

Beginners Guide for Daily Use


23 Easy Hand Gestures for Effective Weight Loss, Unstoppable Energy and Natural self-Healing



  2015, Alex O’Connor, All Rights Reserved


By Alex O’Connor





PART I. General Concepts

CHAPTER 1. The Basics

CHAPTER 2. The Birth of Mudras

CHAPTER 3. Mudras and chakras

CHAPTER 4. Important Information

PART II. Using Mudras

CHAPTER 5. Mudras for Weight Loss

CHAPTER 6. Mudras for Awakening Energy


CHAPTER 7. Mudras for Self- Healing

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First things first, I want to thank you for purchasing this book: “ Mudras: Beginners Guide for Daily Use, 23 Easy and Fast Hand Gestures for Effective Weight Loss, Unstoppable Energy and Natural Self-Healing”.

When you hear the word ‘Yoga’, you most probably imagine a slender person doing unusual stretches and poses that look like they require a lot of flexibility. While it is true, that is only a part of Yoga and there is definitely more than that.

A body part that a lot of people—especially those that are new to Yoga—seem to never think of or pay much attention to are the hands. Our body is full of energy, and our hands (in combination with other body parts) are able to balance that energy reaching to perfect harmony.

In this book we are going to talk about Mudras, which involves the art of hand gestures used in Yoga. While Mudras are a more subtle aspect of Yoga than, say, bending your whole body, they can do wonders for your mind and your body when paired with other exercises or just themselves.

Reading this book you will be able to incorporate Mudras to your life. These are some benefits of using DAILY Mudras:

-          They help on harmonizing mind and body, making energy easily to flow within the body.

-          They relief physical discomfort, easing pain by stimulating the endorphin system.

-          They produce a considerable relaxation, so they can be used for fighting insomnia.

-          They improve mood, stimulating positive thinking.

-          They raise self-esteem, offering the possibility to rely on your abilities

-          They improve concentration when combined with meditation.

When performed correctly, Mudras can impact the energies of your body, can alter your mood within mere minutes (some of them) and can give you that instant boost that you may need and increase your wellbeing.


If you are someone that is just delving into the world of Yoga, this is the book for you—you should not begin your Yoga journey in the correct manner without learning about Mudras. If you are someone just looking for improving your health or life in general, learning and using Mudras will be a critical factor in your life.

The book contains all of the accurate, straight-to-the-point information that you need to know about Mudras, all explained in a very simple way, so it will help to clear any prior confusion you may have on the subject. In addition, the objective with this book is to introduce what Mudras are and more importantly provide you -the reader- with very practical and simple-to-use Mudras in order to improve your health and life.

As the title says “Daily Use”, this book is focused on an easy way to follow so everyone can put into practice these hand gestures on a DAILY BASIS and start seeing results as fast as possible.


The content is divided into 2 different parts: The first one includes a presentation and explanation of the very basic concepts used in this book such as What Mudras really are; Definition of Chakras and their relationship for example. The second part is the real practical one, in which you will learn all about specific Mudras for improving your health. Including Weight Loss Mudras, Awakening Energy Mudras and Self-Healing Mudras, the last ones focused on solving daily issues such as headache, stomachache, insomnia, depression, rheum etc.




part I


general concepts




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>> Important Information for this Book <<

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Chapter 1



For the very first chapter of this book, it might be a good idea to enlighten you with the basics about what Mudras really are, and what they involve.

After all, if you truly want to have a clear and strong understanding about anything, it is necessary to be well informed about the basics.

It’s like constructing a building—the stronger the base is, the sturdier the building will be.

This chapter is going to create the foundation, upon which we will continue to build an amazing building of knowledge.

What are Mudras?

‘Mudra’ is the Sanskrit word for ‘mark’ or ‘seal’.

Mudras are, in short, any positions of your body that affect the energies of your body or your current mood. While it is true that any part of the body can be involved in Mudras, it is usually the hands and the fingers that are held in these particular positions.

IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: We will study mainly Hand Mudras, although there are others using different body parts. The Word Mudra in this book is used referring to Hand gestures.

