The Irish perception of an Elohim, a member of an angelic order, in transient human form as an intimidating giant.

Also known as Balar, Yspaddaden (Welsh).

Description: In Irish myth, Bator Beimean (“Balor of the Mighty Blows”) was an ill-spirited giant, presumed king of the Fomorians, early invaders of Ireland, who lived at Balor's Hill. He had one eye in the center of his forehead and another at the back of his head; the latter was evil and through it Rays of venom could strike people dead or at least petrify them with a single glance.

Understandably, he was also known as Bailcbheimneach, “Strong-Smiting,” and Balar Birug-derc, “Balar Piercing-Eyed.”

Most times he kept this deadly eye, called Suil Bhalair (“Balor's Eye”), covered by his long hair unless he had enemies he wished to destroy. This eye had a polished ring in it (to keep it closed by weighing it down) that was so heavy it took four humans to lift it. Irish legend says he got this evil (or magical) eye from the Druids, whose ceremonies he watched. The evil fumes from their potions settled on his eye, turning it venomous. Once when the eye got knocked out of its socket and rolled over the ground, 28 Fomorian warriors who saw it only for seconds were slain instantly.

The Fomorians at one time held dominance over the Tuatha de Danann, Ireland's original benevolent gods, and exacted a yearly tribute from them. Balor sneeringly collected the tribute at his citadel called Dun Bhalair on Tory Island; in fact, he was said to have oppressed all of Ireland with his cruelly high taxes.

Balor had a daughter named Eithne whom he kept imprisoned in a crystal tower (Tur Bhalair) atop Tor Mor on Tory Island, off the northwest coast of Ireland, in County Donegal. He kept her in captivity because a prophecy said she would birth the man who would kill him.

A chieftain named MacKineely (or Cian), with the help of an elf with magic, snuck into the castle, impregnated the daughter, and snatched up the Glas Gaibleann. The latter was a magical white (or green) cow of an endless supply of milk originally belonging to him but stolen by Balor who kept her at Port na Claise (“Green Cow Port”). MacKineely or Cian mac Cainte, a hero of the Tuatha, fathered four sons by Eithne; Balor killed three of these, but the fourth was Lugh Lamfhota (“the Long-Handed”), and he survived.

Balor eventually got his revenge and killed MacKineely, but then his son killed Balor by thrusting a hot iron rod into his baleful eye. Another version of the story says Lugh the Irish Sun god, on behalf of the Tuatha, slew Balor with a slingshot (or a magical spear), driving the baleful eye back through his head.

Balor waged war on the Tuatha and defeated them at the Battle of Mag Tured (Moytura), killing hundreds with a single glance from his eye. But at the subsequent second Battle of Mag Tured, Lugh waited until Balor's eye was tired and finally closed; when it started to reopen, he blinded the defenseless giant.

When the giant fell—Balor was said to be enormous—27 men standing nearby were crushed beneath him. When Lugh cut out the evil eye, even then its power was such that it split and shattered all the boulders in its vicinity.

Explanation: Balor the Evil Eye is an Elohim in giant human form. The Elohim are an order of angels assigned by the Supreme Being to be prime creators of organic life, realms of consciousness, and humanity on Earth and throughout the universe. Under commission, they temporarily assumed human form, though their bodies were, from our perspective, giant, averaging 18 feet tall.

For a time, they lived on Earth in its early days setting up much of its megalithic structures, such as stone circles, Cyclopean stoneworks, and certain artificial hills such as Silbury Hill in Wiltshire and Glastonbury Tor in Somerset, both in England, among many examples.

Cosmically, the Elohim were the Titans, the antecedents of the Olympian gods, led by Zeus, who “overthrew” them just as the Tuatha de Danann did eventually. Overthrow means that the divine energy and its structures (being implemented by the Elohim as a support for matter and organic life) had moved down to the next lower hierarchical level; the potent creative powers of the Elohim in the physical domain were no longer needed, their work done; and the next echelon of celestial beings working on behalf of Earth could take over, gods like Lugh Lamfhota.

One of the Elohim is remembered as Balor, while the Elohim as a group are recalled as the Fomorians (or Fomhoire), the mysterious first inhabitants of Ireland. Irish myth tends to remember these as monsters ill-disposed to people. Sometimes they are depicted as demonic giants with one eye, one leg, one arm.

It is revealing that Eriu, the national egregor or watcher-angel for Ireland (see Eriu), took as her husband a Fomorian king named Elatha; their son became high king at Tara, the seat of Irish royalty (near Dublin and Newgrange). Esoterically, this means the Irish egregor's consciousness was aligned with the Elohim and supported their geomantic, terraforming work in Ireland's early days.

Many myths report human encounters with solitary one-eyed giants of ill intent, such as Odysseus with Polyphemus, a Cyclops (“Round-Eyed”), and David and Goliath (his single eye quality is not emphasized). The Celtic King Arthur had to overcome a “great giant” at Saint Michael's Mount in Cornwall. This fierce giant had been devouring many of the people and generally ravaging the land. Another giant, named Gargantua, lived at Mont-Saint-Michel in Brittany, a similar peak at sea's edge in northwestern France across the English Channel. In fact, the peak's original name was Mont Gargan, “Mount of the Giant Gargan.”

The single eye of the Cyclops or the Evil Eye of Balor is a distorted, somewhat fearful human perception of the Elohim's unremitting divine vision. It is the pineal and pituitary gland fused into one All-Seeing Eye. The single eye connotes unitive vision, their unseverable connection with God. In the case of the Elohim, it also represents the power of their creative potency: Demonstrating its Medusa-like destructive power is a negative way of suggesting the extreme virility of its positive aspects for creating reality from directed light.

Often, the further human memory grew from the interactive reality with the Elohim as giants on the Earth the more they became demonized and the relationship was pictured as adversarial and combativ. The Elohim, equipped with the Eye of God, became over time Balor of the Evil Eye, dangerous and up to no good. Where once humans would have tried to assimilate some of that unitive consciousness embodied in the single eye, later they sought to extinguish it.

