streets of gold, 150

New York City, sex education curriculum, 19

New York Times, 117

Nichols, Jack, 93

Nigatu, Heben, 164–166

Noah, 73–74

nuclear family, 92

obedience of children, 97–99

obesity, 140

       in children, 142

       and chronic illness, 141

occult beliefs, in U.S., 52

occult healers, in Russia, 51

Old Deluder Act, 17–18, 20

One Happy Family, 9

optimism, 179

Ozzie and Harriet, 9

Paglia, Camille, 71–72

Paine, Thomas, 102

Paris, Peter J., The Bible and Social Reform, 46

Passover, 83


       qualities, 124–125

       as university presidents, 24, 25


       instructions to Timothy, 118

       message to Felix, 122

penicillin, 10

Pennsylvania, Great Law, 37

Penzias, Arno, 62

perception, vs. reality, 109

permissiveness, 10

personal technology, 167

pessimism, 179

Peterson, Jesse, 11

Pew Research Center, 183

Phillips, John McCandlish, 30

Pierce, Chester, 165

Pierson, A.T., 186

The Pill, 10

Playboy, 127–128

Pollock, John, 34–36

polygamy, 48


       caring for, 149–150

       involvement in, 79

       money to help, 175

pornography, 93, 127–139

       and children, 129

       negative effects, 131

       pressure on women from, 132

Postman, Neil, Amusing Ourselves to Death, 170

Prager, Dennis, 43, 99, 176

prayer, 177

       for church revival, 186

preaching, 116–126

       on controversial issues, 123

       impact, 119

presidential election of 2016, xiii

Presley, Elvis, 9, 11

Princeton University, 24

pro-life movement, 77

Prodigal Pursued (Smith), 129

professors, religious faith, 107

Profiles in Courage, 9

Puritans, escape from religious persecution, 18

Queen’s College, 25

radical change, prescription for, xiv

radical feminism, 92

RAND Corporation, 141

rap songs, 11

rapture, 87

Ravenhill, Leonard, 54, 185

reality, vs. perception, 109

reincarnation, 51

Reist, Melinda Tankard, 11

relative truth, 108

relevance of Bible, 42–54

religious foundation for secular government, 40

religious liberties, 185

repentance, 119

       redefined, 122

Republican Party, 30

resistance, churches as centers of, 125–126


       for actions, 155, 157

       and morality, 43

reverence for God, 36

revival, call for, 178

Rhode Island, Charter, 37

Rhode Island College, 25

Rich, Frank, 30

Roberts, Evan, 186

Roe vs. Wade, 77

Rosenberg, Charles E., 50

Rourke, Kate S., 160

Rush, Benjamin, 43

Russia, atheism in, 51

Russian Academy of Sciences, 51

Rutgers University, 25

Ryan, Paul, 31

Sabbath (Sunday)