Mudras are often performed while one meditates. These positions have been used in the Eastern Countries for centuries, especially among cultures of Buddhism. Something you may have noticed is that many statues of Buddha tend to show his hands held in a certain position—these are Mudras used to help on the journey to enlightenment. That is one of the reasons why people use these positions to this day, although a large part of practitioners use them for more direct benefits as we will learn throughout the book.


Some of the most famous Mudras positions include sitting with your legs crossed, and putting your hands upon your knees with your index fingers touching the tips of your thumbs.

Besides to being used for meditation, Mudras have also been used in the past to treat physical problems such as cramps, dizziness and more serious problems, as well as mental ailments such as anxiety or depression, for example.

According to the philosophy that many people stand by, the physical body is made up of five elements, each of them related to a finger:

· Fire- Represented by the Thumb

· Air- Represented by the Index finger

· Aakash(Sky and Space element)- Represented by the Middle finger

· Earth- Represented by the Ring finger

· Water - Represented by the Little finger


Lack of proper balance between these elements is what causes problems in the body and mind.

It is believed that a lot of these problems can be solved, therefore, by connecting certain parts of the body with Mudras.

The joining of certain fingers with others is done to create a positive effect on the human body by purifying it and protecting it from negative forces.

That sums up the basic concept of what Mudras involves.




Mudras have been used for years upon years, but many people that are interested in actually making use of Mudras are unaware of their origins, and how they came to be and then evolved to become what they are today.

In this chapter, we are going to learn the basics about the origin, history and development of Mudras. The reason to know about this information is so that it is not just an external gesture that you perform, but a symbol with a deeper meaning behind it and a history that you are very well aware of. This way, the Mudra might make more sense.

Only when you know these things can you truly gain all of the spiritual benefits of using Mudras (hand Mudras) in your practices.



The origins of Mudras (meaning any kind of body position, not only hands) date back to prehistoric times, even before ancient Eastern and Egyptian civilizations were created. When the early civilizations began to develop, many images of gods and goddesses were created which showed them sitting or standing in some positions and holding their hands out in a specific manner, i.e. Mudras.

As multiple religions began to spread across the world, many of the newer philosophies still incorporated Mudras into their traditions, celebrations, meditations, etc. In India, for example, Mudras were used in traditional dances, as well as to “open” their mind and connecting with the superior force or remove stress from one’s life. These hand gestures grew in importance for its effectiveness and more people began to know about them, discovering new ones and improving the older ones.


As said earlier, Mudras mainly involve the hands, but there are certain ones that are performed with other parts of the body, allowing the energy to flow faster and more harmoniously within the body.



Let’s briefly see the history of some of the well-known Mudras. These Mudras have been studied for centuries as many sculptures and important pictures show some of them.

• The Abhaya Mudra , in which the open palm faces outward, is one of the most widely known Mudras. It is thought to be originated from the depictions of Buddha, supposedly when he was calming an elephant that attacked him (2500 years ago approximately)

The origin of this Mudra is what causes people to associate it with peace, kindness and protection, and it is thought to have the ability to get rid of all of your fear when used frequently.


In Thailand and a few other areas, Abhaya Mudra is linked with the walking Buddha, who is sometimes shown performing the Mudra uniformly with both hands.


• The Bhumisparsa or ‘earth touching’ Mudra is also a well known one that originated from when Buddha took the earth as testimony after he had solved the issue of all human suffering while he sat under a tree.

This Mudra is performed by placing the right hand upon the right knee and pressing all the fingers to the ground, keeping the left hand flat in the lap.


• The Dharmachakra Mudra (written in Sanskrit) originated from a major moment in Buddha’s life—when he gave his first sermon after being enlightened, in Sarnath (a city located 13 km away from Varnasi close to the confluence of Ganges and Gomati rivers in Uttar Pradesh, India). During the third century B.C.


This Mudra is supposed to symbolize the turning of the “wheel of the Dharma”— symbol representing the Dharma (or religion) in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

As an example, certain figures from Japan have also been shown to be performing this Mudra even before the 9 th century.