A middle-ground picture of the human-Elohim interaction is the story of David and Goliath. He defeated the giant, but the important thing, usually overlooked, is that he thereby acquired Goliath's sword. Turn the story around and you get the meaning more easily: The Elohim (Goliath) instructed David (the human initiate) in the protocols of the Word-Sword, the focused mental-psychic power of word and light—the creative powers of the Elohim—to generate reality.

Tory Island is one of many Elohim nodes in the Earth grid. Consider it a meeting place and audience chamber for human-Elohim exchanges. The crystal tower is occult code to denote the dimensional divide between human physical reality and Elohim angelic reality. The Elohim used Tory Island as an outpost from which to maintain and adjust aspects of Earth's energy body. Other Elohim nodes are found at Burrowbridge Mump near Glastonbury, England, where they did early genetic engineering adjustments on humanity, and Sicily.

See also: Cyclops Polyphemus, Eriu, Giants, Tuatha de Danann, White Cow.


A celestial being appointed by God to guard the Time Line and the Sun god's passage through the reservoir of Time.

Also known as Apep, Apophis, the number 666, Sorath, Sun Demon, Sun Spirit.

Description: The biblical book Revelation refers to a Beast as the epitome of evil and with an identifying mark of the number 666, the number of Man. For many centuries, the Beast has been the bête noire of Christianity, a fearsome, duplicitous, utterly dangerous, and foul creature to be avoided at all costs. The Beast and his number 666 have correspondingly been associated with evil, Satanism, black magic, witchcraft, and other forms of negative occultism.

The Beast is also feared for the possibility of his branding humans on the right hand or forehead with his terrible sign, the Mark of the Beast. Christian belief holds that, if one wears this mark, entry to Heaven will be denied. The advent of the Beast is further associated with the imminent return of Christ; in some respects, the Beast is considered the same as or an aspect of the ntichrist.

Explanation: The Beast is possibly one of the most misunderstood and perhaps deliberately distorted Christian symbols ever devised. It has nothing to do with evil, Satanism, negative or black occultism, or any of the other pejoratives thrown at it for the last two thousand years. It is only a Beast in the sense that a terrifying appearance helps it accomplish its legitimate task, in the same way that, for example, in Tibetan Buddhism, astral beings called Heruka charged with protecting the Dharma (the ways and beliefs of Buddhism) present themselves as wrathful.

The Beast is a celestial being appointed by the Supreme Being to guard the Time Line, that is (to put it mythically), the mandated and regulated passage of the Sun god's chariot through the vast extent of cosmic time, some 311 trillion years.

The number 666 refers to the Sun and, in medieval occult terms, to the Magic Square of the Sun, a mathematical template. Each of the seven planets, including the Sun and Moon, was assigned a sacred Magic Square. For the Sun, the Magic Square contains 36 numbers arranged in six equal rows; each line (for example: 6, 32, 3, 34, 35, 1) totals 111, and all six lines add up to 666. According to the sixteenth-century esotericist Cornelius Agrippa, the Magic Squares came to humanity as revelations from God to show the divine order of celestial numbers.

Despite the near hysteria about the number 666 and its connection to black magic, it is also the prime number of the Archangel Raphael. His number of allotted manifestations is 666 and his activities pertain to the Fire element.

The numbers are also written in Hebrew, generating an evocation or mantric matrix used in magic and angelic summoning. The number 666, in the Magic Square system, refers to Sorath, the Spirit of the Sun. Sorath is distinguished from the Sun god per se, such as Helios, Surya, Shamash, or Ra.

The relationship between Sun Spirit and Sun god is clear in the Egyptian depiction of Ra (or Re) the Sun god in his solar barque and the interference of the monster Apep (called Apophis) and other fiends and monsters. Ra travels with other deities (including Maat, Thoth, Horus, and others unnamed) in his solar boat; they help him navigate and make a successful passage from the eastern sky to the entrance to the Underworld at sunset. Ra even had two pilot fishes called Abtu who swam before the solar barque.

Egyptian myth says that every day Ra navigates the celestial ocean in his mandjet, or day barque, from sunrise to sunset; then at night, he traverses the Underworld (Duat) in his mesketet or evening barque, from sunset to sunrise. He is always accosted by the serpent Apophis, his archenemy, but, with the help of his colleagues, Ra overcomes him and journeys successfully to the sunrise.

Apophis is traditionally interpreted as the great adversary of the Sun god, one who stands for dissolution, darkness, entropy, and nonbeing. Apophis has existed from or even before the beginning of time, generated in the waters of Chaos before the Creation brought order to the unorganized primeval mass. His assaultive roar was said to be terrifying, echoing through the Underworld. Every night, Apophis hypnotized Ra and his fellow travelers, and it was only the steadfast Seth who resisted the hypnotism to push Apophis back with a spear.

As with many myths, the meaning is revealed when it is inverted. Apophis is not Ra's enemy; Apophis is the guardian of the Time Line. Apophis is Ra's God-appointed protector.

The passage of the Sun god through the stations of the day and night is classically depicted in Vedic thought as a vast circular time reservoir divided into equal 360-degree units called Cattle of the Sun or kalpas. Each is a specific duration of cosmic time (864 billion years) consisting of a cosmic day and cosmic night; 360 such Days (or kalpas) total 311 trillion years, the Sun's full circuit.

This circuit through the 311 trillion years of cosmic time is the time line that Apophis (Sorath, the Beast) guards. One could picture this time line as the groove in which one of the Sun god's chariot wheels rides around the perimeter of the cosmic Sun; the other wheel rides in the center of the Sun.

Even though the myth of Ra and the other Sun gods depicts their movement in daily planetary terms, as sunrise to sunrise, the myth also has meaning at the cosmic level and refers to the periods of creation and dissolution (called Pralaya or “Flood”) in which the solar barque moves through a cosmic day of 432 billion years and a night of the same duration, both totaling 864 billion years.

