Introduction: All the World’s a Stage
1. Create a Compelling Product
5. Don’t Settle for Less than Great
6. Give Your Product a Memorable Name
8. Accept Personal Responsibility
9. Think Bigger . . . No, Bigger!
10. Define Your Platform Goals
12. Set Up Your Branding Tools
14. Secure Raving Endorsements
16. Develop an Online Media Kit
Part Three: Build Your Home Base
19. Beware of Self-Proclaimed Social Media Experts
20. Start a Blog (or Restart One)
21. Create the Content Yourself
23. Maintain a List of Post Ideas
27. Protect Your Intellectual Property
28. Avoid Common Blogging Mistakes
29. Create a Better About Page
30. Develop Your Landing Pages
32. Forget About Metrics (for Now)
34. Understand What’s Not Important
35. Generate More Blog Traffic
36. Build Your Subscriber List
45. Devote Thirty Minutes a Day
46. Get More Twitter Followers
47. Keep from Getting Unfollowed
48. Use Twitter to Promote Your Product
49. Set Up a Facebook Fan Page
50. Employ Consistent Branding
51. Be Prepared for Traditional Media
53. Don’t Respond to Every Comment
54. Keep the Conversations Civil
Conclusion: Take the First Step
Appendix A: Comply with the FTC Guidelines