• The Dhyana Mudra originated from representations of Buddha, as well as Amitabha ( the principal Buddha in Pure Land Buddhism, a branch of East Asian Buddhism) . It probably originated in the country we nowadays know as India and in China during the Wei era. Wei era. (386-534 A.D.) This Mudra is performed by placing the right hand over the left hand  both facing upward, then joining the tips of thumbs from both hands.

This Mudra has been used for healing, improving concentration as well as for mediation.


• The Varada Mudra originated in China during the Wei period and in Japan during the Asuka period (538-710 A.D.).

This Mudra was always paired with another Mudra on the other hand. Representing the “offering a gift” symbol as seen on the picture. Symbolizes the charity, the welcoming, compassion and sincerity.


In the Varada Mudra , the arm is crooked, the palm turned up and the fingers slightly bent. At the beginning, the fingers were stiff, but their position in this Mudra gradually began to loosen, progressively the Mudra developed so that the fingers were naturally curved.


These are just a few of the most well-known Mudras. As you now know, they all have a rich history behind them (and we could go much deeper), originated and developed in many different ways.

While it is true that these Mudras were effective right from the start, their development is what has made them grow even more meaningful and effective throughout the years, as more and more people have tested them and come along with subtle techniques to improve them.

In the next chapter, we’ll see Chakras and Mudras, and the relationships between them.




Let’s see what a Chakra is, and the different types of them—this chapter will provide you with all of the basic information that you need to know about Chakras, and how you can make use of them in the correct manner. In addition, we’ll discuss the connection between Chakras and Mudras so that you can understand how the two things complement each other and work in harmony to create powerful and effective results.



The Sanskrit word for Chakra literally translates to ‘wheel’. When it comes to Yoga, this is supposed to represent the wheels of energy that are present in our bodies. Think of it this way—there is a spinning wheel of energy in the area where matter meets consciousness.

The energy that propels Chakras is the vital life force, which is necessary to keep us healthy and alive. Every Chakra contains bundles of nerves as well as our psychological, emotional and spiritual state of being. That is the reason why keeping them opened, aligned and fluid is essential for feeling in a great mood.

In short, a Chakra is a concept that involves seven centers of spiritual power in the human body.




Picture 1. Representation of the 7 Chakras .


There are seven different types of Chakras that you need to know about. We’ll see them from the bottom of the spine, to the top of the head (crown).


-          The first Chakra is the Muladhara , which is the Chakra of stability, security and our fundamental needs. It is present in the first three vertebrae, the colon as well as the bladder. Placed between the anus and genital area. You can “open” this Chakra for feeling with more energy and safe.

-          Next, the Svadhisthana Chakra is the creativity center, as well as the sexual center. It is present in the pubic bone and provides you with creative things, art, music, etc.

-          The third Chakra is Manipura Chakra translates to “radiant gem”, and it is present in the area from the breastbone to the navel. This chakra is what provides us with our personal power.

When you establish a firm grasp on your first three chakras, which are the physical chakras, only then can you use the spiritual Chakras to their full extent.


-          The fourth Chakra is located at the center of the heart, and it unites all of the chakras that are above and below it. This Chakra is also said to act as a bridge between our body and our mind, and it is also our source of compassion and love.ç

-          The fifth Chakra is the Vishuddha Chakra, which gives us verbal expression and the power to speak the truth. This Chakra is present in the neck, mouth, tongue, thyroid, etc

-          Next, the Ajna Chakra is present right between your eyebrows. It is what provides us with the mysterious sense called intuition.

-          Lastly, the Sahaswara chakra is present on the crown of the head and is the chakra of enlightenment, the one representing the right to “know” and learn more from the world and our life. This Chakra has control over the rest.



This section is all about learning the relationship between Chakras and Mudras and how we can activate Chakras.

The manner in which Chakras and Mudras are related is this:

Chakras can be ‘opened’ with the help of Mudras. Certain Mudras activate some Chakras through funneling the energy towards some body parts. We will see how to activate the 7 Chakras using some specific Mudras that are explained.

Let’s go over how you can open each Chakra with the help of Mudras:

•For the seventh Chakra (the crown Chakra), you will need to place your hands in

front of your stomach, letting the ring fingers point up and touch each other at the tips. The rest of your fingers should be crossed over each other, with the left thumb under the right.