Apophis is depicted as fierce, unrelenting, possessed of a world-terrifying roar because he needs it to guard Ra against the “monsters and fiends” of the cosmos who seek to disrupt the regulated passage of time—the lime line. Apophis is the unpopular enforcer of the forward passage of the Sun god's chariot.

Possibly one reason for his cultural demonization (as Sun Demon, Antichrist) is to intimidate people sufficiently to keep them away from him and the time line. Another possible reason is that the human collective unconscious blames Sorath for imposing the constraints of Time on physical existence. Sorath is a “bad” being because he is seen, by way of cultural memory, as our jailer.

The celestial beings who accompany Ra in his solar barque are the Time Lords. In the Greek myth of the Sun god Helios, the collegial relationship is expressed in terms of progeny: Helios has sons (Aeetes, Perses, Phaethon) and daughters (Circe, Pasiphae), but the meaning is the same: They are Time Lords.

The Time Lords rule time through the fourth dimension. They consist of a central council of 104 Lords who operate in the dimension of Time, that is, Ra's solar barque and its passage. Each of these has many subsidiary Time Lords who report to them and work under their discretion. Sorath, at least metaphorically, is the fierce, scary, wrathful “guard dog” of the Time Lords to protect the time line against manipulation, distortion, grandfather paradoxes (i.e., going back in time and killing your grandfather), and other interferences.

See also: Argonauts, Cattle of the Sun, Flood, Golden Fleece, Hitching Post of the Sun.


A filtered perception of the Ofanim, a prime angelic family whose activities encompass all realms of Creation and sentient life.

Also known as Behemoth of the Thousand Mountains, Behemoth upon a Thousand Hills, Eagle. Ganesh, Garuda, Phoenix, Simurgh, Thunderbird, Ziz.

Description: Behemoth is a huge beast described in the Book of Job and usually understood to be a hippopotamus, though some said it was an elephant. He was created by God at the beginning of time but was destined to be served to the righteous at the End of Days. Thus he is tied to the start and finish of time.

The term behemot is the plural of the Hebrew behemah (meaning “beast” or “cattle”), thus Behemoth means beast or animal. Behemoth, to the early Jews, was king of the land beasts, just as Leviathan, a huge whale, was king of the fishes and Ziz, a magical, gigantic bird, was lord of all avian species. He was considered the male partner and equal in strength to the female Leviathan, also primordially created by God.

According to legend, only the male Behemoth was created, but not the female. This was to prevent any more Behemoths being born because the one that existed devoured all the grasses produced from one thousand mountains every day (they grew back overnight).

The Zohar explains that the “grasses” Behemoth eats every day are actually angelic beings whose lives are ephemeral in contrast to Behemoth's and who were created on the Second Day of Creation to be food for Behemoth who is “fire consuming fire.” Grass has no permanence, says the Zohar, and is meant to be eaten as food, and Behemoth consumes it just as an ox consumes the grass.

Behemoth also drank all the water that flows in the River Jordan in a year in a single swallow. Thus God assigned to him the sole use of a stream from Paradise called Yubal. If he had any offspring, surely they would destroy the world in a matter of days; thus he was prevented from ever mating with his kind.

Often he was referred to as Behemoth of the Thousand Mountains or Behemoth upon a Thousand Hills. Behemoth was so vast in size that the huge desert of Dendain (or Dudain, probably the Dudel Desert near Jerusalem) extended only across his upper body. Yet the Book of Enoch says the desert is Dunayin, is invisible, and lies east of the Garden of Eden. Behemoth was also described in the Book of Job as the chief of the ways of God, implying a close working relationship with the Supreme Being. The Book of Job declares that Behemoth's force is in his navel or belly area.

Behemoth lives among the lotuses of swamps. His task on Earth is to keep the lion, leopard, and bear at bay so that the gentler beasts can safely raise their young. He has a set of fierce horns, his bones are like tubes of bronze, his limbs like iron rods, says the Book of Job, and his outstanding size and strength were God's revelation to Job of the majesty of His divine power, which is fitting since the Book of Job says Behemoth was the first of God's works or creations.

After the Messiah comes, the Day of Judgment is concluded, and the righteous (or chosen) dwell in Heaven enjoying what is called the Messianic or eschatological feast, they will feed on the delicious flesh of Behemoth and Leviathan as a reward for their life travails. Hebrew lore says Behemoth and Leviathan will be locked in mortal combat, killing each other, before the feast.

In medieval Christianity, Behemoth became equated with Satan; and his voracious, unbelievable appetite and grotesque elephantine form (he was given a protruding potbelly and was said to waddle on his two back legs) were put forward to prove he was the great tempter of humanity, encouraging humans to indulge in a variety of gluttonous sins, and therefore was best avoided.

Behemoth's domain is the delights of the belly, inspiring people to commit the vice of overindulgence, as the Christians put it. He is the infernal watchman who presides over gluttonous banquets, and he is renowned for the power of his voice, said to be Hell's demonic singer. Legend holds that, at the summer solstice in the month of Tammuz (Hebrew calendar), Behemoth's strength peaks and he rears up on his hind legs and lets forth a fearful, awesomely loud, disturbing roar.

Explanation: Behemoth is a somewhat distorted view of the angelic family called Ofanim (from the Hebrew ofan, for “wheels”). The ancient Vedic seers had a clearer perception of the Ofanim in their elephant-god form as Ganesh, the benevolent, merry remover of obstacles and son of Shiva, and as Airavata, Lord Indra's Mount, and one of the treasures of the Ocean of Milk.

Even the distortions in the elephant perception are meaningful. Behemoth's belly is swollen and protruding because he is full of the Star. One of the Ofanim's epithets is Blazing Star, a reference to their concentrated manifestation as a single, miniscule star of intense, blazing light found in the human form just above the belly button. An elephant with a potbelly is a way of showing the potency of the star in its supernova or intensely illuminating form.

