
For the benefit of digital users, indexed terms that span two pages (e.g., 52–53) may, on occasion, appear on only one of those pages.


Abbas, Ferhat  86
absurd  3855
vs. existentialism  7576
Adorno, Theodor  37
agrégation  1314
al-Bayyati, Abd al-Wahhab  106
Alger républicain  2123, 2627
Algeria  12
colonialism in  85101
Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN)  92, 100
Algerian War of Independence (1954–62)  13, 5, 25, 66, 89101
Algerians (Muslims/indigènes)  2, 17
citizenship  18
integration with French state  56
second-class status  34
al-Ibrahimi, Sheikh Bachir  86
altruism, vs. narcissism  82
anarchism  106
anti-historicism  6566
anti-Semitism  45
Arabs  35, 9, 17, 8889
depiction in literature  4351
Aragon, Louis  6263
Arcault, Gustave (AC’s uncle)  1013
art for art’s sake  15, 17
assimilation  2425
autobiographical nature of Camus’s writings  1516


Balain, Blanche (AC’s girlfriend)  2930
Barthes, Roland  47
Baudelaire, Charles  1516
Beauvoir, Simone de  7274, 8485
Berbers  35, 9
Kabyle people  2527
Bloch-Michel, Jean  30
Blum, Léon  22
Blum-Viollette bill  1819, 51, 8688
bonheur  17, 5455, 8384, 89, 110111 see also nature, communion with
Breton, Petit  30
Brothers Karamazov (Dostoyevsky)  69
Bruel, Francois  30
Bugeaud, Governor-General Thomas-Robert  3
Bush, President George W.  106


Calet, Henri  30
Camus, Albert  7, 16, 30, 57, 93
affairs and mistresses  53, 73, 8384, 103
awareness of mortality  910, 17, 3839, 5152
call for civil truce  91101
children  32
condemnation of Hiroshima  3637
as cultural icon  107109
death  8485, 102103
duality  xxixxii
early life and family  12, 614, 16
education  814
feeling of the absurd  3855
health  911, 2021, 2930, 3839
journalism  2122
legacy  103107, 110111
marriages and divorce  1213, 20, 29, 4647
nihilism  28
Nobel Prize for Literature  8, 100, 102, 104
pacifism  2629
politics  1721, 2425
pseudonym ‘Nero’  28
reformism  2324, 2627
relationship with Sartre  7185, 88
resistance  2936
reviews  7173, 7880
support for Kabylia, Algeria  2527
support for naturalization of Algerians  6
views on women  73, 8384
Camus, Albert, WORKS  1417
‘Adulterous Woman, The’  8889
Betwixt and Between  10, 1516
Caligula  910, 13, 2021, 28, 3943, 75
‘Century of Fear, The’  6364
‘Christian and Neoplatonic Metaphysics’ (thesis)  1314
‘Defense of The Rebel  8081
Dirty Hands  78
Exile and the Kingdom, The  8891
Fall, The  31, 73, 8185
First Man, The  8, 8485, 93100, 103104
‘Greece in Rags’ (article)  2526
Happy Death, The  2021
‘Host, The’  8991
Just Assassins, The  19, 56, 6668, 7778
Les Meurtriers délicats  7778
‘Letters to a German Friend’  3032, 56
‘Manifesto of Intellectuals in Favour of the Viollette Bill’  18
‘Misery of Kabylia, The’ (articles)  2526
Myth of Sisyphus, The  910, 14, 3840, 5153, 55, 61, 72, 75, 8384
Neither Victims nor Executioners  6266, 6869, 77
‘New Social Contract, The’  65
Nuptials  2021
‘Nuptials in Tipasa’  54
‘Our position’ (article)  2728
Plague, The  910, 2930, 5662
Rebel, The  5657, 6870, 7881, 105
‘Return to Tipasa’  5455
Revolt in Asturias (co-written)  19
Silent Men, The  67
‘Socialism Mystified’  64
Stranger, The  67, 910, 14, 22, 3940, 4351, 7172, 9899, 104, 108109
‘These men we have erased from humanity’ (article)  23
‘Towards Dialogue’  65
‘Unfortunate Arrests’ (article)  24
‘World Goes Fast, The’  6465
Camus, Claude (AC’s great-grandfather)  12
Camus, Jean (AC’s son)  105106
Camus, Lucien (AC’s brother)  1, 67
Camus, Lucien (AC’s father)  1, 67
Carroll, David  5051
Casarès, Maria  8384, 103
centennial celebrations  9
Char, René  103104
Charles X, King of France  2
Chauveau, Jean  30
civil truce, call for  91101
civilizing mission (mission civisilatrice)  9
Code Civil  34
Code Indigène  36, 18
colonialism  1819, 2324, 26, 50, 6263, 7677, 8586
Combat  2936, 7374
communism  6266, 7576, 7879
Communist Party  1720
conquest of Algeria  23
Crémieux decree  45
Cuban revolution  7879


Daoud, Kamel  108109
de Gaulle, Charles  34, 3435, 87
Defoe, Daniel  58
Deloria, Vine  105
demonstrations against colonial rule  24, 35
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich  69