Concentrate on the top of your head, and you will open the chakra of enlightenment.


• For the Ajna chakra, you will need to put your hands before the lower breast area, holding the middle fingers straight up and touching at the tips, pointing forward.

The other fingers should be kept bent and touching at the upper two phalanges. The thumbs should touch the tops and point towards you. Now, concentrate on the area between your eyebrows, and you will open this Chakra.



• To activate the heart Chakra, you need to sit crossing your legs and touch the tips of your index finger to your thumb. Put your right hand on your breastbone and your left hand on the left knee, and concentrate on your heart.



• The third Chakra (the navel Chakra) is opened by putting the hands on the stomach, and letting the fingers join at the tips, pointing away from you. You need to straighten your fingers and cross the thumbs, and then concentrate on the area slightly above the navel.



• To open the second chakra, place your hands on top of each other in your lap, with the palms up and the thumbs slightly joined. The left hand should be underneath the right. Concentrate on the pubic bone.



• Finally, for the first chakra, is simply joining your thumbs to the tips of the index fingers (both hands separately), and concentrate on your spinal area (placed between the genital area and the anus).



This is a practical way for activating the 7 major Chakras.

As we have seen in this chapter, Mudras can directly help when activating Chakras. That allows you to feel better as all Chakras are in harmony. However, you can try to activate some Chakras more than others, and experience the effects.

In the next chapter, we’ll go over some important tips that you need to be aware of for the correct using of this guide.




In this chapter, we’ll go over the little tweaks and tips that can improve or break the effectiveness of your Mudras. Many people would attempt to perform Mudras without this knowledge, skipping a crucial part. Let’s make sure we clearly know how Mudras are effectively performed.

If you truly wish to reap all the benefits from Mudras, make sure to read this chapter carefully from top to bottom so that you know what to do and what not to do.



The first mistake that people make related to Mudras is that they mess up the timing of them, in two different ways.


Firstly, a lot of people attempt to perform Mudras solely at night, when they get home after work or school. Chances are they are absolutely exhausted. Therefore this is not a good idea, as Mudras are known to be best used during the early to mid-morning times. It is at this time of the day that people feel more calm, at ease and peaceful.

So, be sure to perform a single or more Mudras during the morning time instead of leaving it till the stressful night-time. Don’t worry, you don’t need to wake up 30 minutes earlier (it is up to you) as it’s enough investing 10 minutes, although the more you practice, the easier and faster you will get results.  You definitely can use them at night, especially those Mudras for fighting insomnia (explained later), but have in mind to invest more time after you wake up.


The other mistake that people make related to timing is regarding the period of time they hold each Mudra. Many beginners may think that holding a Mudra for 1minute is sufficient to receive the benefits that Mudra produces.


Unfortunately, this is not true…

According to experts, it has been proved that 10 to 45 minutes of holding Mudras are recommendable in order to work at its best. There are some exceptions as we will see later on.

Now, impatience is something that is present in all of us, but it is something that needs to be overcome, the best way to do this is progressively increase the time you spend using Mudras.

If you are a beginner, you may want to start using them for, let’ say, 5 minutes. Try to be focused and not thinking about other things.  If any thought shows up in your mind, just let it go, don’t try to hold on to it. Then, go back and focus on your Mudra.


If you are trying to activate a specific Chakra, you may want to visualize the position of that Chakra in your body. On the other hand, if you are using a Mudra for weight loss or any kind of Mudra we will see later on, focusing on your breathing would be a good idea.



Another point that confuses some people is the frequency of Mudras. They are not sure how many times they ought to perform the Mudra during the course of the day.

Several people tend to think using a Mudra once a day is enough!

While that could be true if you practice for 45 or more minutes, that’s not the best thing to do especially for beginners who might find slightly difficult to maintain concentration for that period of time.

If you perform Mudras, you should do them in a manner that makes it the most beneficial for you.


For this reason, you will need to perform Mudras AT LEAST two times a day for five minutes each. If you prefer, you can implement 10 minutes in the morning although Mudras (with some exceptions) should be done at different times so you can “recover” the effects.