The gluttonous aspect, the insatiable appetite, the devouring of the grasses of a thousand mountains every day and the daily draining of the River Jordan is again apt. Here we find an equivalent Hindu perception in the god form of Garuda, the celestial bird-mount of Vishnu, the Hindu perception of Christ.

Garuda is called Eater of Snakes; the Snakes are souls with awakening kundalini, and the eating is a consuming of the elevated consciousness, but it's more like a coparticipation in it. The Toltec perception (popularized by Carlos Castaneda) of the great black enigmatic Eagle who eats the shaman's awareness is another expression of the same, though painted in bleaker, more resistant tones.

The Ofanim work in a reciprocal relationship with all sentient life, especially humans, in which they stimulate and digest expanding consciousness.

The Zohar equates the grass of the thousand mountains with the angelic orders Behemoth eats. The actual situation is that the Ofanim are regarded as the teachers and mentors of the other angelic families; metaphorically, they do not so much “eat” the other angelic orders (grasses) as act as spiritual fertilizer. Yet it could be said they consume the angelic grasses in the sense that their scope of activity and frame of awareness greatly exceed most of the other angelic orders, and thus the level of consciousness of the other angelic orders is subsumed in the greater field of the Ofanim. Just as the Ofanim stimulate and digest human consciousness as it awakens, so they spark and “consume” the God-given awareness of the angelic families.

The cosmic plethora of sentient and angelic life is accurately though metaphorically depicted as the ever-renewing grasses on a thousand mountains.

The Ofanim were among the first angelic orders to be created, at the beginning, or, in the Hindu time model, in the earliest Days of Brahma.

Thus, based on their age, scope of awareness, and the intensity of the light they emit, the elephantine image and appellation as the largest of beasts are both apt. They are prodigies of celestial awareness and even though they can be a miniscule point of light, brighter than the brightest star ever registered by scientists, their activities encompass an estimated 18 billion galaxies, making them, in terms of their effective outreach, monstrously large beings. The Ofanim describe themselves as the agents through which the Supreme Being moves through existence. Another name for this is the Wheels of the Merkabah, God's Chariot.

Their vast size is also connoted by the fact that they are capable of 40.3 million manifestations, which means they can be in 40.3 million different places at the same time. Opanniel YHVH is said to be the Prince of the Ofanim: He has 16 faces, four on each side; one hundred wings on each side of his body; and 8,466 eyes. This means Opanniel, on behalf of the Ofanim, can see what is going on from 8,466 different perspectives.

Yet another nuance to their size is that Judaic lore says that the Ofanim's light is so bright it illuminates Arabot, the Seventh Heaven, God's dwelling place.

One interpretation of their roar that echoes through the cosmos is their signature mantric sound or call, WAW, as transcribed from the Hebrew Waw (or vav) is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and connotes connection. This is the power to connect Heaven and Earth, spirit and matter, and all 22 of the individual creative powers used in Creation (the Hebrews see their alphabet as living, cosmic powers instrumental in creating reality).

The link between Behemoth and its marine mate, Leviathan, a cosmic dragon, is found in Hindu lore. Leviathan, in Hindu lore, is Sesa-Ananta, a thousand-headed primordial dragon commissioned by Brahma (God) to support the world (“Goddess Earth”) on its many heads and keep the world stable.

Brahma gave Sesa-Ananta a helper in this task: the fair-winged bird Garuda. Garuda is one of the many guises of the angelic order called Ofanim, and it's relevant here because, as said, Behemoth, Leviathan's mate and future rival, is a filtered perception of the Ofanim who in Hindu perception were Ganesh, the benevolent, merry elephant god. Thus the Ofanim (as Behemoth) work collegially with Leviathan and have done so since the beginning of Creation.

Their age is approximately 60,480,000,000 human years, equal to one Week of Brahma (4.32 billion years [one Day of Brahma] + 4.32 billion years [one Night of Brahma] = 8.64 billion years), sufficient time to gain the wisdom attributed to them in their Behemoth form.

Hebrew lore says that Behemoth (the Ofanim) will be the food for the righteous at the Messianic banquet at the End of Days. The flesh to be consumed will be the cumulative, expanded consciousness Behemoth has eaten throughout humanity's sojourn on Earth; the reservoir of the angelic consciousness it has consumed from the other 39 angelic orders; the awareness swallowed from its activities in 18 billion galaxies since the beginning of time; and from its sheer ontological essence of being older than almost everything else in existence—it is a precious, rich morsel of God essence older than all the stars, planets, and galaxies.

Those interested in tasting the “flesh” of Behemoth (the Ofanim) sooner than the Messianic banquet may do so any time they choose. The Ofanim, accessed as a tiny point of brilliant light just above the navel, are the portal to a vast world of psychic experiences and spiritual nourishment. As Garuda, Vishnu's celestial mount, they are the emissaries (Star of Bethlehem) of the Christ, and of the human experience of Christ Consciousness and the birth of the Christ Child.

See also: Dragon, Ganesh, Garuda, Hanuman, Leviathan, Phoenix, Simurgh, Thunderbird, Vocub Caquix, Ziz.


An image of the perpetual extension of the 14 Ray Masters and their color emanations from the celestial realm into the physical human world.

Also known as Aesir-Bridge, Asbru, Bilröst, Rainbow Bridge.

Description: In Norse myth, Bifrost is the bridge connecting Mitgard (Middle-Earth) on the ground with Asgard, the residence of the gods called Aesir, in the celestial realms, mythically said to be far away in the sky.

Bifrost means “quivering road” or “swaying road to Heaven” (from the Old Norse bifa, which means “shake, sway”) and is described as a rainbow bridge. Bifrost is also translated as “the fleetingly glimpsed rainbow” or “the multicolored way,” and sometimes as Asbru, “Aesir-Bridge,” the privileged bridge into Asgard. Bifrost rises from Earth and terminates in the sky at a dwelling called Himinbjorg (Old Norse for “Heaven's castle” or “Heaven protection”).

