*See Appendix, page 171.
*See Neighbourhood Maps. Appendix I, page 172.
*This custom is now forbidden by law, but is only gradually dying out.
*See Appendix I, page 174.
*For additional character sketches see Appendix I, page 175.
*See Tables and Summaries in Appendix IV.
*See Appendix I, page 177.
*See Appendix, page 178.
*Such a distinction might well be made in the attitude towards delinquency in our own civilisation. Delinquency cannot be defined even within one culture in terms of acts alone, but attitudes should also be considered. Thus the child who rifles her mother’s purse to get money to buy food for a party or clothes to wear to a dance hall, who believes stealing is wrong, but cannot or will not resist the temptation to steal, is a delinquent, if the additional legal definition is given to her conduct by bringing her before some judicial authority. The young Christian communist who gives away her own clothes and also those of her brothers and sisters may be a menace to her family and to a society based upon private property, but she is not delinquent in the same sense. She has simply chosen an alternative standard. The girl who commits sex offences with all attendant shame, guilt, and inability to defend herself from becoming continually more involved in a course of action which she is conscious is “wrong,” until she becomes a social problem as an unmarried mother or a prostitute, is, of course, delinquent. The young advocate of free love who possesses a full quiver of ideals and sanctions for her conduct, may be undesirable, but from the standpoint of this discussion, she is not delinquent.
*Girls to whom a change of residence made important differences, see Chap. XI, “The Girl in Conflict.”
*Women’s work.
*Abdomen—pain only there; back—pain only there; extreme—so characterized by girl, never so ill that she couldn’t work.
*Palusami—a pudding prepared from grated cocoanut, flavoured with red hot stone, mixed with sea water, and wrapped in taro leaves, from which the acrid stem has been scorched, then in a banana leaf, finally in a breadfruit leaf.
† Tafolo—a pudding made of breadfruit with a sauce of grated cocoanut.
‡ Swimming in the hole within the reef required more skill than swimming in still water; it involved diving and also battling with a water level which changed several feet with each great wave.
*Tapui. The hieroglyphic signs used by the Samoans to protect their property from thieves. The tapui calls down an automatic magical penalty upon the transgressor. The penalty for stealing from property protected by the cocoanut tapui is boils.
† The ceremonial name of the council house of the Tui Manu’a.
‡ The sacred oven of food and the ceremony accompanying its presentation and the presentation of fine mats to the carpenters who have completed a new house.
§The ceremonial call of the young men of the village upon a visiting maiden.
**The ceremonial perquisite of the talking chief, usually a piece of tapa, occasionally a fine mat.