To help you adopting a good mindset in this, think about it this way: that's only ten minutes out of a twenty-four hour day—even the busiest people could find that time.

I am sure you can dedicate at least 10 minutes a day to your profit for improving your health.

It is better, however, to perform Mudras five times a day. That adds up to fifty minutes, but those fifty minutes will be well worth it. This can be a really good asset to the future, as you can easily increase the time you invest. This is recommended for experienced people who want to see constant and effective results.

Finally, as for the specifics about the position of the Mudra, you will need to make sure to do it with both hands at the same time.

Doing it with one hand is not effective unless you wish to pair it with a different Mudra on the other hand. That’s the reason why some Mudras are shown using one hand only, it is supposed to use both hands with the same Mudra.


At other times, we will use both hands using two different Mudras, but this will be specified.

That sums up this short chapter on the little tips and warnings regarding Mudras.

Let’s move on to the next chapter. It’s time to know the Mudras we will use for Weight Loss.


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Chapter 5




In the next three chapters we will cover different Mudras and each of them is divided into three different sections so the reading can be clearer and more didactic. This is intended to be as much practical as possible by not prolonging the explanations and providing the basic information for using every Mudra. 

It is time to see some useful Mudras for losing excess weight and transform the body in a positive manner. We will go over some of the most effective Mudras for getting rid of unwanted weight on our body, while delivering several health benefits and enhancing our mood. These Mudras are powerful for this specific task, the timing for each one will be explained.




The Tritiiya Vayu Mudra is one of the absolute best Mudras for losing excess weight, as it is a Mudra that regulates the element of air inside your body, which curbs all of your unhealthy cravings, creating the perfect balance for your body to become healthy and fit.



To perform this Mudra, you will need to press the tip of each finger into the mound of your thumb, and then fold your thumb down so that it lightly presses your bent index finger. All of your other fingers should be held perfectly straight.


Tips and timing

It is best to perform this Mudra on a daily basis for at least 15 minutes after consuming a meal, and you will surely see weight loss results. This is a good example of how important building a new habit can be. Once you have the habit of using a Mudra, the effects will appear much faster and more effectively.




If you are someone that finds themselves succumbing to laziness on a regular basis and are unable to lose unwanted weight, for this reason, the Vayaan Mudra is ideal to help you out with this situation.

It eliminates laziness altogether and provides you with a newfound sense of energy and alertness. This way, you will have much more motivation to become more active and combat fat, but you will also have a positive mood.


To perform this Mudra, you will need to sit in a position with your back aligned and shoulders relaxed but not slouched. Then, bring the tips of the index and middle fingers to the tips of the thumbs. Extend the ring finger and the pinky finger, bringing them together.

You can rest the back of your hands either on your thighs or knees.

Tips and timing

Perform this Mudra for 10-15 minutes on a regular basis to become more energetic and tone the body.




The Surya Mudra is one of the most powerful Mudras that you can perform, which makes it ideal for those that are in dire need of losing weight.

Surya is the Sanskrit word for 'sun', and the Mudra is called so because it increases the element of fire in your body. 



To perform this Mudra, you will need to stand or sit up straight, holding your hands out in front of you. Bend the ring finger of each hand so that the tip touches the mound of your thumb, and then press down on your ring finger with your thumb. You might end up having 3 fingers (index, middle and pinky) extended and thumb and ring fingers bent.


Spread the rest of your fingers out, keeping them straight.

Tips and timing

You may perform this Mudra in three bursts of 15 minutes, or for 45 minutes in a row to get the optimum results. Ideally, 1 hour every day is recommended.

If you perform this Mudra regularly, the excess fat will disappear along with other health-related benefits.



The Kapha Nashak Mudra is one that is more of a preventative measure for those that are prone to weight gain.

The benefits of this Mudra include the fact that it helps to regulate your weight if you are someone that has a slow metabolism and gains weight easily. Make sure to use this Mudra on a daily basis so the effects are constant and effective.


To perform this Mudra, you will need to place the ring fingers and little fingers on the base of the thumb, and then gently pressing these fingers with the thumb. Next, just relax and hold together your index and middle fingers.