Another term for the bridge connecting Earth and Heaven is Bilröst. It was made by the gods with great skill and knowledge; comprised of three colors (it burns with fire), it is the best of bridges, and it will break at Ragnarok.

To get onto Bifrost you must pass by or through Himinbjorg, and this is Heimdall's residence, the Aesir's ever-wakeful guardian of the Rainbow Bridge.

Heimdall keeps the bridge open for the Aesir who every day ride out of Asgard and across Bifrost and into Mitgard to assemble for decisions at Urdarbrunnr, Urd's Well, the home of the three Norns (or Fates) who weave the destiny (fate or karma) of humans at the base of the World Tree called Yggdrasil.

Explanation: Although it may seem appealing to interpret Bifrost as a poetic reference to the rainbow, this is not the case. Bifrost is an emanation of the particular residents of Asgard, known to the Norse as Aesir, the Sumerians as Anunnaki, the Greeks as the gods of Mount Olympus, and to esotericists as the 14 Ray Masters of Ursa Major, the constellation of the Great Bear, seat of the Great White Brotherhood, a conclave of enlightened adepts who govern the galaxy.

The Ray Masters are known in various myths and metaphysical systems as particular well-recognized gods, such as Athena, Apollo, and Aphrodite, or El Morya, Kuthumi, and Saint Germain. Their function is to manage the differentiation of pure white light into a double rainbow spectrum of 14 rays, such as scarlet and pink, emerald green and light green, rich blue and pale blue.

Each of these color Rays represents a fundamental theme in consciousness and a stream of consciousness evolution with one Ray Master as its chief. Formerly humans, the Ray Masters long ago transcended human status through lengthy initiations to assume this larger role within the cosmos and human and planetary evolution. Asgard (also known as E-Kur, Glass Mountain, Crystal City) is their prime residence; though in another dimension and existing in the far future (roughly 3000 A.D.), it may be accessed by humans through clairvoyance.

The Ray Masters, and their numerous affiliate adepts within their given Ray (see Einherjar), supervise human initiations according to one's soul affiliation to a particular ray. They also are involved in the esoteric government of the Earth and humanity's conscious evolution, and coordinate with the larger and primary Great White Brotherhood headquarters on our planet and known as Shambhala, though existing in a different dimension from ours (see Shambhala).

Bifrost is essentially the Ray emanations of the 14 Ray Masters radiating out in all directions from the Crystal City. Picture it this way: Inside the Crystal City, the Ray Masters each have their own one-fourteenth spatial division of residence.

Saint Germain, for example, Master of the Lilac Ray, has a section, and we could reasonably construe this as being lilac-hued; this lilac division radiates out from the Crystal City into Mitgard, our Middle-Earth, forming one-fourteenth of the Rainbow Bridge. From other divisions of the Crystal City emanate orange, green, scarlet, purple, and gold rays, each from one Ray Master, thus forming Bifrost.

It is tempting to picture the Rainbow Bridge as we know physical bridges, that is, as a straightforward, linear bridge from point a to b and of a certain width. Bifrost is more of a double rainbow spiked collar around the Crystal City, with color Rays going out in all 360 degrees, each Ray occupying about 25 degrees. It is accurate to say Bifrost is made of the 14 Ray Masters themselves, in extension.

If your soul is on the Scarlet Ray, for example, your optimal point of entry into the Crystal City would be on the scarlet portion of Bifrost.

When the Aesir of Asgard ride out across Bifrost for their daily meeting at Urd's Well, we coulc picture this as the 14 Ray Masters and their Ray affiliates (Ascended Masters and adepts under their Ray tutelage) riding out of the Crystal City in all directions at once, rather than as a galloping storm of gods on their celestial steeds riding across a narrow planked bridge.

Further, we can picture the Ray Masters as perpetually riding forth from Asgard, sending their Rays (themselves) out into Middle-Earth every day, every minute. That means that information, consciousness, and attention are always moving out of Asgard, that is, from the Great Bear and a select branch of the Great White Brotherhood, from the future and another dimension, into our physical world.

Each of the Ray Masters represents a stream of cosmic experience, but Bifrost, consisting of the 14 Rays, offers to humanity the full spectrum of universal experience, the blended Ray of all the themes of cosmic consciousness.

The Ray Masters riding out of Asgard for Urd's Well and the deliberations of the Norns is a metaphoric way of saying the Ray Masters are intimately involved in human consciousness evolution, the soul's plan for each incarnation, the working out of karma (fate or destiny), and sequential initiations of individual humans. Yet Urd's Well also refers to another geomantic feature, called Valhalla (see Da Derga's Hostel and Valhalla), an amphitheater-size assembly place for the Great White Brotherhood, especially suited for interaction with humans.

One of the prime focuses of this information is the Christ Mystery, and the opportunity for interested humans to receive initiation into this subject.

You will find a Bifrost wherever there is a Crystal City or Asgard, as they are interdependent geomantic features in Earth's visionary geography. Selected locations include Uluru at Alice Springs, Australia; Cathedral Rock in Sedona, Arizona; Mount Shasta, California; the Tor at Glastonbury, England; Mycenae, Greece; and Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia.

See also: Da Derga's Hostel, Einherjar, Glass Mountain, Heimdall, Seven Rishis, Shambhala, Valhalla, Wild Hunt.


An aspect of the Christ Consciousness, seen through the Egyptian psychic filter and templated on Earth as 1,080 Silver Eggs.

Also known as Eye of Osiris, Harwer (Haroeris). Horus the Elder, Moon Eye, Silver Egg, udjat, wadjet, wedjet.