École Normale Supérieure (ENS)  1112, 72
El Kader, Abdel  3
elite Algerians, naturalization  6
enfumades  3
existentialism  3839, 50, 7376


Fate/Yazgi (2001 film)  109110
Faure, Francine (AC’s second wife)  20, 2930, 32, 53, 83, 103
Fery, Jules  8
films  107, 109110
Fouchet, Max-Pol  12
anarchists  106
colonialism  2, 45, 9, 6263, 8586
conquest of Algeria  23
defeat in World War II  28, 3032
German occupation  58
historical account of conquest of Algeria  3
summoning Algerians to French army  6
war with Indochina  77
French citizens of Algeria  2, 45
French Revolution  3334


Gallimard, Michel  102103
geography, linked to thought  6970
Germain, Louis  8
god, belief in  59, 6162
Grenier, Jean  8, 1014, 1718, 7273, 103104
Grenier, Roger  30
Guilloux, Louis  103104


Hadj, Messali  2425, 8687
Hamida, Benthami Ould  6
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich  6566
heroism  31
Hié, Simone (AC’s first wife)  1213, 4647
Hiroshima  3637
Hitler, Adolf  22, 2728
Ho Chi Minh  63


Indochina war  77
integration policy  56
intellectualism  8485
Ivers, Mette  103


Jeanson, Francis  7880
Jews, Algerian (Israélites indigènes)  45
Julien, Charles-André  99100
justice  65


Kabylia, Algeria  2527
Karsky, Serge  30


Le Bled (1929 film)  9
Le Panelier, France  2930
Le Pen, Marine  105106
Léger, Fernand  6263
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich  6263
Les Lettres françaises (journal)  6263
Les Mandarins (de Beauvoir)  84
Les Temps modernes  77, 7980
liberation of Paris  3236


Macron, Emmanuel  105106
Malraux, André  102104
Manifesto of the Algerian People, The  8687
Marxism  18
massacres of Sétif and Guelma  3537, 8788
Mauriac, François  3334
meaninglessness of life  55, 5960
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice  76
Meursault Investigation, The (Daoud)  108109
mission civilisatrice (civilizing mission)  9
Mondovi, Algeria  1
Munich Agreements  2728


Napoleon Bonaparte  6566
narcissism, vs. altruism  82
naturalization of Algerians  18
elite  6
Jewish  45
nature, communion with  4950, 54 see also bonheur
Nausea (Sartre)  7172
Nazi Germany  32
Nazi occupation of Algeria  5
‘new world’ and ‘world that is dying’  39
New York Times  103, 105106
nihilism  4243
Nobel Prize for Literature  8, 100, 102, 104
Nouvelle Revue française  10


O’Brien, Conor Cruise  5051
Ollivier, Albert  30
Oran, Algeria  2930, 58
Ouzegane, Amar  92


Padilla, Herberto  7879
Paris, France, liberation  3236
Paris-soir  29
Party for the People of Algeria  24
patriotism  31
Peroni, Victor  30
Pétain, Marshal  5, 28, 3033
Pia, Pascal  2122, 2631
Picasso, Pablo  6263, 73
pieds-noirs  12, 46, 9, 1820, 27
massacres  3537
Podhoretz, Norman  105
pogroms  5
political violence, opposition to  66, 7781
Ponge, Francis  2930, 39
popular culture  107109
Popular Front  2224, 110
popular music  107108
prisoners  2324
pupilles de la nation (wards of the state)  7


Quillot, Roger  8384


Rapinat, Marcelle  30
Rau, Charlotte  30
razzias  3
rebellions  3
Renoir, Jean  9
resistance  2936, 5657
revolt  5657, 6266, 6869
revolutionary violence  19
Robespierre, Maximilien Marie Isidore de  3334


Sade, Marquis de  69
Said, Edward  50
Saint-Just, Louis Antoine Léon Florelle de  3334
Sarkozy, Nicolas  105106
Sartre, Jean-Paul  19, 47, 50, 63, 7085, 88
Savinkov, Boris  66
Second Sex, The (de Beauvoir)  84
Sellers, Catherine  103
Sintès, Catherine Hélène (AC’s mother)  1, 67
Sintès, Catherine-Maria (AC’s grandmother; née Cardona)  12, 68
SintèsÉtienne (AC’s grandfather)  12
Soviet Union  92
Spanish Civil War  19, 22
suicide  5152, 8384


The Cure (pop band)  107108
Theatre of Labour  1920
Third Republic  34, 28, 34
Tipasa, Algeria  5455
Tocqueville, Alexis de  3
Todd, Olivier  1314


uprisings  6


VE (Victory in Europe) Day  3537, 87
Versailles treaty  2728
Vian, Boris  76
Viollette, Maurice  1819 see also Blum-Viollette bill


wards of the state (pupilles de la nation)  7
Western civilization  6465
‘will of the absurd’  39
workers’ salaries  23
‘world that is dying’ and ‘new world’  39
World War I  67
World War II  2729


Yazgi/Fate (2001 film)  109110
Young Algerians  6


Zaretsky, Robert  5051