This Mudra increases the Pitta humour in the body (which is concerned with the digestive and circulatory systems) and decreases Kapha humour.

Tips and timing

Perform this Mudra for 30 minutes in a row, or in 3 bursts of 10 minutes to see the best results.

These are some of the best Mudras for losing weight and not only that but also to feel more energetic and be able to adopt new healthy habits. In the next chapter we will talk about Mudras to Awaken Energy.

Chapter 6




This chapter will be helpful if you are looking at becoming more energetic, motivated, self-assured and confident. This is a fundamental chapter for you. This will help you being more productive, confident, and being more optimistic to find success in many areas you work on.




The Ahamkara Mudra is one of the most powerful Mudras for confidence, as it helps you to combat all kinds of fears.


To perform Ahamkara, bend your index finger and exert slight pressure on the middle phalanx of the index finger using your thumb. Keep the rest of your fingers stretched out.

Tips and Timing

This Mudra should be performed with both hands during meditation, for a few minutes at a time.

Doing this daily will help you to awaken your inner energy and become fearless



The Apan Mudra is known to increase the elements of earth within the body, helping to make you feel empowered and strong.

In addition to that, it is also considered to be a good Mudra for removing toxins and making your body detoxed and healthy.


To perform this Mudra, sit straight or stand. Bring both of your hands in front of you, and bend the middle and ring finger and thumb so their tips touch. Your index and middle finger should point straight.

Tips and Timing

This should be done with both hands for about 30 minutes, and you will see huge improvements in your feelings of empowerment.



This particular Mudra is well known for its ability to distribute energy, making you feel energised even when you are fatigued and depressed.


Performing this Mudra, keep your eyes closed and focus on your breathing. Bring your hands up to your sides, and touch the tips of your ring fingers and little fingers to the thumb. The index and middle finger should be pointed straight.

Tips and Timing

Do this for 15-30 minutes in a row, and after a while of practice you will see a great improvement in your energy levels.



This Mudra is great for people that want to become more positive and open-minded. This one will allow thinking and seeing situations in a different and more creative way.


To do this Mudra, the middle finger and thumb should lightly touch at the tips. Slight pressure should be applied.

The other 3 fingers should be held out gently, relaxed.

Tips and Timing

You will become compassionate and optimistic if you perform this Mudra for at least 15 minutes a day. However, if you are experienced with Mudras, this time might be increased to 45 minutes.



This Mudra is one that helps you to increase your concentration and gives you the power to achieve all of your goals. It is especially useful for busy periods of time, when you might need some extra energy or power to keep going and achieve your objectives.


For this Mudra, you need to hold your hands up in front of you with palms facing each other, and then bring the fingertips of your right hand towards the fingertips of the left hand so they touch each other, including de thumb. Bring your hands closer to 3-4 cm (1.5 – 2 inches) from each other.


Tips and Timing

Keeping your gaze upwards, inhale while placing your tongue on the roof of the mouth, and exhale while relaxing the tongue. The timing for this Mudra is variable, 15 minutes would be recommended for a beginner, while an experienced person might find 45 minutes extremely useful.

Perform this Mudra for several minutes daily to achieve everything you are aiming for.



If you find yourself having negative thoughts on a daily basis, this Mudra can help get rid of them, and fill your soul with positivity.


To do this Mudra, simply place your index fingers against each other, clasping the other fingers of both hands. Let your finger pad rest on the back of your hands. Then cross your thumbs and place them in the hollow of the other thumb.

Tips and Timing

Completely relax both hands, and hold this Mudra for at least 15 minutes a day to become more optimistic and eliminate the negative vibrations on you.


The previous Mudras are some of the most common and practical ones for recovering energy when feeling down, turning negative thoughts into positive ones, or gaining extra focus on a certain goal or task to name a few examples. You now have a bunch of different Mudras for using on a daily basis.

In the next chapter, we'll talk about self-healing Mudras.

Chapter 7




This chapter goes into knowing how and when to use some of the best Self-Healing Mudras. The intention of this chapter is to gather very PRACTICAL Mudras for using on a daily basis. The possible problems (like headache, stress, stomachache) shown below, are considered to be common compared to others. 

