Name Index

Ackermann, W. 55

Adams, J. C. 35

Adomo, Th. W. 64, 86, 91, 92, 93

Aeschylus 101, 112, 122

Albert, Hans 82, 87

Alcidamas 115

Aldus 113

Alexandria 113

Alpbach Forum 3, 52, 60

Anaxagoras 34, 100, 102, 115116; On Nature 101, 102, 103, 104, 110, 111

Anaximander 101, 111, 196

Apollodorus 101

Apollonius 113

Archimedes 113

Aristarchus 113

Aristotle 32, 203

Athens 101, 103, 113

Austria 15, 117, 124

Bach, J. S. 141, 224

Bacon, Francis 90

Baldwin, J. M. 61

Bavarian Broadcasting Network 137

Beethoven, Ludwig van 124, 224, 225, 228, 229, 231

Benda, Julien 81, 91; La Trahison des Clercs 5

Bennett, Laura J. 188

Bentham, Jeremy 140

Bentley, R. 184

Bergson, H. 13

Berkeley, George, Bishop of Cloyne 9, 10, 89, 183, 185, 217

Bernard, Claude 41

Bernays, P. 55

Bloch, E. 83

Bohr, Niels 11, 226, 231

Boltzmann, Ludwig 124

Bolzano, B. 114, 116, 161

Bondi, Hermann 58

Bontempo, C. J. 173

Bradford, Bishop of 211

Brahms, Johannes 124

Broglie, L. V. de 11

Brouwer, L. E. J. 55, 62

Bruckner, A. 124

Bruno, Giordano 212

Bühler, Karl 21, 114

Cantor, Georg 55, 56, 116

Carnap, Rudolf 45, 55

Cassirer, Ernst 135

Catalan Institute for Mediterranean Studies 107

Catalonia, Generalitat of 107

Chaerephon 42

Charlemagne 79, 80

Charles I, King of England 147

Churchill, Sir Winston 215, 220

Cicero 107, 109, 114

Cleve, Felix M. 103, 114, 203

Cohen, Paul J. 26, 56, 57, 62

Commandino 113

Comte, A. 88, 89, 140

Condorcet, M. J. A. N. de Caritat, Marquis de 152

Copernicus, N. 37, 41, 113, 128, 131, 132, 167, 168

Coster, Lauren Janszoon 99

Cranston, M. 85

Crick, Francis 60

Cromwell, Oliver 147

Cusa, Nicolas da 41, 192

Darius 123

Darwin, Charles 63, 85; and Darwinism 1215, 28, 29

Delphi, Oracle at 3132

Democritus 10, 196, 197

Descartes, René 11, 35, 48, 127, 183

Diels, Hermann 202

Dilthey, W. 163, 169

Diogenes Laertius 115

Draus, Wolfgang 83

du Gard, Martin 85

Ecdes, Sir John 162; The Self and Its Brain 28

Eddington, A. S. 59, 132

Edward VIII, King of England 159

Einstein, Albert 11, 37, 38, 40, 41, 48, 58, 59, 113, 128, 132, 185, 196, 226, 231