Description: Horus, the Egyptian falcon god and considered the Face of Heaven, has two Eyes and two guises. As Horus the Younger, he is Herupa-khart, the Sun (associated with Ra [or Re], the Sun god), the White Eye (his right); as Horus the Elder he is Heru-ur, the Black Eye (his left) called wedjet (wadjet or udjat), associated with the Moon and the wisdom god, Thoth.

Horus in general is the son of Isis and Osiris. At Heliopolis, he was known as Harakhtes, “Horus of the Horizon,” while at Edfu he was Horus the Behdetite, the celestial falcon god or hawk-winged Sun disk. One of the oldest of Egyptian gods, Horus's name probably derives from her, which means “the one on high” or “the distant one,” references to the soaring flight typical of a hunting falcon. As an all-seeing falcon, Horus's right eye was the Sun, his left the Moon, giving his long-range sight a celestial cast. Some interpreted his speckled breast feathers as representative of the stars, and his wings in down-sweep were the windy sky.

Once Horus the Younger grew up, he became known as Horus the Elder. He was finally able to combat his archenemy, Seth, who had beleaguered him even as an infant. In his battle with the dark god Seth to avenge the latter's perfidy in arranging for the death of his father, Osiris, Horus became known as Hor Nubti, “Horus of Gold.” In the conflict, Horus lost his left eye, the Moon or Black, but it was restored by Isis and was there-after called wadjet, “Healthy Eye.”

But it's also told that Seth pulled out Horus's left, Black Eye and flung it beyond the edge of the world. Then Thoth, wisdom god and guardian of the Moon, retrieved it from the outer darkness, though he found it in pieces. He reassembled Horus's eye so that it formed a full moon, and gave it back to him.

Egyptian myth says Horus the Elder battled Seth for 80 years until achieving victory, then he was inducted into the tribunal of the gods as the Lord.

Explanation: Horus the Elder is an aspect of the Christ, the ancient wisdom principle as seen through the Egyptian mythic-psychic perception. His association with Thoth, god of wisdom and the Moon, is apt, for Thoth (the Greek Hermes) was one of the prime educators and initiators in the ancient world.

The falcon imagery is also apt, for the Christ (Logos) is the far-seeing one. In the Hindu perception, Christ as Vishnu the Pervader, this is even more clear: Vishnu pervades all of spacetime, permeating all of space with his consciousness.

Seth, as Osiris's brother, in actuality was less an enemy to Horus than a benefactor. Often the myths need to be inverted to understand their meaning. Osiris is an expression of the Supreme Being and, in effect, Horus's spiritual father. Seth did not destroy Horus's wisdom eye; he gave it to him so that Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, could better see his Father.

The wedjat is the Eye of Horus that looks upon the Father and His Mysteries. In fact, the wedjat is the Eye of Osiris (the male aspect of God) seeing through Horus, as the Sun or White Eye is the Eye of Isis (the female aspect of God) seeing through Horus. Thus Horus's Eyes transmit both aspects of God.

This also means Horus, with both Eyes, has insight into the Sun and Moon gods and their temples, as templated across the Earth as Sun Temples (see Hitching Post of the Sun) and Moon-Soma Temples (see Fountain of Youth).

Horus's White, Sun Eye is represented in Earth's visionary geography as 666 Golden Eggs that birth the Christ Child, or Horus the Younger. Horus's Black, Moon Eye is represented as 1,080 Silver Eggs that birth Christ as Horus the Elder.

The Silver Child, Horus the Elder, is the inner aspect of Horus and is also the other aspect of the Golden Child, Horus the Younger. When the silver and gold aspects come together through landscape activation, then the all-seeing aspect arises as a contribution to human collective consciousness from the Earth.

Selected locations of the Silver Eggs include the Chapel of the Holy Cross. Sedona, Arizona; Cheops Pyramid, Giza Plateau, near Cairo, Egypt; the Tor, Glastonbury, Somerset, England; Cadmeia, Thebes, Greece; and Edfu, Egypt.

Hatching Horus the Elder from the Silver Egg means grounding, opening, activating, and releasing the “bird” inside the egg. It may be done, sometimes, in a few days, or it may take months or regular visits. One has to “hatch” something equivalent within oneself and, additionally, one must acquire a crystalline shaft from the realm of the Ray Masters of the Great Bear, needed to activate Horus.

This domain, a Celestial City and City of Light, is known variously as Asgard, Mount Olympus, Cedar Forest, and Glass Mountain, and is an aspect of Shambhala, the Earth's seat of esoteric government, set a thousand years in the future.

At places where Horus has been “hatched,” the inner temple of wisdom (Thoth's knowledge) becomes accessible through that site, and he may induct us into the old, eternal Mysteries. Horus is Elder because as Christ he is before the Earth and our Creation; this is apparent in the Hindu myth of Horus as Vishnu, who, in between cycles of creation and dissolution of the world, dreams atop the coiled mass of Sesa-Ananta, the cosmic dragon, afloat upon the primordial Sea.

Vishnu is all that remains from the dissolution of the world at the time of Pralaya (in the West, the Flood), which is to say his consciousness is eternal. Horus the Elder, as the falcon god, flies outside all spacetime frameworks, and he can transport us into these realms too, to that undying point before and after Creation, if we wish and are prepared for it.

See also: Cosmic Egg, Fountain of Youth, Glass Mountain, Hitching Post of the Sun, Seven Rishis, Shambhala, White Eye of Horus.


An expression of the Supreme Being's immanence in the world by way of an all-seeing severed head in the landscape.

Also known as Ancient of Days, Atum, Bendigeidfran, Brahma, Face of God, Kronos, Macroprosopus, Mimir, Osiris, Primal Aion, Urddawl Ben (Venerable Head), Vast Countenance, White Head, Zervan, Zeus.

Description: The myth of a severed divine head has multiple expressions in world mythology. Bran the Blessed, son of Llyr (Lord of the Sea), as told in the Welsh Mabinogion, is crowned king of the Island of Britain, but he is also a colossus. He was so big he was never contained in a house or a ship; he was often mistaken for a moving mountain, and when his host had to cross the sea to Ireland, he laid himself down across the water as a bridge.