If you are suffering from any physical or mental health problems and want to cure them in a natural and positive manner, the Mudras in this chapter will help you out immensely.



This Mudra is named after the elephant god and is said to strengthen the heart of those that perform it.


To perform this Mudra, sit comfortably and bring both hands in front of your chest with elbows bent. Position the left hand with palm facing outwards in a way that your thumb points towards your solar plexus and little finger points to your collar bone.

Form a claw by bending the four fingers of the left hand, and clasp them with your right hand's fingers. Your right palm should face your chest.

Tips and Timing

Inhale deeply, and then pull both arms apart while keeping fingers locked as you exhale. Repeat this six times.

This Mudra will boost the strength of those with even the weakest hearts if done on a daily basis.



This Mudra increases the space element in your body, which makes it great for healing heart diseases. Take special attention if you want to learn how to manage.


To perform this Mudra, all you need to do is join the tips of the thumb and the middle finger keeping the thumb slightly over the middle finger’s nail. The rest of the fingers might be straight.

Tips and Timing

It is a simple and easy Mudra that keeps your heart healthy if performed for several minutes per day, the optimal timing would be around 15 minutes per day.

As all the Mudras, should be performed early in the morning rather at night, you are probably more energetic in the morning.



Insomnia is a very common and dangerous disorder, but it can be cured with the Gyan Mudra, as it increases the air element in the body.



For this Mudra, simply join the tip of the index finger with the tip of the thumb, keeping the other fingers straight.


Tips and Timing

Do this for 30 minutes a day to combat insomnia. This one, is an exception as can be best performed at night, right before going to bed. It is really important to relax and focus on the Mudra itself.

Focus on the positive and calming effects of it while you feel your breathing going in and out. 



If you are someone that deals with respiratory issues, this Mudra can help create a stabilised respiratory rhythm.


To perform it, fold your hands in front of the stomach and extend both middle fingers and join them at the tips. Cross all other fingers. You should have only the middle fingers extended, both hands together.

Tips and Timing

Direct your attention to the breath in the stomach region while performing this Mudra, and you will feel your mind and body harmonising.

Do this for 4 minutes 3 times a day, and your respiratory problems will improve.



If you are addicted to any unhealthy substances, this Mudra will help you combat them by calming agitated feelings in your body.


For this Mudra, place the pads of your middle fingers together and touch the first two joints of index fingers.

Touch your thumbs too (pointing them to your chest), and bend all other fingers inwards while spreading your elbows outward. In short, start the Mudra making a “heart shape” touching the pads of the thumbs while the rest of the fingers are bent and touching the nails each other. Next, keep the thumbs at the same position and just spread the middle fingers so they touch each other’s pads too. You might have the thumbs and middle fingers spread, while the other fingers are bent.


Tips and Timing

Focus on your breathing while doing this Mudra, and do it for 20 minutes a day.

Your craving for addictive substances will go down significantly.



Constipation is a common but bothersome issue, this Mudra can help to remove it completely. Make sure to use this Mudra as much as you can during the process of constipation.


Simply clench your fingers to form a fist and place the thumb over the ring fingers on each hand.

Tips and Timing

Do this for 15 minutes 3 times a day, and your constipation will gradually disappear.



Stress is also an illness of the mind which can be greatly reduced with the help of Rudra Mudra. This can be especially helpful during periods of high responsibility or worry.


For this Mudra, you must raise your hands and press the tip of each index finger, thumb and ring finger together, keeping the other two fingers extended.

Tips and Timing

Hold this for at least 10 minutes every day, you will feel much more relaxed. Especially useful if practiced in the morning as the day starts and you need to manage complex situations.



If you constantly feel unfulfilled and unsatisfied, this Mudra will help you feel more fulfilled and inspired. This is a very used Mudra for manifesting your dreams and desires.


Simply join the tips of your thumb, index and middle fingers while bending the other two fingers so they can rest in the middle of your hand.

Tips and Timing

Do this for 15 minutes a day to manifest your thoughts and dreams. After some time of practice you will feel like having more opportunities to achieve your goals/dreams.