Empedocles 203

Engels, Friedrich 27

Epicurus 10

Erasmus of Rotterdam, D. 41, 140, 192, 199

Erdmann, B. 135

Euclid 23, 24, 114, 131

Eupolis 111

Euripides 113

Faraday, Michael 11

Farr, Coleridge 44, 45

Feigl, Herbert 176

Fichte. J. G. 121, 127, 134, 137, 178, 206

Fisher, H. A. L. 144145

Forster, E. M. 6

Forster, Friedrich Wilhelm 140

Fraenkel, A. A. 55, 57, 62

Frank, Ph. 89

Frankfurt School 91

Frederick William HI, of Prussia 126

Frege, Gottlob 105, 114, 161

Freud, Sigmund 178

Fries, J. F., System der Logik 42

Gadamer, H. 90; Truth and Method 91

Galileo, G. 41, 58, 59, 102, 113, 166169

Galle, J. G. 35

Gandhi, Mahatma 52, 119

Garve, C. 135

Gentzen, G. K. E. 55

Gigon, Olof 114

Gödel, Kurt 55, 5658, 62, 170

Goethe, J. W. von 33, 94, 119, 191; Faust 3031, 34, 4143, 138, 226

Gold, Thomas 58

Goldbach 24, 164

Gombrich, Ernst H. 112, 114, 153

Goya, F. de 225

Graecia Magna 113

Grossner, Klaus 82

Gutenberg, Johannes 99, 101, 112

Guthrie, W. K. C. 114

Habermas, Jürgen 87, 88, 91, 92, 93

Hahn, Hans 54, 55

Hardy, Alister 61, 62, 63

Haydn, Joseph 104, 124, 228, 230

Hegel, G. W. F. 88, 91, 93, 121, 127, 140, 143, 161, 178, 206

Heidegger, Martin 15, 92

Heisenberg, Werner 59

Heraclitus 101

Herodotus 101, 115, 122, 123; History 109

Hertz, Heinrich 59

Herz, Elisabeth 117

Herz, M. 135

Hesiod 101, 184, 192; Theogony 226

Hess, V. F. 59

Heyting, A. 55

Hilbert, D. 55, 56

Hippel, Theodore G. von 135

Hippias 111

Hitler, Adolf 15, 180, 181, 209, 215

Hobbes, Thomas 155

Hofmannsthal, H. von 227

Homer 100101, 102, 105, 109112, 114115, 118, 180, 184, 192, 196; Iliad 109, 111, 122, 226; Odyssey 109, 122

Hoyle, Fred 58

Hubble, E. P. 58

Hume, David 36, 131, 175, 181, 183, 187

Hunold, Albert 204

Hutton, James 63

Huxley, Julian 62

Infield, L. 136

Innocent XI, Pope 147

Isocrates 103, 115

Jachmann, R. B. 134

James, William 5

James II, King of England 147

Jaspers, K. 92

Johnson, Samuel 10

Justinian, Emperor 103

Kahn, Charles H. 114

Kant, Immanuel 4, 7, 37, 40, 48, 58, 59, 62, 119, 140, 146, 156, 175, 176, 206, 207208; Copernican revolution 131132; cosmological problem 129130; Critique of Pure Reason 36, 128131, 135, 136; death 126, 127; doctrine of autonomy 132134; and Enlightenment 126128; Newtonian Cosmology 128129; philosophy of 138139; space and time 130131

Kepler, Johannes 35, 41, 77, 113, 168, 231

Kirchmann, J. H. 135

Kirchschlager, Rudolf 99

Koestler, Arthur 166

Kollwitz, Käthe 225

Konigsberg 126

Kraft, Victor 176

Kraus, Karl 220, 224

Krieck, E. 15

Kronecker, L. 164

Krug, W. T., Fundamentalphilosophie 42

Kruschev, Nikita, 142, 150, 210, 211

Lagerlof, Selma, The Wonderful Adventures of Nils 99

Lamarck, J. B. de 61, 63

Lampsakos 102

Lanczos, Cornelius 59

Lavoisier, A. 60

Leibniz, G. W. von 11, 57, 135, 161

Lenin, W. I. (Ulyanov) 83, 180

Leonardo da Vinci 26, 27

Lessing, G. E. 41

Lessing, Theodor 144, 199

Leverrier, U. J. J. 35

Lilienthal, Otto 27

Locke, John 147, 163, 179, 192, 207

London School of Economics 86

Loos, Adolf 224

Lorenz, Konrad 99

Lucas, Dora and Leopold 188

Lucretius 10

Luther, Martin 193

Mach, Ernst 9, 18, 54, 59, 89, 124, 183184

Macmillan, Harold 210, 211

Mahler, Gustav 124

Malthus, Thomas R. 12, 13

Mandeville, Bernard de 143

Mannheim, K. 87, 88

Marcuse, H. 85, 86

Marx, Karl 27, 82, 83, 86, 140, 211, 220, 221; Das Kapital 95

Maxwell, J. C. 11, 59

Mendel, Gregor 60

Menger, Karl 87, 90

Mercier, Andre 173

Metternich, K. von 225

Mew, Melitta 99, 188

Mill, John Stuart 140, 163

Miller, David W. 42

Monod, Jacques 182, 184

Mont Pèlerin Society 151, 158

Montaigne, M. E. de 192, 199

Morgan, Lloyd 61

Moses 189

Mostowski, A. 169

Motherby, R. 134

Mourlan, 85

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 124, 224, 228, 229

Mussolini, Benito 180

Napoleon Bonaparte 121, 225

Neumann, J. von 55

Neurath, Otto 176

Newton, Isaac 11, 3738, 41, 48, 77, 113, 128, 131, 133, 169, 196; Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy 35, 184