At the end of the battle of the Isle of the Mighty (Britain) against Ireland, Bran ordered his head to be cut off. He told his retinue to carry it to Gwynfryn (the White Mount) in London and bury it with its face looking toward France. It would, in this way, protect the nation, as long as it remained buried. However, his retinue had to make a few stops on the way with Urddawl Ben (the Noble Head), which sang and told stories and endlessly entertained his company.

Bran's headquarters were in Harlech, in the northwest of Wales, and through his severed head, he entertained his company for 80 years there with constant feasting and a boundless supply of drink and merriment. It was known as the Assembly of the Noble (or Wondrous) Head. Then they spent 80 years in Gwales in Pembroke (Wales), then they made it to London and buried his head at the White Mount.

Explanation: Bran the Blessed is an expression of the Supreme Being's immanence in the human world on Earth by way of a geomantic feature called the Crown of the Ancient of Days. Bran is one of many expressions of the Supreme Being's aspect of Time or extreme antiquity, better understood through the Judaic name Ancient of Days and the cosmic time reckoning of Hinduism's Brahma.

There are 72 locations around the Earth where Bran's severed head is present as an interactive geomantic feature; 12 are large and primary versions, and 60 are smaller, secondary versions. Gwynfryn in London is Primrose Hill, and the Noble, Wondrous Head of Bran is one of the Crowns.

Other Crown locations somewhat correspond with myths of divine severed heads. Golgotha (Hill of Skulls) in Jerusalem is one. Abydos in Egypt; Banaras in India; Sacsaywaman in Cusco, Peru; Mount Ida in Turkey; and Sodorp Church in Vinstra, Norway, are more of the Crowns of the Ancient of Days.

The head of Osiris was buried at Abydos in Egypt. Mimir's Well at today's Vinstra, Norway, was where Odin, the Norse high god, went regularly for consultation with the wise Mimir, whose severed head was at or was the well. Originally, Brahma had five heads, but Shiva cut one off, carried it around India as a begging bowl, and finally planted it in Banaras at Kapalamochana Tirtha (“Where the Skull Fell”), thus equipping Banaras with a major point of numinosity.

During the Trojan War, Zeus, the chief god of the Greek Olympians, brooded at Mount Ida in Turkey, about 20 miles from the war. His head was not severed, but his presence, via Homer's descriptions, was represented by his gaze. It's as if all of Mount Ida is the all-seeing, all-directing head or consciousness of Zeus. In Peru, all of Cusco is said to be the landscape body of a puma, and its Speckled Head is at Sacsaywaman, a site also marked by massive stacked stones.

As for size, the 12 primary Crowns may appear to be the size of the mountains they inhabit or overlie, so that, for example, all of Mount Ida is the Crown, while the smaller Crowns, such as the one at the Rotunda on the Lawn at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, seems about 30 feet across and high.

There are small Crowns at Harlech and Gwales in Wales, both “party” sites for the Bran's retinue in the Hospitality of the Wondrous Head. The entertainment of the Noble Head is the all-encompassing, beatific presence of the Supreme Being looking into our world, seeing everything at once, and giving us an opportunity to participate in the Presence and, as it were, regard the divine Face.

One vivid image for the Vast White Countenance, another name for Bran given by a Qabalist mystic, is to imagine a massive human-like head rising out of a calm sea to fill the space above the horizon completely and see the Face also reflected in the waters. The Crown may resemble a white marble human head on a platform, the face upward toward a domed ceiling resembling a crown. You can only see the head in profile, but light flashes out in all directions at once from its eyes, and the Rays penetrate all 360 degrees of the space around it for miles.

This geomantic feature with 72 copies can also be called the Face of God.

See also: Ancient of Days, Manu.


A higher dimensional terraforming energy employed by the Earth-shaping “gods” from the star Canopus to impart the silver feminine-Mother current into the Earth at a very early period of manifestation.

Description: In an old Irish myth called “The Earth-Shapers,” the Tuatha de Danann, Ireland's primordial gods, contemplate the newly formed Earth enveloped by blackness and chaos and dark hissing waters filled with monsters. Present are Midyir the Haughty, Aenghus, the Dagda, Nuada, Ogma, and Brigit. The Dagda is the chief of the Tuatha and Brigit here is the Mighty Mother of the gods, the presumed Dana or Danu of the Danann, for Tuatha de Danann means the “Followers of the Goddess Danu.” Usually Brigit is a goddess among the Tuatha.

Brigit is called Flame of Two Eternities, Shepherd of the Star-Flocks, Flame of Delight, Mother of All Wisdom, Mother of the Stars, and Battle Queen. She towered to the Heavens and her mantle swept the ground like a mist.

The Tuatha, though observing Earth, are present in a celestial realm the Irish called Tir-na-Moe, the “Land of the Living Heart.” Brigit sings a song, then says it is what she heard the Earth singing and that she was dreaming of beauty. That the Earth dreamed and sang of beauty was to Brigit the sign the Tuatha should prepare the Earth for life. Brigit will drape her silver mantle over it.

Midyir dives into the seething turmoil of the chaotic Earth bearing Lugh's fiery Spear of Victory, one of the Four Jewels the Tuatha bring to Earth as gifts from their holy and otherworldly cities. Midyir whirls the Spear until it becomes a wheel of fire and destroys all the monstrous life within the blackness.

He announces he has made a place for Brigit's Mantle, which she now spreads out over the Earth. It unrolls like a silver flame, or like the incoming sea with little silver flames at the foremost part of the waves. Aenghus flies down to stand in the Mantle and it becomes a drifting silver mist; when the other Tuatha stand in the mist, it is as if they are in an altered reality and are among dream images.