Rheumatism is fairly common these days, especially among older people. This Mudra can reduce its symptoms quite a bit if used on a daily basis.



Just bring the tip of the ring finger to touch the tip of the little finger of the other hand. Now touch the tip of the index finger to the tip of the middle finger of the other hand. Your thumbs should gently touch each other.


Tips and Timing

Hold this for 30 minutes (at least) in a row for optimal results.



For those that face problems with their throat or their voice, this Mudra is very beneficial.



To do this, wrap all four fingers of your right hand around the left thumb.

Bring the tips of the right thumb and the left middle finger together, while the other fingers of the left hand stay parallel to the middle finger.


Tips and Timing

Hold this for 45 minutes daily, and your throat problems will improv e .



Those prone to colds and excess phlegm will benefit from this Mudra. This Mudra is also known for improving the digestive cycle.


Clasp both hands so the fingers intertwine, pointing the left thumb vertically up and encircling it with the thumb and index finger of the right hand.

Tips and Timing

Hold for 15 minutes at least on a daily basis. This will help to reduce phlegm and colds as well as easing the digestive cycle.



This Mudra represents the universal energy. It helps calming down and effectively reducing the anxiety. It can be helpful for oral presentations, important moments through the day or just chilling out before sleeping.


This Mudra is all about joining the ring and pinky fingers tips (touching both hands to each other) while bending the thumbs forward and covering them with the index and middle fingers.

Tips and Timing

This Mudra should be practiced twice a day for 5 minutes (at least). It can be used before sleeping or in any moment you want to relax and feel more calmed down.



This Mudra is perfect for combating fear as Abhay means Fearless, courage, dispelling of fear. It may be useful for “creating” a natural protection towards fear and insecurities. Useful if you are feeling fearful or living a hard moment.


To perform this Mudra just join the tips of the thumb and index fingers, like Gyan Mudra. The difference between them is Abhaya Mudra is held vertically besides our body. That is, bending the elbow and keeping this Mudra vertical.

Tips and Timing

The timing for this Mudra might be 10 minutes twice a day (minimum), increasing it to 10-20 minutes 5 times daily.

As a curiosity, this Mudra was used since prehistoric times, used by human beings as a sign of good intentions.


These are some practical Mudras you can use daily for improving mental and physical health. Some of them can be utilized just before doing certain activities while others need to be done for a longer time.




Now you know some of the best Mudras for Weight Loss, Awakening energy and Self-Healing, as well as the different types of Mudras and how they can be used to activate or improve Chakras.

All you need to do is commit to performing a set of Mudras every single day, and you will see the results in no time. The hardest part of this is adopting the habit of doing Mudras every day but do not doubt that once you have the habit, everything is much easier and effects are clearer.

Mudras are not particularly difficult to perform, but many people find themselves procrastinating and skipping days, which will not yield the best results.

That is why I encourage you to set some simple goals for yourself and stick to them.

Choose Mudras that are most suitable for the things you truly want to improve about yourself, and then get started on your journey to improvement. With constant practice this works, as we saw in the history of Mudras, they have been used for centuries by different countries and cultures and now you have the chance to join the practice of these powerful hand gestures.

No more postponing or putting things off or making excuses.

Finally, hope you enjoyed reading this book and learned some valuable tips for improving your health and spirituality.

Good luck and thank you again for reading!

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Before Reading


Before reading any further, it is important to know some tips about the content.

The First Part you are about to read, includes the very basic information about Mudras such as what they really are, the different types of Mudras along with some pictures to help understanding some ideas.

It is important to emphasize that the chosen Mudras are some of the best for each problem, their effects are supposed to be seen after some practice. This means that if you are expecting to see some good results after 10 minutes of practice, this may not be a suitable book.

On the other hand, if you are willing to take this seriously and make a positive change in your life, you will learn many different Mudras for improving whatever area of your life you may like to improve.

Finally, each Mudra has been divided into three sub-categories in order to learn easier and more effectively. You will be able to learn the Meaning of that Mudra, the Performance on how to do it yourself and lastly, some Tips are included so you can have an idea of how much time each Mudra should be held.

Without further ado, let’s begin Chapter 1. (Click on the Links)


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