Nietzsche, Friedrich W. 81

O’Brien, D. 114

Odell, S. J. 173

Old Testament 142

Pappus 113

Passmore, John 90

Pasteur, Louis 41

Pauli, Wolfgang 59, 62

Pericles 100, 102

Pestalozzi, J. H. 206, 216

Pindar 101

Pisistratus 101, 105, 106, 109, 110111, 112, 114

Planck, Max 226

Plato 25, 32, 115, 140, 142, 161, 163, 175, 219, 220; Laws 110; Phaedo 34; Republic 110; The Apology of Socrates Before His Judges 31, 34, 102103, 110, 174

Poincaré, Henri 55

Pol Pot 189

Pollux, Onomastkon 110

Popper, Karl R., Conjectures and Refutations 51, 8384, 90, 170; The Logic of Scientific Discovery 83, 90, 91; On the Sources of Knowledge and Ignorance 90; The Open Society and its Enemies 85, 8889, 9192, 109, 187

Popper-Lynkeus, Josef 124

Porschke, C. L. 134

Pre-Socratics 34, 35, 85, 184, 192, 209

Protagoras 115

Ptolemy 113

Pythagoras 100

Reinhardt, Karl 202

Remarque, Erich Maria 52

Robespierre, M. de 146, 211, 212

Robinson, Abraham 57, 62

Robinson, R. M. 169

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 118, 121, 219, 220, 221

Ruhnken, D. 135

Russell, Bertrand 5, 42, 89, 181, 206, 213214, 228229; Principia Mathematica 5456

Rutherford, Ernest 226

St Ambrose 115

St Augustine 115; De Civitate Dei 142

Salzburg Festival 223, 224

Salzburg University 44

Schelling, F. W. J. 127, 206

Schiller, Friedrich von 140, 225; Don Carlos 208

Schilpp, P. Arthur 84, 137

Schlick, Moritz 89, 177, 187

School of Hellas (Athens) 101

Schopenhauer, A. 109, 189, 204

Schrödinger, Erwin 11, 59, 6061, 62

Schubert, Franz 124, 224, 230

Selby-Bigge, L. A. 187

Shaw, Bernard 212

Skinner, B. F. 183, 187

Society of Expatriate Austrians 117

Socrates 3135, 38, 40, 81, 109, 134, 174, 192, 196, 197, 198

Solon 109110, 115

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander ix

Sophocles 112

Spencer, Herbert 12, 140

Spengler, Oswald 140, 143, 208, 209; The Decline of the West 204

Spinoza, Benedictus de 175176, 187

Stalin, J. V. 211

Stirling, J. H. 135

Suttner, Berta von 140

Svilar, Maja 173

Switzerland 147, 148, 215

Tarski, Alfred 7, 56, 57, 76, 85, 169

Tennyson, Alfred 12

Tennyson, Alfred 12

Themistocles 102

Thucydides 103

Times, The 154

Times Literary Supplement 87

Toynbee, Arnold 207

Treder, Hans-Jürgen 59

Trollope, Anthony, Phineas Finn 153

Tübingen 83; German Sociology Society in 64; University 188

Vico, Giovanni Battista 140

Vienna, International Congress for Philosophy in 83, 161

Vienna Circle 45, 58, 89, 90, 124, 176177, 187

Vienna University 104

Vlastos, Gregory 116

Voltaire, F. M. A. de 41, 127, 128, 190, 192, 197, 199, 206; Letters Concerning the English Nation 126127; Letters from London 206

Waddington, C. H. 61

Waismann, Friedrich 176, 177, 186187; ‘How I See Philosophy’ 173174

Wasianski, C. E. A. 134

Watson, James B. 60, 62, 183, 187

Weingartner, P. 44

Wellmer, A. 91

Weyl, Hermann 55

Wheeler, John Archibald 228

Whitehead, Alfred North 54, 55

Wilde, Oscar 228

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 178179; Tractatus 7; Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 177

Wright, Orville and Wilbur 26

Wright, Thomas 128

Xenophanes 38, 39, 81, 100, 192195, 196198

Zeit, Die 82

Zermelo, E. 55