       laws, 37

       media fast, 170

sacrifice, 126, 175

safe space, 106–107

St. Louis Community College, Workforce Solutions Group, 105

same-sex marriage, 93

Samsung, report by, 85

Sanders, Bernie, 176

Schaeffer, Francis, Christian Manifesto, 178

schools, 103–115

       risk of violence, 22–23

Schroeder, Gerald, 62

science, harmony with Genesis, 62

Scientific American, 62

The Second American Revolution (Whitehead), 178

secular college, 112

secularism, 38, 50

segregation in 1960s, 7

Selective Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, 59

self-centeredness, 164–177

self-control, 140–152

       practicing, 145

       restoring, 142–146

selfishness, 176

seminaries, 113

service, need for sacrificial, 118

Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth (Wilkerson), 178

sex education curriculum, 23

       in New York City, 19

sexual liberation movement, 10

sexual orientation, microaggressions against, 165–166

sexual purity, men vs. women, 48

sexual relations, in marriage, 137

sexual revolution reversal, 127–139

sexual sin, as temptation, 134

Shapiro, Ben, 132

Sharia Law, 31, 32

short term thinking, 83, 86

“Shout Your Abortion” movement, 59

Shulevitz, Judith, 129

sickness, xiii

       and sin, 179

Sigerist, H.E., 49–50


       and illness, 215n4

       impact, 135–136

       response to, 136

       responsibility for, 157–158

       and sickness, 179

       toleration, 185

single mothers, 11

singleness, 90, 91

sinners, making Jesus acceptable to, 122

Sivan, Gabriel, 45, 46

slave of God, and freedom, 173

slavery, 27

       end in British Empire, 46

sluggard, 146

Smith, Michelle, Prodigal Pursued, 129

Smith, Oswald J., 188

social media, 167

socialism, 176

Solomon, 132

The Sound of Music, 9

Spalding, Matthew, 108

       We Still Hold These Truths, 13, 43

spiritual change, possibility, xiv

spiritual growth, 158

spiritual leaders, and moral conditions, 116

spouse, 203n20

Spurgeon, Charles, 100

Stalker, 8

Stark, Rodney, 47–48, 51–52

       The Triumph of Faith, 50

Stephens, Holly DeNio, 51

Stewart, Jon, 9

Sue, Derald, 164

suicide, 12

supernatural forces, Russian beliefs in, 51


       in Europe, 50

       in Iceland, 51

Sweden, 50–51

talk radio interviews, 57

television shows

       in 1960s, 7–8

       violent act on, 69

Ten Commandments (Decalogue), 45, 83, 99

Teresa (Mother) on abortion, 72

texting, 168

thankfulness, 176, 138

theocracy, 28, 33

       ISIS and, 32

       rejection, 38

       religious leaders’ laws, 42

thinking, 110–111

Thomas, Florence, 58

Time, 131

       “Is God Dead?,” 184, 105

Timothy Dwight Chapel (Yale), 25–26

Timothy, Paul’s instructions to, 118

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 38–39

Townsend, John, 163

Tozer, A.W., 120, 122–123

       “The Old Cross and the New,” 117

treasure in heaven, 149–151

trolls, 52

trust, 162

truth, 166

       absolute vs. relative, 108

       in love, 123

Turek, Frank, Stealing from God, 65

Tushnet, Mark, 182, 183

Twenge, Jean M.

       Generation Me, 166, 170

       The Narcissism Epidemic, 170

Two Boys Kissing, 19

Unger, Debi, 9

Unger, Irwin, 9

United Kingdom, Independent, 105

United States

       Christian roots, 36–37

       cultural change, 4–6

       family life in 1961, 3, 7, 9

       greatness, 39


       beginning of, 62

       center of, 164

University of Pennsylvania, 25

Valentinian, 47

victimhood, 103, 158

video games, 106

Vietnam, boat people crisis, 80

violence, culture of, 10

virginity, 138

virtue, loss of, 28

vision, xiii

war, impact, 185

Washington, George, Farewell Address, 39–40

Washington Post, 183

Washington Times, 113–114

Watts, Isaac, 20

wealth, recognizing deceitfulness of, 151–152

Webster, Noah, Blue Back Speller, 22

wedding, 91

Weinschenk, Susan, 168

West Side Story, 9

Western civilization, Bible and, 64

Whitefield, George, 33–36

Whitehead, John, The Second American Revolution, 178

Wilberforce, William, 46

Wilkerson, David, Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth, 178

Williams, Montel, 32

Williamsburg, Colonial, 33–36

Wilson, Robert, 62

wisdom, of Word of God, 163

witches, Russian ads on, 51

Wittman, Carl, 93

wizards, Russian ads on, 51

Wolfinger, Nicholas, 138


       in 1960s, 7

       Christian vs. pagan, 47–48

       husbands love for wives, 95–97

       microaggressions and, 165

       power and status in Christian churches, 48

       pressure from pornography, 132

       wives respect for husbands, 97

Word of God, wisdom of, 163

Yale University, 25–26

Zimmerman, Carle C., Family and Civilization, 89

Zmirak, John, 183–184

zoe (life), 73