The Dagda spreads green fire from the Cauldron of Plenty to make the Earth green, then Aenghus scoops hollows out of the green Earth to make lakes and mountains. The Tuatha dispatch further signs of the monstrous first life. Brigit plants Midyir's Stone of Destiny at a specific place in the landscape. It sinks into the ground, music arose, he rivers and lakes fill with water, and the Earth seems to laugh with pleasure.

Finally, Brigit lifts her mantle of silver mist to reveal a beautiful island of green grass, hollows, and heights. The Tuatha, delighted, pledge to be the Earth's artificers to fashion everything there to be beautiful, as beautiful as things are in the Land of the Silver Fleece, one of the names for their heavenly realm.

Brigit announces that the name of this new land is the White Island and Island of Destiny, but it will also henceforth be known as Ireland.

Explanation: This is an ancient memory of how the gods terraformed the planet to make it suitable for human habitation. This is a time in the planet's life that preceded the installation of its visionary geography, itself a fundamental design aspect of the Earth. Although the White Island is revealed to be Ireland, the terraforming process and the focus of this myth originally were global in effect.

The Earth is a designer planet, created on demand by the “gods,” a consortium of angels, extraterrestrials, and enlightened sages under commission of the Supreme Being. It has a complex array of sacred sites that comprise its visionary geography, and all of its 100 + features (with multiple copies of each) keep the Earth and human consciousness in living alignment with the galaxy.

This geography was installed, activated, regulated, and primed over a 27-million-year period, a primordial time in which the gods were present on Earth and the archetypes underlying all myths were living realities. Egyptian myth recalls this as Zep Tepi, the “First Occasion,” and, among the Australian Aborigines, this is the Dreamtime. The terraforming with silver flame happened in the earliest phases of the 27 million years of the Dreamtime, earlier, in fact, than the installation of most of the visionary geographic features.

The planet has an umbilical cord that consists of two strands. Both insert into the Earth at Avebury stone circle in Wiltshire, England, but they originate from two sources: A silver strand comes from Canopus, the galaxy's second brightest star, and the bright star in the keel or rudder of Argo Navis; a golden strand comes from Sirius, the galaxy's brightest star, in the throat of Canis Major (Dog).

From a human perspective, Canopus is the seat of the Mighty Mother for Earth, and Sirius the seat of the Dagda, the chief of the gods, or Mighty Father. Through these two stars, directly “plugged” into the Earth, the ultimate Mother and Father aspects of the Supreme Being (God) influence our planet and life.

Brigit or, as she is known by her other Celtic names: Danann; Dana; Danu; Anu; or Dan, an Old Celtic word for “knowledge”; or Ana from the Old Irish anai, “wealth,” is the Mother working through the feminine star, Canopus. She is Mother of the Stars and Shepherd of the Star-Flocks because, as the second brightest of the Milky Way's millions of stars, she is one of their two leaders. Her followers, the Tuatha, were more like colleagues working with her silver energy.

Canopus is the source of the primary feminine current of consciousness for the planet and humanity, a silver flame, just as Sirius is for the masculine, manifesting as a gold flame. Brigit's Mantle refers to the permeation of the planet by this silver flame, the essence of the Canopean Mighty Mother. It is both a one-time terraforming influence and a permanent Flame of Delight in the Earth.

The Canopus line completely encircles Earth, starting and ending at Avebury; the same is true of the Sirius line, though they are perpendicular to each other. Brigit's Mantle can be pictured like this: Visualize a silver ribbon encircling Earth; it exudes silver light in all directions, like a sea filling in shallow spaces; the planet is enveloped—painted—in this silver mist-flame.

The silver mist-flame is the thought substance of Brigit; it permeates, subdues, and organizes Earth's physical matter, until then, chaotic and irrational. Brigit already has a mental picture of the final result, the allocation of the landscape features, rivers, lakes, mountains, and continents. The Mantle is like a magic blanket that shapes physical matter in accordance with her idea.

It is also a master template for a planet's Light grid, that is, the totality of the array of visionary geographic features and all their interconnections. The Mantle is like a primary engineering blueprint in holographic form laid on the land so as to summon up, as if magically, the diversity of geomantic features.

To access or even see the silver flame or Brigit's Mantle today is a matter of penetrating in consciousness to at least the fifth dimension, to a realm two cognitive levels from our ordinary perceptual domain of physical matter. This is probably what the Irish meant by Tir-na-Moe, the “Land of the Living Heart,” a place remote from human experience yet in contact with the Earth.

The Irish myth called this the “Land of the Silver Fleece”; some of the Tuatha are said to have the radiance of the Silver Fleece about them or to wear cloaks as if spun of fine silver mist. Certain harpers in their company were said to wear mantles of silver mist. Basically, it's silver light from Canopus, the Mother, and gold light from Sirius, the Father. Both represent permanent imprints in Earth's matter and a continuous influence or rain from above.

In summary: The Mother aspect of the Supreme Being (Brigit, Dana. Danu), working through Canopus (Tir-na-Moe) in the Milky Way galaxy, sends a silver current straight from Canopus to Avebury, where it is grounded then sent oroborically around the planet. The silver flame-mist (Brigit's Mantle) then under supervision of other gods (the Tuatha, or extraterrestrial higher dimensional beings) irradiates the entire planet like a spreading sea, permeating the inchoate proto-matter with the template of the desired landscape.

Brigit's Mantle has an application at the individual human level, a mark of recognition, grace, and initiation from Brigit, the Divine Mother. Irish myth speaks of people robed in silver mist or wearing beautiful silver cloaks. Brigit can infuse a person through the core of their being with a pure silver shaft of light; this then forms a silver cloak around the person's auric field, amplifying clairvoyance and facilitating perception of reality in the fifth dimension, particularly of the Earth's vast though quiescent stargate network (see Land of Milk and Honey, Rising Rock).

See also: Dreamtime, Floating Bridge of Heaven, Hollow Hill, Hurqalya, Rainbow Serpent, Tuatha de Danann, Zep Tepi.